FOR EACH NUMBERED WORD OR PHRASE, SELECT THE ONE LETTERED HEADING THAT IS MOST CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH IT. EACH LETTERED HEADING MAY BE SELECTED ONCE, MORE THAN ONCE, OR NOT AT ALL. (A) Lateral pterygoid plate (B) Medial pterygoid plate (C) Foramen spinosum (D) Foramen ovate 1. Lesser petrosal nerve 2. Medial pterygoid muscle FOR EACH MUSCLE LISTED BELOW, SELECT THE NERVE THAT PROVIDES THE INNERVATION FOR THAT MUSCLE. (A) vagus (B) glossopharyngeal (C) trigeminal (D) facial (E) hypoglossal 3. levator veli palatini 4. palatoglossus 5. palatopharyngeus SELECT THE ONE BEST ANSWER OR COMPLETION 6. The muscles of the scalp are innervated by which of the following nerves? (A) supraorbital nerve (B) auriculotemporal nerve (C) temporal and auricular branches of the facial (D) greater occipital (E) lesser occipital 7. Recurrent laryngeal nerves originate from the (A) phrenic nerves (B) vagus nerves (C) sympathetic trunks (D) cardiac plexus (E) pulmonary plexus 8. The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves? (A) trigeminal (B) facial (C) vagus (D) ansa subclavia (E) hypoglossal -1- 9. Which of the following nerves leaves the petrous portion of the temporal bone through the petrotympanic fissure? (A) lingual (B) buccal (C) hypoglossal (D) chorda tympani (E) inferior alveolar SELECT THE ONE BEST ANSWER OR COMPLETION 10. The submandibular ganglion contains which of the following types of cell bodies? (A) sensory (B) preganglionic sympathetic (C) postganglionic parasympathetic (D) preganglionic parasympathetic (E) postganglionic sympathetic 11. Which of the following muscles helps form the floor of the posterior cervical triangle? (A) platysma (B) sternocleidomastoid (C) trapezius (D) middle scalene (E) cricothyroid 12. The parotid duct penetrates which of the following muscles? (A) masseter (B) medial pterygoid (C) buccinator (D) superior pharyngeal constrictor (E) levator anguli oris 13. The following nerves supply the external ear canal: (A) greater auricular nerve, vagus nerve, and auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve (B) greater auricular nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve and auriculotemporal nerve (C) greater auricular nerve, facial nerve and tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal (D) greater auricular nerve, chorda tympani and vagus nerve (E) greater auricular nerve, greater occipital, vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve SELECT THE ONE BEST ANSWER OR COMPLETION 14. When examining the tympanic membrane with an otoscope, the following structures are seen: (A) manubrium of the malleus, body of the incus, footplate of-the stapes and light reflex (B) marubrium of the malleus, light reflex, annulus, pars tensa and pars flaccida (C) manubrium of the malleus, body of the incus, light reflex, pars flaccida and annulus (D) manubrium of the malleus, pars tensa, body of the incus, light reflex and footplate of the stapes (E) manubrium of the malleus, promontory, annulus, chorda tympani and light reflex -2- 15. The submandibular duct has an intimate relation to which of the following nerves? (A) hypoglossal (B) first cervical (C)marginal mandibular branch of the facial (D) mental (E) lingual 16. Which of the following nerves conveys the special sense of taste from the anterior two thirds of the tongue and parasympathetic fibers associated with both the pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) and submandibular ganglia? (A) facial (B) glossopharyngeal (C) vagus (D) oculomotor (E) great auricular 17. The cranial portion of the accessory nerve unites with which of the following? (A) vagus nerve (B) hypoglossal nerve (C) superior cervical ganglion (D) glossopharyngeal nerve (E) ansa cervicalis SELECT THE ONE BEST ANSWER OR COMPLETION 18. Which of the following nerves provides the innervation of the infrahyoid muscles? (A) lesser occipital (B) subtrapezial plexus (C) ansa cervicalis (D) great auricular (E) transverse cervical 19. Which of the following DOES NOT apply to the parasympathetic nerve of the eye? (A) Synapses in the ciliary ganglion. (B) Causes contraction of the ciliary body muscle. (C) Innervates the pupillary constrictor muscle. (D) Innervates Mueller's muscle, (the superior tarsal). (E) Responsible for lens accommodation. 