國立台灣大學生物資源暨農學院 農業化學系 九十年年報 (2001 Annual Report of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry ) 第一項 系所概況 (一) 系所簡介及未來發展重點 本系為台北帝國大學於 1928 年創校時最早設立的學系之一。前身為理農學部農 藝化學科。1945 年台灣光復後,本校改制為國立台灣大學,本系以原日治時代農藝 化學科為基礎,合併農學院其他科系部分講座,更名為農學院農業化學系。由於師 資陣容堅強,設備完善,旋即於 1947 年成立研究所碩士班;1961 年大學部分兩組: 農產製造組與土壤肥料組;1968 年更成立博士班,是國立臺灣大學農學院歷史最悠 久,體制最完備的科系。1994 年研究所增為五組:土壤環境與植物營養組、生物工 業化學組、微生物學組、營養科學組和生物化學組,本系歷史悠久,成立至今已有 七十年,在全體師生的共同耕耘下,我們有輝煌的歷史和燦爛的前程。 本系教學重點著重生物與化學相關科學基礎教育,配合現代科學教育理念及國 際學術研究發展趨勢,強化實驗課程功能,進行實作與研習,並輔以專題討論與專 題研究的學習,使本系大學部畢業生具備實驗室研究經驗。研究所的學習則依循學 生研究主題特別需求,修習不同領域的課程。研究生需參與專題討論課程,於師生 共同參與討論的環境中激發創造力。本所鼓勵學生發表論文於國際科學期刊,並參 與各項學術會議及研討會活動,致力培育具有解決問題能力、獨立進行科學研究的 專業人才為目標。 現代的農業化學,則綜合了化學、物理化學及生命科學的知識與技術,擴大應 用於農業生產環境的保護與控制以及生物資源的高度利用。例如:農業生產對土壤 及環境衝擊的研究與管制,農藥與肥料於環境中之動向監測、污染的防治、環境及 食品微生物之監測、生物技術應用於高價值醫療用品及食品材料的產製研發,農業 與食品相關之植物與微生物之分子生物學研究,食品成份與營養保健相關研究等。 本系(所)目前除擁有一棟三層樓的農化館及一棟五層樓之新建系館外,尚有 農藝館一樓的應用微生物研究室、電子顯微鏡館、機械工廠、土壤環境化學研究室、 土壤調查研究室及玻璃溫室等。 — 1 — 本系今後持續在生物技術和環境科學方面繼續研究發展,教學與研究並重,理 論與應用兼顧。結合社區資源有效利用,提昇國內農業和產業之水準,並提供農業 及產業之技術服務。 (二) 2001 年活動剪影 9 月 13 日本系舉辦 90 年度大一新生入學指導,共有 55 位新生參加。 10 月 22 日本系 1956 級畢業系友返母系參訪,並拜會陳維昭校長,在系務會議 室與本系 20 餘位教師舉行系友座談會,會中系友代表並致贈感謝狀給本系,成 為美好的回憶。 10 月 27 日上午大陸地區中國土壤學會交流訪問團於中華土壤肥料學會辦理「第 四屆海峽兩岸土壤肥料學術交流研討會」,會議期間至本系參訪。 11 月 25 日校慶募款餐會共募到 26 萬元。 12 月 27 日斯洛伐克國家科學委員會院長 Drsc. Ing. Viliam Novak 與本系土壤環 境領域相關同仁進行學術交流,互換心得。 (三) 人事異動消息: 本系李敏雄教授兼系主任暨所長任期屆滿,於 8 月起由李佳音教授擔任系主任 暨所長。 蘇南維助教於 8 月起聘為助理教授。 國科會以「博士後研究」資格,補助延攬大陸地區科技人士張學雷先生參與本 系研究。 劉王春花小姐升等為技工。 (四) 人力資源概況(九十學年度統計資料) 大學部:合計學生 384 人,大學部分土壤肥料組與農產製造組兩組。 研究所:合計學生 215 人,均各分五組,分別為土壤環境與植物營養組、生物 工業化學組、微生物學組、營養科學組和生物化學組,其中碩士班人數 134 人, 博士班人數 81 人。 榮譽教授:合計 5 人。 專任教師:合計 35 人。 教授 25 人 副教授 5人 助理教授 5人 兼任教授:合計 5 人。 — 2 — 技術人員及相關支援人員:合計 18 人。 技正、技士、技佐 技工、工友 12 人 6人 師生比: 年度 教師* 大學部 碩士班 博士班 學生總數 師生比 86 36 320 98 63 481 1:13 87 36 348 106 74 528 1:15 88 34 362 115 76 553 1:16 89 34 371 126 77 574 1:17 90 35 384 134 81 599 1:17 *註:不含合聘教師部分。 (五) 設備更新 1. 整修農化二館地下樓 B03 室為討論室可供討論、開會用途。 2. 於農化二館農化系辦公室 316 室增加闢建一間小型會議室。 3. 農化二館全棟門禁系統更新,變更刷卡方式使刷卡卡片與教職員證及學生證整合 成一張刷卡,並增加監測範圍。 4. 原系圖書館 416 室闢建為公用儀器室及貴重儀器室。 5. 本系各實驗室之環境保護及職業安全衛生工作相關資料,彙整製成電子檔以利查 詢更新。 6. 添購 LC-MS-MS (液相層析四極棒/飛行時間式串聯質譜儀)。 7. 添購全自動可程式蛋白質液相層析儀。 8. 添購 C.N.S.元素分析儀。 9. 添購氣相層析儀。 10. 添購光二極體矩陣檢測器。 11. 重新製作各教師名牌及各研究室標示牌。 — 3 — 第二項 統計表 (一) 教師人數統計表: 50 專任教師人數 (不含合聘教師 ) 40 36 36 1997 1998 34 34 35 1999 year 2000 2001 30 20 10 0 (二) 學生人數統計表: NUMBER OF STUDENTS 500 400 348 362 371 384 Undergraduate students 320 300 200 161 180 191 203 215 100 0 1997 1998 1999 year — 4 — 2000 2001 Graduate students (三) 研究成果統計表: 95 100 NUMBER OF PAPERS 87 87 80 91 84 Journal Papers 70 58 60 54 Conference Papers 40 19 20 0 1997 1998 1999 year 2000 2001 (四) 研究計畫統計表: year Number of Projects Total Research of Grants (million NTS) 1997 75 59,397 1998 79 58,193 1999 85 81,984 2000 49 39,641 2001 76 66,054 NUMBER OF PROJECT TOTAL RESEARCH GRANTS (MILLION NTS) 100 80 75 59 60 79 8582 76 66 Number of Projects 58 49 40 40 Total Research of Grants (million NTS) 20 0 1997 1998 1999 year 2000 — 5 — 2001 — 6 — 界 業 學 小 企 及 商 工 門 部 中 及 科 專 位 單 政 行 府 政 位 所 單 究 研 府 政 究 研 人 究 百 分 私 研 及 學 大 (五) 畢業生就業狀況統計表: 40 30 20 比 10 0 第三項 研究計畫及經費來源 本系之研究計畫經費主要來自中央政府部門,其中以國科會、農委會及衛生署 為主要之資助機構。於 2001 年其他資助單位則有國立中興大學、財團法人南投縣建 設發展基金會及味全食品工業股份有限公司,共有 78 項研究計畫,總計畫經費為 68,424,300 元。 2001 年研究計畫一覽表 計畫 主持人 計畫名稱 補助單位 李佳音 PRTV 膠原蛋白於細菌中分泌能力之探討 3/3 國科會 李佳音 L-aspartate B -decarboxy-lase 重組酵素特性分析及其基因資訊研究 農委會 李佳音 腸炎弧菌磷脂絲胺酸合成脢基應用於 QPCR 檢測方法之研究 衛生署 林鴻淇 土壤生態.生物多樣性及地力增進之研究-土壤生態系中氮收支之研究 國科會 林鴻淇 堆肥的綜合肥效與土壤中養分的生物有效性之影響 農委會 王一雄 去除環境中殘留農用化學品之氯化物分解菌之培育與篩選之研究 1/3 國科會 王一雄 環境保護-苯胺及醯胺類型除草劑在土壤中之吸附及去除技術之研究 3/3 國科會 王一維 農藥環境毒理研究 農委會 李敏雄 豆腐製造程序中廢棄物減量之研究 2/2 國科會 李敏雄 以微生物生產黃色色素之研究(1/3) 國科會 李敏雄 洛神花花青素之分離及其抗氧化活性與血脂功能之研究 農委會 李敏雄 葡萄及楊桃釀造酒之研發 農委會 陳尊賢 陽明山國家公園之地形土序及其化育作用 1/2 國科會 陳尊賢 全球變遷:南仁山森林生態系研究-全球變遷:南仁山森林土壤水份含量及 土壤溶液組成之變 國科會 陳尊賢 九十年度農作物汙染監測及協助損害調處計畫補助 農委會 陳尊賢 台灣地區耕地之永續管理系統之建立(1/3) 農委會 陳尊賢 畜牧業處理過之廢水以土壤處理之技術及評估 農委會 王明光 塔塔加地區森林土壤生態養分動態及土壤調查(四)3/3 國科會 王明光 污染農地根圈土壤之重金屬生物有效性與復育管理 3/3 國科會 王明光 氣候變遷對林業影響適應技術之研究--對森林土壤古氣候的研究之二 農委會 王明光 林業溫室氣體排放資料庫之建立及更新(IV) 農委會 王明光 NMYU 伐對枯枝落葉分解及土壤理化性質的效應 農委會 鍾仁賜 經十一年不同輪作系統與施肥管理之土壤之磷素化學特性及對加入不同 肥料後之磷素轉變 國科會 鍾仁賜 土壤生態,生物多樣性及地力增進之研究-土壤生態系中植物之氮素營養特 性 1/3 國科會 鍾仁賜 加強肥料管理計畫-總胺基酸定量分析方法之探討 — 7 — 農委會 賴朝明 農業土壤生態,生物多樣性及地力增進之研究-土壤生態系中根圈酵素活性 之研究 1/3 國科會 賴朝明 台灣地區耕地之永續管理系統之建立(1/3) 農委會 李達源 應用階段調整式採樣結合地理統計推估污染場址中污染物之空間分佈 國科會 李達源 應用地理統計解析土壤中溶質傳輸之空間變異 2/2 國科會 李達源 台灣地區耕地之永續管理系統之建立(1/3) 農委會 顏瑞泓 有機磷殺蟲劑對映異構物之分離純化與生物毒性關係之研究 國科會 何聖賓 台灣地區耕地之永續管理系統之建立(1/3) 農委會 何聖賓 台灣酸性土壤石灰需要量的評估與模式之建立 農委會 財團法人南投縣 吳三和 福龜村有機農業推廣計畫 建設發展基金會 賴喜美 水分子移動性質對米糰與麵糰於糊化與凍藏儲藏期間質地變化之影響 國科會 賴喜美 油麵與涼麵衛生安全儲存品質改善之研究 衛生署 吳蕙芬 食物病源 Salmonella typhomusium clpy 基因表現與致毒調控蛋白之關係 衛生署 蘇仲卿 水稻澱粉磷解脢之分子生物學研究(第二年) 國科會 林良平 海藻天然保健食品之開發研究-微細藻株凝集素之篩選與生產程序之開發 國科會 林良平 生物性肥料開發與利用研究-生物肥料豆科根瘤菌增殖用培養資材之開發 農委會 林良平 利用黴藻去除養豬廢水中氮、磷之研究 農委會 宋賢一 植物蔗糖轉化之表現與調控研究 2/3 國科會 宋賢一 幾丁聚醣之純化與特性研究 2/3 國科會 劉文雄 利用植物固醇為原料以兩段式微生物轉換法生產 17-酮基類固醇化合物之 研究 國科會 楊盛行 溫室氣體之量測與減量對策-總計畫暨子計畫一:北部水稻田.旱田.魚類養 殖和濕地甲烷 國科會 楊盛行 塔塔加高山研究生態系-塔塔加高山研究生態系-塔塔加高山土壤微生物生 態分解 1.雲杉林土 國科會 楊盛行 提昇飼料及牧草品質之研究--高營養價值生物飼料之製備 農委會 楊盛行 生物性肥料開發與利用研究-高溫溶磷菌生物肥料之開發利用研究 農委會 楊盛行 加強畜牧污染防治及廢棄物處理 農委會 楊盛行 開發複合功能生物肥料之研究(1/3) 中興大學 李平篤 水稻蔗糖磷酯合成之生化學研究與生理學功能探討 2/3 國科會 黃青真 營養學門規劃研究推動計畫 國科會 黃青真 餵食炸鼠藉活化 PPARALPHA 調控其下游基因的表現 2/3 國科會 黃青真 PPARalpha 活化微粒體與過氧化體脂肪酸氧化系統於維生素 E 代謝之角色 1/3 莊榮輝 紅二次代謝物之免疫學測驗工具 國科會 國科會 重組類胰島素成長因子之量產.純化及對笛雕魚類成長之研究-重組類胰島 素成長因子之生產 國科會 黃健雄 利用酵素法生產特用 D 型胺基酸-Dht 及 DCase 之醱酵生產與純化及其在 國科會 黃健雄 — 8 — 特用 D 型胺基酸製程 蕭寧馨 過氧化體生成過氧化氫對細胞鐵調節蛋白質活性與鐵恆定狀況之影響 國科會 蕭寧馨 我國老人膳食鐵營養需要量研究 衛生署 味全食品工業 蕭寧馨 味全螺旋藻之護肝功能評估 股份有限公司 陳建源 低極化電位多項目電化學感測系統之開發研究 國科會 林璧鳳 維生素 E 與炸油對免疫細胞凋亡的影響 2/2 國科會 林璧鳳 微生物與植物食材各區分物對免疫功能的影響(3/3) 國科會 林璧鳳 菇菌類對過敏免疫功能調節的研究與開發 農委會 林璧鳳 我國老人膳食葉酸營養需要量研究 衛生署 潘子明 大腸桿菌 0157:H7 快速檢測與分子分形研究(2/3) 國科會 潘子明 基因改造大豆發酵食品-豆腐乳.味增及臭豆腐之分析研究 國科會 潘子明 豆腐乳、味增及臭豆腐等基因改良食品檢驗方法之研究 衛生署 許瑞祥 厭氣性真菌多樣性菌種資料庫建立及應用 1/3 國科會 王愛玉 糖與蛋白質磷酸化對水稻蔗糖合成基因及酵素功能之影響 2/3 國科會 劉俊民 本土性大腸桿菌 Escherichia coli 0157:h7 特性之研究 衛生署 黃慶璨 細胞與細胞之聯繫對 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 生物膜藻酸鹽生合成基因表 現之影響 國科會 楊健志 植物保護生技產業建立有關關鍵生物技術與資源之發展應用-以功能性基 因體分析選殖植物 國科會 楊健志 結構蛋白質體學研究計畫-植物膜蛋白乙烯受體之結構學研究 國科會 李昆達 藥用植物 ATROPA BELLADONNA 形質轉換根對水楊酸刺激之反應 國科會 李昆達 藥用植物八角蓮的細胞及組織培養 農委會 — 9 — 第四項 學術活動 (一) 2001 年參加國際學術會議情形 日 期 1 月 11-14 日 2 月 14-16 日 4 月 18-22 日 5 月 20-23 日 5 月 28 日~ 6月 2日 7 月 1- 6 日 7 月 29 日~ 8 月 2 日 8 月 5-11 日 8 月 26-31 日 8 月 27-31 日 10 月 8-12 日 10 月 12-16 日 10 月 15-16 日 10 月 23-24 日 10 月 28-30 日 11 月 26 日~ 12 月 1 日 參 加 會 議 名 稱 The 3rd World Congress of International Society for Apheresis 26th International Stroke Conference. AHA 第四次歐洲蛋白質學會研討 會 美國微生物學會 101 屆年會 第 18 屆亞太雜草學會會議 IUPAC International Congress 6th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements 第三屆海峽兩岸植物分子生 物學及生物技術學術研討會 International Congress of Nutrition 第 17 屆世界營養學大會 Soil Classification 2001: Developing the basis for the systems of the future The 51th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics 海峽兩岸首屆毒理學研討會 International Conference on Biomedical Science & Food Nutrition-Nobel Prize Forum 亞洲第一屆乳酸菌研討會 International Workshop on Geographic Information System in Soil Resources Management 地 點 參加教師 補助單位 Taipei, Taiwan 潘 文 涵 Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A 法國巴黎巴 斯德研究所 美國奧倫多 北京 潘 文 涵 中 研 院 楊 健 志 自 潘 王 子 一 明 雄 國 科 會 教 育 部 澳洲 布里斯班 加拿大安大 略省 Guelph 市 香港中文大 學 維也納 楊 盛 行 國 科 會 李 王 達 一 源 雄 教 育 部 國 科 會 陳 慶 三 國 科 會 林 璧 鳳 國 科 會 維也納 Velence, Hungary 黃 陳 青 尊 真 賢 中 研 院 國 科 會 California, U.S.A. 潘 文 涵 中 研 院 南京 輔仁大學 王 黃 一 青 雄 真 國 科 會 韓國漢城 潘 子 明 Malila, Philippines 陳 尊 賢 養樂多公 司 亞太糧肥 中心 — 10 — 費 (二) 2001 年舉辦國內外研討會及活動 日 期 5 月 3 日 5 月 12 日 研 討 會 ( 或 活 動 名 ) 稱 5 月 17 日 6 月 21 日 地理統計在農業和環境科學之應用研討會 「溫室氣體通量測定及減量對策(Ⅲ)」成果發 表研討會 生物科技在農業上之應用 第七屆土壤污染整治研討會 6 月 21 日 基因改造食品之檢驗與管理研討會 7 月 18 日 9 月 5 日 2001 年環境保護論壇 機能性醱酵製品研討會 9 月 13 日 11 月 2 日 11 月 13 日 12 月 14 日 12 月 27 日 新生入學指導 前進基因大世紀,生物產業教戰守則研討會 學術演講 土壤及地下水污染檢測講習會 品牌水果—楊桃研討會 斯洛伐克國家科學委員會院長 Drsc. Ing. Viliam Novak 與土壤環境領域相關同仁進行 學術交流。 地 點 台大思亮館國際會議廳 台大農業陳列館 台大農業陳列館 台大第二學生活動中心 國際會議廳 台大第二學生活動中心 音樂廳 台大農業陳列館 台大第二學生活動中心 國際會議廳 台大圖書館國際會議廳 台北生物技術開發中心 台大思亮館國際會議廳 台大農業陳列館 本系 (三) 2001 年舉辦之學術專題演講 日 期 2 月 16 日 講 題 Moderm Approaches for the Antibiotic Discovery Research 5 月 16 日 演 講 人 服 吳群也 先生 Regulation of Fat Intake by the Peptide Enterostatin 5 月 30 日 生物晶片與農業科技 6 月 6 日 Structure and Expression of an Amlopullulanase Gene From Bacillus Stearothermophilus TS-23 10 月 22 日 Antioxidants, NFkB and Diabetogenesis Dr. David York 籐涵菁博士 朱文深 博士 10 月 22 日 Chemical and Bionutritional Aspects of Carotenoids Dr. Steven Schwartz 12 月 3 日 Recent Progress in Recombinant Protein Production 王淑媛博士 Dr. Tammy Bray — 11 — 務 單 位 Associate Senior Microbiogist Infections Diseases Division Eli Lilly Research Laboratories 美國路易西安那州立大學 Pennington 生醫中心主任 晶宇生物科技實業股份有限公司 食品工業發展研究所菌種保存 及研究中心副主任 Associate Dean and Professor, Department of Human Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, The Ohio State University Professor of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University 美國 Amgen 生技公司研究員 第五項 期刊論文、研討會論文等研究成果 李佳音 ◎期刊論文 1. Su, S.C. and C.Y. Lee. 2001. Cloning of the N-acylamino acid racemase gene from Amycolatopsis azurea and biochemical characterization of the gene product. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 30:647-655.(SCI) 2. Lee, C.Y., M.F. Cheng, M.S. Yu and M.J. Pan. 2001. Purification and characterization of a putative virulence factor, serine protease, from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 209:30-36.(SCI) ◎研討會論文 1. Lin, P. and C.Y. Lee. 2001. Gene cloning, protein expression, purification and characterization of D-aminoacylase from Variovorax paradoxus ISO1. Abstr. P.46. ASM Conference on Biodegradation, Biotransformation, and Biocatalysis (B3), San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2. 李佳音。2001。高分子生物可分解塑膠生產菌之開發。生物科技在農業上之應用 85-94。 3. 林奐妤、李佳音。2001。腸炎弧菌膠原蛋白酵素基因調控與蛋白質表現。第三十 五次中華民國微生物學會會員大會 75。國立陽明大學。 ◎ 專利 1. 中華民國專利「鑑定腸炎弧菌之引子及探針」,專利號碼 088863 號。 洪崑煌 ◎期刊論文 1. Lin, T.H., C.L. Chen and K.H. Houng. 2001. Interpretation of the Charge Characteristic in terms of constant capacitance and diffuse double layer models. Food Sci. Agr. Chem. 3: 121-126. 王一雄 ◎期刊論文 1. Chiang, H.C., J.R. Duh and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Butachlor, thiobencarb and chlomethoxyfen movement in subtropical soils. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 66(1): — 12 — 1-8. (SCI) 2. Chen, I.M., F.C. Chang, M.F. Hsu and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Comparisons of PCBs dechlorination occurences in various contaminated sediments. Chemosphere 43(7): 649-654. (SCI) 3. Chen, I.M., F.C. Chang and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Correlation of gas chromatographic properties of chlorobenzenes and polychlorinated biphenyls with the occurrence of reductive dechlorination by untamed microorganisms. Chemosphere 45(2): 223-229. (SCI) 4. Yen, J.H., C.C. Tsai, C.C. Su and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Environmental dissipation of fungicide triphenyltin acetate and its potential as a groundwater contaminatant. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safe. 49: 164-170. (SCI) 5. Chen, H.W., J.H. Yen, R.S. Chung, C.M. Lai, S.S. Yang and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Carbon dioxide flux density ini cultivated rice paddy field. Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. ROC (B) 25(4): 239-247. 6. Chen, I.M., B.V. Chang, S.Y. Yuan and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Reductive dechlorinatioon of hexachlorobenzene under various additions. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 139 (1-4): 61-74(SCI) 7. Lin, K.Y., J.H. Yen and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Characterization of fungicides nabam and zineb in alkaline solution and a simple determination method for them. Food Sci. Agric. Chem. 3(4):127-130. ◎研討會論文 1. Sheu, W.S., J.H. Yen and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Dissipation of herbicide oxyfluorfen in subtropical soils and its potential to contaminate groundwater. Paroceedings II, The 18th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Socitty Conference 888. Beijing, P. R. China. 