S_450_499 - StealthSkater

Table of Contents - "S_450_499.doc"_
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding 'scalars'
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding post-quantum theories
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Dark Matter-Energy, gravitons, etc.
from Richard Martin regarding the Dan Burisch story
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding physics "mainstreamers"
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding theories and reality.
from Tom Skeggs regarding recent FTA progress
from Tom Skeggs regarding constructing his FTA airframe
from Tom Bearden regarding free-energy researcher Gene Mallove
from Mike D'Agostino regarding "time lines -or- fields"
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Tom Skeggs' recent efforts
from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL's new website
from Tom Skeggs explaining his FTA design
from Tom Skeggs regarding an FTA Progress Update
from Tom Skeggs regarding FTA/MHD Generators
from Tom Skeggs regarding a novel Afterburner & Bransstrahlung
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr.regarding Tom Skeggs' question on MHD generation
from Andrew Potter regarding a UNITEL web forum
from Tom Skeggs regarding Ed Halerewicz's comments on MHD equations
from Paul Kirsch regarding UNITEL
from Paul Kirsch with some personal background info
from Paul Kirsch regarding his UFO interests
from Paul Kirsch regarding personal UFO theories
from Paul Kirsch regarding misc. thoughts
from Tom Skeggs regarding remote-viewing possible British-American covert "hate" programs
from L.K. Tucker regarding new info on the Betty&Barney Hill abduction
from Tom Skeggs regarding the UFO enigma
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Gravastars
from Tom Skeggs regarding Bob Lazar and David Adair
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding more on Gravastars
from Tom Skeggs regarding separating fact from fiction
from Tom Skeggs regarding progress on the FTA engines
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "TruthSeeker TV"
from Tom Skeggs regarding USAF consciousness teleportation
from Albert Nickitin regarding Life's unanswered questions
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr.regarding his article on the "Flying Triangle" ufos
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding physics theories
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding the Rare Isotope Accelerator and Bob Lazar
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding evidence of superstrings
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding field theory
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Bob Lazar
from Tom Skeggs regarding recent FTA progress
from Tom Skeggs regarding alleged Tibet "stargate"
from Tom Skeggs regarding a mysterious energy source
from Tom Skeggs regarding insights into remote-viewing
from Tom Skeggs regarding misc. questions
from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding what type of physicist he classifies himself
from Richard Martin regarding possible counter-intelligence at Tinker AFB
from Tom Skeggs regarding Montauk revisited
from Tom Skeggs regarding more Montauk answers
S-450. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding 'scalars'
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, April 28, 2004 6:56 pm
Subject: Re: so 'scalars' aren't pseudo-science after all????
---kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> I thought most mainstreamers scoffed at Bearden's scalar theories. But I see scalars and
"ghost scalars" in your article and I'm just really confused. I thought "scalars" were a joke -a voodoo physics -- to conventional physicists. But now you're saying parts of Bearden's
stuff is correct??? Don't bother to explain it to me ... it won't do any good. It'll just make me
more confused.
Well, yes and no. Think of a scalar as a potential (as that's pretty much what they are), the equations
are usually written as potential for a certain kind of action happening. Now anything that is moving in a
particular way is no longer scalar as it's acting. You get scalar potential energy just by lifting an object
in a gravitational field. No magic there. What Bearden does wrong is call an action a scalar, such as
EM fields. They are waves; they are not potentials. They can not have scalar fields when in action. The
only thing scalar would be is the energy source, not the wave itself.
> Lastly, I came across an "MIT Enterprise Technology" website at KeelyNet. Check out
http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/wo_hecht042304.asp for an interesting article
on recent theoretical models of Cold Fusion that may call for a rewrite of some physics laws.
It mentioned "phonons" and nuclear vibrational states. Didn't UNITEL's Larry Maurer
mention "phonons" in his surface waves on his proposed craft?
Well, actually the most interesting articles on cold fusion have been done by the Navy, strangely
enough. I would suspect that the DoD thinks could fusion could work. I'm sure that it does, honestly.
