


Vinnitsya National Medical Pirogov Memorial University.

Department of infectious diseases

Ratified on a methodical conference

“____” _____________ 20__

Chief of department, professor Moroz L.V.


Practical employment for students of the 5th year of medical faculties

(on the topic, which was included in the plan of classroom preparing)








Prepared by: Nikituk N.P., assistant professor



1. Relevance of the topic:

Involvement of the central nervous system in infectious diseases are associated with varying degrees of tropism of viruses, bacteria, toxins, and their aggressiveness to the nervous system. They may show up in various degrees of irritation that can occur with inflammatory meningism and morphological changes and the transition to a serous(aseptic) or purulent(septic) meningitis. There may be severe complications such as cerebral edema or cerebral compression with severe consequences such as hydrocephalus, paresis, paralysis, and others. These lesions are very common among adults as well as in children, which is important in the practical medicine and the development of medical science. The differential diagnosis is very important at the pre-hospital and the hospital stage to take decision about adequate therapy.

Meningismus - presence of meningeal syndrome caused by non-inflammatory lesions of the meninges and other causes. The main symptoms are headache, neck stiffness, Kernig-Brudzinsky sign mostly absent or mild, symptoms associated with irritation, no pleocytosis in CSF.

Causes of meningismus: impairment of CSF circulation in tumors, cerebral edema as a result of intoxication, allergies, hemorrhage, hydrocephalus. In the pathogenesis is the rapid increase in intracranial pressure.

Meningitis - inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord. Causes of meningitis may have different pathogenic microorganisms (Mycobacterium tuberculosis, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus, viruses, etc.). In all forms of meningitis observed meningeal syndrome, which consists of local and cerebral symptoms and changes in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Main symptoms:

• Hyperthermia

• Headache

• Vomiting

• Stiffness of neck

• Kernig-Brudzinsky sign

• Seizures

• Paralysis and paresis

• Lesions of the cranial nerves

• Impairment of the sensitivity

• hypersensitivity

• Autonomic disorders, impaired swallowing, breathing, bradycardia, low blood pressure, anisocoria

• Mental disorders.

2. Learning Objectives of the lesson (indicating the level of learning that is planned):

2.1. The student must have an idea (learn): a-1

• have an idea: about the place of meningococcal disease in the structure of infectious diseases: definition, current views on the pathogenesis, classification, clinical diagnosis, principles of treatment, acute care of the patients in the pre-hospital setups, the history of the study, contribution of Russian scientists in the history of scientific research in this field .

• Learn: with statistical data of the prevalence of meningococcal disease, current mortality in

Ukraine and in the world.

2.2. Student should know: a-2


• The etiology of meningitis, pathogenic factors of pathogens;

• Epidemiology of diseases of CNS;

• Pathogenesis of meningism and meningitis;

• Clinical manifestations of meningism and meningitis, primary and secondary meningitis;

• Laboratory diagnosis: routine and specific;

• Complications;

• Principles of treatment and prevention (prophylaxis);

• Measures in the emergency conditions;

• Prognosis;

• Rules of discharge (of patients) and the issue of rehabilitation in ambulatory conditions (OPD).

2.3. The student should be able to: a-3

• Follow the basic rules of work at the bedside of meningitis patient;

• Collect medical history to assess the epidemiological data;

• Examine the patient and find the main symptoms and syndromes, to make the clinical diagnosis;

• Analysis of meningeal symptoms;

• Analysis cerebral symptoms;

• Carry out a lumbar puncture (LP);

• Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF);

• Make a differential diagnosis of meningitis;

• On the basis of clinical examination evaluate the potential complications of meningitis and emergency conditions;

• Issue the medical documentation establishing a preliminary diagnosis "MENINGITIS" (emergency message to the regional epidemiological center);

• Plan the laboratory and further examination of the patient;

• Interpret the results of laboratory tests;

• Make a treatment plan considering the syndromes of disease, presence of complications, severity, allergic history, co morbidities; provide emergency pre-hospital care;

• Make plan and prophylactic measures in the site of infection;

• Recommend about regimen, diet, examination, observation period of reconvalescence.

2.4. Creative level (for the most capable and prepared students): a-4

Develop the creative abilities of students in the course of clinical trials, analysis of scientific sources to engage the student in scientific section of the department; suggest topics for essays on the most relevant question on the topic.

3. Educational goals (goals of the individual development):

1. Develop deontological view. Follow the rules of conduct at the bedside, the principles of medical ethics. Master the ability to establish psychological contact with the patient and his family.

2. Develop understanding of the impact of anti-epidemic measures in the prevalence of meningococcal disease.

3. On the topic material develop a sense of responsibility for the timeliness and accuracy of professional activities.

4. Basic knowledge and skills necessary for studying the topic


(inter-disciplinary integration).




To know

Properties of meningitis pathogens of different etiology, methods of their specific diagnostics.

The normal physiological parameters human organs and systems, normal parameters of laboratory tests (routine blood test, urine, blood biochemistry, the parameters of acid-base balance, electrolytes, and likewise).

Pathological physiology

The mechanism of dysfunction of organs and systems in pathological conditions of different genesis.


Be able to

Interpret the results of specific methods. diagnostic

To evaluate the data of laboratory test.

Interpret pathological changes on the basis (result) of laboratory examination in dys functions of organs and systems of different genesis.







