Hist 1210, World History 1 - Tennessee State University

Hist 1210, World History 1
Fall 2013, Tuesday and Thursday 9:40-11:05am and 2:40-3:05pm
Elizabeth Dachowski
413D Crouch Hall (Grad Bldg)
Office hours: M 2:00-4:00, Tu-Th 9:00-9:30; 1:00-4:30
Peter von Sivers, Charles A. Desnoyers, George B. Stow. Patterns of World History. Brief Edition.
Volume One. Oxford University Press [=Patterns]
Web support for Patterns of World History:
Web readings (see reading list for titles and URL).
Oxford Reference Books Online Premium (available through TSU library page under ebooks/ebook
www.quia.com/pages/hist121tsu.html (This site contains study games in a user-friendly format.)
Tu Aug 27
Introduction: How the course works (Syllabus, Historical Markers, Homework,
Discussions); What the course is about (World History, pre-1500)
Th Aug 29
TSU Historical Marker Commission
Tu Sep 3
Human Origins
Readings: Patterns, chapter 1 and Cave of Chauvet website
(http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/chauvet/en/, "Visit the Cave" and view at least
5 elements, including at least 3 artistic ensembles)
Th Sep 5
Beginnings of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in the Fertile Crescent
Readings: Patterns, chapter 2 (to p. 38)
Tu Sep 10
Mesopotamian Government
Readings: Patterns, chapter 2 (pp. 38-end; focus on Mesopotamia and its neighbors);
"Code of Hammurabi" (http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/ancient/hamcode.asp), laws #1#10, plus 10 more laws of your choosing (hint: search for key-words that interest you
such as "slave" or "woman" or "sell" or "god").
Th Sep 12
Egyptian Government
Readings: Patterns, chapter 2 (pp. 38-end; focus on Egypt and its neighbors)
Tu Sep 17
India: Agriculture and Government
Readings: Patterns, chapter 3; selection from the Rig Veda (http://www.mirceaeliade.com/from-primitives-to-zen/134.html)
Th Sep 19
China: Agriculture and Government
Readings: Patterns, chapter 4; Shang Oracle Bones (http://www.indiana.edu/~e232/02Shang.pdf, note that the text of the bones is on pp. 5-6; you may find the rest of the file
interesting but are not required to read it)
Tu Sep 24
Americas and Oceania: Migration and Adaptation, on Land and Water
Reading: Patterns, chapter 5
Th Sep 26
Early Civilizations Compared
Readings: Review Patterns, chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5
Exam I (covers through chapter 5)
Tu Oct 1
Th Oct 3
African States
Readings: Patterns, chapter 6 (to p. 153); Herodotus: The Histories, c. 430 BCE, Book
III (second reading on page http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/nubia1.asp)
Tu Oct 8
States in the Americas
Readings: Patterns, chapter 6 (pp. 153 to end)
Th Oct 10
Tu Oct 15
Th Oct 17
Tu Oct 22
Th Oct 24
Tu Oct 29
Th Oct 31
Tu Nov 5
Th Nov 7
Tu Nov 12
Th Nov 14
Tu Nov 19
Th Nov 21
Tu Nov 26
Th Nov 28
Tu Dec 3
Tu Dec 5
Tu Dec 10,
(sec 01)
Th Dec 12,
(sec 02)
Persia, Greece, and Alexander the Great
Readings: Patterns, chapter 7 (to p. 176 and pp. 192-end); Arrian, "Speech of
Alexander the Great" (http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/ancient/arrian-alexander1.asp)
and "Darius I of Persia: the Behistan Inscription," column 1
Fall Break
Religion, Society, and State in India
Readings: Patterns, chapter 8; the Buddha, "The Sermon at Benares"
(http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/bud-ser.html; read just the sermon, not
the discussion of Nirvana)
Roman Empire
Readings: Patterns, chapter 7 (pp. 176-86); Letters of Sidonius
Monotheism: Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism
Readings: Patterns, chapter 7 (pp. 186-92);
China: Philosophy and Government under the Qin and Han Dynasties
Readings: Patterns, chapter 9; Analects of Confucius
Axial Age: Religion and Philosophy in the Old World
Readings: Patterns, chapters 7, 8, and 9 (skim for religion and philosophy); review
readings attributed to Confucius and the Buddha
Exam II (covers chapters 6 through 9)
Rise of Islam
Readings: Patterns, chapter 10 (to p. 275); selected hadith
Islamic World
Readings: Patterns, chapter 10 (pp. 275-end)
Early Medieval Europe
Readings: Patterns, chapter 11 (to p. 312); Einhard, Life of Charlemagne
Later Medieval Europe
Readings: Patterns, chapter 11 (pp. 312-end); Johannes of Trokelowe
Medieval India
Readings: Patterns, chapter 12 (to p. 330);
Medieval China and Its Neighbors
Readings: Patterns, chapter 12 (pp. 330-end)
Connections in the Old World: Mongols in Asia, Islam in Africa
Readings: Review information on the Mongols in Patterns chapters 10, 11, and 12; "ibn
Battuta," (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1354-ibnbattuta.asp; read pp. 43-46
Empires in the Americas and Trade and Exploration across the Oceans
Readings: Patterns, chapter 15 and chapter 16 (to p. 441); letter of Columbus
Exam III (covers chapters 10-12 and 14-16)
This is the date and time published by the university.