ESS-3 Nutrition for Health Instructor: Prof. Art Gilbert Office: RecCen 2116 Office Hours: M & T, 3:30-4:30, &, T 11:00-12:00 Quarter, Fall - 2012 E-mail: Required Texts: NUTRITION FOR HEALTH WORKBOOK* (AVAILABLE AT IV BOOKSTORE) & Healthful Food Choices 3rd ED. (Available through class TA's) COURSE DISCRIPTION: An examination of the interdependent relationships between diet health and disease. Basic nutrition principles, food selection, proper diet, and lifetime health habits are emphasized. CLASS OBJECTIVES: This class is designed to provide the student with the basic knowledge concerning nutrition and healthful food choices. By the conclusion of the quarter students will have the knowledge to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understand the six classes of nutrients and how they function in the body. Recognize the ramifications of poor food choices. Know how to distinguish between a better or worse food choice. Understand the effect that lifestyle has on health and longevity. Recognize the importance and impact that nutrition has on health. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attend all classes. Read the assigned texts. Have the Nutrition For Health Workbook in class for notes. Hand in RFC's during class as assigned.* Complete a midterm and final exam at the assigned times and dates.* * Exceptions will only be made on a individual basis. Reasonable excuses for exceptions could include (but are not limited to): Illness, university sponsored activities, family or personal emergencies (all require documentation). GRADING: MIDTERM FINAL RFC’s TOTAL = 50 points (50 questions T/F & MC) = 50 points (50 questions T/F & MC) = 50 points (25 of 27 count @ 2 points each) = 150 points Grades will be assigned based upon a class curve, created after all point options have been completed by all students (after the final exam). FINAL EXAM: MONDAY 12/10 9:30-10:30 Lotte Lehman Hall BRING A SMALL SCANTRON (small Form 882-E) RFC’s See the inside front cover of the Nutrition for Health Workbook 50 points of your grade will be based on turning in the appropriate Ready For Class (RFC) assignment on the day assigned. PHOTO COPIES ARE NOT ALLOWED. There is a total of twenty seven (27) RFC's, but only 25 will count towards the curve. Therefore, you may miss two assignments (RFC’s) without affecting your grade. However, if you turn in all 27 RFC's as assigned you will receive four (4) bonus points. Therefore it is to your benefit to attend all classes and hand in all RFC's as assigned. IF YOU ARE CAUGHT HANDING IN AN RFC FOR A FRIEND, YOU WILL FAIL THIS COURSE. IF YOUR FRIEND DOES NOT WANT TO ATTEND CLASS, THEY MISS THE POINTS. DON’T JEOPARDIZE YOUR GRADE! Additionally there will be two (2) other extra credit opportunities available this quarter. Those opportunities will be announced in class. RFC’S START ON WEDESDAY 10/3 ---- RFC’S WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED IN CLASS ON THE APPROPRIATE DATE (LISTED BELOW). CLASS SCHEDULE: DATE 9/28 10/1 10/3 10/5 10/8 10/10 10/12 10/15 10/17 10/19 10/22 10/24 10/26 10/29 10/31 11/2 DATE 11/5 11/7 11/9 11/14 11/14 11/16 11/19 SUBJECT RFC Introduction & Overview Carbohydrates Classification, Typical consumption, & Homeostatic control of blood glucose Carbohydrates Fiber, effects, types & sources Carbohydrates Sugar, effects, problem, sources CARB’S & Lipids Carb recommendations. Oils & fats Classifications, body & dietary types Lipids & Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease risk factors Lipids & Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease risk factors con't Lipids Effects, sources, recommendations Proteins & Amino Acids Classifications & sources Proteins & Amino Acids Problems with over and under supply Proteins & Amino Acids Recommendations for sources & amounts Fat Soluble Vitamins (A,D,E,K) RDA’s, sources, deficiency & Toxicity Water Soluble Vit’s. (B’s & C) RDA’s, sources, deficiency & Toxicity Water Soluble (B’s & C) RDA’s, sources, deficiency & Toxicity Water (Fluids & Body Water) Function, necessity, sources, balance MIDTERM READINGS Chapt. 1 WORKBOOK Chapt. 2 WORKBOOK #1 Chapt. 2 WORKBOOK #2 Chapt. 2 WORKBOOK #3 Chapt. 3 WORKBOOK #4 Chapt. 3 WORKBOOK #5 Chapt. 3 WORKBOOK #6 Chapt. 3 WORKBOOK #7 Chapt. 4 WORKBOOK #8 Chapt. 4 WORKBOOK #9 Chapt. 4 WORKBOOK #10 Chapt. 5 WORKBOOK #11 Chapt. 5 WORKBOOK #12 Chapt. 5 WORKBOOK #13 Chapt. 6 WORKBOOK SCANTRON (small form 882-E) SUBJECT Minerals (Elements) Macro & Micro, Electrolytes (sodium) Minerals Bone minerals, (Calcium) Minerals Trace Elements (iron, iodine, fluoride) Digestion & Absorption Process, actions, & sites Food Sources & Selections Individual groups, best selections Food Sources & Selections Individual groups, best selections Food Sources & Selections RFC READINGS #14 Chapt. 7 WORKBOOK #15 Chapt. 7 WORKBOOK #16 & 17 Chapt. 7 WORKBOOK #18 Chapt. 8 WORKBOOK #19 Chapt. 9 WORKBOOK & Hlful Fd Cho Chap 1&2 Chapt. 9 WORKBOOK & Hlful Fd Cho Chap 1&2 Chapt. 9 WORKBOOK & #20 11/26 11/28 11/30 12/3 12/5 12/7 Individual groups, best selections Eating For Health, Fast Foods Making better food choices Eating For Health, Fast Foods Fast Foods, problems & concerns Metabolism, Energy Demands Caloric balancing, energy expenditure Metabolism, Weight Control Energy balance, input vs. output Exercise, & Health Benefits & motivation Caffeine, Alcohol, & Summary Effects and problems, what’s it all mean #21 #22 #23 & 24 Hlful Fd Cho Chap 1&2 Chpt10 WORKBOOK & Hlful Fd Cho Chap 3&4 Chpt10 WORKBOOK & Hlful Fd Cho Chap 3&4 Chapt. 11 WORKBOOK #25 Chapt. 11 WORKBOOK #26 Chapt. 12 WORKBOOK #27 Chapt. 13 WORKBOOK