Surgery and

Propaedeutics of Internal


The structure of the meninges, the normal composition of CSF

Properties of pathogens of meningitis of different etiology, methods of specific diagnostics.

The main issues the subject, the role of immunity in the infectious process.

Epidemiological process (source, mechanism of infection, modes of transmission), the prevalence of disease

Meninges, liquor-dynamics, CSF study, meningeal syndrome

Pathogenesis and characteristics of the rashes on the skin.

Necrosis, thrombosis, and likewise, and tactics of medical care.

Main steps and methods of clinical examination.

Interpret the results of specific diagnostic methods.

Estimate these immunological studies.

Collect epidemiological history, conduct anti-epidemic and preventive measures in the site of infection.

1.Investigate meningeal symptoms.

2.Carry out lumbar puncture.

3. Studies of CSF test.

Recognize the rashes in the patient and interpret it correctly.

Timely diagnosis of these complications and provide necessary assistance.

To collect anamnesis, conduct the clinical examination of the patient to detect abnormal symptoms, make syndromes.

Analyze the data.


Clinical Pharmacology. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antiviral drugs, antibiotics, means of pathogenetic therapy.

Prescribe treatment based on age, individual characteristics of the patient, to choose the best dose and mode of intake of prescribed drug.

Intensive care Emergencies: Acute respiratory failure, cerebral edema.

To diagnose and provide first aid in case of emergency:

Acute respiratory failure, cerebral edema.

5. Structural and logical schematic contents of the chapter.

Meningeal syndrome. Meningism and meningitis. Their etiology, clinical and laboratory diagnosis. Serous(aseptic) and purulent(septic) meningitis. Treatment and prevention.

Etiology Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, meningococcus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, etc.

Epidemiolo gy

Source - the sick persom, bacillicarriers. The mechanism of transmission: airborne, contact.


Complication s

Carrier formation


laboratory diagnosis




CSF study

Bacteriol ogical test

Serologic al test

Etiological deintoxicatio n


Specific planned


Depending epidemiological indications upon

Macrological test

Symptomatic treatment

6. Plan and organizational structure of the activity:

The main stages of classes, functions and content.

Learning objectives at the level of assimilatio n

Control methods, methods of study

Methodological support materials

Tim e

(mi n)



1. Preparation stage:

1.organizational measures

2.Settings of educational goals and motivation

3. Control the level of knowledge

Content - see 2.1, 2.2,

"Learning Objectives"



2. The main stage

Formation professional skills. of

Content - see 2.2, 2.3,

"Learning Objectives"


3. The final stage

1. Control and correction of professional skills.

2. Summarizing lessons


Reference Books (main and supplementary)




Individual quiz/question.

Test control.

Practical professional training to solve the different

(typical and atypical) clinical situations.

Individual control of practical and professional skills of the students.

Analysis of typical mistakes.

Test control.


See item 1 “relevance of the topic”

See item 2

"Learning Objectives"

Questions for individual interviews.

Tests of Level 2

Curation of patients related to topic.

Case history.

Discharge hospital. from

Archive of history.

Situational problems of

Level 2.

Tests - Level 3.

Case studies - 3rd levels.


7. Materials for practical classes.

7.1. Questions for self-control:

1. Pathogenic factors of meningitis.

2. Sensitivity of pathogens in the external environment.

3. Epidemiological features in meningitis of different etiologies.

4. Peculiar properties of pathogenesis.

5. Modes of transmission of diseases with meningeal symptoms.

6. Stage of clinical course.

7. Clinical forms:

• Typical

• Atypical

• Localized

• Generalized

8. Specific features of hemogram in different forms of meningitis.

9. Specific nature of CSF in various forms of meningitis.

10. Differential diagnosis of meningitis.

11. Bacteriological, virological and serological diagnostic methods

and rules for collection of the material.

12. Complications of meningitis.

13. Features of therapeutic approach in various forms of meningitis and treatment of complications.

14. Rules of discharge of convalescent and especially their rehabilitation at home.

7.2. Tests (MCQ) level – 2

Variant -1

9.1.1. Causes of meningitis are:

A Neisseria meningitides

B. herpes virus

C. encephalitis virus

D. polio virus

E. Brucella ovis

9.1.2. The source of infection in meningitis is:

A. meningitis patients

B. bacilli carriers

C. Rodents

D. Mites

E. Cattle

9.1.3. Which is/are non-characteristic signs for infectious-toxic shock?


A. metabolic alkalosis

B. leucopenia with decrease of poly nuclear cells and thrombocytopenia

C. leukocytosis with the increase number of mononuclear cells and thrombocytopenia

G. hypoxemia and hypokalemia

D. early and progressive azotemia

9.1.4. The normal chloride level in the blood is:

A. 50 mmol / L

B. 100 mmol / L

C. 150 mmol / l

D. 200 mmol / L

E. 300 mmol / L

9.1.5. Fluid therapy used in infectious toxic shock(ITS):

A. colloidal solutions (Rheopolyglukin)

B. crystalloid

B. control the hemo- dilution

G. forced diuresis

D. All of the above

9.1.6.Optimized parameter of antibiotic therapy in ITS :

A. verification of patient pathogen

B. optimal drug concentration in blood and in the lesion

C. Maintaining the optimal interval between the administration of medicines

D. Using antibiotics interactions with the physical, chemical and pharmacological


E. All of the above

9.1.7.Metod of diagnosis of cerebral Edema and swelling of the brain :

