GCSE PE. YR10. 1. UNIT C3. BONES. Functions of the Skeleton. HWK 1 RES 2 & 3 a) Protection - of delicate internal organs. E.g. Skull protects brain. Vertebral column protects spinal cord. Rib cage protects heart and lungs. b) Support - the body needs a framework. Gives shape to bodies. Holds vital organs in place. Provides attachment for muscles. c) Movement - Muscles act on bone to cause movement. Joints between bones allow movement. Different joints = different types. d) Blood Production - 2. Some bones (e.g. femur & ribs) contain RED BLOOD MARROW. This makes red and white blood cells and platelets for blood. Calcium and other minerals are stored in bones. Growth and Structure of Bones. HWK 1 RES 2 & 3 OSSIFICATION is the process by which bones are formed. In the Embryo - Most of the skeleton is made up of cartilage. This is firm but elastic. - As the embryo grows cartilage is changed to bone. This process is called ossification - It continues throughout childhood until adulthood. *extra 4 weeks - Periosteum grows around cartilage. Controls shape and thickness of bone. Calcium salts build up. 8 weeks Bone cells appear in the middle. They change cartilage into bone. Birth Bones are still mainly cartilage. Quite soft and easily bent. 9 years Bone cells appear at the ends and turn these to bone. Two bands of cartilage remain – Growth Plates. 15 years Plates grow at outer edge = bone gets longer. Inner edge turned to bone. 23 years Growth stops when plates are all bone. Only cartilage left is thin layer at each end. Typical Adult Long Bone. HWK 2 RES 2 & 3 Cartilage - protects end of bone. Epiphysis End part of bone. Pupils draw diagram in lesson from book. Diaphysis Long shaft of bone. Compact Bone – hard and strong. Made of fibres and calcium salts. Marrow Cavity – filled with marrow. Periosteum – Tough fibrous skin. Cover all bone except ends. Epiphysis. Spongy Bone – cancellous bone. Made of fibres & calcium salts. Hard light and very strong. May contain red marrow – red blood cells. UNIT C3. GCSE PE. YR10. 3. Four types of bone. 1. Long Bones. E.g. BONES. HWK 1 RES 2 & 3 Used in the main movements of the body. Shaped like previous diagram. Your height and shoe size depend on them. Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Metacarpals, Metatarsals, Phalanges. 2. Short Bones. E.g. Used for weight bearing, and some fine movements. Carpals, Tarsals. 3. Flat Bones E.g. Protect organs of body. Large area for muscle attachment. Cranium, Sternum, Ribs, Clavicle, Scapula, Ilium. 4. Irregular Bones - Give protection and shape. E.g. Vertebral Column, bones of face. 4. Diagram of Skeleton. HWK 3. RES 2. See resources at end. Completion using pupil knowledge. Colour different bone types. 5. Diagram of Vertebral Column. HWK 3. RES 2. See resources at end. Completion using above info. Colour different regions. 6. The Vertebral Column. Functions - 1. Protects the spinal cord. 2. Supports the upper body. 3. Allows a wide range of movement. 4. Is important for posture. 5. Transmits force to body parts. Made up of five regions, each has different types of vertebrae and individual functions. Between each vertebra is a vertebral disk - cartilage acting as shock absorber and allows movement. 7 Cervical vertebrae - Attachment for neck muscles. Support neck & head. Atlas (top vertebra) fits into skull and allows nodding. Axis (second vertebra) allows head to be rotated. 12 Thoracic vertebra - Connected to ribs and support rib cage. Allow little movement. 5 Lumbar vertebrae - Largest vertebrae, attachment for back muscles. Allow plenty of movement. Forwards, backwards, side-to-side. Liable to injury due to large range of movement. 5 Sacral vertebrae - The sacrum is five fused vertebrae. Joined to pelvic girdle. Solid base for weight of the body. Transmit force from legs/hips to upper body. 4 Coccyx - No use. Was once our tail. Homework Tasks 1.Two question sheets from EDEXCEL Teachers workbook. Bones 1 & 2. 2. Finish diagram of long adult bone. Explanations of each term. 3. Finish labelling skeleton. Label vertebral column. 4. Extension work: a. What roles do exercise and diet have for the continuing health of our bones? Write one paragraph for each one. b. How might our bones influence our body size, weight and sports performance? Resources. 1. EDEXCEL Teachers resource pack pp 176-77 Bones 1 & 2 worksheets. 2. The World of Sport Examined pp 10-13. and resource pack pp 7 Skeleton and Vertebral Column Diagram. 3. PE to 16 pp 15-19.