LAS POSITAS COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE DECEMBER 12, 2007 2:30 P.M., ROOM 804 Approved Minutes Faculty/Voting Members Present: Andrea Alvarado (SS/Articulation) Jeremiah Bodnar (A&C) Rajeev Chopra (BCAT) Catherine Eagan (A&C) Adeliza Flores (MSEPS) LaVaughn Hart(Chair, Non-voting)(BCAT) Cynthia Keune (MSEPS) Barbara Morrissey (SS/Couns) John Ruys (SS&W) Michael Schwarz (SS/Couns) Cheryl Warren (A&C;Librarian) Faculty/Voting Members Absent: Non-Voting/Ex. Off. Members Present: Jeff Baker Nicole Huber Laurel Jones Martha Konrad Marge Maloney Philip Manwell Birgitte Ryslinge Rebecca Nkrumah (ASLPC) Non-Voting/Ex. Off. Members Absent: John Armstrong (Exc.) Neal Ely (Exc.) ASLPC Student Guests: Christine Acacio Kathleen Azevedo John Gonder Brian Hagopian AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER: The last regular Fall 2007 meeting of the Las Positas College Curriculum Committee was called to order by Chair, LaVaughn Hart, at 2:34 p.m. on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 in Room 804. 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS TO ACCOMPANY AGENDA: A. PSYCHOLOGY-COUNSELING 3 VOTE TABLED TO SPRING: Ms. Hart reported that prior to the Committee meeting she had received an email from Psychology Department faculty requesting that the proposed PSCN 3 revision be tabled, pending further discussion about the outline with Psychology-Counseling faculty. Decision was made to table until Spring. B. BUSINESS A.S. DEGREE VOTE TABLED PENDING GE DISCUSSION: Ms. Hart reported that the Business Department faculty requested that the vote on the proposed revision to the Business A.S. degree be tabled pending planned college-wide consideration of the program-based GE and until it is decided whether English 3 and English 4 are approved for the AS. C. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 55 FOR LPC GE TABLED PENDING GE DISCUSSION: Mr. Hagopian requested that the vote on AUTO 55 for LPC GE be tabled to Spring, pending the anticipated GE discussion. 3. CURRICULUM PROPOSALS/PRESENTATIONS: Agenda was reordered by Chair LaVaughn Hart to accommodate schedules of presenters (for historical coherence, meeting minutes will reflect the order of original agenda). 1. REVIEW AND VOTE STUDENT SERVICES PSYCHOLOGY-COUNSELING PSCN [8] New Course (Theories and Concepts of Group Process, 3 units; 3 hours)—shared. LPC GE, CSU Transferable; CSU GE; UC Transferable; IGETC. LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 2 MSC (Ruys/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for PSCN [8]. MSC (Eagan/Alvarado) to approve PSCN [8] for LPC GE in Social Sciences and American Cultures. (Note: American Cultures is a “competency” and listed in several areas and may be double counted.) MSC (Alvarado/Schwarz) to approve PSCN [8] for CSU Transfer. MSC (Keune/Schwarz) to approve PSCN [8] for CSU GE in Area D. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve PSCN [8] for UC Transfer. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve PSCN [8] for IGETC. PSCN 3 (Introduction to Counseling Theory and Skills, 3 units; 3 lecture)— Revision; Catalog Description Change; Title Change. LPC GE, CSU Transferable, CSU GE, UC Transferable, IGETC. Tabled to Spring Semester, pending discussion of Psychology and PsychologyCounseling faculty. SOCIAL SCIENCES AND WELLNESS EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ECD Degree (New AA: Early Intervention Assistant II) MSC (Eagan/Keune) to approve the new ECD Associate in Arts Degree. ECD Certificate (New Certificate: 32 required) MSC (Eagan/Keune) to approve the new ECD Certificate: Early Intervention Assistant II. ECD 40 Course Revision: (Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, 3 units; 3 hours)—Revision: no change in articulation/transfer MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 40. Consensus to approve advisory courses for ECD 40. ECD 50 Course Revision: (Early Childhood Principles and Practices, 3 units; 3 hours)—Revision: no change in articulation/transfer MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 50. ECD 51 Course Revision: (Prenatal to Early Childhood Development, 3 units; 3 hours)—IGETC Request (Approved: LPC GE; CSU Transferable; CSU GE; UC Transferable) MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 51. MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve ECD 51 for IGETC. ECD 53 Course Revision: (Child Health, Safety and Nutrition, 3 units; 3 hours)—Revision; New Title; New Catalog Description; Increase of units from 1 to 3; Distance Education Request; CSU Transferable request MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 53. MSC (Ruys/Warren) to approve distance education request for ECD 53. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve ECD 53 for CSU Transfer. ECD 60 Course Revision: (Introduction to the Young Child With Exceptional Needs, 3 units; 3 hours); Prerequisite: ECD 51. No change in articulation/transfer MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 60. ECD 62 Course Revision: (Child, Family, and Community, 3 units; 3 lecture); Revision; no change in articulation/transfer MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 62. ECD 63 Course Revision (Early Childhood Curriculum, 4 units; 4 lecture or 3 lecture and 3 laboratory: Revision; Prerequisite: ECD 50 and ECD 51. No change in articulation/transferMSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 63. ECD 67 Course Revision: (Infant and Toddler Development and Caregiving, 3 units; 3 hours)—Revision; Prerequisite change from ECD 50 and 51 TO ECD 51; No change in articulation/transfer MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 67. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve ECD 51 as prerequisite for ECD 67. MSC (Chopra/Ruys) to approve distance education request for ECD 67. ECD 69 (Child Study Through Observation, 3 units; 3 lecture) Revision; Chabot Course adoption at LPC; Prerequisite: Early Childhood Development 51. Distance Education. Catalog/Course Description Change; Title Change. LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 3 MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 69—approved without laboratory hour. MSC (Ruys/Bodnar) to approve ECD 51 as prerequisite for ECD 69. MSC (Alvarado/Ruys-Bodnar) to approve ECD 69 for CSU Transfer ECD 79 (Teaching in a Diverse Society, 3 units; 3 hours) Revision; LPC GE; CSU Transferable; CSU GE MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 79. MSC (Eagan/Ruys) to approve ECD 79 for LPC GE in American Cultures and Social Sciences. MSC (Ruys/Alvarado) to approve ECD 79 for CSU Transfer. MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve ECD 79 for CSU GE. ECD 90 (Supervised Experience, 4 units; 2 lecture, 6 laboratory)—Revision: Prerequisite Change from ECD 55 and ECD 63 TO ECD 63; No change in articulation/transfer MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD 90. ECD [91] (Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Exceptional Needs, 3 units; 2 lecture, 3 laboratory)—New; Prerequisites ECD 60 and ECD 90; CSU transferable MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve course outline for ECD [91]. HISTORY HIST 14 (History and American Cultures of California, 3 units; 3 hours)—Rubric Shared, Course not shared; CSU GE; Distance Education Request MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve the course outline for HIST 14. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve HIST 14 for CSU GE. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve the distance education request for HIST 14. Consensus, upon recommendation of Ms. Alvarado, to reinstate HIST 14 for American Institutions (course used to be paired with HIST 7 or POLI 7; current criteria are no longer based on a two-course requirement; LPC needs to “re-do” the category). Course will be replaced on LPC GE list. PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY AA Degree revision: reduction in units in major MSC (Bodnar/Alvarado) to approve the revision to the Associate in Arts degree in Psychology. MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, PUBLIC SAFETY GEOGRAPHY GEOG 22 (Advanced GIS Applications, 3 units; 3 hours) New; Prerequisite: Geography 15. CSU Transferable. MSC (Eagan/Keune) to approve the course outline for GEOG 22. MSC (Keune/Ruys) to approve GEOG 15 as prerequisite for GEOG 22. MSC (Ruys/Schwarz) to approve GEOG 22 for CSU transfer. ALLIED HEALTH/SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY HLTH XX [52] (Orientation to Health Care, 2 units; 2 lecture)—New; LPC GE, CSU Transfer, CSU GE LPC GE: Question was raised by Ms.Alvarado that since this course is a 2-unit course, approving it for LPC GE might not be as desirable as if it were a 3-unit course, as this is a 3-unit requirement. However, Ms. Hart reminded that the student could still elect to satisfy this requirement with this course plus another. Dr. Ruys stated that this might be an issue for students who would take