Unit 5 vocab

Unit 5 vocab
1. aghast (adj) shocked, filled with horror
2. ample (adj) more than enough
3. apparition (n) a ghostly figure or unexplained appearance
4. assert (v) to affirm forcefully or state as truth
5. cower (v) to cringe in fear or shame
6. disdain (v) to spurn or refuse scornfully (n) a feeling of contempt
7. epitaph (n) a brief statement written on a gravestone
8. ethical (adj) virtuous or according to established standards
9. facetious (adj) humorous, not meant seriously
10. inaudible (adj) not able to be heard
11. indiscriminate (adj) without restraint or control
12. intrigue (n) scheme, underhanded plotting (v) to carry out a scheme, to puzzle
13. jurisdiction (n) an area under authority
14. plausible (adj) appearing true or reasonable
15. plebeian (adj) unrefined, common lower class (n) a lower class person
16. prodigal (adj) wastefully extravagant (n) one who is wasteful or self-indulgent
17. proximity (n) nearness, closeness
18. pulverize (v) to grind to dust; destroy or overcome
19. sequel (n) follow-up or continuation
20. volatile (adj) unstable, erratic or explosive