APA Style 2013

How to do APA Style
From APA: The Easy Way! Second Edition (rev 5/6/13)
The page heading should be centered and called “References.”
It follows the final page of the essay and is numbered.
Double spacing should be used.
The first line of each reference entry must start at the left margin with the following lines being
indented one half inch.
For books with one author:
Garner, B. A. (2003). Garner's Modern American Usage (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
For books with more than one author:
Natarajan, R., & Chaturvedi, R. (2003). Geology of the Indian Ocean Floor. Hartford, CT: Merganser
University Press.
For an encyclopedia:
Peters, V., & Henz, T. R. (2007). Fossil fuel. In The new world encyclopedia (Vol. 19, pp. 440-449). Yutan,
NE: New World Encyclopedia.
For magazines or periodicals:
Thomas, E. & Hosenball, M. (2004, May 31). Bush's Mr. Wrong: The Rise and Fall of Chalabi. Newsweek,
143, 22–32.
For newspaper articles:
Poirot, C. (2004, March 17). Making your own Adirondak chair is easy. The Hartford Courant, p. F1.
For the Internet:
Accurately transcribe the entire address, using upper/lowercase letters exactly as they appear.
If a URL needs to be divided between lines, attempt to do so after a slash and do not hyphenate.
Do not use a period at the end of an entry.
If no author is provided, the title should be moved to before the date.
In general, if no date is provided, n.d. should be utilized.
DO NOT underline web addresses.
Online Newspaper Articles from the Internet:
Hewlett, M.T. (n.d.). Education helps stop turnover. Boston Herald. Retrieved from
How technology can impact learning. (2010, December). Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from
Online Magazine/Journal Articles from the Internet:
Henning, P., & Stein, J. (2007). A controlled study of aggression: Inside a federal prison. Journal of
Experimental Psychology, 41(2), 102-116. Retrieved from http://www.expsych.com
Internet Documents that are not from a newspaper, periodical, etc. (with no author):
Hispanic men in the corporate world. (2011, August). Retrieved from http://www.psychek.com/psy/
Online EBSCO database:
Muddy Waters (2013, February). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. (6th ed.). p.1. Retrieved from