2. Yen, J.H., H.C. Chen and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Dissipation of aniline herbicide trifluralin and benfluralin in soils. Paroceedings II, The 18th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Socitty Conference 892. Beijing, P. R. China. 3. 張秀齡、顏瑞泓、王一雄。2001。醯銨類除草劑在不同土壤中的吸附、降解及移 動之研究。中國農業化學會第三十九次會員大會論文摘要102,E-12。台北。 4. 張芳誠、顏瑞泓、王一雄。2001。多氯聯苯曝露於紫外光下之降解情況與途徑。 中國農業化學會第三十九次會員大會論文摘要 103,E-13。台北。 5. 方鶴岩、顏瑞泓、王一雄。2001。除草劑達有龍、理有龍、愛速隆及甲基合氯氟 在土壤中之消散。中國農業化學會第三十九次會員大會論文摘要 112,E-31。台 — 13 — 北。 6. Wang, Y.S., K.Y. Lin and J.H. Yen. 2001. Propeteies of metal-containing ethylene bisdithiocarbamate fungicides nabam and zineb in alkaline solutiono. Proceedings of ICOBTE 2001 conference (GP 128) 409. 6th International coonference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 7. 王一雄。2001。台灣地區農業環境毒理研究概況。海峽兩岸首屆毒理學研討會論 文摘要集8。南京。 ◎專書論文 王一雄、陳尊賢、李達源。2001。土壤資源利用與保育。國立空中大學用書,國立 空中大學印行。台北。 李敏雄 ◎期刊論文 1. Su, N.W. and M.H. Lee. 2001. Purification and characterization of a Novel Salt-tolerant Protease from Aspergillus sp. FC-10, a soy sauce koji mold. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 26: 253-258. (SCI) 2. Su, N.W. and M.H. Lee. 2001. Screening and characterization of koji molds producing saline-tolerant protease. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 26: 230-234. (SCI) 3. 鍾玉明、黃寶雄、蘇南維、李敏雄。2001。酒中醋酸之快速氣相層析定量法。 台灣農業化學與食品科學,39:231-236。 ◎研討會論文 1. 蔡珮新、李敏雄。2001。黑后葡萄酒製備之研究。中國農業化學會第三十九次會 員大會手冊 39。 2. 高馥君、李敏雄。2001。豆水回添豆腐製備之研究。中國農業化學會第三十九次 會員大會手冊 40。 3. 林姿伶、李敏雄。2001。由 Gordonia terrae FC-OR1 生產類胡蘿蔔色素之研究。 中國農業化學會第三十九次會員大會手冊 40。 4. 鍾玉明、翁順祥、蘇南維、李敏雄。2001。云香科水果果皮自體酵素作用精油成 分之研究。中國農業化學會第三十九次會員大會手冊 49。 5. 鍾玉明、李敏雄。2001。脂肪醇與酒石酸之反應產物組成及其基本特性之探討。 中華民國食品科學技術學會第三十一次會員大會手冊 208。 6. Choong, Y.M., M.C. Lin and M.H. Lee. 2001. Immobilized lipase-catalyzed synthesis — 14 — of hexyl acetate by direct esterification. Handbook of Annual meeting of the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology 208. 7. 吳貞瑩、李敏雄。2001。紅龍果紅色色素之研究。中華民國食品科學技術學會第 三十一次會員大會手冊 227。 陳尊賢 ◎期刊論文 1. Hseu, Z.Y. and Z.S. Chen. 2001. Quantifying soil hydromorphology of a rice-growing Ultisol toposequence in Taiwan. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65 (1): 270-278 (SCI) 2. Hseu, Z.Y. and Z.S. Chen. 2001. Quantifying soil hydromorphology of a rice-growing Ultisol toposequence in Taiwan. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65(1): 270-278 (SCI) 3. Chen, Z.S., T.C. Tsou, V.B. Asio and C.C. Tsai. 2001. Genesis of Inceptisols on a volcanic landscape in Taiwan. Soil Sci. 166(4): 255-266. (SCI) 4. Tsai, C.C., Z.S. Chen, C.T. Duh and F.W. Horng. 2001. Prediction of soil depth using a soil-landscape regression model: Case study of the forest soils of southern Taiwan. Proc. National Sci. Council, ROC. Part B: Life Sci. 25(1): 34-39. 5. 許正一、陳尊賢、蔡呈奇、崔君至。2001。以微形態學探討南仁山區熱帶森林土 壤之化育作用。台灣林業科學,16(1): 25-38. 6. Tsai, C.C. and Z.S. Chen. 2001. Soil characteristics and variability of an Ultisol toposequence in Nanjenshan subtropical forest ecosystem of Taiwan. Food Sci. & Agric. Chem. 3(1): 13-22. ◎研討會論文 1. Chen, Z.S., Z.Y. Hseu, S.P. Wu and C.C. Tsai. 2001. Transition soils between Spodosols and Ultisols in subalpine forest of Taiwan. Soil Classification 2001: Developing the basis for the systems of the future. Velence, Hungary. 2. 賴鴻裕、陳尊賢。2001。污染土壤之植物復育技術。第七屆土壤污染整治研討會 論文集 145-170。陳尊賢(主編)。國立臺灣大學第二活動中心國際會議廳。台北市。 ◎專書論文 1. Chen, Z.S., J. Bay-Petersen, and W.T.F. Chiu (editors). 2001. Micronutrient deficiency of crop in Asia. Published by Food and Fertilizer Technology Center, Taipei, Taiwan ROC. p.111. — 15 — 王明光 ◎期刊論文 1. Chen, M.C., M.K. Wang, C.Y. Chiu, P.M. Huang and H.B. King. 2001. Determination of low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids and organic functional groups in rhizosphere and bulk soils in a temperate forest soils. Plant and Soil. 31: 37- 44. (SCI) 2. Juang, T.C., M.K. Wang, H.C. Chen and C.C. Tan. 2001. Ammonium fixation by surface soils and clays. Soil Sci. 166: 345-356. (SCI) 3. Chang, C.M., M.K. Wang, T.W. Chang and C. Lin. 2001. Transport modeling of copper and cadmium with linear and nonlinear retardation factors. Chemosphere 43: 1133-1139. (SCI) 4. Yang, D.S. and M.K. Wang. 2001. Characterization and a fast method to synthesis of sub-micron lithiophorite. Chemical of Materials 13: 2589-2594. (SCI) 5. Chen, P.Y., M.K. Wang and D.S. Yang. 2001. Mineralogy of dickite and nacrite from northern Taiwan. Clays and Clay Minerals 49,(6):586-595. (SCI) 6. Liu, C.L., M.K. Wang and C.C. Yang. 2001. Determination of cation-exchange capacity by one-step soil leaching column method. Comm. Soil Sci. and Plant Analy. 32(15&16): 2359-2372. (SCI) 7. Chiu, C.Y., M.K. Wang, H.B. King and J.L. Hwong. 2001. Physical and chemical properties of rhizosphere and bulk soils of Tsuga and Yushania in a temperate forest soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 33 (11-12): 1723-1735. (SCI) 8. Chang, T.W., M.K. Wang and C. Lin. 2001. Adsorption in the different sorbent/water ratios of soil systems. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 138 (1-4): 199-209 ( SCI) 9. Chen, H.J., Y.M. Tzou, T.C. Juang and M.K. Wang. 2001. Effect of net surface charge and NH4+ exchange selectivity on ammonium fixation of soil clays. Soil and Environment 4(2) 93-104. 鍾仁賜 ◎期刊論文 1. Chen, H.W., J.H. Yen, R.S. Chung, C.M. Lai, S.S. Yang and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Carbon dioxide flux density in cultivated paddy rice field. Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc ROC (B), 25: 239-247. 2. 王斐能、蘇育萩、鍾仁賜。2001。不同的堆肥對生長在紅壤之青梗白菜養分吸收 — 16 — 的影響。土壤與環境,3: 183-192。 ◎ 研討會論文 1. Chung, R.S., R.C. Shieh, H.S. Hsu and Y.H. Tsai. 2001. Nutrient released from soil after application of different fertilizers for 11 years in two rotation systems. Proceeding of 12th World Fertilizer Congress, 12th World Fertilizer Congress 12th World Fertilizer Congress 6, Beijing. (in press) 2. 鍾仁賜、曾日昌、徐華盛、蔡永皞。2001。經長期(十一年)不同施肥管理後之土 壤對作物生長與養分吸收的影響。有機肥料與合理化施肥研討會 37-40,中華土 壤肥料學會,台中。 李達源 ◎期刊論文 1. Juang, K.W., D.Y. Lee and T.R. Ellsworth. 2001. Using rank order geostatistics for spatial interpolation of highly skewed data in a heavy metal contaminated site. J. Environ. Qual. 30: 894-903. (SCI) ◎研討會論文 1.Juang, K.W., Y.S. Chen and D.Y. Lee. 2001. Use of geostatistical simulation for assessing the spatial uncertainty of mapping heavy-metal contents in soils. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts, 6th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. 521. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 2.Lee, D.Y., P.N. Liao and K.W. Juang. 2001. Fractionation and bioavailability of copper and zinc in four Taiwan soils amended with sewage sludges. Proceedings of Extended Abstracts, 6th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. 421. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 3.吳榮富、莊愷瑋、李達源。2001。以排序性階段調整叢集採樣結合克力金法推估 土壤中之重金屬分佈。第七屆土壤污染防治研討會論文集 181。 4.李達源、莊愷瑋。2001。地理統計於重金屬污染場址危害範圍界定之應用。地理 統計在農業和環境科學之應用研討會論文集 57-78。 ◎專書 1. 王一雄、陳尊賢、李達源。2001。土壤資源利用與保育。國立空中大學印行。 1. 李達源(編)。2001。地理統計在農業和環境科學之應用研討會論文集。中國農業 化學會印行。 — 17 — 顏瑞泓 ◎期刊論文 1. Yen, J.H., C.C. Tsai, C.C. Su and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Environmental dissipation of fungicide triphenyltin acetate and its potential as a groundwater contaminatant. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 49: 164-170. (SCI) 2. Chen, H.W., J.H. Yen, R.S. Chung, C.M. Lai, S.S. Yang and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Carbon dioxide flux density in cultivated rice paddy field. Proceedings of the National Science Council, ROC, Part B: Life Sciences 25(4): 239-247. 3. 許渭鑫、王一雄、顏瑞泓。2001。除草劑伏寄普在茶園土壤中的消散。土壤與環 境。4(4):279-290。 4. 顏瑞泓、謝國慶、王一雄。2001。有機磷殺蟲劑賽達松鏡像異構物之分離與毒性。 台灣農業化學與食品化學。4(40)。 賴喜美 ◎期刊論文 1. Lai, H.M. 2001. Effects of hydrothermal treatment on the physicochemical properties of pregelatinized rice flour. Food Chemistry 72: 455-463. (SCI) ◎研討會論文 1.鍾依林、賴喜美。2001。雙醣分子對澱粉凝膠之熱性質與分子移動性質之影響。 第 39 屆中國農業化學會年會,台北,台灣。 2.黃傳雄、賴喜美。2001。糊化條件對高直鏈澱粉含量米穀粉之凝膠性質與質地之 影響。第 39 屆中國農業化學會年會,台北,台灣。 3.Lai, H.M. and Y.L. Chung. 2001. Molecular mobility of waxy rice starch paste at low temperature studied by using MDSC and NMR. 83th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. 4.Tseng, C.S. and H.M. Lai. 2001. Effects of MTGase on the modification of flour dough properties studied by response surface method. 83th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Cereal Chemists, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A. 5.鍾依林、賴喜美。2001。雙醣對冷凍熟麵品質之影響。第三十一屆食品科學年會, 嘉義,台灣。 — 18 — 吳蕙芬 ◎研討會論文 1. 李宜穎、張瓊方、吳蕙芬。2001。In vivo protein-protein interactions involved in subunits oligomerization and substrates recognition of the Escherichia coli ClpYQ (HslUV) protease by the yeast two-hybrid.中國農業化學第 39 次會員大會壁報論文。 蘇南維 ◎期刊論文 1. Su, N.W. and M.H. Lee. 2001. Purification and characterization of a novel salt-tolerant protease from Aspergillus sp. FC-10, a soy sauce koji mold. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 26: 253-258. (SCI) 2. Su, N.W. and M.H. Lee. 2001. Screening and characterization of koji molds producing saline-tolerant protease. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 26: 230-234. (SCI) 3. 鍾玉明、黃寶雄、蘇南維、李敏雄。2001。酒中醋酸之快速氣相層析定量法。台 灣農業化學與食品科學,39: 231-236。 ◎研討會論文 1. 鍾玉明、翁順祥、蘇南維、李敏雄。2001。云香科水果果皮自體酵素作用精油成 分之研究。中國農業化學會第 39 次會員大會 林良平 ◎ 期刊論文 1. 林良平。2001。光學顯微鏡之最新進展-無限遠補正光學系統。科儀新知,22(4): 6-11。 2. Wu, H.L., R.S. Hseu and L.P. Lin. 2001. Utilization of ribosomal DNA sequences to identify Chlorella spp. isolates. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 42:115-121. (SCI) 3. 胡淳怡、林良平。2001。滲透壓保護物對根瘤菌之影響。科學農業,49: 49-55。 4. Liu, C.P. and L.P. Lin. 2001. Ultrastructural study and DHA production of Isochrysis sp. CCMP1324. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 42: 207-214. (SCI) ◎研討會論文 1. Lin, L.P. 2001. Mixotrophic mass culturing of Chlorella cells for health foods. The — 19 — 11th World Congress Food Sci. Tech., Seoul, Korea. 2. Lin, L.P. 2001. Mixotrophic growth of Chlorella spp. Asian- Pacific Meet. Phycol. Yamagata, Japan. 3. Lin, L.P. 2001. Signification of microalgal mass cultivation in the subtropics of Taiwan. 2nd Intrn’l Symp. Biotechnology of Tropical & Subtropical Species. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 4. Chen, S.L., C.Y. Chu., W.R. Liao, R. Huang and L.P. Lin. 2001. Hemagglutination, antibiotic activity and identification of Chlorella spp. isolates. T59, The 2001 Ann. Met. Fish. Soc. Taiwan & Symp. New Fron. Marine Biotech. Kaohsiung. 5. Chung, C.C., K.Y. Chen, W.R. Liao, J.Y. Lin, Y.M. Chiang, L.P. Lin and R. Huang. 2001. Agglutinating activity from marine algae of Taiwan. T60, The 2001 Ann. Met. Fish. Soc. Taiwan & Symp. New Fron. Marine Biotech. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 6. Hu, C.Y., C.Y. Chen, W.Y. Lee, S.M. Lin and L.P. Lin. 2001. The morphogensis of Sinorhizobium fredii and confirmation of cellulytic and pectinolytic enzymes. 2001 International Workshop on Advances Microscopy. Hsinchu, Taiwan. 7. Chu, C.Y., S.L. Chen, W.R. Liao, R. Huang and L.P. Lin. 2001. Screening hemagglutinins of freshwater microalgae with animal and human erythrocytes. The 35th Ann. Met. Chin. Soc. Microbiol. 8. Chu, C.Y., S.L. Chen, Y.S. Lai, W.R. Liao, R. Huang and L.P. Lin. 2001. Hemagglutination and antibacterial activity of Chlorella spp. isolates. The 35 th Ann. Met. Chin. Soc. Microbiol. Taipei, Taiwan. 9. 劉清標、林良平。2001。利用小球藻去除養豬廢水中氮、磷及重金屬。第 26 屆 廢水處理技術研討會 A-40。高雄,台灣。 10. 劉清標、林良平。2001。微藻對養豬廢水氮、磷之去除效應。第四屆畜牧資源回 收再利用研討會。台中,台灣。 ◎ 專利 1. 日本發明專利「過濾器、過濾方法及過濾裝置」,專利號碼 H10-152081 號。 2. 日本發明專利「小球藻大量培養之新方法及裝置」,專利號碼 H9-173262 號。 劉文雄 ◎期刊論文 1. Lo, C.K., K.L. Wu and W.H. Liu. 2001. Interconversion of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione and testosterone using enzyme or resting cells of — 20 — Mycobacterium sp. Food Sci. Agric. Chem. 3: 30-35. 