Ideal Gas Law – PhET Simulation

Ideal Gas Law – PhET Simulation
In this simulation you will look at the motion of gas particles to describe the relationships that exist
between pressure, volume, temperature, number and type of atoms in a contained gas.
1. Open:
2. Select - gas properties simulation – run now!
3. Select constant volume
3. Pump handle just a little bit – wait for pressure to stabilize (gas well mixed)
Note temperature and pressure
Add more atoms by pumping some more. What happens to the temperature and pressure?
Explain your answers in terms of mechanics of the gas atoms
Sketch a graph of how you think the pressure of the gas in the container depends on the number of
atoms in the container.
Describe a real world situation that would be described by the graph you drew.
4. Press reset.
5. Put 40 “heavy species” atoms in the chamber at constant volume. Note the temperature and gas pressure
when well mixed.
Press Reset
Put 40 “Light species” atoms in the chamber at constant volume. Note the temperature and gas pressure
when well mixed.
Compare the temperature and pressure for equal numbers of heavy or light gas atoms in the container
Explain your answers in terms of mechanics of the gas atoms
6. Press reset
7. Select constant volume
8. Put 100 gas atoms in the container – wait for pressure to stabilize.
9. Now select constant pressure
10. Pull arrow on heat control down, removing heat from the container. What happens to the temperature
and volume?
Explain your answers in terms of mechanics of the gas atoms
Sketch a graph of how you think the volume of the gas in the container depends on the temperature of
the gas in the container.
T (oK)
Describe a real world situation that would be described by the graph you drew.
Press reset
Select constant volume
Put 100 gas atoms in the container – wait for pressure to stabilize.
Pull arrow on heat control down or up, removing or adding heat to the container. What happens to the
temperature and pressure?
Explain your answers in terms of mechanics of the gas atoms
Sketch a graph of how you think the pressure of the gas in the container depends on the temperature of
the gas in the container.
T (oK)
Describe a real world situation that would be described by the graph you drew.
Press reset
Select constant temperature
Put 100 gas atoms in the container – wait for pressure to stabilize.
Click on the handle on the container and make the container smaller. What happens to the
volume and pressure?
Explain your answers in terms of mechanics of the gas atoms
Sketch a graph of how you think the pressure of the gas in the container depends on the volume of
the container.
Describe a real world situation that would be described by the graph you drew.