Chapel Programs-Professor Reference form

Professor’s Name
Phone ___
The following student
is applying to be a Chapel
Programs student intern at Azusa Pacific University for the academic year________.
We would appreciate your honest and thorough response to the following questionnaire
based upon your knowledge of the applicant.
How well do you know this applicant?
q Slightly
q Well
q Very Well
To what degree do you recommend this applicant as a chapel intern?
q Highly Recommend
q Recommend
q Recommend with Reservations
q Do Not Recommend
Do you wish for this form to remain confidential?
q Yes
q No
q Does not matter
Be sure to COMPLETE the chart on the REVERSE SIDE…
Please return this form to:
APU Chapel Programs
Attention: Tim Peck
901 E. Alosta Avenue
Azusa, CA 91702
or FAX (626) 815-2001
Please rate the student according to the following scale
and provide additional comments.
4 = Excellent
3 = Above Average 2 = Average 1 = Poor
Christian Commitment :
Expresses and demonstrates a
personal commitment to Christ in
their everyday life
Leadership: Ability to inspire
others to coordinate and lead
Moral Integrity: Honest and
truthful; able to adhere to
community guidelines.
Organization: Able to prioritize
and handle a variety of tasks and
manage time well.
Dependable, Prompt, Accurate
Temperament: Maintains
positive outlook, realistic
perspective, enthusiasm, and
Initiative: Is self – motivating
sets goals and works to
implement solutions to a variety
of problems.
Problem Solving: Can actively
and creatively find and
implement solutions to a variety
of problems.
Teamwork: Able to function in a
team relationship, can listen and
convey understanding of other’s
perspectives, can present
thoughts with logic and clarity.
n/a = No opportunity to observe