2. Tang, T.Y., J.G. Jong and W.H. Liu. 2001. Purification and some properties of sarcosine dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida RS65. Food Sci. Agric. Chem. 3: 36-41. ◎討論會論文 1. 黃承烺、潘兆平、劉文雄。2001。利用分枝桿菌由植物固醇生產荷爾蒙中間體雄 烯二酮化合物之研究。第六屆生化工程研討會 35-38,中央大學,中壢,台灣。 ◎技術報告 1. 劉文雄。2001。利用植物固醇為原料以醱酵法生產 17-酮基類固醇化合物之研究。 2. 劉文雄。2001。利用任意突變技術改良及解析假單胞桿菌 RS65 肌酸美酶基因在 大腸桿菌中之表現。 楊盛行 ◎期刊論文 1. Yang, S.S. and H.L. Chang. 2001. Effect of green manure amendment and flooding on methane emission from paddy fields. Chemosphere: Global Change Science 3: 41-49. (SCI) 2. Yang, S.S. and H.L. Chang. 2001. Methane emission from paddy fields in Taiwan. Biology and Fertility of Soils 33: 157-165. (SCI) 3. Yang, S.S. and C.M. Lee. 2001. Formation and regeneration of protoplasts for protease production in Streptomyces rimosus. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 34: 8-16. 4. Yang, S.S. and C.M. Lei. 2001. Effect of culture media on protease and oxytetracycline production in Streptomyces rimosus. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 17: 403-410. (SCI) 5. Yang, C.K. and S.S. Yang. 2001. Microbial ecology of soils surrounding nuclear and thermal power plants in Taiwan. Environment International 26: 315-322.(SCI) 6. Yang, S.S., H.T. Yang, W.R. Chen and C.B. Wei. 2001. Properties of livestock and poultry wates during composting in the farms of northern Taiwan. Journal of the Chinese Environmental Society 24: 8-25. 7. Yang, S.S., C.M. Liu and Y.L. Liu. 2001. Estimation of methane and nitrous oxide emission from animal husbandry industry on Taiwan. Journal of the Agricultural Association of China 2: 450-463. — 21 — 8. Chen, H.W., J.H. Yen, R.S. Chung, C.M. Lai, S.S. Yang and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Carbon dioxide flux density in cultivated rice paddy field. Proceedings of National Science Council, ROC, Part B. 25: 239-247. 9. Yang, S.S. and C.Y. Yueh. 2001. Oxytetracycline production by immobilized Streptomyces rimosus. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 34:235-242 10. Chang, C.H. and S.S. Yang. 2001. Effect of cultural media on the phosphate-solubilizing activity of thermo-tolerant microbes. Journal of Biomass Energy Society of China 20:79-90. 11. Jang, H.D. and S.S. Yang. 2001. Greenhouse gases production of municipal solid wastes in column bioreacters. Journal of Biomass Energy Society of China 20:101-112. ◎研討會論文 1. Yang, S.S., C.M. Liu and Y.L. Liu. 2001. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agricultyre sector in Taiwan. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Taiwan’s National Greenhouse Gases Inventories. 5-1~5-19. Environmental Protection Administration, Government of the Republic of China and Energy & Resources Laboratories of Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 2. Yang, S.S. 2001. Application of solid state fermentation on the production of agriculture and industry. In: Proceedings of the Seminar of Microbial Technology in Taiwan. Department of Food Sciences and Technology,49-67. National Taiwan Marine University, Keelung, Taiwan, ROC. 3. Yang, S.S. 2001. Flux and mitigation of greenhouse gases (III). In: Flux and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (III). 1-39. Global Change Research Center, Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 4. Yang, S.S. 2001. Methane fluxes and mitigations of landfills in northern Taiwan (iii): flux and diurnal variation of greenhouse gas emission. In: Flux and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (III).41-56. Global Change Research Center, Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 5. Yang, S.S. and U. Hegde. 2001. Greenhouse gas production during anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste. In: Flux and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (III). 57-67. — 22 — Global Change Research Center, Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 6. Hegde, U., T.C. Chang and S.S. Yang. 2001. Greenhouse gas emissions from Shan-Chu-Ku landfill site in northern Taiwan. In: Flux and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (III). 69-83. Global Change Research Center, Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 7. Chang, E.H. and S.S. Yang. 2001. Biofixation of carbon dioxide by microalgae isolated in Taiwan. In: Flux and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (III). 219-236. Global Change Research Center, Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 8. Yang, S.S. 2001. Application of microbial technology on waste treatment. In: Proceedings of the Seminar of Biological Technology on Agriculture.15-16. Agricultural Exhibition Hall and Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 9. Yang, S.S. 2001. Environmental protection and agricultural production. In: Proceedings of the Seminal on Sustainable Agriculture Production. The Chinese Sustainable Agriculture Society, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 10. Yang, S.S. 2001. Isolation and technology of multiple functional biofertilizer and compost. In: Proceedings of the Forum of Environmental Protection. Agricultural Exhibition Hall of National Taiwan University and National Program of Agricultural Biotechnology, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 11. Yang, S.S. and M.Y. Chang. 2001. Introduction to the cultivation, physiology and biochemical properties of star fruit. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Well-Know Fruit: Star Fruit. 1-7. Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 12. Yang, S.S. and C.H. Chang. 2001. Effect of culture media on thermophilic phosphate- solubilizing activity. In: Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Resources Recovery and Re-utilization of Livestock. National Chung-Hsin University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 13. Yang, S.S. 2001. Application of solid state fermentation in waste treatment. In Program and Abstracts of Annual Meeting of Environment Protection Society of ROC in 2001.15-25. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. — 23 — ◎專書論文 1. Yang, S.S. 2001. Flux and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (III). Global Change Research Center, Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. p. 1-239. 2. Yang, S.S. 2001. Application of Biological Technology on Agriculture. Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. p. 1-423. ISBN-957-02-9599-6. 3. Yang, S.S. 2001. Application of Microbial Technology on Waste Treatment. In: Application of Biological Technology on Agriculture. Agricultural Exhibition Hall and Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University. 95-124. Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. p. 1-423. ISBN-957-02-9599-6. ◎技術報告 1. Yang, S.S. and S.H. Tsai. 2001. Treatment and Re-utilization of Food Wastes. Legislative Yuan Monthly. (in press). 李平篤 ◎期刊論文 1. Chen, W.L., D.J. Hung, H.L. Wang, J.C. Su and P.D. Lee. 2001. Purification and characterization of sucrose phosphase synthase from sweet potato tuber roots. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 42 (2): 123-129.(SCI) ◎研討會論文 1. Hung, D.J., J.C. Su and P.D. Lee. 2001. Purification and Characterization of Sucrose Phosphate Synthase from Sweet Potato Tuberous Roots. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agri. Chem. Society. 黃青真 ◎期刊論文 1. 趙蓓敏、黃青真。2001。15-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGJ2 對 3T3-L1 前脂肪細胞分化之影 響。中國醫藥科學雜誌,2: 117-124。 2. Wu, M.C. and C.J. Huang. 2001. Inhibition of prostaglandin e2 production of a macrophage cell line by some phytochemicals. Fd. Sci. Agric. Chem. 3: 59-71. 3. Chao, P.M., C.Y. Chao, F.J. Lin and C.J. Huang. 2001. Oxidized frying oil up-regulates — 24 — hepatic acyl coa oxidase and cytochrome P-450 4 A1 genes in rats and activate PPAR-. J. Nutr. 131: 3166-3174. (SCI) ◎研討會論文 1. 李亦臻、黃青真。2001。比較黃豆油、芥花油、及牛脂對大鼠肝臟中 游基因及 cytochrome P-450 下 27 屆 年會暨學術研討會手冊 104。國防醫學中心。 2. 鄭瑋宜、黃青真。2001。飲食炸油對大鼠體內水分及鈉鉀平衡之影響。中華民 國營養學會第 27 屆年會暨學術研討會 104。國防醫學中心。 3. Huang, C.J. 2001. PPAR and Atherosclerosis.中華民國血脂及動脈硬化學會九十年 度學術研討會會刊 33。台北榮總致德樓第二會議室。 4. Chao, P.M., C.Y. Chao and C.J. Huang. 2001. Upregulation of hepatic acyl CoA oxidase and cytochrome P-450 4A Genes through PPAR-α activation in rats fed oxidized frying oil. International Conference on Biomedical Science & Food Nutrition—Nobel Prize Forum. Handbook. 34. Fu-Jen Catholic University. 5. 黃青真。2001。影響前列腺素 E2 生合成之食物或實務成分。機能性食品研討會, 國立嘉義大學國際會議廳。 莊榮輝 ◎期刊論文 1. Chen, H.M., S.C. Chang, C.C. Wu, T.S. Cuo, J.S. Wu and R.H. Juang. 2001. The catalytic behavior of L-form starch phosphorylase from sweet potato roots is regulated by proteolysis. Physiol. Plantarum. 114(4): 506-515. (SCI) 黃健雄 ◎期刊論文 1. 黃健雄、胡紹揚。2001。利用重組大腸菌以全合成饋料液饋料批式培養生產 N-Carbamoyl-D-Amino Acid Amidohydrolase。中華生質能源學會會誌,20: 33-45。 ◎研討會論文 1. 胡紹揚、黃健雄、吳金洌。2001。吳郭魚第二型類胰島素成長因子之生產。中 國農業化學會年會演講摘要 38。 2. 洪嘉佑、胡紹揚、黃健雄。2001。重組類胰島素成長因子第一型之生產與純化。 中國農業化學會年會演講摘要 38。 — 25 — 3. Huang, J.H., W.H. Hsu and C.H. Hsu. 2001. Production of thermostable D-hydantoinase from recombinant Escherichia coli. Abstracts of the ASM Conference on Biodegradation, Biotransformation, and Biocatalysis, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 蕭寧馨 ◎研討會論文 1. 王瑞蓮、高美丁、潘文涵、蕭寧馨。2001。台灣地區成人膳食營養品質評估:飲 食健康指數(HEI; Health Eating Index). 中華民國營養學會第廿七屆年會,台北市。 2. 黃惠玲、蕭寧馨。2001。膳食缺鐵透過 IRPs 影響 LEC 大鼠肝臟體蛋白與粒線體 aconitase 表現。中華民國營養學會第廿七屆年會,台北市。 3. Huang, H.L. and N. Shaw. 2001. Differential modulation of hepatic IRP1 and IRP2 activities in rats fed oxidized oil and fish oil. 17th International Congress of Nutrition, Vienna, Austria. 4. Huang, H.L. and N. Shaw. 2001. Hypolipidemic drug clofibrate alters serum iron transport and hepatic iron and copper metabolism in rats fed a high fat diet. 17th International Congress of Nutrition, Vienna, Austria. 陳建源 ◎期刊論文 1. Chen, C.Y., W.T. Wu, M.H. Lin, C.K. Ch’ang, H.J. Huang, J.M. Liao, L.Y. Chen and Y.T. Liu. 2001. A common precusor for the three subunits of L-glutamate oxidase from Streptomycess platensis NTU3304. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 47:269-275. (SCI) 2. Chou, S.F. and C.Y. Chen. 2001. Production and purification of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against human ferritin, a nonspecific tumor marker. Hybridoma 20(1):59-62. (SCI) 3. Chou, S.F., W.L. Hsu, C.M. Hwang and C.Y. Chen. 2001. Development of an immunosensor of human ferritin, a nonspecific tumor marker. Analytica Chimica Acta, 453 (2): 181-189. (SCI) 4. 周淑芬、陳建源。2001。免疫感測器之技術發展及其應用。化學,59(2):263-271。 — 26 — 林璧鳳 ◎期刊論文 1. Wu, W.M., B.L. Chiang, S.C. Chang and B.F. Lin. 2001. Dietary fish oil increases CD8+ T cells and decreases autoreactive T cells in autoimmune NZBxNZW F1 mice. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection. 34: 41-49. ◎研討會論文 1. Lin, J.Y., M.L. Chen, B.L. Chiang and B.F. Lin. 2001. Ganoderma tsuga exerts anti-inflammatory effect in animal model of airway inflammation. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 45(s): 290. 2. Cheng, H.C. and B.F. Lin. 2001. The effect of different preparations of high frying oil intake on immune responses in animal model of asthma Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 45(s): 290. 3. Hong, Y.H. and B.F. Lin. 2001. Establishment of in vitro model to study the effect of health food on anti-inflammation. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 45(s): 290. 4. Lin, J.Y., B.L. Chiang and B.F. Lin. 2001. Wild Amaranchus spinosus linn. Inhibits spontaneous apoptosis of immune cells of BALB/c mice. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 45(s): 293. 5. Hsieh, C.C. and B.F. Lin. 2001. Vitamin E supplement modulates the effect of oxidizing frying oil diet and dietary fat content on disease course of NZB/W F1 mice. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 45(s): 593. 