PHYSIOLOGY OF DEGLUTITION Definition and Purpose of Swallowing Swallowing is usually defined as a reflex, coordinated set of muscle contractions which act to propel food from the mouth into the esophagus. This is accurate as to the alimentary function, but leaves out another vital role for this behavior: Swallowing is also a protective reflex of the upper airway, to prevent the entry of saliva or ingested liquids into the trachea. This role is indicated by the fact that squirting water into the larynx will initiate swallowing in several different species, and only certain areas in the larynx are sensitive to water in this way (Storey, 1968). By making audio recordings from a throat microphone, Lear et al. (1965) were able to determine the frequency of swallowing at different times over a 24-hour period. The results are shown in Table I: Table I. Average number of swallows recorded in humans during day and night. (From Lear et al., 1965). _________________________________________________ While eating 200 Awake, between meals 345 Asleep (mostly before waking) Total 45 590 _________________________________________________ Apparently, we do most of our swallowing between meals, for the purpose of clearing the airway of saliva and liquids taken into the mouth. The process of swallowing a liquid once it has reached the posterior pharynx is similar to swallowing a semisolid bolus of food, but the events leading up to that point differ substantially. Three Phases of Swallowing While mastication is a rhythmic behavior, occurring in cycles and coordinated by a central pattern generator, deglutition happens as a unitary event, triggered by appropriate conditions. Like mastication, swallowing may be initiated either voluntarily or reflexly. It too involves both striated and smooth muscles, and so may not be classified either as a "somatic" or "autonomic" reflex. The act of swallowing is often divided into oral, pharyngeal and esophageal phases, based on anatomy and the sequence of movements which take place. The first phase is often described as "voluntary," rather than reflex, since we can swallow whenever there is something in the mouth. (However, not much thought may go into initiating a swallow while eating.) The events which occur in each phase are the following: Oral Phase The tip of the tongue forms a bolus of food, which is placed in the midline. The lips are then closed, the jaw is elevated and the teeth may come into occlusal contact. At this point the soft palate is raised, sealing off the nasal cavity from the mouth. (You can tell this is an early event by swallowing and then trying to breathe.) The tip of the tongue presses firmly against the hard palate, just behind the incisors. The tongue then rolls backward on the hyoid bone, pressing against the palate and forcing the bolus back. Pharyngeal Phase The bolus, somewhat wetted with saliva, contacts the mucosa of the fauces and pharynx. Respiration stops. (This is the "apnea of deglutition".) The larynx is elevated, and the glottis is closed, sealing off the airway from the pharynx. The bolus tips the epiglottis backward, and the epiglottis acts as a chute, guiding the bolus into the esophagus. (The epiglottis is not essential, however; respectable swallows can be performed after the epiglottis has been removed.) The pharyngeal constrictor muscles now contract in a wave from superior to inferior, forcing the bolus into the esophagus. The pressure in the pharynx at this point may reach 100 mm Hg. As the bolus reaches the posterior pharynx, the hypopharyngeal, or superior esophageal sphincter relaxes, permitting the bolus to enter the esophagus. The oral and pharyngeal phases together take about one second to occur. Esophageal Phase After the bolus passes through it, the hypopharyngeal sphincter actively closes, to prevent reflux into the pharynx. A peristaltic wave then begins at the upper end of the esophagus. The wave moves downward, taking 7-9 seconds to travel the length of the esophagus. Before the wave, and the bolus, reach bottom, the larynx descends, and the airway is reopened (oronasal passage and glottis). The tongue moves forward again, and respiration resumes. Over twenty individual muscles contribute to each swallow, in a carefully coordinated sequence, or pattern. Electromyographic recordings have been obtained in several different muscles in the dog during a swallow, as shown in Figure 6. The sequential activation of muscles from superior to inferior can be seen. Although some slight reductions may occur before the increases in muscle activity seen, the main mechanism for moving food through the mouth is by a pressure wave. The escape routes are sealed off and and pressure is increased locally, propelling the bolus forward. A sequence of muscle activation such as that shown is called a fixed-action pattern, and is seen in motor control systems throughout the animal kingdom. We shall see below how this pattern is triggered and organized in the nervous system. Drinking The above description of swallowing applies to solid or semisolid foods. During drinking of liquids, we use a different, but also stereotyped, pattern of movements. At first, when the liquid is brought in contact with the lips, suction is created by retracting the tongue and maintaining a seal between the tongue and palate. The posterior part of the tongue is then depressed, allowing the fluid to run into the pharynx. The jaw is closed, and swallowing begins. The esophagus fills, the fluid taking less than one second to reach the bottom. Then a wave of peristalsis moves to the bottom in seven or so seconds, and the