However, I doubt it's of any appriable to scale to power any kind of equipment. But I would suspect
that's the Navy's interest -- nuclear power without all of the radiation.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAtPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-451. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding post-quantum theories
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, May 12, 2004 6:41 pm
Subject: Re: a non-brane post-quantum Universe?
---kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> So present-day quantum gravities is a subset of a non-brane post-quantum Universe???
That's quite a bastardation there -- "non-brane post-quantum" -- what is that supposed to mean?
String theories use brane quantum theory. In fact -- unlike GR -- a number of string theories seem to
require gravitons. From there alone you can have brane quantum gravity theories. "Post" means after.
How could the Universe be "post quantum" when we observe quantum effects all the time?
While there are a number of quantum theories, I can simplify what they are meant to be. In the
popular press, there is talk of microscopic wormholes being created by "quantum foam". This approach
is no longer believed to be correct, but it continues to sell magazines such as Scientific American.
Generally, quantum gravity would not affect gravitation as we know it. The only quantum aspect to
it would be the graviton, which would be a quantization of the Einstein Field Equations, if possible at
all. Due to the nature of string theory, one might hypothesize that gravitons are a quantization of GR in
extra dimensional space, explaining why none have been observed to date. The sole purpose of the
graviton in our Universe is to affect the normal Quantum Vacuum of space (or Zero Point Field, if you
will) to cause light fields to bend and curve due to presence of gravity [this relates to Einstein's
interpretation, that gravity bends space (just replace space with the "ZPF") ].
In short, quantum gravity would not alter gravity in any sense in which we would describe it. It just
rearranges the properties of ordinary vacuum energy, much like the PV theory (actually backward of the
PV theory, but that would help to visualize it).
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAtPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-452. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Dark Matter-Energy, gravitons, etc.
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Thu, May 13, 2004 8:05 pm
Subject: Re: sorry ... didn't mean to step on any toes
---kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> My apologies, Ed. I don't pretend to understand much of these hypothetical mathematical
models. …
That's OK. It didn't make sense from a physics perspective, so I tried to explain all possible
ramifications of the words used.
> I know how the model "game" works. Once we were trying to model the kinetics of a
complex petrochemical chemical reactor at Union Carbide. It was used in mainframe
computer business planning simulations as well as in the Modcomp process-control
computers. While their models were elegant -- and I'm sure close to the "philosophical" truth
of what was actually happening in these catalytic fixed beds -- they were useless without
assigning numbers to the parameters and coefficients in the model's equations. And it was
too complex to determine in the laboratory. So we used good ole cubic spline regression
equations. And divided up the temperature/pressure/feedstock domains into many regimes
(resulting in many sets of regression equations). They did a WHOLE LOT better than the
theoretical R&D models.
That doesn't surprise me. Sounds like the calculus of infinities reduced by regression operators so a
poor CPU could actually solve some equations in finite time.
> With Tom Bearden's words in my mind and banking on my "practical" experience, I read
debates of these quantum & relativistic models with both amazement and amusement. Some
of that stuff has produced validating results by experiment. But the jury is still out on the rest
including gravitons, the Higgs, dark matter & dark energy. They are necessary to make the
models work. But that doesn't mean they really exist (though their proponents are doing
everything they can to 'force' the issue, less they have to "patch" up their models more or -God forbid! -- discard the model altogether).
As for the Higgs particle, I have never really favored it any. I really don't see any reason for them.
Same with gravitons. Dark Matter, I too doubt. These are probably just massive dead stars that
astronomers can't see. Dark Energy -- as a professor of mine stated -- is always invoked when
astronomers can't explain something.
> The latest I heard on the mythical graviton was that it exists with a force nearly equal to the
strong nuclear force, but that most of this is dissipated into a parallel brane dimension and we
only see a tiny fraction in our 4D world. Boy, that's really stretching it thin. Can I go over to
the same lab and turn on a monitor and see this other brane dimension?
No, the graviton would in many ways act like a photon, having zero mass and being able to travel at
the speed-of-light. If gravitons were that strong, the Earth would be a star (a short lived on at that). The
graviton could leak gravity into extra dimensions (in theory) only at short ranges, not on planetary scales
though. That is a problem. You can't go into a lab a see them. That is why a number of theoreticians
are seeking out "sparticles" which would support their theories. None have been found thus far.