潘子明 ◎期刊論文 1. Luo, W.C. and T.M. Pan. 2001. Investigation of the antibiotic resistance of Enterobacteriaceae of swines in Taiwan. Taiwanese J. Agri. Chem. & Food Sci. 39. (in press) 2. Lin, K.C. and T.M. Pan. 2001. Screening of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-degrading microorganism and the optimization of biodegradation conditions. Taiwanese J. Agri. Chem. & Food Sci. 39. (in press) 3. Lin, J.S., J.L. Lee and T.M. Pan. 2001. Relationship analysis of the oubbreak of shigellosis at Tau-Yuan area. Epidemiology Bulletin. 17: 168-177. 4. Lin, Y.L., C.C. Chou and T.M. Pan. 2001. Screening procedure from cattle feces and — 27 — the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Taiwan dairy cattle. J. Microbial Immunol. Infect. 34: 17-24. ◎研討會論文 1. Pan, T.M., F.M. Lin and C.H. Chiu. 2001. Isolation of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei NTU101 strains for use in fermentation of milk-soymilk with Lycium chinense Miller, Asian First Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. 2. Pan, T.M. and F.M. Lin. 2001. Application of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Taiwan, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society. 3. Pan, T.M. and J.Y. Tsai. 2001. Studies on the detection and molecular typing of Escherichia coli O157:H7. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society. 4. Pan, T.M. and E.R. Liou. 2001. Studies on the detection and molecular typing of Salmonella enteritidis. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society. 5. Pan, T.M. and Y.Y. Chia. 2001. Studies on the production of polyglutamate. Annual Symposium of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. 6. Pan, T.M. and J.W. Shi. 2001. Studies on the detection method of su-fu, miso and chaw-tofu derived from GMO. Annual Symposium of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. 7. Pan, T.M. and T.Y. Tsai. 2001. Study on molecular typing of Escherichia coli O157:H7 The 35th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Microbiology. 8. Pan, T.M. 2001. Current Development and Determination of Genetically Modified Food, Symposium on GMO of GMP Association 1-21. 9. Pan, T.M. and K.C. Lin. 2001. Studies on the screening of bacteria and the optimization of the degredation of DEHP, Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2001. 10. Pan, T.M. 2001. Infection of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Workshop of Infection Disease by Center for Disease Control C12-C60. 11. Pan, T.M., L.M. Chen and Y.C. Su. 2001. Development of primers specific to hlyA, eaeA, stx1, stx2, fliC and rfb genes for identification and characterization of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 by multiplex PCR, 101 General Meeting of American Society for Microorganism 270. 12. Pan, T.M., L.M. Chen and T.Y. Tsai. 2001. Molecular typing of Escherichia coli — 28 — O157:H7 isolated in Taiwan by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and random amplification polymorphic DNA, 101 General Meeting of American Society for Microorganism 260. 13. Pan, T.M. 2001. Detection of E. coli O157:H7 from food, animal and human, Symposium on the Detection of Important Clinical Microorganisms 78-135. 14. Pan, T.M. 2001. Determination of GMO, Symposium on GMO 78-108. ◎專書 1. 潘子明。2001。機能性醱酵製品,藝軒圖書出版社。 2. 潘子明。2001。食品生物技術,藝軒圖書出版社。 許瑞祥 ◎期刊論文 1. Wu, H.L., R.S. Hseu and L.P. Lin. 2001. Identification of Chlorella spp. isolates using ribosomal DNA sequence. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 42: 115-121. (SCI) ◎專利 1. 「Method for identifying Cordyceps sinenis」獲得美國專利第 6,271,003 號(August 7, 2001)。 2. 「Gene sequence and method for distinguishing Cordyceps sinensis」獲得美國專利第 6,251,606 號(June 26, 2001)。 黃慶璨 ◎期刊論文 1. Shih, P.C. and C.T. Huang. 2001. Effects of quorum sensing deficiency on the Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and resistance. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (in press,SCI) 2. Chen, C.C., C.T. Huang and K.J. Cheng. 2001. Improvement of phytase thermostability using sorghum liquor waste Biotechnology Letters 25: 331-333. (SCI) 楊健志 — 29 — supplemented with starch. ◎ 期刊論文 1. Chen, P.Y., B.G. Gopalacushina, C.C. Yang, S.I. Chan and P.A. Evans. 2001. The role of a -buldge in the folding of the –hairpin structure in ubiquitin. Protein Sci. 10: 2075-2082. (SCI) 李昆達 ◎ 期刊論文 1. Lee, K.T., T. Hirano, T. Yamakawa, T. Kodama, Y. Igarashi and K. Shimomura. 2001. Responses of transformed root culture of Atropa belladonna to salicylic acid. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 91: 586-589. (SCI) — 30 — 第六項 選擇性主要期刊論文摘要 Su, S.C. and C.Y. Lee. 2001. Cloning of the N-acylamino acid racemase gene from Amycolatopsis azurea and biochemical characterization of the gene product. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 30:647-655.(SCI) Abstract: A gene encoding N-acylamino acid racemase (NAAAR) from Amycolatopsis azurea CCRC13413 was cloned. An analysis of its sequence revealed an open reading frame encoding 368 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of NAAAR showed an 89% identity with that of Amycolatopsis sp. TS-1-60. The N-acylamino acid racemase gene (aaar) was subcloned into expression vector pET-17b. and was transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3). A 41-kDa protein band was present on the SDS-PAGE gel from the intracellular soluble part of E. coli. The recombinant NAAAR produced in E. coli was purified by Toyopearl DEAE-650M and Sephacryl S-200 h chromatography. The molecular weight of NAAAR, determined by gel-filtration chromatography, was 320 kDa, indicating that NAAAR was composed of eight identical subunits. NAAAR had maximal activity at 40degreesC and pH 7.4. The enzyme activity was enhanced notably by Co2+ and Mn2+. Substrate specificity revealed that N-acetyl-D-methionine. N-acetyl- L-methionine, N-acetyl-D-tyrosine, N-acetyl-L-valine. and N-chloroacetyl -D-phenylalanine were the effective substrates, For the substrate N- acetyl-D-methionine K-m was 27.8 mM with a V-max of 0.07 mumol(-1) min(-1) and a k(cat)/K-m of 311.4 M-1 s(-1). Our data revealed that this N-acylamino acid racemase has a broad substrate range, In addition. we procured the distribution of sequence-conserved regions from known NAAARs and putative NAAARs in this study. Lee, C.Y., M.F. Cheng, M.S. Yu and M.J. Pan. 2001. Purification and characterization of a putative virulence factor, serine protease, from Vibrio parahaemolyticus. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 209:30-36.(SCI) Abstract: A protease (protease A) was successfully purified from the extracellular proteins of Vibrio parahaemolyticus no. 93. a clinical strain carrying neither tdh nor trh genes, using phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The molecular mass of protease A was 43 kDa using gel Filtration, which was in agreement with the results obtained from SIDS PAGE, suggesting that protease A was a monomeric protein. Additionally, the isoelectric point of this protein was 5.0. The optimum temperature and pH of protease A ranged from 40degreesC to 50degreesC and pH 8, respectively. Protease A activity was inhibited by serine protease inhibitors. — 31 — such as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and soybean trypsin inhibitor; moreover, the activity could be blocked by treatment with 20 mM of 1,10-phenanthroline, but could not be restored by adding metal ions. These results indicated that protense A is a serine protease that requires metal. The 12 N-terminal residues Of protease A showed a high degree of identity (81%) to the sequence of Vibrio metschnikovii VapT serine protease. The purified protease had significant effects on the growth of Chinese hamster ovary, HeLa, Vero and Caco-2 cells and its cytotoxic activity was not blocked by gangliosides. Protease A lysed erythrocytes well but its hemolytic activity was unstable after heat treatment, indicating that protease A is able to cause hemolysis but is a heat-labile protein. The purified protease caused tissue hemorrhage and death in mice when injected both intraperitoneally and intravenously. In conclusion, this is the First report of a serine protease Purified directly from the supernatant of V parahaemolyticus and identifying it as a potential virulence factor. (C) 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Chen, I.M., F.C. Chang, M.F. Hsu and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Comparisons of PCBs dechlorination occurences in various contaminated sediments. Chemosphere 43(7): 649-654. (SCI) Abstract: A comparison was made of reductive dechlorination occurrences of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by microorganisms collected from contaminated sediments including Er-Jen River (Tainan, Taiwan), Hudson River (Ft. Edward, NY), Silver Lake (Pittsfield, MA) and Puget Sound (Washington State). Comparisons was made in terms of chromatographic data (referring to the biological activity, including microbial availability) and thermodynamic data (demonstrating the selectivity of anaerobic microorganisms in the dechlorination of chlorinated compounds). Chromatographic data was established in terms of difference in relative retention time (Delta ln RRT) and thermodynamic data was estimated as heat of reaction (DeltaH(r)(0)). Both were calculated and correlated to occurrences of dechlorination reactions. Observed dechlorination reactions for individually introducing PCB congener had Delta ln RRT levels measured as >0.47 (Er-Jen River), >0.29 (Hudson River), >0.36 (Silver Lake) and >0.45 (Puget Sound, for Aroclor 1254 dechlorination). Critical of DeltaH(r)(0) and Delta ln RRT values showed that Hudson River and Silver Lake microorganisms were capable of dechlorinating PCBs through reactions with larger H-r(0) value (lower levels of released energy) and smaller Delta ln RRT value compared with those found in Er-Jen River and Puget Sound sediments. Differences in the critical Delta ln RRT values of these sediments may be due to differences in their levels of PCB contamination. Chen, I.M., F.C. Chang and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Correlation of gas chromatographic — 32 — properties of chlorobenzenes and polychlorinated biphenyls with the occurrence of reductive dechlorination by untamed microorganisms. Chemosphere 45(2): 223-229. (SCI) Abstract: To understand the dechlorination ability of chlorobenzenes (CBs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by untamed microorganisms under anaerobic condition and to correlate gas chromatographic properties with the occurrence of reductive dechlorination, introduction of CBs and PCBs in the culture medium inoculated with microorganisms from sludge and sediment, respectively, were performed. Three kinds of culture media preparing from sludge, river water and a synthetic medium were used in the experiments. HCB was degraded to 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB) and 1,3-dichlorobenzene (1,3-DCB) in both sludge medium and synthetic medium with inoculated microorganisms. Three PCB congeners including 2,3,4-, 3,4,5- and 2,3,4,5-CBp (chlorinated biphenyl) were not found to be dechlorinated in the river water medium with inoculation culture but to be dechlorinated in the synthetic medium. MNDO methodology was used to compute theoretical dechlorination reaction heats and GC-ECD techniques were used to estimate chromatographic data of CB and PCB congeners. Both CB and PCB congeners showed that dechlorination by untamed microorganisms under anaerobic mixed cultures were more likely to occur when larger amounts of energy were released and greater Delta ln RRT value between the parent congener and the daughter product was observed. Delta ln RRT provided a more precise information on the singularity of PCBs ortho-dechlorination in an aspect of thermodynamic favorable rule. Yen, J.H., C.C. Tsai, C.C. Su and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Environmental dissipation of fungicide triphenyltin acetate and its potential as a groundwater contaminatant. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safe. 49: 164-170. (SCI) Abstract: The effects of various factors on fungicide triphenyltin acetate dissipation in selected soil types were studied; temperature is clearly the most important factor of these. Residues of this fungicide in Fangtzupo clay loam and Lanyang loam incubated at 30 degreesC for 32 days (water content 100, 70, or 40% of field capacity) were 25% of the original amounts. In soil samples incubated at 10, 30, or 40 degreesC with 100% field capacity water content, residues were 80, 26, and 5.5% for Fangtzupo soil, respectively, and 83, 26, and 7.0% for Lanyang soil, respectively. No significant difference in dissipation rate was found between sterilized and unsterilized soil, suggesting that microbial degradation is not an important factor in this process. Rapid degradation rates were observed-half-lives of 8.3 to 19.4 days in Fangtzupo clay loam and 8.0 to 16.3 days in Lanyang loam at temperatures ranging from 30 to 40 degreesC (soil water content of 100, 70, and 40% of field capacity). Significant increases in — 33 — half-life (approximately 150 days) occurred at lower temperatures (10 degreesC) in both soil types. The potential of triphenyltin acetate to contaminate groundwater was tested using the behavior assessment and groundwater pollution-potential models. Results indicate that the leaching rate of the fungicide is very slow (1.0 cm day(-1)) under normal conditions. Chen, I.M., B.V. Chang, S.Y. Yuan and Y.S. Wang. 2001. Reductive dechlorinatioon of hexachlorobenzene under various additions. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 139 (1-4): 61-74(SCI) Abstract: Microorganisms collected from sediments of Ho-Tsin River in southern Taiwan were used in this study. The ability to dechlorinate hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was induced by enrichment incubation in yeast extract amended culture and acclimation with HCB. Addition of lactate or replacement of yeast extract by lactate did not enhance the dechlorination ability. With strong electron capturing capability, denitrifying bacteria resulted in complete inhibition of dechlorination in the mixed culture contained nitrate. In the culture amended with sulfate, sulfate reducing bateria shared electrons and nutrient with HCB-dechlorinating consortium but grabbed more electrons when treated with vancomycin. Results from multi-factors tests indicate that the influences of factors on dechlorination were complicated. Dechlorinating microbes, electron suppliers, sulfate reducing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria, all possibly caused a great effect on dechlorination. Su, N.W. and M.H. Lee. 2001. Purification and characterization of a Novel Salt-tolerant Protease from Aspergillus sp. FC-10, a soy sauce koji mold. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 26: 253-258. (SCI) Abstract: A novel salt-tolerant protease produced by Aspergillus sp. FC-10 was purified to homogeneity through anionexchange chromatography, preparative isoelectric -focusing electrophoresis, and gel filtration chromatography, with an overall recovery of 12.7%. This protease demonstrated an optimum pH range of 7.0-9.0 for activity, with a stable pH range of 5.0-9.0. The optimum process temperature at pH 7.0 was 65degreesC. The enzyme has a molecular mass of 28 kDa and was deduced as a monomer with an isoelectric point of 3.75. Enzyme activity was strongly inhibited by 5 mM of HgCl2 and FeCl3, and significantly inhibited by 5 MM Of CUSO4, FeSO4, and MnCl2. The activity of this purified protease was inhibited by Na-2.EDTA; however, leupeptin, pepstatin A, PMSF, and E-64 did not affect the activity. Based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition, this purified protease should be classified as a member of the deuterolysin family — 34 — Su, N.W. and M.H. Lee. 2001. Screening and characterization of koji molds producing saline-tolerant protease. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 26: 230-234. (SCI) Abstract: Three mold strains isolated from soil in the Taipei area of Taiwan were compared with a commercial strain of Aspergillus oryzae for their proteolytic activities in an 18% NaCl aqueous solution system. Among these strains, the one subsequently identified and designated as Aspergillus sp, FC-10 produced protease with superior saline tolerance. In aflatoxin tests, this strain did not generate detectable aflatoxin after growing on steamed grain polished rice substrate for 24 days. Two types of extracellular proteases were preliminary fractionated by column chromatography on DEAE Sepharose CL-6B. Proteolytic activity of the nonadsorbed protease (P-I) was reduced to 9.4% in the 18% NaCl solution compared to its original activity determined in the buffer solution, However, the adsorbed protease (P-II) was particularly salt tolerant and stable, with 50% proteolytic activity retained throughout the 6-h stability test in 18% NaCl solution. Hseu, Z.Y. and Z.S. Chen. 2001. Quantifying soil hydromorphology of a rice-growing Ultisol toposequence in Taiwan. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65 (1): 270-278. (SCI) Abstract: Seasonally irrigated flooding and fluctuation of groundwater level control the redoximorphic features, saturation, and reduction of rice-growing Ultisols in different landscape positions of Taiwan, The objective of this study was to quantify soil hydromorphology of an Ultisol toposequence with different saturation and reduction conditions. Three study soils, along a toposequence at the red earth terrace, were selected for monitoring of the water table, matric potential, and redox potential (Eh) at various soil depths in 1996 and 1997, The three soils are Houhu (Typic Plinthaquult) in the toeslope, Hsinwu (Typic Plinthaquult) in the footslope, and Lungchung (Plinthaquic Paleudult) in the lower backslope, The Houhu and Lungchung soils were seasonally flooded for rice (Oryza sativa L.) production and produced perched water tables from March to October, The Hsinwu soil, where rice has not been planted since 1991, still revealed seasonally high water levels and perched water tables during the study period. Redox concentrations originally occurred as soft masses and concrete nodules associated with seasonally high water levels, but irrigation and drainage processes also influenced the development of redoximorphic features. The abundance of Fe-Mn concretions and Fe depletions increased as cycling of oxidation and reduction conditions increased in rice production. The durations of saturation and reduction in the Btv horizons of the Houhu soil in the toeslope position were more than 80% of the year, and the soil had approximate to 10% of Fe-Mn concretions. The — 35 — Btv horizons of the Hsinwu soil in the footslope position were saturated for 50% of the year and reduced for 25% of the year, and the soil had approximate to 20% Fe-Mn concretions. The Btv horizons of the Lungchung soil in the lower backslope position were saturated for 40% of the year and reduced for only approximate to 10% of the year, and the soil had 15% Fe-Mn concretions, The Houhu and Hsinwu soils had anthraquic conditions and the Lungchung soil, with less reduction, was proposed as having oxyaquic conditions as defined in U,S, soil taxonomy. Hseu, Z.Y. and Z.S. Chen. 2001. Quantifying soil hydromorphology of a rice-growing Ultisol toposequence in Taiwan. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65(1): 270-278. (SCI) Abstract: Seasonally irrigated flooding and fluctuation of groundwater level control the redoximorphic features, saturation, and reduction of rice-growing Ultisols in different landscape positions of Taiwan, The objective of this study was to quantify soil hydromorphology of an Ultisol toposequence with different saturation and reduction conditions. Three study soils, along a toposequence at the red earth terrace, were selected for monitoring of the water table, matric potential, and redox potential (Eh) at various soil depths in 1996 and 1997, The three soils are Houhu (Typic Plinthaquult) in the toeslope, Hsinwu (Typic Plinthaquult) in the footslope, and Lungchung (Plinthaquic Paleudult) in the lower backslope, The Houhu and Lungchung soils were seasonally flooded for rice (Oryza sativa L.) production and produced perched water tables from March to October, The Hsinwu soil, where rice has not been planted since 1991, still revealed seasonally high water levels and perched water tables during the study period. Redox concentrations originally occurred as soft masses and concrete nodules associated with seasonally high water levels, but irrigation and drainage processes also influenced the development of redoximorphic features. The abundance of Fe-Mn concretions and Fe depletions increased as cycling of oxidation and reduction conditions increased in rice production. The durations of saturation and reduction in the Btv horizons of the Houhu soil in the toeslope position were more than 80% of the year, and the soil had approximate to 10% of Fe-Mn concretions. The Btv horizons of the Hsinwu soil in the footslope position were saturated for 50% of the year and reduced for 25% of the year, and the soil had approximate to 20% Fe-Mn concretions. The Btv horizons of the Lungchung soil in the lower backslope position were saturated for 40% of the year and reduced for only approximate to 10% of the year, and the soil had 15% Fe-Mn concretions, The Houhu and Hsinwu soils had anthraquic conditions and the Lungchung soil, with less reduction, was proposed as having oxyaquic conditions as defined in U,S, soil taxonomy. Chen, Z.S., T.C. Tsou, V.B. Asio and C.C. Tsai. 2001. Genesis of Inceptisols on a — 36 — volcanic landscape in Taiwan. Soil Sci. 166(4): 255-266. (SCI) Abstract: Very little data are available regarding the genesis of Inceptisols derived from pyroclastic materials in Taiwan because most of the earlier research focused on Andisols. This study was conducted to explain the formation of Inceptisols derived from the pyroclastic material in northern Taiwan. Three pedons representing the summit, backslope, and footslope positions of a volcanic landscape were examined and sampled for physical, chemical, and mineralogical analyses. Results revealed that the soils were moderately developed and characterized by an A-BA-Bw-BC horizon sequence, loam to clay loam texture, firm and subangular blocky structure, low bulk density, high water, and P retention. The soils were very acid, with low exchangeable bases but very high exchangeable Al as well as considerable amounts of Al associated with humus. Gibbsite and quartz were found to be dominant in the sand fraction, whereas gibbsite, kaolinite, and 2:1. minerals were the major minerals in the clay fraction. Formation of the soils was relatively fast because of the easy weatherability of the pyroclastic materials, perhumid climate, and good drainage of the volcanic landscape. Since these Inceptisols possessed several Andic soil features, we hypothesize that they probably developed from earlier formed Andisols. Therefore, it is likely that the sequence of soil formation was Entisol --> Andisol --> Inceptisol. The most important soil-forming processes in the formation of the Inceptisols were likely structure formation, loss of bases and acidification, braunification, bioturbation, organic matter accumulation, weathering, and clay mineral formation. Chen, M.C., M.K. Wang, C.Y. Chiu, P.M. Huang and H.B. King. 2001. Determination of low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids and organic functional groups in rhizosphere and bulk soils in a temperate forest soils. Plant and Soil. 31: 