A. blood culture


C. lumbar puncture


E. biological method

9.1.8. Name the correct sequence of symptoms in cerebral edema and swelling of the brain:

A. somnolence, stupor, sopor, coma

B. somnolence, sopor, stupor, coma

C. stupor, somnolence, sopor, coma

D. Coma, somnolence, sopor, stupor

E. coma, stupor, sopor, somnolence


9.1.9. Material for bacteriological examination of suspected cerebral Edema and swelling of the brain is:

A. gastric lavage

B. blood

C. urine

D. feces


9.1.10.Main symptoms in cerebral Edema and swelling of the brain at the peak of the disease:

A disturbance of consciousness

B. Headache

C. severe abdominal pain

D. Cramps

9.1.11. In serous(aseptic) meningitis CSF is:

A. colorless, transparent, cell count 3 cells/ml, 99% lymphocytes, neutrophils 1%

protein 0.33 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure- 250 mm H2O.

B. colorless, transparent, cell count 200 cells/ml, 80% lymphocytes,

protein 1.0 g / l. Sedimentation test is positive. Pressure- 300 mm H2O.

C. colorless, transparent, cell count 10 cells/1 ml, 85% lymphocytes, neutrophils

15%, protein 0.3 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure- 250 mm H2O .

D. colorless, transparent, cell count 1500 cells/1 ml, 2% lymphocytes, neutrophils,

98% protein 6.6 g / l. Sedimentation test is sharply positive. Pressure- 350 H2O

9.1.12. The normal CSF at macroscopic evaluation:

A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent


Variant- 2

9.2.13. Typical clinical manifestations at the peak of disease:

A. hepato-lienar syndrome

B. sore throat – nasopharyngitis

C. hemorrhagic rash

D. fever

E. intoxication

F. meningeal syndrome - inflammation of the meninges

9.2.14. Typical complications of meningitis:

A toxic shock

B. cerebral edema

C. thrombosis

D. myocarditis

E. pneumonia

F. damage of cranial meninges

9.2.15. Which is not characteristic of metabolic acidosis?

A. increase concentration of water ions

B. increase concentration of potassium in the cell

C. Changes in content of potassium in the cell

D. decrease potassium (K) in plasma

E. increase exchange of oxygen by tissues

9.2.16. Shock, which has the highest mortality rate?

A. hypovolemic

B. cardiogenic


D. traumatic

E. Anaphylactic

9.2.17. Normal potassium level in the blood is: unit?

A 2.25

B. 2.5

C. 3.35

D. 4.5

E. 9.5

9.2.18. For DIC in ITS characterized by all except:

A. activation fibrinolysin

B. decrease in plasma concentrations of antithrombin III

C. Reduction of prothrombin

D. The decline in blood concentrations of complexes fibrinomer and dehydration


products of fibrin

9.2.19. The main pathogenetic mechanisms of meningitis are:

A. inflammation and swelling of the meninges

B. disturbed blood circulation in cerebral and meningeal vessels

C. hypersecretion of CSF and delay its resorption

D. fibrosis and collagenation of arachnoid

E. dehydration of brain cells and the intercellular space

9.2.20. In purulent (septic) meningitis liquor is:

A. colorless, transparent, cell count 3 cells/ml, 99% lymphocytes, neutrophils 1%,

Protein 0.33 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure- 250 mm H2O

B. colorless, transparent, cell count 200 cells/ml, 80% lymphocytes, protein 1.0 g / l.

Sedimentation test is positive. Pressure- 300 mm H2O.

C. colorless, transparent, cell count 10 cells/ml, 85% lymphocytes, neutrophils 15%,

protein 0.3 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure of 300 mm H2O.

D. colorless, transparent, cell count 1500 cells/ml , 2% lymphocytes, neutrophils, 98%

protein, 6.6 g / l. Sediment samples sharply positive. Pressure of 350 mm H2O

9.2.21. In meningism typical liquor is:

A. colorless, transparent, cell count 3 cells/ml, 99% lymphocytes, neutrophils 1%,

Protein 0.33 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure- 250 mm H2O

B. colorless, transparent, cell count 200 cells/ml, 80% lymphocytes, protein 1.0 g / l.

Sedimentation test is positive. Pressure- 300 mm H2O.

C. colorless, transparent, cell count 10 cells/ml, 85% lymphocytes, neutrophils 15%,

protein 0.3 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure of 300 mm H2O.

D. colorless, transparent, cell count 1500 cells/ml , 2% lymphocytes, neutrophils, 98%

protein, 6.6 g / l. Sediment samples sharply positive. Pressure of 350 mm H2O

9.2.22. In meningeal form of tick-borne encephalitis, macroscopic evaluation of CSF


A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent


9.2.23. In tuberculous meningitis cerebrospinal fluid at the macroscopic evaluation:

A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent, opalescent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent

9.2.24. Name the correct sequence of symptoms in cerebral edema and swelling of the brain:

A. somnolence, stupor, sopor, coma

B. somnolence, sopor, stupor, coma

C. stupor, somnolence, sopor, coma

D. coma, somnolence, sopor, stupor

E. coma, stupor, sopor, somnolence

Variant- 3

9.3.25. Bacteriological diagnosis of meningitis:

A. bacteriological examination of- cerebrospinal fluid, blood, swab of the oropharynx

B. virological examination of feces

C. serological diagnosis – IFA, Haemagglutination

D. urine culture

9.3.26. Types of fever in meningitis:

A. subcerebral

B. irregular

C. Botkin’s

D. Kildyushevsky’s

9.3.27. Standard values for arterial pH are:

A 7.0

B. 7.4

C. 7.6

D. 7.8

E. 7.2

9.3.28. The basic principles of pathogenetic therapy of ITS:

A. fluid therapy

B. corticosteroid therapy

C. correction of acid-base status

D. protease inhibitors

E. all of the above items

9.3.29. For ITS all are correct, except:

A. clinical and pathophysiological manifestations of ITS caused by gram negative

and gram positive bacteria are the same

B. in the early stages of shock there is an increase in stroke volume and cardiac output

C. in the early stages of shock there is hyperventilation of lungs

D. AD is not a reliable indicator of the severity


9.3.30. In shock increases the secretion of a number of substances, except:

A. antidiuretic hormone

B. catecholamines

B. rennin

G. Insulin

9.3.31. In meningococcal meningitis CSF is:

A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent, opalescent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent

9.3.32. Cerebral edema and swelling may occur in:

A. diarrhea with significant water-electrolyte disbalance

B. Malaria

C. Meningitis

D. mumps

E. tuberculosis

9.3.33. In tuberculous meningitis cerebrospinal fluid at the macroscopic evaluation:

A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent, opalescent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent

9.3.34. Methods of diagnosis in cerebral edema and swelling of the brain:

A blood culture


C. lumbar puncture


E. biological method

9.3.35. . Name the correct sequence of symptoms in cerebral edema and swelling of the brain:

A. somnolence, stupor, sopor, coma


B. somnolence, sopor, stupor, coma

C. stupor, somnolence, sopor, coma

D. coma, somnolence, sopor, stupor

E. coma, stupor, sopor, somnolence

9.3.36. Fluid therapy used in infectious toxic shock(ITS):

A. colloidal solutions (Rheopolyglukin)

B. crystalloid

B. control the hemo- dilution

G. forced diuresis

D. All of the above


9.4.37. Types of fever in meningitis:

A. sub cerebral

B. irregular

C. Botkin’s

D. Kildyushevsky’s

9.4.38. Typical changes in the hemogram in meningitis:

A leukopenia

B. leukocytosis

B. shift to the left of the formula

D. shift to the right formula

9.4.39. Which one is not a physiological buffer?

A. lungs

B. kidney

C. liver

D. gastrointestinal tract

E. heart

9.4.40. Microcirculatory changes in shock:

A. vasodilatation

B. hyper coagulation

C. sludge syndrome

D. hypoxia of blood cells

E. all of the symptoms

9.4.41. In ITS to support normal volume and composition of the extracellular fluid, including circulating blood valume, to maintain homeostasis and blood rheology, macro-and microcirculation is used all solutions, other than:

A. polyglukine

B. gelatinol

C. rheopolyglukine

D. Ringer-Locke solution

9.4.42. For metabolic acidosis is characterized all except:

A. increase concentration of hydrogen ions

B. decrease concentration of hydrogen ions

C. decrease bicarbonate concentration in plasma


D. absolute or relative excess of acid

9.4.43. Lumbar puncture is performed:

A. on first day of illness

B. on the second day of illness

C. on the third day of illness

D. any day of sickness

E. on the fifth day of illness

9.4.44. In serous (aseptic) meningitis liquor is:

A. colorless, transparent, cell count 3 cells/ml, 99% lymphocytes, neutrophils 1%,

Protein 0.33 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure- 250 mm H2O

B. colorless, transparent, cell count 200 cells/ml, 80% lymphocytes, protein 1.0 g / l.

Sedimentation test is positive. Pressure- 300 mm H2O.

C. colorless, transparent, cell count 10 cells/ml, 85% lymphocytes, neutrophils 15%,

protein 0.3 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure of 300 mm H2O.

D. colorless, transparent, cell count 1500 cells/ml , 2% lymphocytes, neutrophils, 98%

protein, 6.6 g / l. Sediment samples sharply positive. Pressure of 350 mm H2O

9.4.45. In subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebrospinal fluid is (at the macroscopic evaluation):

A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent, opalescent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent

9.4.46. CNS symptoms of purulent (septic) meningitis:

A. hypersensitivity, nausea and vomiting of central origin, often loss of

consciousness, headache, arching pain in the parietal and occipital regions, positive