> Anyway, it was surely not my intent to tread harshly on something that is more "sacred" to
"Sacred"? I don't think so, just a subject I'm knowledgeable about. I think I would only classify
things such as life as "sacred".
> … Jack Sarfatti claims to be the only physicist in the world with a model that solves
everything =>>
I don't think so. Ever seen the web sites listed at http://crankpot.net?
> … Tom Skeggs must be making some concrete progress on his Flight Test Vehicle as I
haven't heard from him for several weekends. That usually happens when he's on to
I took a look at his site. It seems he is building a modified "Lifter". I'm betting that his design will
work but not scale-up. The KeV needed to support a Lifter is only a few milli-Newtons. Not enough to
move anything of significant weight. His trusting mechanism will also suffer the same fate when
scaled-up. But I have no doubt that his smaller model will work.
> Jack says that anyone who says mass 'm' changes in warp drive is a complete idiot …
He's right on that. Same thing as saying your mass changes in a gravitational field. It does not,
although most laymen tend to confuse mass and weight.
> On a final note -- don't know if this will give any ideas to UNITEL -- 'New Scientist' and
'Scientific American' reported that "A fundamental law of classical physics has been broken
by 2 teams of physicists who have linked particles of light together in a way that enhances
its normal properties." =>
> I suspect that closer examination will reveal no "law" was broken and it was using a
combination of other laws to make it appear so.
No law was broken. When the energy of a photon increases, their size decreases. When two
photons overlap, they create a photon of higher energy. Just a quantum version of ordinary light
interface. The technique when combined means that they could use 3 lasers instead of making a single
more expensive one to squeeze more data to a disk.
Also on books, I've stumbled upon "Area 51, the Dreamland Chronicles" by Darlington. I believe
this is the book you have suggested is worth a read. I scanned it and did find anything too interesting.
The author does, however, suggest unlike yourself that Lazar is more likely to speak when money is
thrown at him. And that some UFO researcher preferred to be called "Goober" or something of the like.
I only scanned it. Most of the other material I just passed by as it didn't seem interesting.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAtPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-453. from Richard Martin regarding the Dan Burisch story
From: Richard Martin <rpjmartin1971@yahoo.co.uk>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, May 19, 2004 7:28 am
Subject: Dan Burisch
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Rich ->
> Just on a whim, I sent one of my CD backups of my on-line site to Burisch's Las Vegas
address. You may have read Harry's wife's (Juniper_Sage) comments about that in Thread-6
or 7. I used the excuse that if he wanted us to spread the word, then what I had archived on
the my site was in fact what was being said (ergo, any mistakes, he better start correcting
them now).
> Really, however, I was doing it more as a "test" or gentle prod/tickle to test a reaction.
Harry said that the CD was received and made it past security as they thought it was
something Dan and Deb had ordered. Afterwards -- so the story goes -- the CD was taken
from him and off to be "scanned". When Harry and Stirling met him, the CD still had not
been returned.
> Never heard yea-or-nay about that since. The only information I ever received was just
what I told you, and that was second-hand. One interpretation could be that it served to
chronicle has successful/unsuccesful their efforts were (for whistle-blowing or for "psy/ops"
> Yet another wrinkle ... !
> -- Mark
Hiya Mark
That was a good idea. Interesting to note that his security people confiscated the CD. I don't recall
your CD being mentioned by DB in any of the chats.
I must say, I do wonder what the security around these projects are really like -- with all these
contacts (Bill Hamilton told me he has contact with them), they are visible to an extent and that in itself
is a vulnerability that could be exploited by any persons wishing to do them harm. Quite risky. I would
have thought letting the security people be the point-of-contact. There we go, what do I know? Not
If I lived in the Las Vegas area, I would be on the case! Sadly I'm not and there is seemingly
precious little "Lotus" activity here in England. Though I have seen a few odd flying "things" over
nearby Cambridge and over my house, heading in the direction of nearby RAF/USAF Mildenhall and
RAF/USAF Lakenheath.
S-454. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding physics "mainstreamers"
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, May 19, 2004 6:42 pm
Subject: Re: so, 'mainstreamers' are not united after all ???