37- 44. (SCI) Abstract: Low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) derived from root exudates, decomposing organic matter, and other sources are important ligands. The species of these LMWOAs in the Tsuga rhizosphere soil (TRS), and Yushania rhizosphere soil (YRS), and bulk soil (BS) from an alpine forest region were identified. LMWOA and organic functional groups were used to those fresh twigs and leaves, litters, and roots as comparison. The objectives of this study were to (i) develop a method that could be used to determine LMWOAs in soil solution by gas chromatography (GC), (ii) assess methods for processing LMWOAs in soil samples, and (iii) determine the relative proportions of organic carbon functional groups in the TRS, YRS and BS, and fresh plant materials with C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 NMR) analysis. The proportion of organic acid contents followed the order of YRS > TRS > BS, and also showed significant differences (P < 0.05) from GC analysis. The amounts of malonic, — 37 — fumaric and succinic acids in the YRS samples were greater than in the TRS and BS. Samples analyzed after 1 month of deep freeze storage (-24 degreesC) showed no signs of decomposition. The proportion of organic functional groups in the rhizosphere and bulk soils quantified by C-13 NMR analyses followed the general order: alkyl-C > O-alkyl-C > N-alkyl-C > acetal-C > aromatic-C > carboxylic-C > phenolic-C. Juang, T.C., M.K. Wang, H.C. Chen and C.C. Tan. 2001. Ammonium fixation by surface soils and clays. Soil Sci. 166: 345-356. (SCI) Abstract: Ammonium fixation by soil clays may influence N availability to plants; however, the nature of the clay minerals responsible for NH4-fixation is unclear. The first objective of this study was to investigate how ammonium concentration and temperature affect ammonium fixation. The second objective was to determine whether NH4-fixation is caused by tetrahedrally or octahedrally charged 2:1 phyllosilicates. Twelve surface (0-30 cm) soils were collected in Taiwan, An alkaline potassium hypobromite (KOBr-KOH) solution was employed to remove exchangeable and organic NH4+, and a 5 M HF 1 M HCl solution was used to extract fixed NH4 from the soil clays. The results indicated that the amount of NH4 fixed by soils and clays increased with temperature and NH4 concentration. Characterization of soil clays by X-ray diffraction (XRD) with K- and Mg-saturated clays indicated the presence of montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, and vermiculite. X-ray diffraction analysis of dodecylammonium-saturated samples indicated a mean layer charge of 0.40-0.56 e/O-10(OH)(2) for the montmorillonite, Heating LiCl-saturated clays at 300 degreesC neutralized the octahedral layer charge. The correlation between fixed ammonium and the octahedral layer charge NH4+ fixation (R-2 = 0.86) suggests a possible explanation for the fixed ammonium. Chang, C.M., M.K. Wang, T.W. Chang and C. Lin. 2001. Transport modeling of copper and cadmium with linear and nonlinear retardation factors. Chemosphere 43: 1133-1139. (SCI) Abstract: The predictive accuracy of using the one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation to evaluate the fate and transport of solute in a soil column is usually dependent on the proper determination of chemical retardation factors. Typically, the distribution coefficient (K-d) obtained by fitting the linear sorption isotherm has been extensively used to consider general geochemical reactions on solute transport in a low-concentration range. However, the linear distribution coefficient cannot be adequately utilized to describe the solute fate at a higher concentration level. This study employed the nonlinear equilibrium-controlled sorption parameters to determine the retardation factor used in column leaching experiments. Copper and cadmium — 38 — transportation in a lateritic silty-clay soil column was examined. Through the explicit finite-difference calculations with a third-order total-variation-diminishing (TVD) numerical solution scheme, all results of the theoretical copper and cadmium breakthrough curves (BTCs) simulated by using the Freundlich nonlinear retardation factors revealed good agreement with the experimental observations. Yang, D.S. and M.K. Wang. 2001. Characterization and a fast method to synthesis of sub-micron lithiophorite. Chemical of Materials 13: 2589-2594. (SCI) Abstract: A modified oxidation-deprotonation reaction (ODPR) was developed to synthesize well-crystallized birnessite. We compared the conventional methods for synthesis of birnessite with the ODPR approach. The structural chemistry of birnessite was evaluated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), using an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) to determine the Na+ content. The average oxidation states (AOS) of birnessite were determined by potentiometric titration. Infrared spectrometric (IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical techniques were used to characterize birnessite. The HRTEM lattice image and low Na+ content suggest that there are no vacancies in the octahedral layers of birnessite. The AOS values of birnessite ranged from 3.77 to 3.87 and the presence of IR bands at 1153 and 1084 cm(-1) were attributed to the Mn3+-OH deformation. The results show evidence for the presence of the Mn3+ or Mn2+ in the structure of birnessite. Chen, P.Y., M.K. Wang and D.S. Yang. 2001. Mineralogy of dickite and nacrite from northern Taiwan. Clays and Clay Minerals 49,(6):586-595. (SCI) Abstract: A modified oxidation-deprotonation reaction (ODPR) was developed to synthesize well-crystallized birnessite. We compared the conventional methods for synthesis of birnessite with the ODPR approach. The structural chemistry of birnessite was evaluated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), using an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) to determine the Na+ content. The average oxidation states (AOS) of birnessite were determined by potentiometric titration. Infrared spectrometric (IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical techniques were used to characterize birnessite. The HRTEM lattice image and low Na+ content suggest that there are no vacancies in the octahedral layers of birnessite. The AOS values of birnessite ranged from 3.77 to 3.87 and the presence of IR bands at 1153 and 1084 cm(-1) were attributed to the Mn3+-OH deformation. The results show evidence for the presence of the Mn3+ or Mn2+ in the structure of birnessite. Liu, C.L., M.K. Wang and C.C. Yang. 2001. Determination of cation-exchange capacity by one-step soil leaching column method. Comm. Soil Sci. and Plant — 39 — Analy. 32(15&16): 2359-2372. (SCI) Abstract: Many methods have been proposed for measuring exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity (CEC) in soils. Most of these methods are multi-step operations, which are time-consuming and, therefore, not applicable for routine soil tests. Speed and simplicity of operations are necessary. The objective of this study was to develop a one-step soil column leaching method to determine CEC using 0.01 M SrCl2 solution [CEC(SrCl2)]. Measured CEC(SrCl2) values correlate to the conventional CEC [I M NH4-acetate (NH4OAc, pH 7)] in slightly acidic, alkaline, and neutral pH soils. CEC(SrCl2)was also compared to the effective CEC (ECEC by 0.01 M SrCl2 and pH 7, 1 M NH4OAc solutions (soil column leaching method) in red soils. Here, ECEC(SrCl2) and ECEC(NH4OAc) are the sum of exchangeable K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Al3+ in soil column leachates. The correlation between CEC(SrCl2) versus ECEC(SrCl2), and CEC(SrCl2) versus ECEC(NH4OAc) of seven red soils showed a linear relationship (r(2) values being 0.99 and 0.98, respectively). The correlation between CEC(SrCl2) and conventional CEC(NH4OAc) of five soils (i.e., slightly acidic, alkaline or neutral pH soils) was 0.99. However, a comparison of CEC(SrCl2) to conventional CEC(NF4OAc) shows significant differences (p < 0.01) for seven red soils. but not for five other soils (p > 0.05). Thus, these results indicate that the advantage of the CEC(SrCl2) from one-step soil leaching column technique can consider it as ECEC of red soils and CEC of the other slightly acidic, alkaline and neutral pH soils. The one-step soil leaching column method is a rapid, simple technique for determining CEC of most soils and ECEC of red soils. Chiu, C.Y., M.K. Wang, H.B. King and J.L. Hwong. 2001. Physical and chemical properties of rhizosphere and bulk soils of Tsuga and Yushania in a temperate forest soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 33 (11-12): 1723-1735. (SCI) Abstract: The objectives of this study were to investigate selected physical and chemical properties, and availability of metals in rhizosphere and bulk soils of Tsuga and Yushania of alpine forests. The pH of rhizosphere soils was lower than bulk soils. Mean CEC, organic carbon, carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and clay contents in rhizosphere soils were greater than in bulk soils (P < 0.05). Concentrations of exchangeable potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) were also greater in rhizosphere soils than in bulk soils. The availability of aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in rhizospheres was influenced by the ionic species and concentrations, which depend on the pH change and chemical compositions of root exudates. Chang, T.W., M.K. Wang and C. Lin. 2001. Adsorption in the different — 40 — sorbent/water ratios of soil systems. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 138 (1-4): 199-209. ( SCI) Abstract: While sorbate/sorbent, sorbate/water, and sorbent/water (S/W) ratios in a batch system are known to affect the adsorption of sorbate, the effect of different S/W ratios on the adsorption of inorganic sorbates has seldom been addressed. This study investigates the adsorption phenomena of Cu2+ in different sorbate/sorbent/water ratios in a batch system. Batch experiments are performed to examine the adsorption, and the linear (K-D), Langmuir (K-L), and Freundlich (K-F) adsorption coefficients of Cu2+ in lateritic soil. These experiments are conducted using solutions with initial concentrations of 0.5 to 50 mg Cu2+ L-1 equilibrated with an appropriate amount of soil to give S/W ratios of 0.1 to 2 g mL(-1). Although the variations in the sorbed amount and adsorption coefficients apparently originate from a change in the sorbate/sorbent/water ratio, only the equilibrium concentration significantly affects adsorption. On the other hand, the linear and Langmuir isotherm cannot adequately describe the adsorption data. In this study, the Freundlich equation gave an excellent fit to the adsorption data with a goodness-of-fit (R-2) > 0.984. However, adsorption isotherms should be regarded as only a curve-fitting model or a mathematical tool and cannot be employed to interpret any particular adsorption mechanism. Meanwhile, the solids effect reveals that K-F and maximum adsorption (b) of the Langmuir equation increase when S/W ratio decreases. The sorbate in the stagnant phase must be considered as part of the equilibrium concentration in the solid phase to avoid underestimating the sorbed amount at a lower S/W ratio and/or a higher sorbate concentration level. Juang, K.W., D.Y. Lee and T.R. Ellsworth. 