Leave and Time Recording

Leave and Time Recording
Supervisors Manual
Departments of Neurology and
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started.............................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Computer Requirements......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Logging in to the LTR system ................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Logging off and exiting the LTR system .................................................................................. 2
System Concepts .......................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 My Calendar ........................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Events .................................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Semi-Monthly Time Reporting ................................................................................................ 3
3.4 Requesting Leaves of Absence .............................................................................................. 3
3.5 Submitting Timesheets and Leave Records............................................................................ 3
3.6 Timesheet Approval................................................................................................................ 3
Approval Process .......................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Timesheet (Payroll) Deadlines ................................................................................................ 3
Processing Leave Requests ......................................................................................................... 4
Supervisor’s Screen ...................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Approving Timesheets (semi-monthly).................................................................................... 4
6.2 Approving Leave Requests..................................................................................................... 5
6.3 Detailed Timesheet Information .............................................................................................. 6
6.4 All Employees Calendar ......................................................................................................... 6
Getting Help .................................................................................................................................. 7
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1 Introduction
The Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences use an electronic Leave and
Time Recording (LTR) system to record and process staff payroll and leave activities. This system
replaces the Online Leave Request (OLR) and Overtime Eligible Timesheets (OET) in SharePoint.
This system is the departmental official mechanism to request, record, and approve employee leave
activity, and to submit the time worked for each employee. The LTR system is designed to meet the
University requirements for requesting leave and maintaining time and leave records, facilitate the
approval process for leave and time recording in the department, serve as a history of employee’s
work, and to be completely electronic. This system resides on a secure network and is backed up
2 Getting Started
Computer Requirements
The LTR system is a web based system and is designed to be cross-platform. A cross-platform
system means that it will work the same across all different computer systems such as Windows,
Macintosh, or Linux. The system requires the use of a web browser. The LTR system has been
tested with the following browsers, but it should work with most modern web browsers.
Logging in to the LTR system
To log onto the LTR system, go to the following web site: https://ltr.som.washington.edu It is
important to note that the system is restricted to department employees and requires use of your UW
NetID. Your UW NetID will verify your identification when you log into the system. If you are unable
to log into the LTR system, please contact your Payroll Coordinator email: ttiffany@uw.edu.
Logging off and exiting the LTR system
The LTR system, like many campus systems, does not require that you log back in if you leave the
system after your initial log in. For security purposes, when you have finished using the LTR system,
you should completely close your web browser to log off of the system. You can then re-open your
web browser to continue browsing the web without putting your LTR system information in an
unsecured situation.System Concepts
3 System Concepts
My Calendar
At the heart of the LTR system is your employee’s personal calendar (My Calendar). If your
employee is a classified or professional staff employee, this calendar will serve as the timesheet for
reporting semi-monthly time to the Payroll Team in the department. This calendar is also used to
request your approval for any leaves of absence, and to report all leaves of absence when they are
An event indicates a record of time worked or any leave taken. For example, if your employee
worked 8 hours on Oct 20, this would be one event recording the fact he/she worked 8 hours that
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day. If your employee normally works 8 hours a day and took 4 hours of Annual Leave, that is
considered one event. And the 4 hours that he/she worked is considered another, separate event.
Semi-Monthly Time Reporting
The LTR system is based on the concept of each calendar month representing a timesheet. An
employee’s personal calendar records the time they worked for a given pay period and records any
time/leave they have taken. At the University of Washington there are two pay periods per month.
The first pay period is for the period beginning on the 1st of the month through the 15th of the month.
The second pay period begins on the 16th and goes through the end of the month. A timesheet is
automatically created from your employee’s personal calendar for each pay period they enter time in
the LTR system. It is important that they submit their timesheets on the 16th and 1st of every
month so their UW Online Work Leave System (OWLS) accurately reflects their leave
Requesting Leaves of Absence
University regulations require that, with the exception of unanticipated sick leave, your employee
must request any leave of absences in advance and receive written approval from you. The LTR
system electronically captures an employee’s request to take leave and records your approval on
their timesheet. When your employee takes the requested leave of absence, the system is used to
record the leave.
Submitting Timesheets and Leave Records
At the end of each pay period (see 3.3 above), classified and professional staff employees should
submit their timesheet to their supervisor for approval. Once you submit your timesheet to your
supervisor, you will no longer be able to modify it so be sure your timesheet is accurate before
Timesheet Approval
As described above, the LTR system is based on the concept of a timesheet generated by an
employee. The timesheet is used to report both paid and unpaid time, and employee leave (vacation,
sick leave, etc) activity. This information is entered into the appropriate University of Washington
system so employees are paid correctly.
4 Approval Process
When timesheets are due, your employee submits their timesheet to you for approval. The LTR
system will automatically send an email message telling you that a timesheet has been submitted for
approval. You will review the time and leave events they submit and verify that it matches your
records. If your records match those of your employee, you will approve the timesheet. If you have
questions about the time that your employee reports you should reject the timesheet, with a reason in
the comment box, so they can make the necessary correction & resubmit. An email notification will
be sent to your employee notifying them of the reason for rejection. When this happens, you should
review the timesheet with your employee, and make any sure that any required changes are made to
their timesheet. Your employee would then resubmit their timesheet to you for approval.