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
I'm sure that most of the proceeds from Bob Lazar's video sales went to Gene Huff's TriDot company.
Likely. But who's to say Lazar didn't get a piece. It would tally with his character witnesses calling him
a "B.S.-er."
> I didn't read the Darlington's Area 51 - The Dreamland Chronicles for scientific theories. I
was more interested in the PEOPLE aspect and what made all these different characters do
what they did. I wanted to see what made these people "tick" and what their agendas or past
histories were.
Well, for me the science would all that would interest me. It is suspected that the Air Force has an
orbital space plane of its own and thus wouldn't need the space shuttle. It would be interesting to know
the Air Force's level of space technology pars with NASA's.
I know in the 1980's there were rumors of the Star Wars program. Its current silence today suggests
that it either didn't work or that it worked very well. But much of the history associated with the Area
51 doesn't surprised me; e.g., nuclear waste disposals, the need for secrecy etc. If there is science to the
story, however, proper research could figure out if there really is an orbital space plane out there.
> Sometimes I have been misled into thinking you adhered to the superstring theories just
because you were so knowledgeable about them. All those models -- whether they represent
what is actually occurring in the Universe -- seem to be good at replicating results seen in the
laboratory. So in the respect, I can see why you would have to be conversant with them.
I thought string theory was very interesting when I first read of it, but presently I doubt very much that
they correspond to actual reality. However, if a "sparticle" were to be discovered at CERN, then I would
change my tune.
> In a similar vein, engineers have often said that whenever physicists don't understand
something, they always add one-or-more dimensions.
I would only consider that to be a partial truth. It's not that they do not understand, just that they are
unwilling to give up old ideas and try to tweak them to explain new facts.
> I forget the exact quote, but it went like "... the Universe is queerer than we can imagine."
I believe that. But -- unscientific here -- my "gut feeling" is that Occam's Razor is also
applicable. I don't think Nature is that "complicated". I favor the Universe being weirder
because it exhibits all these fantastic properties without the existence for extra dimensions
and all these "fudge factor" quantum particles.
Nature never changes or gets more complicated -- just our understanding of it. I'm probably mid-way
with your feelings. The Universe is probably slightly more complicated then we think, but not quite as
complicated as we try to make it out to be.
>I think there is another model yet to be found. Perhaps Lynd's conception of time will bring
new ideas -- or resurrect/correct old ones -- to the table.
Lynd's conception is really an answer to a math problem; most physical scientists will just ignore it. At
best, it might motivate change in a manner similar to Mach's principle leading the path to relativity
> And that will clear up comments by people like Ben Rich and Wilbert Smith who said that
these (UFO) technologies were beyond anything they could conceive of despite all their
academic and professional training, so much that they would appear as "magic".
Where-o- Earth do they get that?! Playing Devil's Advocate for a moment, let's think of Ben
Franklin, "the mother of invention is necessity."
If exotic matter exists, what if an ET simply
discovered it and could easily create a spacecraft. We don't have exotic matter and can't. Just because
ET has spacecraft, that wouldn't make them more advanced. As a consequence we could be way more
ahead of them in terms of things like computer technology.
Also returning back to the book point, I read a review by Puthoff on Paul Hill's book
Unconventional Flying Objects. It was positive so I got a copy of it. There is some good science it -the same kind of math that would be found in a workbook on a physics textbook is used -- where in
contradiction it is concluded that no magic is required. To paraphrase late Dr. Forward: they make the
problem so difficult that they do not know how to carry it further and give up.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAtPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-455. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding theories vs. reality.
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Fri, May 21, 2004 7:12 pm
Subject: Re: there is 'time' ... and then there is 'Time'
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Didn't Kaku mention in his book that "sparticles" were formed by some of the lower
vibrational states of strings? It was either that or WIMPS (Weakly Interactive Massive
Lower vibrational states in that they would appear like normal particles but with varying symmetries.
Hence the "s". WIMPs are actually a hypothesis to explain away "Dark Matter", although outside the
weak force the only weakly interacting particle I am aware of is the neutrino which has almost no mass.