20. Which of the following statements is FALSE? (A) The subclavian artery lies posterior to the anterior scalene muscle. (B) The subclavian vein lies anterior to the anterior scalene muscle. (C) The suprascapular artery originating from the thyrocervical trunk lies anterior to the anterior scalene muscle. (D) The spinal accessory nerve (XI) enters the posterior triangle on the surface of the anterior scalene muscle. (E) The external jugular vein enters the posterior triangle medial to the anterior scalene muscle. -3- 21. The main action of the lateral rectus muscle is globe (A) elevation (B) abduction (C) depression (D) adduction (E) none of the above SELECT THE ONE BEST ANSWER OR COMPLETION 22. Damage to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve on the right side may lead to loss of (A) sensorium over the mandible on the right (B) loss of muscle control about the angle of the mouth on the right (C) loss of muscle control about the angle of the mouth on both sides of the face (D) loss of ability to flex the neck (E) loss of both sensory and motor control over the lower right side of the face 23. The following structures are located in the medial wall of the middle ear: (A) tegmen tympani, facial recess, Eustachian tube (B) horizontal portion of the facial nerve, oval window, round window, promontory and tympanic plexus of the IXth nerve (C) horizontal proton of the facial nerve, round window, oval window, jugular bulb and chords tympani (D) chorda tympani, tympanic branch of IX, head of the stapes and round window (E) round window, oval window, jugular bulb and tensor veli palatini muscle 24. Which one of the following is FALSE? (A) Interruption of the anterior globe vasculature by repositioning of all four rectus muscles can be done safely during a strabismus suregry. (B) Lymphoid tissue is normally absent in the posterior orbit. (C) An infection of lids can produce a preauricular lymph node inflammation. (D) Infections of the medial canthal area may spread through valveless veins to the cavernous sinus via the superior ophthalmic vein. (E) The ciliary ganglion contains postganglionic parasympathetic nerve cell bodies. SELECT THE ONE BEST ANSWER OR COMPLETION 25. The costocervical trunk usually gives rise to which of the following arteries? (A) highest intercostal (B) inferior thyroid (C) suprascapular (D) transverse cervical (E) ascending cervical 26. The principal sensory nerve of the larynx is the (A) recurrent laryngeal (B) inferior laryngeal (C) superior laryngeal (D) glossopharyngeal (E) cervical sympathetic trunk -4- 27. Which of the following cranial nerves DOES NOT go through the annulus of Zinn? (A) III superior branch (B) VI (C) IV (D) III, inferior branch (E) Nasociliary branch of V 28. In a pure orbital floor fracture, which of the following bones could NOT be affected? (A) palatine bone (B) zygomatic bone (C) maxillary bone (D) ethmoid bone (E) none of the above FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, ANSWER (A) If choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) if choices 1 and 3 are correct (C) if choices 2 and 4 are correct (D) If only choice 4 is correct (E) If all choices are correct 29. Which of the following bones form the floor of the anterior cranial fossa? (1) frontal (2) ethmoid (3) sphenpid (4) maxilla 30. Which of the following statements correctly apply to contraction of the ciliary muscle? (1) The ciliary processes and ring are drawn toward the corneoscleral junction. (2) Reduced tension on the fibers of the suspensory ligament. (3) The lens increases its curvatures. (4) Greater refractive power for vision of close object. 31. In addition to supplying most of the ocular muscles, the occulomotor nerve provides parasympathetic fibers to which of the following? (1) sphincter pupillae muscle (2) nasal glands (3) ciliary muscle of accommodation (4) lacrimal gland 32. The pharyngeal plexus (1) gets its motor contribution primarily from cranial nerve IX (2) gets its sensory contribution primarily from cranial nerve X (3) lies primarily on the superior constrictor (4) lies primarily in relation to the constrictor attached to the hyoid bone -5- FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, ANSWER (A) If choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) If choices 1 and 3 are correct (C) If choices 2 and 4 are correct (D) if only choice 4 Is correct (E) if all choices are correct 33. The nerves of the middle ear include branches from which of the following? (1) auriculotemporal (2) glossopharyngeai (3) vagus (4) carotid sympathetic 34. The bony labyrinth consists of which of the following? (1) stapes (2) incus (3) malleus (4) vestibule 35. The jugular foramen transmits which of the following structures? (1) internal jugular vein (2) glossopharyngeal nerve (3) vagus nerve (4) accessory nerve 36. Which of the following veins communicate with the cavernous sinus and is commonly implicated in transmission of infection to the cavernous sinus? (1) superficial temporal (2) superior ophthalmic (3) posterior auricular (4) facial FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, ANSWER (A) if choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) If choices 1 and 3 are correct (C) if choices 2 and 4 are correct (D) If only choice 4 is correct (E) if all choices are correct 37. Which of the following is (are) true of the scalp? (1) Cervical nerves provide for sensory innervation to the posterior regions. (2) Major arteries course in the "dangerous" layer. (3) Portions of the scalp as well as portions of the dura mater are innervated by the trigeminal nerve. (4) The "unit" of the scalp is comprised of the skin and the layer of dense subcutaneous tissue. 