gastro-esophageal sphincter opens. Failure of either the hypopharyngeal or gastroesophageal sphincters to open is called "achalasia" (usually applied to the lower sphincter). If untreated, this condition may lead to accumulation of meals in the esophagus and reflux into the pharynx while lying horizontally (Davenport, 1982). The Infant Swallow Prior to eruption of the deciduous teeth, the principal form of nutrition in neonates is by suckling. Considerable intake of amniotic fluid by this method also takes place in the fetus (Dellow, 1976). Infants are able to swallow at the same time as suckling, with the jaws apart and the tongue slightly protruded. The forces for propulsion of fluid toward the pharynx are derived from the facial muscles - the orbicularis oris, buccinator, risorius, etc. - and from vigorous thrusting with the tongue, with little involvement of the mandible or elevator muscles. This pattern of swallowing may persist into adolescence, resulting in tongue thrust and protrusion of the anterior teeth (Barrett and Hanson, 1974). The reason for failure of the adult swallow to develop is unclear. Various etiologies have been proposed, from improper bottle feeding (Straub, 1960) to childhood respiratory diseases which make it painful to swallow using the pharyngeal muscles. The tongue-thrust swallow pattern is treated by guided practice while looking in a mirror. The goal is to learn to swallow without moving anything but the larynx. Significant improvements in the swallowing habit can be made by this method, helping to ensure that any concurrent orthodontic treatment will succeed. The Muscles of Deglutition Examples of the major muscles and their cranial nerve supplies are shown in Figure 7. The sequence of activation of the various muscles during each phase of swallowing is roughly indicated by the Arabic numberals. With the exception of the hypoglossal nucleus, the wave of activity sweeps down the brainstem nuclei in order during the swallow, producing the stereotyped response. This pattern of activity is generated by a system of interneurons in the medulla called the swallowing center. Coordinated signals from this region sequentially activate the brainstem motor nuclei. It is possible to identify the swallow pattern of excitation of various muscles by recording their electromyographic activity (Doty et al., 1967; Storey, 1968) or the activity of associated motor axons (Sumi, 1970). In the latter case, the pattern of nerve activation has been shown to persist after the muscles have been denervated or paralyzed with curare (Miller, 1972). This unaltered sequence of nerve activity (called fictive swallowing) is convincing evidence for the role of a central pattern generator. The Esophagus The muscles of the upper one-third of this structure in humans are striated, those of the middle third are striated and smooth, and the bottom third are smooth. In some animals, dogs and mice, for instance, the entire esophagus is striated. The gastroesophageal sphincter is not morphologically specialized, but it behaves like a sphincter, remaining contracted until a swallow occurs. Esophageal peristalsis consists of a wave of contraction which propels the bolus of food along (Davenport, 1982). (This is to be contrasted with intestinal peristalsis, which is a wave of relaxation followed by a wave of contraction.) Esophageal peristalsis travels at 2-4 cm/sec. The pressure wave is generated by sequential firing of vagal and glossopharyngeal motor fibers, superimposed on the activity of the intrinsic esophageal nerve plexuses. Continuity of the muscle is not necessary; the esophagus can be transected without interfering with peristalsis. However, the efferent nerve supply is necessary. Vagotomy results in an uncoordinated contraction of various parts of the esophagus. Receptor Areas for Swallowing Although it may be initiated centrally, swallowing also requires sensory input from the periphery, i.e. stimulation of the receptor areas in the mouth and pharynx. Wassilieff (1888) reported that swallowing in humans was made impossible by cocainization of the layngeal and pharyngeal mucosa. Pommerenke (1928) applied mechanical stimuli with a glass rod to various parts of the oral cavity in 126 student subjects and reported the percentage of tests resulting in swallows (Table II). (Some subjects' throats were quite sensitive to touch, and some were so insensitive they could be clamped with a hemostat!) The result of this study was that light touch was the most effective in provoking swallowing when applied to the anterior pillar, and heavy touch was most effective on the posterior pharynx. Apparently, the mechanical contact of food in these areas acts as a trigger for swallowing. Both the anterior pillar and posterior pharynx are innervated by cranial nerves IX and X. Table II. Sensitivity of various areas of the mouth and pharynx for triggering swallowing. Percentage of light and heavy contacts resulting in swallows shown, as well as percent not responding with swallows. (From Pommerenke, 1928.) __________________________________________________________ Light touch Heavy touch No response Base of tongue 36.6 1.3 62.1 Deep post. pharynx 18.8 50.5 30.7 Post pharynx 27.8 47.5 24.7 Soft palate 4.0 15.2 80.8 Tonsil 28.6 19.1 52.3 Uvula 30.4 1.6 68.0 Post. pillar 30.4 28.0 41.6 Ant. pillar 60.3 16.7 23.0 __________________________________________________________ In a subsequent study, Storey (1968) recorded electromyographic activity in three of the muscles of swallowing during application of distilled water to the larynx of cats. This treatment reliably caused swallowing, identified