> When I first read his book -- not knowing any differently -- I was sold on the extra
dimensional theories. That would explain a lot of other things that we know exist but defy
GR or QM quantizations (i.e., "metaphysics").
BINGO! That's why all these researchers are burning their time with it. They think they can explain the
one or two things they can't now. Reminds me of Lord Kelvin's infamous statement.
> Actually it was you, Ed, that prompted me to keep "my guard up". And then I saw the
NOVA series where Susskind related how the 2 physicists worked from "opposite ends", and
it was an obscure Euler geometry theorem that provided the key/link between the two.
Hardly the basis for a proof, in my book. But it seems that the smartest physicists in the
world are jumping on that bandwagon. Who am I to doubt such talented minds? They
obviously on to something that escapes me.
Susskind is a good researcher. I like his work; he seems to share some of the ideas I do. That actually
makes me recall a line of text from a book on QFT that "string theory" is the largest most focused
problem scientist shave worked on since the Manhattan Project.
> Then I read about a competing hypothesis -- Loop-Quantum Gravity -- and that one female
post-doc whose papers are too complex for Sarfatti to easily follow. I think Smolin is her
Smolin is a good researcher. I imagine that Sarfatti having problems with university post-docs, who
could of guessed [sarcasm]. Also LQG can be thought of as low approximation of string theory.
Perhaps in terms you are more familiar LQG resembles the ZPF at low energy, and upon high density
(say a black hole) starts to have properties which are similar to low dimensional string theories.
> The thing that struck me about Lynd -- and a Keelynet post that said it might breathe new
air into some of Bearden's stuff once he corrects his math errors -- was it reminded me of a
couple of things in the UFO arena.
That's Keelynet's pet theory. However I don't see that clearing up Bearden at all. Lynd just seems to
resolve as he has stated an apparent logical paradox which has no correspondence to reality.
> Professor Oberth has been oft quoted as saying his investigation of the UFOs reminded him more
of a "time machine" than an advanced aerospace vehicle.
Perhaps Oberth was thinking more along the lines of Relativity Theory being the "time difference"
between twins in a relativistic space craft.
> And then Sarfatti -- of all people -- maintains his teenage phone-call was from a automated
computer aboard a time-traveling UFO from the future.
Sounds more like a student's grad project that he fell victim to.
> IF -- I know that's a big word here -- any of this is true, I can see why manipulation of
"time" would baffle our best researchers and hence back up Rich's and Smith's statements.
We can manipulate time in quantum systems. I wouldn't call it baffling. And while it may not be
physically possible to do it with Relativity Theory, there is still math for it.
> That was by Dr. Paul Hill, a former NASA researcher. I think the book was published by his
daughter after his death. Jack Sarfatti is always touting it. I never got a copy but read Puthoff's
It's good if you're looking at a scientific perspective. The only thing I had a problem was assuming that
all UFO reports were accurate.
> Now, Andrew Potter wrote me that "B.G." said that Larry and Mike (UNITEL) were given
additional instruction in advanced physics by some "red-eyed entity". I don't know of the particulars
-- Larry only mentioned a Bigfoot type encounter to me on one of his annual hiking-camping trips.
Well, I just got a message from Larry the other day so I assume they have their computers back up.
Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest sound pretty "tabloid-y" to me. Maybe BF should have taught them
how to solve simple physics equations so that they could actually argue/debate their contentions.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAtPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-456. from Tom Skeggs regarding recent FTA progress
From: "Thomas Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sun, May 23, 2004 12:18 pm
Subject: ShadeWorks
Hello Mark -Sorry I have not replied to your e-mails. Been quite busy. Also been too tired to log on to the
Internet after work.
I have also moved most of the FTA materials out of my garage and into a workshop nearer home, so
now I have the 'ShadeWorks' Workshop I have been wishing to set up. In January I made some
inquiries and I even tried to see how much it would cost to rent a building at a dis-used USAF airbase in
the UK. Formally known as RAF Bentwaters. Put they keep putting off the moving in date from March
to April, then May and late June.
I was talking to my boss at work, and he knew some people who had a unused workshop so I'm
renting it up until the end of the year. That's if I don't go bust by them.