Kernig sign, stiffness of neck

B. euphoria, agitation, restless behavior, auditory and visual hallucinations, a constant

headache, bulbar symptoms

C. adynamia (weakness), confusion, stun, dull headache

D. dizziness, tinnitus, adynamia (weakness), headache, pain in the fronto-temporal


9.4.47. The clinical manifestations of edema-swelling of the brain are:

A. Severe headache

B. Diarrhea

B. Vomiting

G. Meningeal symptoms

D. Loss of consciousness

9.4.48. Name the correct sequence of symptoms in edema - swelling of the brain:

A. somnolence, stupor, sopor, coma

B. somnolence, sopor, stupor, coma

C. stupor, somnolence, sopor, coma

D. coma, somnolence, sopor, stupor

E. coma, stupor, sopor, somnolence


Variant- 5

9.5.49. Antibiotic therapy is completed:

A. after normalization of temperature

B. at the CSF cell count of 100 cells - neutrophils

C. at the CSF cell count 50 cells - lymphocytes

D. antibiotic therapy is not mandatory

E. 10 days after normalization of temperature

9.5.50. Antibiotic therapy is carried out:

A. bakterolom

B. penicillin

C. chloramphenicol

D. streptomycin

E. erythromycin

9.5.51. For the initial period ITS not typical:

A. decrease in pulse pressure

B. increase in cardiac output

C. decrease arterial-venous oxygen difference

D. moderate tachycardia

E. mild hypotension

9.5.52. If a patient with sepsis has developed ITS after antibiotics therapy, what is the tactic of a doctor?

A. proceed antibiotics therapy with the introduction of bacteriostatic

B. infusion of plasma substitutes

C. dopamine drip infusion to normalize blood pressure

D. Use of high doses of corticosteroids

E. all of the above

9.5.53. Types of shock that can be attributed to the circulatory?

A. endotoxic

B. exotoxic


D. septic

E. all of the above

9.5.54. In ITS develop all changes, except:

A breach of oxygen transport and utilization

B. fermentopathy

C. violations of membrane integrity

D. activation of peroxidation of lipid

E. sludge - Syndrome

F. excess loss of body fluids

9.5.55. In serous (aseptic) meningitis liquor is:

A. colorless, transparent, cell count 3 cells/ml, 99% lymphocytes, neutrophils 1%,


Protein 0.33 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure- 250 mm H2O

B. colorless, transparent, cell count 200 cells/ml, 80% lymphocytes, protein 1.0 g / l.

Sedimentation test is positive. Pressure- 300 mm H2O.

C. colorless, transparent, cell count 10 cells/ml, 85% lymphocytes, neutrophils 15%,

protein 0.3 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure of 300 mm H2O.

D. colorless, transparent, cell count 1500 cells/ml , 2% lymphocytes, neutrophils, 98%

protein, 6.6 g / l. Sediment samples sharply positive. Pressure of 350 mm H2O

9.5.56. The normal CSF at macroscopic evaluation:

A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent, opalescent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

9.5.57. Causes of meningitis are:

A Neisseria meningitidіs

B. herpes virus

C. encephalitis virus

D. polio virus

E. Brucella ovis

9.5.58. Fluid therapy used in ITS:

A. colloidal solutions

B. Crystalloid solutions

C. controlled hemodilution

D. forced diuresis


A 2.25

B. 2.5


D. 4.5

E. 9.5

E. all of the above methods

9.5.59. The optimal parameters of antibiotic therapy in ITS:

A. verification of patient flora

B. optimal concentration of drug in the blood and in the lesion

C. Compliance with the optimal interval between the administrations of drugs

D. Use of antibiotics connection with the physical, chemical and pharmacological


E. all of the above

9.5.60. Normal potassium level in the blood is:


9.6.61. CNS symptoms of purulent (septic) meningitis:

A. hypersensitivity, nausea and vomiting of central origin, often loss of

consciousness, headache, arching pain in the parietal and occipital regions, positive

Kernig sign, stiffness of neck

B. euphoria, agitation, restless behavior, auditory and visual hallucinations, a constant

headache, bulbar symptoms

C. adynamia (weakness), confusion, stun, dull headache

D. dizziness, tinnitus, adynamia (weakness), headache, pain in the fronto-temporal


9.6.62. The clinical manifestations of edema-swelling of the brain are:

A. Severe headache

B. Diarrhea

C. Vomiting

D. Meningeal symptoms

E. Loss of consciousness

9.6.63. Name the correct sequence of symptoms in edema - swelling of the brain:

A. somnolence, stupor, sopor, coma

B. somnolence, sopor, stupor, coma

C. stupor, somnolence, sopor, coma

D. coma, somnolence, sopor, stupor

E. coma, stupor, sopor, somnolence

9.6.64. The optimal parameters of antibiotic therapy in ITS:

A. verification of patient flora

B. optimal concentration of drug in the blood and in the lesion

C. Compliance with the optimal interval between the administrations of drugs

D. Use of antibiotics connection with the physical, chemical and pharmacological


E. all of the above

9.6.65. Normal potassium level in the blood is:

A 2.25

B. 2.5

C. 3.35

D. 4.5

E. 9.5

9.6.66. Causes of meningitis are:

A. Neisseria meningitides

B. The herpes virus


C. encephalitis virus

D. polio virus

E. Brucella ovis

9.6.67. Fluid therapy used in ITS:

A. colloidal solutions

B. Crystalloid solutions

C. controlled hemodilution

D. forced diuresis

E. all of the above methods

9.6.68. In serous (aseptic) meningitis liquor is:

A. colorless, transparent, cell count 3 cells/ml, 99% lymphocytes, neutrophils 1%,

Protein 0.33 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure- 250 mm H2O

B. colorless, transparent, cell count 200 cells/ml, 80% lymphocytes, protein 1.0 g / l.

Sedimentation test is positive. Pressure- 300 mm H2O.

C. colorless, transparent, cell count 10 cells/ml, 85% lymphocytes, neutrophils 15%,

protein 0.3 g / l. Sedimentation test is negative. Pressure of 300 mm H2O.