2001. Using rank order geostatistics for spatial interpolation of highly skewed data in a heavy metal contaminated site. J. Environ. Qual. 30: 894-903. (SCI) Abstract: The spatial distribution of a pollutant in contaminated soils is usually highly skewed. As a result, the sample variogram often differs considerably from its regional counterpart and the geostatistical interpolation is hindered. In this study, rank-order geostatistics with standardized rank transformation was used for the spatial interpolation of pollutants with a highly skewed distribution in contaminated soils when commonly used nonlinear methods, such as logarithmic and normal-scored transformations, are not suitable. A real data set of soil Cd concentrations with great variation and high skewness in a contaminated site of Taiwan was used for illustration. The spatial dependence of ranks transformed from Cd concentrations was identified and kriging estimation was readily performed in the standardized-rank space. The estimated standardized rank was back-transformed into the concentration space using — 41 — the middle point model within a standardized-rank interval of the empirical distribution function (EDF). The spatial distribution of Cd concentrations was then obtained. The probability of Cd concentration being higher than a given cutoff value also can be estimated by using the estimated distribution of standardized ranks. The contour maps of Cd concentrations and the probabilities of Cd concentrations being higher than the cutoff value can be simultaneously used for delineation of hazardous areas of contaminated soils. Lai, H.M. 2001. Effects of hydrothermal treatment on the physicochemical properties of pregelatinized rice flour. Food Chemistry 72: 455-463. (SCI) Abstract: Effects of hydrothermal treatment on the pasting, thermal and hydration properties of rice flour prepared from three Indica varieties of milled rice [Taichung Sen Glutinous (TCSW) 1, Taichung Sen (TCS) 10, and TCS 17], which contained 1.2, 17.9 and 28.8% amylose, were studied. Three hydrothermally-treated factors, soaking time, steaming temperature and steaming time were investigated. From the statistical results of an experimental design of L-27 orthogonal array, the soaking time is a significant factor that affects the pasting properties of three varieties of rice with various degrees of influence. However, the increase of pasting temperature, reduction or. peak viscosity and elevation of final viscosity were investigated for all treated non-waxy rice and resulted in the reduction of its breakdown and total setback. The differences of pasting and hydration properties of treated rice flour were attributed to the changes of rigidity of starch granules under treatment. The results of DSC showed that the degree of gelatinization was higher in waxy rice than in non-waxy rice when subjected to the same hydrothermal conditions. Wu, H.L., R.S. Hseu and L.P. Lin. 2001. Utilization of ribosomal DNA sequences to identify Chlorella spp. isolates. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 42:115-121. (SCI) Abstract: Members of the Chlorella species are very simple unicellular algae, easy to cultivate and widely used in various physiological studies, Their morphological and physiological characteristics, however, normally change with the environment, making species identification difficult. TO elucidate the relationship between various strains of Chlorella, this investigation analyzed the nuclear-encoded and chloroplast-encoded small-subunit rDNA sequences of four strains of Chlorella using PCR techniques. These strains were isolated from different rivers and ponds in Taiwan and Indonesia, and then compared and identified using stock strains of Chlorella spp. from the culture collection centers, and published DNA sequence data from Genbank. Experimental results attributed the isolated strains mainly to C. sorokiniana, a common species of green algae which grows in freshwater ecosystems at around 36 degreesC. In addition, — 42 — phylogenetic analysis of nuclear-encoded and chloroplast-encoded small-subunit rDNA sequences from spherical green algae of the genera Chlorella revealed the sequences to closely resemble each other. Further analyses indicated that Chlorella spp. 216 was dose to Chlorella spp. 21 and I. Generally, the chloroplast data sets supported the lineages more than the nuclear data sets did. Strains 21 and 216 were closer to I. Comparisons with some of the morphological and biochemical data indicated that the phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences was in line with results obtained by conventional methods. Liu, C.P. and L.P. Lin. 2001. Ultrastructural study and DHA production of Isochrysis sp. CCMP1324. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 42: 207-214. (SCI) Abstract: This study investigates methods for extracting lipids from microalgae and analyzes the effects of culture media as well as culture conditions on PUFA yields and total fatty acid contents. Experimental results of an optimal culturing of Isochtysis spp. were based on a 3.2% salinity culture medium. These microalgae were cultured in a 1-2 L Roux's flat-flask and a 5 L jar fermentor. The optimum culture temperature and initial pH for DHA production were 25 degreesC and 8.0, respectively. Pigments included chlorophylls a and c. The DHA yield increased with cultivation time until the eighth day. Optimum DHA amounts in the cells were reached under aeration with 10% CO2 and with continuous illumination of 10 klux. The biomass dry weight reached 4 g per liter of culture, and the DHA production reached 16 mg per liter of culture. Lipid bodies in Isochrysis spp. and related genera were observed during culture by light and transmission electron microscopy; 0.5 similar to3.0 pm sized lipid bodies were confirmed by staining with Sudan Black B in cells from log stage to stationary stage cultures. These results demonstrated that DHA-containing lipid bodies in cells can be produced and accumulated in marine Isochrysis spp. Yang, S.S. and H.L. Chang. 2001. Methane emission from paddy fields in Taiwan. Biology and Fertility of Soils 33: 157-165. (SCI) Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of environmental conditions on CH4 emission from paddy fields in Taiwan, four locations, two cropping seasons and two irrigation systems were studied. CH4 emission was high at the active tillering and the booting stages in the first cropping season, whereas it was low at the transplanting and the ripening stages with an intermittent irrigation system. CH4 emission was high at the transplanting stage in the second cropping season, and decreased gradually during rice cultivation. Daily temperature and light intensity increased gradually during rice growth in the first cropping season (February-June), while it was reversed in the second cropping season (August-December). The seasonal CH4 emission from paddy — 43 — fields ranged from 1.73 to 11.70 g m(-2), and from 10.54 to 39.50 g m(-2) in the first and second cropping seasons, respectively. The seasonal CH4 emission in the second cropping season was higher than that in the first cropping season in all test fields. The seasonal CH4 emission was 32.65 mg m(-2) in the first cropping season of the National Taiwan University paddy field with continuous flooding, and it was 28.85 mg m(-2) in the second cropping season. The annual CH4 emission ranged from 12.3 to 49.3 g m(-2) with an intermittent irrigation system, and the value was 61.5 g m(-2) with a continuous flooding treatment. The annual CH4 emission from paddy fields was estimated to be 0.034 Tg in 1997 from 364,212 ha of paddy fields with an intermittent irrigation system, which was less than the 0.241 Tg calculated by the IPCC method with a continuous flooding treatment. Yang, S.S. and C.M. Lei. 2001. Effect of culture media on protease and oxytetracycline production in Streptomyces rimosus. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 17: 403-410. (SCI) Abstract: For the simultaneous production of protease and oxytetracycline, mycelium and protoplasts of Streptomyces rimosus TM-55 were cultivated in basal medium containing soluble starch, corn steep liquid, ammonium sulphate, calcium carbonate, sodium chloride and soybean oil. Protease and oxytetracycline production increased with decreasing in ratio of culture broth to vessel volume from 1:2 to 1:5. Each ml of broth with 0.286 mg fresh mycelia yielded 168-204 units of protease and 785-972 mug of oxytetracycline after replacement of corn steep liquor, sodium chloride and soybean oil with beef extract and sunflower oil, while each ml of broth with 7.5 x 10(7) protoplasts produced 141-153 units of protease and 504-615 mug of oxytetracycline. Protease and oxytetracycline production were low when the pH was less than or equal to5.1 or greater than or equal to9.0. Soluble starch and ammonium sulphate were the best carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Supplementation with calcium carbonate enhanced protease and oxytetracycline production. The productivity of protoplasts decreased sharply when the incubation temperature increased from 28 to 34 degreesC, while the productivity of mycelium was almost unchanged. Yang, C.K. and S.S. Yang. 2001. Microbial ecology of soils surrounding nuclear and thermal power plants in Taiwan. Environment International 26: 315-322.(SCI) Abstract: This paper reports a study of the effect of three nuclear and one thermal power plants on the microbial ecology of soils. Populations of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, cellulolytic microbes, phosphate-solubilizing microbes and nitrogen-fixing microbes in the soil in the vicinity of each plant were studied. Soils were acidic at three sites, — 44 — and moisture contents of the power plant soils were lower than those of the surrounding areas, Microbial populations of the topsoils (0-20 cm deep) were higher than the subsoils (21-40 cm deep), and only 10-15% of them showed significant difference (P < .05). Thirty-three percent of the samples from the surrounding areas had higher microbial population than those from the power plant areas, but 19% was the reverse. Populations of cellulolytic, phosphate-solubilizing and nitrogen-fixing microbes varied with sampling locations, season and environmental conditions. Ratios of cellulolytic, phosphate-solubilizing and nitrogen-fixing microbes to total viable counts in some samples of the surrounding areas were significantly higher than in the power plant areas. Although the microbial populations of power plant soil and its surrounding area were somewhat different, it cannot be attributed as an effect of power plant operation. as the differences were not consistent. Chen, W.L., D.J. Hung, H.L. Wang, J.C. Su and P.D. Lee. 2001. Purification and characterization of sucrose phosphase synthase from sweet potato tuber roots. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 42 (2): 123-129.(SCI) Abstract: Sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) is one of the key enzymes in the sucrose biosynthesis pathway. SPS was purified 40 fold from crude extract of sweet potato tuberous roots by the methods of batch elution from DEAE-Sephacel, PEG precipitation, omega -aminohexyl Sepharose 4B affinity and Mono Q union exchange chomatographies. The native- and SDS-PAGE analyses revealed SPS to have a native molecular mass of about 540 kDa, and it may therefore be homotetramer composed of subunit with a mass of 130-140 kDa. The isoelectric point of the purified enzyme as determined by IEF was 5.29. SPS fi-om the sweet potato tuberous root, which differs from the SPS of photosynthetic tissues, was not allosterically regulated by G6P and Pi. The Km for F6P and UDPG was 5.3 and 31.3 mM, respectively. The enzyme was activated by Mn2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+, while being inhibited by Hg2+ The nucleotides AMP, ADP, ATP, UMP, UDP, UTP, and TDP inhibited the enzyme about 30 similar to 50%. The enzyme was sensitive to sulfydryl reagents, but activity could be restored with DTT or beta -ME. The enzyme was activated by glucose, glucosamine, maltose, and lactose, but was inhibited by delta -gluconolactone. SPS could also be inhibited by PCMBS and Cibacron blue F3G-A. Chao, P.M., C.Y. Chao, F.J. Lin and C.J. Huang. 