by the sequential activation of the mylohyoid, thyroarytenoid and inferior constrictor muscles. The stimulus in this case was not mechanical, since isotonic saline did not produce the reflex. This response to water application has also been found in the lamb, guinea pig and rabbit (Dubner et al., 1978), and is mediated through the superior laryngeal nerve, a branch of X. The most sensitive areas of the larynx for the water response are around the epiglottis. There are both free nerve endings and taste receptors in this region, so either could be the water receptors. These receptors are also readily stimulated by saliva, which is 98% water, compared to plasma which is only 91% water. Thus, when food wetted with saliva contacts the area around the epiglottis, this acts as a powerful chemical stimulus for swallowing. Sensory Pathways Afferent activity in either the IXth or Xth cranial nerves can act to trigger swallowing. The most reliable nerve for initiating swallowing is the superior laryngeal branch of X. The frequency of afferent stimulation has a strong effect on whether or not a swallow will occur, but does not affect either the timing or strength of the swallow. In humans, unilateral or bilateral section of the glossopharyngeal nerve does not interfere with swallowing (Ballantine et al., 1954), but section of the vagus prevents it. The afferent fibers of swallowing receptors enter the CNS in the tractus solitarius and terminate in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (Jean, 1990). Swallowing can also be produced by stimulation of part of the frontal cortex (Sumi, 1969); the pathway from this area terminates in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius. The Gag Reflex The pharyngeal or gag reflex is triggered by mechanical stimuli applied in a similar region of the pharynx to that which triggers swallowing. This reflex consists of contraction of the pharyngeal constrictors in response to touching the posterior wall of the pharynx, and though harmless, often occurs in dental practice. The afferent pathway for the gag reflex is the glossopharyngeal nerve, and the efferent motor nerves are the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Location of the Brainstem Swallowing Center There are actually two swallowing centers, one on each side of the brain stem, controlling the muscles its own side. In a careful series of transection experiments Doty et al. (1967) found the active networks to be located in the medial brainstem, between the posterior pole of the facial nucleus and the rostral pole of the inferior olive. This is shown in Figure 9. Electrical recordings were obtained in several muscles participating in swallowing, initiated by stimulating the superior laryngeal nerve. Transections or hemisections above A-13 just started to interfere with the tongue muscles innervated by the hypoglossal nerve. Those below A-63 just affected components mediated by the trigeminal nerve, such as the mylohyoid. Further detailed studies by Jean (1972, 1978) and others analyzed the activity of neurons within the central pattern generator, and showed that such neurons are located only in two regions of the medulla: (1) a dorsal region including the nucleus of the tractus solitarius and (2) a ventral region corresponding to the lateral reticular formation above the nucleus ambiguus. These are the two areas where the entire pattern of swallowing is generated and coordinated. Activity from these interneurons sequentially excites the motor nuclei of the swallowing muscles, producing the pattern of swallowing. The nucleus of the tractus solitarius is strongly involved, which is interesting since this is the location of second-order neurons in the taste sensory pathway (Scott and Yaxley, 1989). This is likely to be the site of triggering of the swallow reflex by water stimulation around the epiglottis. A schematic outline of the swallowing system is shown in the next figure. Either oral or voluntary CNS inputs may trigger swallowing in the generator neurons. These then excite the switching neurons, which in turn excite neurons in the various motor nuclei involved in swallowing. The swallowing center, like the masticatory pattern generator, produces a complex coordinated set of outputs to several cranial motor nuclei. This occurs either under voluntary control or in response to appropriate intraoral stimuli. The pattern generator for deglutition, like the masticatory center, is located in the medial medulla. Mastication is rhythmical; swallows occur one at a time. Sensory inputs may interrupt the chewing cycle but are unlikely to interfere with swallowing. The entire pattern of swallowing is necessary to fulfill a basic function, and loss of any part of the system can be life-threatening. Disorders of Swallowing (Dysphagia) Neurological disorders - Stroke - Parkinson’s - Huntington’s - Infections (rabies, tetanus) - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Multiple sclerosis - Neoplasms - Neuropathies a. recurrent laryngeal neuropathy b. diabetes c. carcinoma Mechanical disorders - Removal or reconstruction of oral, pharyngeal or laryngeal structures during surgery for cancer - Acute inflammation a. laryngitis b. pharyngitis c. chemical inflammation Macroglossia - Secondary to radiotherapy or surgery of the tongue - due to hypothyroidism. Surgery - Especially surgical resection for carcinoma of the tongue; laryngectomy; tracheotomy tubes. - Most patients have significant dysphagia Next we shall examine the coordination of speech, and the overlapping of neuromuscular functions with those of mastication and deglutition.