D. colorless, transparent, cell count 1500 cells/ml , 2% lymphocytes, neutrophils, 98%

protein, 6.6 g / l. Sediment samples sharply positive. Pressure of 350 mm H2O

9.6.69. For the initial period of ITS not typical:

A. decrease pulse pressure

B. increase cardiac output

C. decrease arterial-venous oxygen difference

D. moderate tachycardia

E. mild hypotension

9.6.70. For metabolic acidosis it is characterized by all, except:

A. increase concentration of hydrogen ions

B. decrease concentration of hydrogen ions

C. decrease concentration of bicarbonate in plasma

D. absolute or relative excess acid

9.6.71. In meningeal form of tick-borne encephalitis, liquor is (at a macroscopic evaluation):

A. purulent, turbid

B. transparent, opalescent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent

9.6.72. In tuberculous meningitis cerebrospinal fluid is ( at the macroscopic evaluation):

A. purulent, turbid


B. transparent, opalescent

C. hemorrhagic

D. xanthochromie

E. colorless, transparent

Correct answers to the tests on the topic: Meningococcal disease. Edema-swelling of the brain and


Вариант 1 Вариант 2







9.1.3. А

9.1.4. B

9.1.5. E

9.1.6. E



9.2.15. B

9.2.16. C

9.2.17. D

9.2.18. А

9.1.7. B,C,D

Вариант 3 Вариант 4

9.3.25. А,B,C 9.4.37. А,B

9.3.26. А, B

9.3.27. B

9.3.28. E

9.3.29. А

9.3.30. D

9.2.19. А,B,C 9.3.31. А

9.4.38. А,В,C

9.4.39. E

9.4.40. E

9.4.41. D

9.4.42. B

9.4.43. D

Вариант 5

9.5.49. C

9.5.50. B,C,D

9.5.51. А

9.5.52. E

9.5.53. E

9.5.54. F

9.5.55. B

Вариант 6

9.6.61. B

9.6.62. C,D,E

9.6.63. А

9.6.64. E

9.6.65. D



9.6.67. E

9.1.8. B

9.1.9. E

9.2.20. D

9.2.21. А

9.3.32. B,C

9.3.33. D

9.4.44. B

9.4.45. C

9.5.56. E



9.5.58. E

9.6.68. B

9.6.69. А



9.1.11. B

9.1.12. E

9.2.22. B

9.2.23. D

9.2.24. B

9.3.34. B,C,D 9.4.46. А

9.3.35. B

9.3.36. E


9.4.48. B

9.5.59. E

9.5.60. D

9.6.70. B

9.6.71. А

9.6.72. B

7.3. Algorithm with respect to the formation of professional skills and diagnosis of meningitis

of different etiologies

№ exercise The sequence of notes, warnings, self-control


Master the technique of clinical examination of the meningitis patient execution

1. Clarify complaints of the patient

Differentiates the complaints characterizing the syndromes:

• The overall toxicity

• Organic problems

• Additional problems with genesis different




Conduct supervision of the patient

II. find out history:

1.Anamnesis disease

2. Anamnesis vitae

3.epidemiological of


III.Conduct an



1. Overall patient survey


Cardiovascular system:

• pulse

• BP

• auscultation of the heart




4. nervous system

At the beginning pay attention to: the sequence of occurrence:

• fever

• headache

• impairment of consciousness

• nausea and vomiting

• skin rashes

• related diseases

• Other symptoms

Detect previous diseases, central nervous system injury.

Find data on the implementation of transmission factors of infection.

Find data on the severity of the symptoms, prognosis, patient age, comorbidities

Pay attention to:

• Position the patient

• body temperature

• The color of the skin, mucous membrane

• The nature and localization of the rashes

• Severity of neck muscle stiffness

and Kernig Brudzinsky sign

• Involvement of the central nerves

Pay attention to:

• tachycardia, bradycardia

• decrease BP

• cardiac murmurs

• The status of the oropharynx

• presence of bronchitis, pneumonia

• The status of ENT

• meningeal syndrome

• focal meningeal symptoms

• condition of the fundus


Advise additional laboratory tests and other methods, their interpretation

Laboratory studies: microscopy studies

6. studies

4. blood sugar



1. Complete blood count

2. urine (routine, microscopy)

3. The study of the cerebrospinal fluid: bacterioscopic


Serological methods: IHA, ELISA

Pay attention to hyper leukocytosis, a shift to the left, the nature of the ESR

No change in the typical course

• Nature


• cytosis

• protein changes

• bacteriological changes

• sugar

• presence of a film

Advise paired serum analysis at the intervals of

10 days: diagnostic titer at least 1:20

7.4. Case studies of the second level of assimilation (

= 2)


Patient A, 28 yrs., admitted for treatment (first day of illness) with complaints of a severe headache, frequent vomiting, not related to food intake, body temperature to 40 ° C.

The disease began acutely with severe chills. Epidemic anamnesis revealed that 5 days before the onset of the disease, 8-year-old son had nasopharyngitis.

The patient was irritative with neck muscle rigidity. Kernig Brudzinsky sign was strongly positive.

There were petechial rashes over the skin of the trunk and limbs. Pulse rate 140 per minute, regular,


thready. Heart sounds dramatically dull. In blood leukocytosis, rod nuclear cell - 15%, segmented nuclear cell - 79%, ESR - 46 mm / hour.

1. Formulate a preliminary diagnosis.

2. Name the complication and the cause.

3. Plan of investigation.

4. The principle of treatment.


A patient 30 years old, builder admitted for treatment with complains of a severe headache, which is enhanced by changing the body position, dizziness, vomiting, not related to food intake, body temperature up to 37,4°C.