38. Which of the following statements correctly apply to the subarachnoid hemorrhage? (1) It is confined to the subarachnoid space P P,S, (2) It is due to rupture of cerebral vessels. (3) Blood will be found in the cerebrospinal fluid. '" c) F(4) It is due to rupture of the middle meningeal artery. -6- 39. Which of the following statements apply to the frontal nerve? (1) It enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure. (2) It passes forward between the Ievator palpebrae superioris muscle and the periorbita. (3) It divides into the lacrimal and nasociliary nerves. (4) It is the largest branch of the ophthalmic nerve. 40. Two causes of prominent (protruding) ears are: (1) prominent tragus (2) absence of antehelical fold (3) mastoid hypertrophy (overgrowth) (4) oversized or prominent concha FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, ANSWER (A) If choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) if choices 1 and 3 are correct (C) If choices 2 and 4 are correct (D) If only choice 4 is correct (E) If all choices are correct 41. Structures embedded in the parotid gland include (1) retromandibular vein (2) auriculotemporal nerve (3) facial nerve (4) lingual artery 42. In the radiologic evaluation of the head and neck the following are true: (1) The parotid gland can be divided into a superficial and deep lobe based on the position of the blood vessels and facial nerve. (2) The carotid space contains the internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein, cranial nerves IX through XII, the sympathetic plexus, and deep cervical lymph nodes. (3) The masticator space splits around the mandible and contains the muscles of mastication. (4) Infections or neoplasms may spread from skull base to mediastinum by way of fascial spaces. 43. With respect to meningeal spaces, (1) the epidural (extradural) space is between the meningeal dura and periosteal dura (2) the subdural space is between the meningeal dura and compact layer of arachnoid (3) epidural bleeds are generally venous in nature (4) subarachnoid bleeds may result from ruptured aneurysms FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, ANSWER (A) If choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) if choices I and 3 are correct (C) If choices 2 and 4 are correct (D) if only choice 4 Is correct (E) If all choices are correct -7- 44. With respect to the larynx, the (1) posterior cricoarytenoids adduct the vocal folds (2) thyroarytenoids relax the vocal folds (3) lateral cricoarytenoids abduct the vocal folds (4) cricothyroid is innervated by the external laryngeal nerve. 45. With respect to the various layers of cervical fascia, the (1) retroesophageal space continues into the thorax (2) retropharyngeal space is closely associated with the paratonsillar region (3) prevertebral fascia contributes to the axillary sheath (4) investing fascia encompasses the thyroid gland and esophagus 46. Which of the following is (are) true with respect to the nasal cavity? (1) The maxillary sinus drains into the inferior meatus. (2) The nasolacrimal duct drains into the middle meatus. (3) The main arterial supply enters the nasal cavity through the incisive foramen. (4) The arterial supply comes largely via branches of the maxillary artery. FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, ANSWER (A) if choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) if choices 1 and 3 are correct (C) If choices 2 and 4 are correct (D) If only choice 4 is correct (E) if all choices are correct 47. With respect to the tongue, (1) damage to the lingual nerve at the level of the sublingual gland may lead to unilateral loss of taste on the entire side of the tongue (2) damage to cranial nerve XII will cause to the tongue to point to the side of the lesion when protruded (3) damage to the lingual nerve at the level of the sublingual gland may lead to unilateral loss of taste on the posterior 1 /3 of the tongue (4) damage to the facial nerve at the level of the middle ear may lead to loss of taste on the Interior,2/3 of the side of the lesion 48. After a thyroid operation, the patient develops hoarseness. Examination shows a paralyzed vocal cord. The most likely cause of the problem would be (1) injury of the vagus nerve (2) injury of the external laryngeal nerve (3) post-anesthesia weakness (4) injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve -8- ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. A A A A A C B B B C D C E B E A A C D D B B B A A C C D A E B D D A E C A A D D A B C D B D C C -9-