the course thinking that it would qualify as fully satisfying their requirement and learning too late that it does not. Dr. Jones commented on the fact that it would be helpful to the communication process of the Curriculum Committee if these types of issues were addressed before the day of the final vote. Ms. Alvarado agreed, but noted that occasionally these issues do not surface on initial reading. Mr. Schwarz also noted that having a group discussion is helpful. Dr. Jones reminded that this is the second time this has happened with an LPC GE approval request and re-emphasized the importance of getting these questions addressed before the final vote. Ms. Morrissey asked for clarification on whether the Curriculum Committee was tabling all LPC GE requests pending further campus-wide discussion and clarification, but Ms. Hart indicated that an LPC GE vote would be tabled only if circumstances could not allow a clear outcome. LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 4 MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve course outline for HLTH [52] MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve HLTH [52] for CSU transfer. MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve HLTH [52] for CSU GE. MSC (Alvarado/Schwarz) to table LPC GE request for HLTH [52] HLTH 55 [renumber from suggested 52] (Basic Medical Terminology for Allied Health, 3 units; 3 lecture) New; CSU Transferable. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve course outline for HLTH [55] MSC (Schwarz/Alvarado) to approve HLTH [55] for CSU Transfer SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY AS DEGREE: New MSC (Keune/Ruys) to approve Surgical Technology AS degree. ANAT 1 approved as Program Based GE Requirement for AS Degree in Surgical Technology. SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT: 42 units—New. MSC (Eagan/Warren) to approve the Certificate of Achievement in Surgical Technology SURG 50 (Basic and Biomedical Sciences for Surgical Technology, 5 units; 4 lecture, 3 laboratory) New: Prerequisites: ANAT 1 and MATH 65 (both completed with a grade of “C” or higher) and HLTH [55] (which may be taken concurrently); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve course outline for SURG 50. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve ANAT 1, MATH 65 and HLTH [55] as prerequisites and Eligibility for English 1A as advisory for HLTH [55] MSC (Alvarado/Schwarz) to approve SURG 50 for CSU Transfer. SURG 51 (Surgical Patient Care Concepts, 12 units; 6 lecture, 18 laboratory) New; Prerequisite: SURG 50. CSU Transferable MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve course outline for SURG 51. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve SURG 50 as prerequisite for SURG 51. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve SURG 51 for CSU Transfer. SURG 52 (Surgical Specialties, 6 units; 6 lecture) New; Prerequisite: Surgical Technology 51. Corequisite: SURG 53. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve course outline for SURG 52. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve SURG 51 as prerequisite and SURG 53 as corequisite for SURG 52. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve SURG 52 for CSU Transfer. SURG 53 (Clinical Practice for Surgical Technology, 8 units; 32 clinical hours per week) New; Prerequisite: SURG 51.Corequisite: SURG 52. CSU Transfer. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve course outline for SURG 53. MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve SURG 51 as prerequisite and SURG 52 as corequisite for SURG 53. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve SURG 53 for CSU Transfer. VITICULTURE AND WINERY TECHNOLOGY VWT 33 (Summer Viticulture Operations, 3 units; 2 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; CSU Transferable. The recommended changes have been made (3-unit value correction; clarifying questions removed from the process; participation deleted as method of evaluation), and a new outline submitted. Textbook dated 1974 retained as this is “the gold standard” for the course as used at UC Davis. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the course outline for VWT 33, submitted and corrected. MSC (Eagan/Alvarado) to approve the course for UC Transfer BUSINESS, COMPUTING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY APPRENTICESHIPS APPRENTICESHIP CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY AS DEGREE: New APPRENTICESHIP CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY CERTIFICATE: New APPRENTICESHIP MILLWRIGHTS AS DEGREE: New APPRENTICESHIP MILLWRIGHTS CERTIFICATE: New APPRENTICESHIP PILEDRIVING AS DEGREE: New APPRENTICESHIP PILEDRIVING CERTIFICATE: New MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve all new degrees and certificates as stated above and as submitted. LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 5 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AS DEGREE: Revision MSC (Chopra/Ruys) to approve the Automotive Technology AS degree revision. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE COMPLETION CALIFORNIA SMOG PROGRAM: New (10 units) MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve the Automotive Certificate of Completion: California Smog. BUSINESS BUSINESS AS DEGREE: Revision. Tabled at request of Business faculty. Outlines have been resubmitted with Frequency of Evaluation statement included and updates to book citations. BUSN [75.1] (Preventing Sexual Harassment: Guidelines for Creating a Harassment-Free Workplace, 1 unit; 1 lecture) New (formerly 9952); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A; Distance Education revalidation. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve course outline for BUSN [75.1] as resubmitted. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the “Eligibility for English 1A” Advisory for BUSN [75.1] MSC (Chopra.Alvarado) to approve BUSN [75.1] for Distance Education. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve BUSN [75.1] for CSU transfer. BUSN [75.2] (Leaves of Absence: Avoiding Absence and Attendance Pitfalls, 1 unit; 1 lecture) New (formerly 9953); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve course outline for BUSN [75.2] as resubmitted. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the “Eligibility for English 1A” Advisory for BUSN [75.2] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve BUSN [75.2] for Distance Education. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve BUSN [75.2] for CSU transfer. BUSN [75.3] (Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting Employees, 1 unit; 1 hour) New (formerly 9954); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve course outline for BUSN [75.3] as resubmitted. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the “Eligibility for English 1A” Advisory for BUSN [75.3] MSC (Chopra./Bodnar) to approve BUSN [75.3] for Distance Education. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve BUSN [75.3] for CSU transfer. BUSN [75.4] (Team Building, 0.5 units; 9 total lecture) New (formerly 9955). Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve course outline for BUSN [75.4] as resubmitted. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve BUSN [75.4] for Distance Education. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve BUSN [75.4] for CSU transfer. BUSN [75.5] (Dealing with Difficult People, 0.5 units, 9 total lecture) New (formerly 9956); Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve course outline for BUSN [75.5] as resubmitted. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve BUSN [75.5] for Distance Education. MSC (Chopra/Schwarz) to approve BUSN [75.5] for CSU transfer. BUSN [75.6] (Successful Performance Appraisals, 0.5 units; 9 total lecture) New (formerly 9957); Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve course outline for BUSN [75.6] as resubmitted. MSC (Chopra/Alvardo) to approve BUSN [75.6] for Distance Education. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve BUSN [75.6] for CSU transfer. BUSN [77] (Financial and Insurance Procedures for Medical Offices, 3 units; 3 hours) New. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve course outline for BUSN [77] MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve BUSN [77] for CSU transfer. LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 6 COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS CIS [48] (Intro to Game Programming Concepts; 3 units; 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory) New (formerly CIS 9991). Distance Education, CSU Transferable. UC Transfer. XLst with CS [48]. MSC (Ruys/Chopra) to approve course outline for CIS [48]. MSC (Chopra/Ruys) to approve the Distance Education request for CIS [48]. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve CIS [48] for CSU Transfer. MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve CIS [48] for UC Transfer CIS [77] (Medical Office Procedures, 3 units; 2 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: CIS 8 and CIS 88A. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Ruys) to approve course outline for CIS [77]. MSC (Chopra/Keune) to approve the Advisory requisites CIS 8 and CIS 88A for CIS [77]. MSC (Ruys/Alvarado) to approve CIS [77] for CSU Transfer. COMPUTER SCIENCE CS [48] Intro to Game Programming Concepts; 3 units; 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory) New (formerly CS 49.50). Distance Education, CSU Transferable. UC Transfer. XLst with CIS [48] MSC (Ruys/Chopra) to approve course outline for CS [78]. MSC (Chopra/Ruys) to approve the Distance Education request for CS [48]. MSC (Chopra/Alvarado) to approve CS [48] for CSU Transfer. MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve CS [48] for UC Transfer. Dr. Eagan asked how UC Transferability is determined. Ms. Alvarado explained that usually we find a comparable UC course or establish that the course meets the scope of a UC course or we may look at other community colleges for a recently approved comparable course. COMPUTER NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY CNT NETWORK AND SECURITY AS DEGREE REVISION: Add new “tracks” (modules) MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve the revision of the CNT Associate in Science degree. CNT CERTIFICATE COMPUTER DESKTOP OS SECURITY: New, 14-15 units MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve the CNT Certificate for Computer Desktop OS Security. CNT CERTIFICATE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: New, 14-15 units MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve the CNT Certificate in Emerging Technologies. CNT CERTIFICATE TCP-IP NETWORK ANALYSIS: New, 15 units MSC (Keune/Chopra) to approve the CNT Certificate in TCP IP Network Analysis. CNT 67 (WIFI, Wireless, HotSpot Networks and Security CWNA, 3 units; 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory) Revision; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50, Computer Networking Technology 55. Distance Education. LPC GE (tabled); CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT 67 MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Advisories CIS 50 and CNT 55 for CNT 67. “or similar hands-on experience” will be deleted. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT 67. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve CNT 67 for CSU Transfer. CNT [72] (CCNA Bootcamp Certification Prep, 3 units; 3 lecture, 1 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: CNT62A and CNT62B. Distance Education. No articulation requested. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [72] MSC (Eagan/Bodnar) to approve the Advisories CNT 62A and CNT 62B for CNT [72] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT [72] MSC (Chopra/Eagan) to approve CNT [72] for CSU Transfer. CNT [73.1] (VoIP: Cisco and Asterisk IP Phones — 4 units; 3 lecture; 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. 3 hours lecture; 3 hours laboratory. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [73.1] MSC (Eagan/Bodnar) to approve the Advisory CIS 50 for CNT [73.1] LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 7 MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT [73.1] MSC (Chopra/Eagan) to approve CNT [73.1] for CSU transfer. CNT [73.2] (Podcasting, Video and Radio Streaming, 3 units, 2.5 hours lecture; 1.5 hour laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [73.2] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Advisory CIS 50 for CNT [73.2] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT [73.2]. MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve CNT [73.2] for CSU transfer. CNT [74.1] (Intro to Linux/UNIX, Linux+, 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New: Advisory: Strongly recommended Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [74.1] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Advisory CIS for CNT [74.1] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT [74.1] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve CNT [74.1] for CSU Transfer. CNT [75.1] (WhiteHat Hacker Penetration Testing, 4 units; 3 lecture; 3 hours laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: One or more of CNT67, CNT69, CNT62A, CNT57, or CNT55. Distance Education. LPC GE; CSU Transfer. LPC GE: tabled pending further clarification of LPC GE criteria. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [75.1] MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve CNT [75.1] for Distance Education. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the Advisory courses: One or more of CNT 67, CNT 69, CNT 62A, CNT 57 or CNT 55; “or equivalent industry experience” to be deleted. MSC (Eagan/Schwarz) to approve CNT [75.1] for CSU transfer. CNT [75.2](Wireshark, TCP/IP Analysis and Network Troubleshooting, 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New: Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [75.2] MSC (Chopra/Eagan) to approve the Advisory CIS 50 for CNT [75.2] MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT [75.2] MSC (Chopra/Schwarz) to approve CNT [75.2] for CSU transfer. CNT [76.1](Smart Home Technology DHTI+, 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [76.1] MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the Advisory CIS 50 for CNT [76.1] MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT [76.1] MSC (Chopra/Schwarz) to approve CNT [76.1] for CSU Transfer. CNT [77.1] (VMWare, Microsoft & Xen virtual Machines — 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the course outline for CNT [77.1] MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the Advisory CIS 50 for CNT [77.1] MSC (Chopra/Bodnar) to approve the Distance Education request for CNT [77.1] MSC (Chopra/Schwarz) to approve CNT [77.1] for CSU transfer. WELDING TECHNOLOGY—No corrected or revised WELD courses have been received as of this date. Dean Ryslinge explained that the changes recommended cannot be made without a larger discussion, and as there have been no answers on these larger issues, she recommended that the course outlines be evaluated and approved on the content of the outlines. She reported that there has been no decision on changing the rubric, which would resolve the discrepancies between the way the Welding curriculum is taught at the two colleges. The choices would be to accept the outlines or to table them to the next meeting with an attempt to resolve issues either between the colleges or to change the rubric. Suggestion to approve the outlines in principle could allow the revisions to be included in the Catalog, but, as Ms. Hart explained, there have been issues in the past where approvals in principle have not been followed with actual revised or corrected course outlines. Dr. Eagan asked whether an email vote could be done on LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 8 the outlines so that they could be included in the Catalog. Following a general discussion, it was decided that, if Mr. Miner can get the corrected course outlines ready to be posted for an email vote within the week, Ms. Hart will set up a Blackboard voting process. WELD 61A (Beginning Arc, Flux-Core Welding, and Blueprint Reading Theory, 1 unit; 1 lecture) Revision; Corequisite: Welding Technology 61AL or Welding Technology 61BL. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 61AL (Beginning Arc and Flux-Core Welding Skills, 2 units; 5 laboratory) Revision; Corequisite: Welding Technology 61A or Welding Technology 61B. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 61B (Advanced Stick, Flux-Core Welding and Blueprint Reading Theory, 1 unit; 1 lecture) Revision; Prerequisite: Welding Technology 61A. Corequisite: Welding Technology 61AL or Welding Technology 61BL. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 61BL (Advanced TIG and MIG Welding Skills, 2 units; 5 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: WELD 61AL; Corequisite: Welding Technology 61A or Welding Technology 61B. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 62A (Beginning TIG and MIG Welding, and Blueprint Reading Theory, 1 unit; 1 lecture) Revision: Corequisite: Welding Technology 62AL or Welding Technology 62BL. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 62BL (Advanced TIG and MIG Welding Skills, 2 units; 5 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite; WELD 62AL; Corequisite: Welding Technology 62A or Welding Technology 62B. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 63 (Welding Layout and Fitting, 2 units; 1 lecture, 3 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: WELD 62BL. No change in articulation/transfer. Shared course; may need new number (or rubric) because prerequisites are different. WELD 66 (Welding Inspection and Testing, 2 units; 1 lecture; 3 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: Welding Technology 62BL. No change in articulation/transfer. Shared course; may need new number (or rubric) because prerequisites are different. WELD 67A (Welding Skills Laboratory, 2 units; 6 laboratory) Revision. Prerequisite: WELD 61AL or experience in the metals industry. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 67B (Advanced Welding Skills Laboratory, 2 units; 6 laboratory) Revision. Prerequisite: WELD 67A or previous welding experience. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 68 (Certification Preparation, 2 units; 6 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: Welding experience. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 69A (Fabrication and Installing Piping Systems, 3 units; 1 lecture, 6 laboratory) Revision; Catalog Description Change (will need new number or rubric); Prerequisite: Welding Technology 61BL or Welding Technology 62BL or equivalent. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 69B (Advanced Pipe Welding, 3 units; 1 lecture, 6 laboratory) Revision; Catalog Description Change. Prerequisite: Welding Technology 69A (Shared course, description new for LPC; will require new number or rubric). No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 70 (Introduction to Welding, 2 units; 1 lecture, 3 laboratory) Revision; No change in articulation/transfer. WELD X5 [71] (Welding for the Arts, 2 units; 1 lecture, 5 laboratory) New (cf. WELD 71); LPC GE; CSU Transferable. ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS HUMANITIES HUMN 7 (Contemporary Humanities, 3 units; 3 hours). Revision; no change in articulation/transfer. MSC (Eagan/Alvarado) to approve the course outline for HUMN 7. MASS COMMUNICATION LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 9 MSCM 31 (Introduction to Media, 3 units; 3 hours) Revision; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for English 1A or 52A. LPC GE, CSU Transferable, CSU GE, UC Transferable, IGETC. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the course outline for MSCM 31. MSC (Alvarado/Chopra) to approve MSCM 31 for LPC GE in Social and Behavioral Sciences. MSC (Alvarado/Schwarz) to approve MSCM 31 for CSU Transfer. MSC (Schwarz/Eagan) to approve MSCM 31 for CSU GE in Area D. MSC (Alvarado/Eagan) to approve MSCM 31 for UC Transfer. MSC (Eagan/Alvarado) to approve MSCM 31 for IGETC. MSCM [32B] (Intermediate Radio Production, 1-2 units; 3-6 laboratory) New; Prerequisite: MSCM 32. CSU Transferable. MSC (Chopra/Warren) to approve the course outline for MSCM [32B]. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve MSCM 32 as prerequisite for MSCM [32B]. MSC (Chopra/Schwarz) to approve MSCM [32B] for CSU transfer. MSCM [34] (Magazine Editing and Production, 3-5 units; 2 lecture, 3-9 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for English 1A. CSU Transferable. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the course outline for MSCM [34]. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the Advisory “Eligibility for English 1A” for MSCM [34]. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve MSCM [34] for CSU Transfer. MSCM [35] (Introduction to Video Journalism, 3 units; 1 lecture, 6 laboratory) New; CSU Transferable. MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the course outline for MSCM 31. MSC (Chopra/Schwarz) to approve MSCM [35] for CSU transfer. MUSIC MUSIC AA DEGREE: Revision (add new courses as electives) MSC (Eagan/Chopra) to approve the revision of the Associate in Arts degree in Music. 5. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT/GOOD OF THE ORDER: Dr. Jones thanked all for a job well done this semester and wished all a good holiday. Ms. Hart echoed Dr. Jones’s remarks and added a reminder that, during Spring Semester, the College will be holding the promised GE discussion and there will be a Title 5 subcommittee meeting on December 20 to look at the structure of the Liberal Arts degree and determine what needs to be done to bring the degree into compliance. 6. ADJOURNMENT: 4:21 p.m. 7. NEXT MEETING DATE: February 13, 2008 8. PENDING CURRICULAR ISSUES: A. CIS/CNT: Distance Education request revisions for CIS 8 and CNT 51A/51B not completed. B. INDT 61 and INDT 74, inactive status of courses tabled for review of impact on other degrees and certificates. Resolution by time of College Catalog. Responsibility: BCAT Division. C. Research on AP practices: responsibility: Andrea Alvarado D. Blackboard vote on Welding Technology courses if revised/corrected outlines are submitted “within the week.” E. Revision of Forms to include TOP codes and impacted disciplines.