The patient became sick 7 days ago, when there were weakness and slight headache. Condition worsened, increased headache and vomiting started. Epidemic anamnesis revealed that the patient had contact with tuberculosis patients. The general condition of the patient severe stupor, neck stiffness, symptoms of Kernig Brudzinsky was strongly positive, right-sided ptosis, allocating the tongue towards right. The above mentioned complaints were without significant changes.

1. What is the preliminary diagnosis?

2. Plan of investigation.

3. The principle of treatment.


A patient 28 years old, admitted with complaints of headache, body temperature up to

38 ° C, agitation, cough, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Objectively: the patient was lying in the bed on her side. Flushed face, injected sclera. Pronounced muscle rigidity of the neck. Kernig Brudzinsky sign was strongly positive. Rales were present in the right lung. PR-106 per minute, regular, satisfactory. Epidemic anamnesis revealed that the mother had the flu. On day 4 th

the patient fell ill acutely with high grade fever and catarrhal symptoms. She was treated with antipyretic drugs. Due to the deteriorating condition, the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).

1. Formulate a preliminary diagnosis.

2. What is the nature of complication?

3. Plan of investigation.

4. The principle of treatment.

7.5. Case studies of the 3rd level


A patient has admitted on the 3 rd

day of his illness in serious condition with body temperature - 35,8

° C. Lost of consciousness. Meningeal signs are positive. Multiple hemorrhagic elements are present over the skin. PR 132 per minute. HR – 28/min, AD - 60/40 mm Hg. At the onset of illness acute rise of temperature up to 40 °C, hemorrhagic rashes appeared over the limbs. Then - severe headache, vomiting, decreased temperature and blood pressure.


Find out the major complication of the disease:




acute heart failure



respiratory insufficiency


cerebral coma


acute bleeding




A patient 27 years old admitted on the 2 nd

day of the disease with complaints of severe headache, frequent vomiting. On examination: body T-37 ° C, the pulse rate120 / min, AD-80/50 mmHg. The condition was serious but concious. Adynamic. The position of the patient in the bed was forced with abandoned head. Over the skin of the lower extremities and buttocks hemorrhagic rashes with necrosis in the center. Pronounced neck stiffness with possitive Kernig Brudzinsky sign.

1. What is the cause of low BP?



C. Over production of immunoglobulin E

D. dehydration

E. Syndrome, edema-swelling of the brain.

2. Treatment.


A patient has admitted on the 3 rd

day of his illness in serious condition with body temperature - 35,8

° C. Lost of consciousness. Meningeal signs are positive. Multiple hemorrhagic elements are present over the skin. PR 132 per minute. HR – 28/min, AD - 60/40 mm Hg. At the onset of illness acute rise of temperature up to 40 °C, hemorrhagic rashes appeared over the limbs. Then - severe headache, vomiting, decreased temperature and blood pressure.

Identify the main complication of the disease.

1. Formulate a preliminary diagnosis.

2. Plan of investigation.

3. treatment


Child, 8 years old, was admitted to the isolation (infection) hospital on February 10 at 22:00pm.

From history we know that the child was ill a few days ago, when, after a nap in kindergarten there was a one-time vomiting, fever up to 38 ° C, the child became lethargic, refused to participate in the game. Around 17:00pm the mother took the child home, where she has repeated vomiting, increased body temperature up to 39 ° C, was capricious, and then there was a sharp weakness, refused to eat.

After oral administration of amidopirin child fell asleep. At about 20:00 mother noticed the hemorrhagic rashes on the skin of the lower extremities and buttocks of child, which quickly began to spread to the trunk and upper extremities, and then appeared on his face.


On admission the general condition of the child was extremely severe, the body temperature

39,5°C. Consciousness is preserved, but the child comes into contact reluctantly slowed down, pronounced weakness. On the skin of the lower extremities, buttocks, trunk, upper limbs and face abundant dense hemorrhagic rashes of "stellate" character with targeted skin necrosis in the center.

Moderately hyperemic pharyngeal mucosa with petechial hemorrhages. There were bleeding in the episclera of both eyes. Pronounced acrocyanosis. Breathing rate up to 40/minutes. harsh breathing in the lungs. Heart sounds considerably muted with regular rhythm. Pulse rate 160/min, thready. BP -

40/20 mm Hg. Abdomen is soft and painless. The liver and spleen were not enlarged. Meningeal symptoms were negative. Regular bowl habbit. The patient did not pass urine since the onset of disease. Despite of the intensive care (antibacterial, detoxifying, anti shock with massive doses of parenteral corticosteroids, symptomatic agents, oxygen therapy, etc.), the child's condition rapidly deteriorated, hemodynamic stabilizing failed even after 8 hours after admission. The patient was died due to cardiovascular and respiratory arrest.

1. The clinical diagnosis of the disease.

2. Indicate a direct cause of death.

3. Named for the author's syndrome, which was the cause of death.


The patient, 38 years old, was taken to the infectious diseases hospital in critical condition by ambulance doctor without attendants. Medical history is not known, however, according to neighbors, who found the patient's home in a state of unconsciousness, the last two days ago he felt good and did not consider himselves ill.

On examination: patient was unconscious. Increased motor activity with left side hemi paresis.

There was an increase in muscle tone of the same side. Periodically observed clonic-tonic seizures in the right extremities. Pronounced asymmetry of the face, right eye gap narrowed, flattened right nasolabial fold, lowered the right corner of his mouth. Pronounced neck stiffness, bilateral positive

Kernig sign, upper and lower Brudzinsky symptoms. On the skin of the upper and lower extremities, buttocks and body profuse haemorrhagic rashes of "stellate" character with necrosis in the center.