Timesheet (Payroll) Deadlines
Each pay period your classified staff and professional staff employees are required to submit a time
sheet for your approval. This timesheet reports their work hours and any approved leave time. This
information is then submitted to the departments Payroll Team to generate a paycheck for each
employee. If you have any questions about whether or not an employee is required to submit a
timesheet to meet a payroll deadline, please contact the Payroll Coordinator email: ttiffany@uw.edu
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There are two pay periods per month.
Pay Period
1st – 15th
16th-end of
Submit time sheet on
1st of the next month
Pay Day
25th of the month
10th of the next month
5 Processing Leave Requests
When an employee wishes to take leave, they submit a leave request to you for approval. If you
approve the leave request, the employee will be notified. If you reject the request, the employee will
be notified with a reason for your rejection.
6 Supervisor’s Screen
Click the “Supervisor view” link at the top of the screen. The supervisor screen consists of four major
areas, outlined in Figure 1 below, and is fairly self explanatory.
Supervisor View
Detailed Time period Info
Choose this section for the
supervisor’s view.
This shows you information about
all your employees for a given
time period, including whether or
not they have submitted a
Timesheets needing approval
Lists the timesheets you have not yet
All Employees Calendar
This shows all of your employee’s
calendars and leave requests.
Leave needing approval
Lists the leave requests you have not
yet approved.
Figure 1
Approving Timesheets (semi-monthly)
A list of timesheets needing your approval is shown on the supervisor’s screen. Click on the
employee’s name to view their individual timesheet. This will bring you to a screen that shows you
the employee’s timesheet in detail and allows you to approve or reject it. An illustration of a user’s
timesheet in detail is shown below in figure 2 below. Employees should not submit their timesheet
until the end of each pay period. An employee can have more than one timesheet waiting for your
approval, as is the case in Figure 1.
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Employee’s Timesheet
This screen shows you the details of an employee’s timesheet. It
will show their recorded as working hours as well as any leave
requests and leave reported.
Approve / Reject
You can choose to approve or reject the timesheet shown by
clicking on either of these buttons. If you wish to reject the
timesheet, enter a reason in the box below before clicking
Figure 2
Approving Leave Requests
A list of leave needing your approval is also shown on the supervisor’s screen. Click on the
employee’s name to view their leave request. This will bring you to a screen that shows you the
employee’s leave request in detail and allows you to approve or reject it. An illustration of a user’s
leave request in detail is shown below. A user can submit a leave request at anytime to you. They
also can have more than one leave request waiting for your approval, as is the case in the illustration
in the previous section.
Request Information
Type of leave requested and how many hours a day they wish to
take this type of leave.
Leave Days
A list of all the days they wish to take leave.
Visual Leave Days
Shows one or more calendars highlighting all the days they wish
to take leave. Outlining each day with a dashed line shows the
current leave request. In this example, this leave request is for
12/23/03 – 1/2/04. Other leave requests are also shown, but not
outlined. In this example, the employee also requested leave
separately on 12/1/03-12/5/03 and also on 12/9/03.
Approve / Reject
You can choose to approve or reject the leave request shown by
clicking on either of these buttons. If you wish to reject the
request, enter a reason in the box below before clicking “Reject”.
Figure 3
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Detailed Timesheet Information
When you click “show details” on the supervisor’s screen, you will be presented with detailed
information about each of your employee’s timesheets for a given month. This screen is useful for
seeing which employee has not submitted his/her timesheet. If your employee has already submitted
their timesheet, this screen will show you the current status of that timesheet. There are three
different columns that show the status of each timesheet. The “Sub” column indicates whether or
not the user has submitted their timesheet for approval. The “App” column indicates whether or not
you have approved their timesheet. The “Fin” column indicates whether or not the payroll office has
finalized the timesheet. This screen also allows you to send a reminder email to employees who
have not submitted their timesheets. The features of the detailed timesheet view are outlined in
Figure 4, below.
First Pay Period
Lists all classified / professional
staff timesheets for the month and
for hourly employees lists their first
pay period timesheets.
Created Timesheets
Month / Year selector
This lists employees who have started a
timesheet for this pay period.
You can click on the month to view
timesheets for or use the < > to
choose the year.
Missing Timesheets
Email Reminder
This lists employees who have not yet
started a timesheet for this pay period.
Send an Email reminder to all your
employees who have yet to submit
a timesheet for this pay period.
Second Pay period
If you have hourly employees, their 2nd
pay period timesheets will be listed here.
Figure 4
All Employees Calendar
You can view all of your employees’ calendars simultaneously by clicking on the “Show all employees
calendar” link on the Supervisors screen. This calendar displays a month and shows you each
employee’s recorded events as well as their requested leave. This calendar gives you a very quick
overview of when your employees are taking vacation, what time they have recorded, and the leave
they have recorded. An illustration of this screen is shown below in Figure 5.
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Month Selector
Allows you to browse to different months.
Employees’ Information
Each employees’ records are shown on
their own line. In this case, Demo User
has listed that they took vacation on the
13th (although their request wasn’t
approved) then were sick on the 14th and
15th. Demo User 2 has not marked
anything for this week yet.
Figure 5
7 Getting Help
If you require assistance using the Leave and Time Recording LTR application program, contact the
Payroll Coordinator email: ttiffany@uw.edu
If the issue is technical in nature, such as a glitch or bug in the software, please send a tech request
by clicking on the HELP tab.
System Technical Request
If you experience a glitch or bug while using
the system you can submit a tech request.
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