
Extra Material, Week 10
UsedRange property
The worksheet object has a UsedRange property, which is the range from the top left to the bottom right
of cells that have been used on the worksheet.
Sub used()
Dim mycell As Range
For Each mycell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
mycell.Interior.Color = vbGreen
Next mycell
End Sub
Working with two ranges in parallel
The next code loops through two ranges in parallel. On the Exams worksheet there are two named
ranges: named Marks, and Newmarks.
Sub CompareRanges()
Dim i As Integer
Dim first As Range, second As Range
Set first = Range("marks")
Set second = Range("newmarks")
For i = 1 To second.Count
If second(i) > first(i) Then
first(i).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Next i
End Sub
The above code uses one For loop to compare the numbers in the ranges (it only colours the cell
yellow if the number in newmarks is higher, but you could substitute a more useful function at this
The following examples are to be used with the Exams worksheet in week10.xls.
Programs can be made easier by using Named Ranges. The Names collection is a member of the Application
object or the Worksheet object.
The Add method creates a name and adds it to the collection e.g.
Names.Add Name:="ExamMarks", RefersTo:="=Exams!$A$2:$B$10"
(Though there is the much simpler way Selection.Name="ExamMarks")
The RefersTo property must be specified in A1 style notation, including dollar signs where appropriate.
The macro recorder generates this code if you use Ctrl and * to select the current region.
Sub Macro2()
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="ExamMarks", RefersToR1C1:= _
End Sub
The RefersToR1C1 property is used to reference ranges in a different notation, e.g. R1C6 refers to the first
row sixth column of the worksheet, i .e. cell F1. Therefore it is still an absolute reference.
You can select a range with a statement like
However, the macro recorder records the line above as
Application.GoTo Reference:= "ExamMarks"
The advantage of using GoTo rather than Select is that if you use GoTo, Excel has the capacity to
‘remember’ the address of the range you start from, therefore there is the potential to make a macro
return to a given location on a worksheet. The command for this is Application.GoTo.
Type in the following macro. It assumes the range A1:B10 on the worksheet Exams is a range named
ExamMarks; the macro will run from anywhere in the workbook. What it does is loop through the exam
marks and copies the higher ones and pastes to column F
Sub ExtractHighScores()
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
If ActiveCell.Value > 50 Then
Application.Goto Reference:="R" & i & "C6"
i = i + 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Loop Until ActiveCell = ""
End Sub
‘select 2nd column of range
‘ select next cell down
‘ i is 1 to start with; concatenate i to
build a reference to location where we
want to paste. i must be incremented
for next pass of loop
‘ returns to cell that was copied from
If you want to copy and paste both the name and mark to the new location there is only one alteration
to make. The line ActiveCell.Copy (line 9) becomes
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Copy
It’s useful to use F8 to step through this macro and watch it work.
Use the macro recorder to make a chart
Click the Insert tab on the ribbon and start recording a macro. Click the Column button and choose the
first 2D column chart in the window that follows.
Stop recording, delete the chart, but keep the code. The code has potential for re-use if you change the
reference to the range. The Excel 2007 code is shorter than what follows, but I’ve retained the code
from the Chart Wizard so you can see the way to change the Chart Title and remove the legend.
Sub MakeChart()
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Exams").Range("A1:B10"), PlotBy:= _
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Exams"
With ActiveChart
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "Exam Marks"
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
End With
ActiveChart.HasLegend = False
End Sub
We are close to the point of being able to extract the high exam scores, paste them to another region,
and chart them. First though we need a routine that can interact with the user and define a named
A procedure to interactively define a range
Sub NameCurrentRegion()
Dim r As Range
Dim myName As String
Set r = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
myName = InputBox("The current region is: " & r.Address _
& vbCr & "Enter name for this range: ", , "myRange")
Names.Add Name:=myName, RefersTo:="=" & r.Address
End Sub
(Reference: Financial Modelling, S. Beninga, MIT Press)
If say you manually replace the reference to Range("A1:B10") in the MakeChart macro with the range
name HighScores you could now put it all together as follows:
Sub ExtractAndChart()
Application.Goto Reference:="R1C6"
End Sub
‘ keyword Call is optional
The limitation here is you would have to enter HighScores into the Input box during the running of
NameCurrentRegion. See next page for how to remove this irritation.
Module level variables
Use module level variables only when two or more subs need access to the same variable; otherwise
it’s better practice to use variables local to the procedure they are in.
To declare a module level variable, you declare it in the Declarations section (where the Option
statements are), before any subs.
You can use Dim as previously, but it is recommended you use the keywords Private or Public to
determine the scope of the variable. Private variables are accessible only to the subs in the same
module, Public variables are accessible to all the subs in the workbook.
Here is a basic example using a global variable:
Option Explicit
Private x As Integer
Sub one()
x = 1
MsgBox x
End Sub
Sub two()
x = x + 1
MsgBox x
End Sub
Sub runthisprog()
Call one
Call two
End Sub
Here’s how using a module level variable can make the programs run smoothly in the previous
At the top of the module declare a module level variable:
Option Explicit
Public rName As String
This variable can now be shared by all the subs in the module
In the makechart code use the module level variable:
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Exams").Range(rName)
In the namecurrentregion code assign the new range to the variable:
rName = InputBox("The . . .
Names.Add Name:=rName, RefersTo:="=" & r.Address
Forms/Named Ranges Example
The following looks at more issues, including updating the name of a range after editing. The objects
appear on the worksheet Data in the file week10.xls
Design Issues
Create a form with two text boxes, one to take a Customer ID, the other a Customer Name
Automatically generate a Customer ID – the next number up
set text box’s Enabled property to False to disallow editing
Update the named range after input
do we have a header row? looks better but complicates things
some data below the named range which we don’t want to overwrite
Existing ranges on the worksheet:
CustIDs, Customers, VAT
Appearance of the form:
Code attached to Initialize event generates an autonumber:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
txtCustID = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("CustIDs")) + 1
End Sub
Code for the Click event of the button:
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim Numrows As Long
Numrows = Range("Customers").Rows.Count
Range("Customers").Rows(Numrows + 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = txtCustName
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) = CInt(txtCustID)
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Customers", RefersToR1C1:= _
"=Data!R2C4:R" & Numrows + 2 & "C4"
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="CustIDs", RefersToR1C1:= _
"=Data!R2C3:R" & Numrows + 2 & "C3"
Unload Me
End Sub