Marked acrocyanosis. The body temperature of 38,8 ° C. Pharyngeal mucosa and the posterior pharyngeal wall is moderately hyperemic. Breathing rate up to 36/min., irregular, with a short apnea to 7-8 sec. In the lungs: vesicular breathing with hard tone. Heart sounds clean, muted, regular.

Pulse rate 72/min, regular, weak filling. BP -80 / 50 mmHg. Tongue dry, coated with white bloom.

Abdomen soft and palpable.

1. Preliminary diagnosis.

2. Specify the plan of diagnosis, with which diseases should be differentiated in this case?

3. Identify the key principles etiopathogenic and symptomatic therapy.


Patient 20 years old, brought to the infectious diseases hospital with complaints of intense headache, fever, general aches, pain in the eyeballs, nausea, repeated vomiting, general weakness.

She considers herself a patient for two days, when there were marked with the complaint. However, a careful anamnesis revealed that 3-4 days before the disease she had stuffy nose and slight pain in


the throat when swallowing, but the patient did not give any significance and was not treated.

Contact with infectious patients denied.

At the time of admission the general condition was moderate. Conscious. Sluggish. Skin color was normal, clean. The body temperature 38,5°C. Mucus membrane of the throat and back of the throat moderately hyperemic. Peripheral lymph nodes were not enlarged. Breathing through the nose was free, no discharge from the nose. Heart sounds slightly muffled, clean, rhythmic regular. Pulse rate 88 / min., satisfactory. BP -120/70 mmHg. Tongue moist, coated at the root of white bloom.

The abdomen is soft and painless. The liver and spleen were not palpable. Significantly pronounced neck stiffness, positive Kernig on both sides, upper and lower symptoms Brudzinsky. Focal signs of

CNS absent. Stool and flatus did not pass for two days. Urination was as usual.

Diagnostic lumber puncture was done: cerebrospinal fluid turbid, stream flowed; laboratory study: protein - 2,3 g / l, Pandy reaction + + + +; cytosis - 1475 leukocytes/mm3; microscopy draft -

97% neutrophils, lymphocytes - 3%.In hemogram - neutrophilic leukocytosis with a shift of band, moderately accelerated ESR.

When sowing nasopharyngeal swab culture is highlighted.

1. Explain the clinical diagnosis.

2. Specify the differential diagnosis in this case?

3. Treatment



Patient A., 25years old, reffered by a doctor to isolation hospital with a diagnosis of meningococcal bacillicarriers. There was no complain at the time of admission. It is known that she was working in a kinder garden, 4 days ago had a contact with meningococcal disease (Before one week a boy had suffered with meningococcemia in the group).

Nasopharyngeal swab culture was positive for meningococcus, and therefore she was directed to the infectious diseases hospital. She felt on the day of investigation (as well as on the evening before one day and two days after the swab from the nasopharynx) malaise, stuffy nose, mild sore throat when swallowing, subfebrile fever, which she regarded as "common cold," and was treated with home remedies (drinking tea with raspberries, put mustard on his back).

On examination, the general condition satisfactory, the body temperature 36,8°C. Concious.

Active. Normal skin color, clean. Pharynx and the posterior pharyngeal wall is moderately hyperemic. Breathing through the nose free, no runny nose. The internal organs abnormalities absent. Meningeal and focal signs of CNS absent.

1. Clinical diagnosis.

2. treatment.

3. Conditions of discharge.


7.6. Tests Level - 3


The levels of destruction of the nervous system in infectious diseases

nature of inflamma tion nosological form Menin gitis

Meningo encephal itis

Encep halitis

The damage of the brain structures

The damage of the peripheral nervs

The damage of the cerebral vessels lymphocytic choriomeningitis epidemic encephalitis +

Tick encephalitis borne mosquito encephalitis

+ influenzal

Para-influenzal measle rubella chickenpox



Herpes virus






Psittacosis/ parrot disease




































































The levels of destruction of the nervous system in infectious diseases

nature of inflamma tion nosological form Menin gitis

Mening oenceph alitis

Encep halitis

The damage of the brain structures




Pneumococcal +

Influenza meningitis +




















































The damage of the peripheral nervs



The damage of the cerebral vessels



Basic (Main):

Возианова Ж.И. Инфекционные и паразитарные болезни – Киев: Здоровье, 2001. – Т.3 –С.


Инфекционные болези / Под ред. Титова М.Б. – Киев: Высшая школа,1995. – С.311-325.

Руководство по инфекционным болезням / Под ред. Лобзина Ю.В. – Санкт-Петербург:

Фолиант, 2003.- 567 с.

Шувалова Е.П. Инфекционные болезни. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2001. – 959 с.

Supplementary references:

Гавришева Н.А., Антонова Т.В. Инфекционный процесс. Клинические и патофизиологические аспекты. – Спб.: Специальная литература, 1999. – 255 с.

Иммунология инфекционного процесса: Руководство для врачей / Под ред. Покровского В.И.,

Гордиенко С.П., Литвинова В.И. – М.: РАМН, 1994. – 305 с.

Клинико-лабораторная диагностика инфекционных болезней: Руководство для врачей. –

Спб.:Фолиант,2001. –384 с.