2001. Oxidized frying oil up-regulates hepatic acyl coa oxidase and cytochrome P-450 4 A1 genes in rats and activate PPAR-. J. Nutr. 131: 3166-3174. (SCI) Abstract: Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and its component hydroxy fatty acids were shown to activate peroxisome proliferator-activating receptor alpha (PPAR alpha) and gamma — 45 — (PPAR gamma). To test the hypothesis that lipid oxidation products in oxidized frying oil (OFO) can activate PPAR alpha and up-regulate its target genes, a feeding experiment and a transactivation experiment were conducted. Based on a 2 x 2 factorial design, four groups of Sprague-Dawley male weanling rats were fed diets containing either high (20 g/100 g, HO and HF) or low (5 g/100 g, LO and LF) levels of oxidized frying soybean oil (HO and LO) or fresh soybean oil (HF and LF) for 6 wk. The OFO sample was prepared by frying wheat dough sheets in soybean oil at 205 +/5 degreesC for 24 h. OFO dose dependently and significantly increased (P < 0.05) mRNA of acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) and cytochrome P-450 4A1(CYP4A1) in liver of rats. Dietary OFO also dose dependently increased liver microsomal CYP4A protein (P < 0.05). The activity of hepatic ACO of the HO group was sixfold that of the HF group (P < 0.05). Plasma total lipids, liver triglycerides, cholesterol and total lipids were reduced in rats fed the LO and HO diets (P < 0.05). Through the ligand binding domain of PPAR alpha, the hydrolyzed OFO enhanced the expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) reporter gene to a significantly greater extent (P < 0.05) than the hydrolyzed fresh soybean oil in a transactivation assay using a clone of CHO K1 cells stably expressing Gal4-PPAR<alpha> chimeric receptor and UAS(4)-ALP reporter. The results support our hypothesis that dietary OFO, by activating PPAR alpha, up-regulates the expression of PPAR alpha downstream genes and alters lipid metabolism in rats. Chen, H.M., S.C. Chang, C.C. Wu, T.S. Cuo, J.S. Wu and R.H. Juang. 2001. The catalytic behavior of L-form starch phosphorylase from sweet potato roots is regulated by proteolysis. Physiol. Plantarum. 114(4): 506-515. (SCI) Abstract: Starch phosphorylase (SP) is an enzyme used for the reversible phosphorolysis of the alpha-glucan in plant cells. When compared to its isoform in an animal cell, glycogen phosphorylase, a peptide containing 78 amino acids (L78) is inserted in the centre of the low-affinity type starch phosphorylase (L-SP). We found that the amino acid sequence of L78 had several interesting features including the presence of a PEST region, which serves as a signal for rapid degradation. Indeed, most L-SP molecules isolated from mature sweet potato roots were nicked in the middle of a molecule, but still retained their tertiary or quaternary structures, as well as full catalytic activity. The nicking sites on the L78 were identified by amino acid sequencing of these peptides, which also enabled us to propose a proteolytic process for L-SP. Enzyme kinetic studies of L-SP in the direction of starch synthesis indicated that the K-m decreased during the proteolytic process when starch was used as the limiting substrate, but the K-m for the other substrate (Glc-1-P) increased. On the other hand, the maximum velocities (V-max) increased for both substrates. Mobility of the nicked L-SP was retarded on a native polyacrylamide gel containing soluble starch, indicating the — 46 — increased affinity for starch. Results in this study suggested that L78 and its proteolytic modifications might play a regulatory role on the catalytic behaviour of L-SP in starch biosynthesis. Chen, C.Y., W.T. Wu, M.H. Lin, C.K. Ch’ang, H.J. Huang, J.M. Liao, L.Y. Chen and Y.T. Liu. 2001. A common precusor for the three subunits of L-glutamate oxidase from Streptomycess platensis NTU3304. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 47:269-275. (SCI) Abstract: A segment of DNA containing the L-glutamate oxidase (gm) gene from Streptomyces platensis NTU3304 was cloned. The entire nucleotide sequence of the protein-coding portion consisting of 2130 bp (710 codons, including AUG and UGA) of the cloned DNA fragment was determined. The gm gene contained only one open reading frame (ORF) which coded for a 78-kDa polypeptide, the precursor of active extracellular Cox. Mature Cox is composed of three subunits, designated as alpha, beta, and gamma, with molecular masses of 39, 19, and 16 kDa, respectively. Analyses of the N-terminal amino acid sequences of the subunits revealed that the order of subunits in the precursor polypeptide encoded by the ORF, from N-terminus to C-terminus, is alpha-gamma-beta. The presence of the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)binding motif place Cox as a member of the flavoenzyme family. Furthermore, a negative effect of glucose on the biosynthesis of Gox was observed when it was used as carbon source. Chou, S.F. and C.Y. Chen. 2001. Production and purification of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against human ferritin, a nonspecific tumor marker. Hybridoma 20(1):59-62. (SCI) Abstract: The aim of this study was to produce monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against a nonspecific tumor marker, human ferritin, Hyperimmune ICR mice produced polyclonal antibodies after injection with 0.5 mL pristane, and were injected with NS-1 myeloma cells 2 weeks later. Hyperimmune Balb/c mice were used for the production of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), Mice were immunized four times, given a final boost, and their spleen cells were collected and fused with NS-1 myeloma cells under the presence of PEG 1500, The fused cells were then selected in the HAT-RPMIX medium. Anti-ferritin antibody-secreting hybridoma cell lines with high titer were cloned by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) and then subcloned by limiting dilution in 15% fetal bovine serum (FBS) HT-RPMIX medium. Five murine hybridoma-producing anti-ferritin MAbs were obtained and designated 1AD11F9, 1AD11E11, 2AD11D2, 2AD11A5, and 3AD11G8, Isotypes of these MAbs — 47 — were identified as IgM heavy chain and kappa light chain. Hitrap Protein A and Hitrap IgM purification column were used for the purification of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, respectively. Chou, S.F., W.L. Hsu, C.M. Hwang and C.Y. Chen. 2001. Development of an immunosensor of human ferritin, a nonspecific tumor marker. Analytica Chimica Acta, 453 (2): 181-189. (SCI) Abstract: A new human ferritin immunosensor was developed using anti-human ferritin antibodies (Abs) immobilized on the gold disc of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). Two kinds of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) prepared by cystamine-glutaraldehyde and cystamine method were applied to immobilize anti-ferritin monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) and polyclonal antibodies (PoAbs) on the quartz, respectively. The reusabilities of quartz crystal adopting the SAMs were found to be better than those of the other immobilization methods used. The 10 cycles of measurements could be performed on the gold surface of the same crystal regenerated with a solution of glycine.HC1. This sensor system could be continuously performed for 15 days, the relative frequency shifts (the frequency shifts measured are relative to the response at the first day) were all found to be above 95%. A linear relationship existed between the frequency shifts (Hz) and the log values of human ferritin concentrations in the range from 0.1 to 100 ng/ml in buffer and mouse serum. This human ferritin immumosensor had some advantages: high sensitivity, high specificity, low sample requirement, high reusability, no label and no pretreatment etc. Chen, P.Y., B.G. Gopalacushina, C.C. Yang, S.I. Chan and P.A. Evans. 2001. The role of a -buldge in the folding of the –hairpin structure in ubiquitin. Protein Sci. 10: 2075-2082. (SCI) Abstract: It is known that the peptide corresponding to the N-terminal beta -hairpin of ubiquitin, U(1-17), can populate the monomeric beta -hairpin conformation in aqueous solution. In this study, we show that the Gly-10 that forms the bulge of the beta -turn in this hairpin is very important to the stability of the hairpin. The deletion of this residue to desG10(1-16) unfolds the structure of the peptide in water. Even under denaturing conditions, this bulge appears to be important in maintaining the residual structure of ubiquitin, which involves tertiary interactions within the sequence 1 to 34 in the denatured state. We surmise that this residual structure functions as one of the nucleation centers in the folding process and is important in stabilizing the transition state. In accordance with this idea, deleting Gly-10 slows down the refolding and unfolding rate by about one half. — 48 — Lee, K.T., T. Hirano, T. Yamakawa, T. Kodama, Y. Igarashi and K. Shimomura. 2001. Responses of transformed root culture of Atropa belladonna to salicylic acid. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 91: 586-589. (SCI) Abstract: The effect of salicylic acid (SA) on tropane alkaloid production and the responses to SA stress of transformed root cultures of Atropa belladonna (belladonna) were investigated. Treatment of A. belladonna transformed roots with 0.2 mM SA did not have any effect on tropane alkaloid production, but two compounds were produced in the medium. These were identified as the SA derivatives methylsalicylate and methyl-o-methoxybenzoate by high-resolution mass spectrometry and UV spectrometry. In contrast, treatment with 2 mM salicylic acid stimulated tropane alkaloid release from the transformed roots into the medium by up to 35% of the total alkaloids after 24 h, and the SA derivatives were not observed in the medium. These results revealed that transformed root of A. belladonna exhibits distinct by different responses to SA stress depending on the SA concentration. — 49 — 第七項 學生活動 九十學年度(2001 年 8 月 1 日~2002 年 7 月 31 日) 系學會幹部名單: 會 長:蔡孟男 副 會 長:郭榮彥 總務部長:吳婉如 活動部長:張愷芬 庶務部長:張恩誠 學術部長:林育新 美宣部長:張家禎 體育部長:吳宗諭 公關部長:張韶芩 系學會從九十學年度起由大二的同學擔任幹部,除了負責舉辦定期性的活動 外,也擔任同學與系上的溝通管道,傳達老師們的意見及學生們的心聲。當然,本 系的學生對運動也是相當的熱衷,志同道合的同學們及老師們自行組成球隊為系上 爭取榮耀。 籃球隊: 隊長:吳宗諭 隊員:凌啟鴻、李啟睿、蔡孟男、郭榮彥、吳泰均、黃冠綸、張耀仁、張益昌、 江中成、謝秉宏、徐柏瑋、廖健廷、林洋鼎、許銘志、郭憲季、張惟程、 林文謙、楊明唐、李培儒、季彥達、余忠佑。 排球隊: 隊長:陳泰宏 隊員:莊楷煦、鄭傑洋、蕭凇云、陳泰邦、劉楊威、陳佑誠、周大為、林煒祥、 潘士賢、鄭培益、徐柏瑋。 我們的排球隊在一位博士班學長的帶領及一群熱衷於排球的學長們苦心經 營之下,歷年來不管是在台大盃和食營盃等校際或是全國性的排球比賽中,時 常打入決賽,爭奪冠亞軍。 壘球隊: 隊長:鍾祖弘 隊員:李家興、宗培倫、王仁彥、謝清洲、賴鴻裕、簡士濠、高政毅、陳碧子、 梁雅芳、江博能、楊登旭、鄒裕民、馮志峰、蘇立賢、劉曜文、謝淑敏、 — 50 — 吳森博、吳佳其、陳世勳、張恩誠、張耀仁、陳俊帆、吳勝哲。 我們的壘球隊也是個新成立的球隊,由一些研究所的學長及老師共同和大 學部的學生主成的一支壘球隊,在第一次的比賽中(台大慢壘盃)就獲得的殿軍。 2001 年系學會活動一覽表: 活動名稱及日期 杜鵑花節 2001/4/30 活動內容 地點 這一年一度的重大節目,讓我們共襄盛舉,了解農化系,讓家長 台大舊體育 以及學生們都驚嘆不已! 館 系服設計及製作 這一次我們的系服強調全方位的農化系,經由大家的票選,圖案 2001/5/3 由染色體,蛋糕等圖案當選為 2001 農化系服。 系刊編輯及出刊 編輯系刊一直是一項很種要的活動,不僅是對外宣傳我們的系, 2001/3 月~5 月 更是與系友傳達訊息的一個重要的工作。 送舊晚會 2001/5/24 驪歌響起,又是這個悲傷的時刻。師長,同學們,我們即將各奔 天湘園 前程。風蕭蕭兮易水寒,狀士一去不復返! 農化營 為了使高中生了解本系所涵蓋的領域,引發其對於生化,微生物,台大校總區 土壤環境,食品營養的興趣,並且提供他們在選擇大學科系時能 有更開闊的眼界,本系特於暑假期間辦兩梯次的農化營,盼能以 寓教於樂的方式使高中生了解農化系的前景。 2001/7/5~13 迎新宿營 2001/9/11~12 新生入學指導 2001/9/13 食品營養盃 2001/12/13~16 農化之夜 為了迎接學弟妹們,我們特地的籌畫了這活動,讓他們能在開學 金山青年活 先認識彼此及學長姐們。 動中心 為了讓學弟妹們能在開學前對自己的系所有所了解,系上的老師 台大總圖書 精心為新生們準備了系所的介紹,引領學弟妹們進入農化的世界。館會議室 由嘉義大學食品系所舉辦的全國大專院校食品營養盃運動大會。 嘉義大學 由大學部二年級的同學為全系帶來的精采演出。 2001/12/26 — 51 — 台大視聽小 劇場 九十年度各項獎項得獎名單: 台灣石化合成股份有限公司獎學金:黃依倫、張瑋成 財團法人農友社社會福利基金會獎學金:馮志峰、鄭江敏 蔡錫舜教授獎學金:鄭江敏、何貞瑩 何芳陔、劉伯文、陳振鐸教授獎學金:周明鈺 陳安泰醫師獎學金:黃嘉佳 郭錫琉先生文教基金會獎學金:王信傑、陳盟靜、常振鎧 應屆畢業生服務課程成績優良:江承先、李聖聿、蔡宏基、吳尚璈 大學部成績優良(書卷獎): 89 學年度第 2 學期 大一:張峰銓、張書綸、楊舒婷、陳思維、張意苓 大二:林采菱、曾苔薇、江宜臻、張瑋成、周明鈺 大三:黃依倫、黃筑君、楊伊瑋、黃文寧、李幸芳 90 學年度第 1 學期 大一:張哲源、蘇育逸、范嫻蘄、賈德韻、陳永如、陳彥鴒 大二:張書綸、許弼強、簡文俐、楊舒婷、陳思維 大三:劉雨庭、高歆嵐、江宜臻、曾光靖、謝依庭、駱亭 大四:黃依倫、黃維君、楊乃縈、楊伊瑋、謝孟荔 — 52 —