I'm starting to make progress on the airframe. But the owner doesn't seem too impressed as he keeps
asking about the rating of the engines. He thinks I should build them first, then build the airframe which
the engines can lift. I'm working backwards. And his expression I got when I stated that it could use
water as a fuel. Sometimes it not what people say, its what they don't say.
Going over the maths again, the impeller fans units of the engines could provide up to 90% of the lift
to get the FTA off the ground. But the weight will work about 100kg per engine, and that's without its
capacitor discharge MHD thrust assembly which provides the extra thrust on take off.
So I keep constantly tweaking the design. to keep it all as light as possible.
Well, that's all for now. try and keep in touch.
S-457. from Tom Skeggs regarding construction of the FTA airframe
From: "Thomas Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, May 24, 2004 3:29 pm
Subject: Re: Bentwaters?? Wow ... !!!
----- Original Message ----> Hi Tom ->
> I have noticed from your "Updates" section that you've been assembling the airframe. I'm
glad to hear that you've found a permanent place (ShadeWorks) so that you're not constantly
disassembling and then reassembling. I must admit it is kind of "haunting" that you almost
went into the legendary Bentwaters site.
> Ed Halerewicz, Jr. is the young physics guru who took it upon himself to examine the
UNITEL proposals. You've seen Ed's analyses in documents such as UNITEL_6.doc,
_7.doc, _9.doc . Ed and his mentor just completed a e-book on "The Science of Warp Drive"
(see http://www.stealthskater.com/Science.htm#Halerewicz ).
> Ed is always on the lookout for advanced/breakthrough propulsion schemes. He was
keeping on eye on Tim Ventura's American AntiGravity's "Lifter" progress. He told me that
"yeah, lifters work -- in model form. But they can never scale-up to the kilovolt power levels
needed for a large craft. He seems to be a honest sort-of-guy with not much ego, although
he's quick to point out fundamental flaws in known physics (as he did with about half of
UNITEL's stuff). If you ever need a "physics head" to bounce ideas off of, I'm sure he will
give you a much better reception than did the rude-and-crude "Dr. Jack".
> You're going to need the airframe to test the engines anyway, so what does it matter which
gets built first? You'll probably do more tweaking (if not minor redesigning) the engines
than the airframe, so IMHO you chose the correct route. How many years have you been
working on this now???
> -- Mark
Hello Mark
I found some info on Bentwaters AFB at this website => http://www.bentwaters.org/ . There are
some good photos on this page: => http://www.bentwatersparks.com/gallery.htm . You have to
scroll down the page until to reach "the site" section. It has some good photos. The building I saw was
around 4000 sq ft. which was larger than I planned for. And it is not shown in the photos. It was an old
MT (Motor Transport) shed. Much of the technical site is now an industrial site. I visited the site back
in January but I was keeping the plan a secret.
The famous UFO incident occured to the East of Woodbridge AFB. but over recent years the story
has switched a bit over to Bentwaters AFB. The two bases are 2-4 miles apart.
Regarding "lifters" and the work of Thomas Townsend Brown. I agreed to get a 2-3 meter model of
the ground carrying its own power supply would require a high voltage in excess of 700 KV, possibly
even greater in the million KV range. I studied his work in detail, and there is still a tiny bit in still in
my design.
But my design is more to do with rejecting molecules at high velocities by discharging high-power
capacitors in a shaped discharge chamber.
I have been work on the FTA since 1996. About 8 years now. Over this time I have come up with
various designs of the propulsion system. So I'm building the airframe first. I'm beginning to finalize
which design is best suited to the airframe. Each capacitor discharge unit now has a large impeller fan
assembly above each unit. And I come with a design to house the discharge chamber is a shaped thrust
chamber/tail pipe. Now the capacitor discharge units will resemble a modern day turbojet engine.
Fuelled by compressed hydrogen and oxygen.
The FTA is going to have a triple set of argon/oxygen MHD generators to produce electricity for the
propulsion system. One design feature I rarely mentioned is the generators have always been located
just below the apex and pump gas [plasma] into the inside of the apex, where there is a chamber
connected to the centrally mounted waveguide which provides power to the cap discharge system.
I've been switching the design from a large single generator to a triple set of smaller generators.
Now the prototype is taking shape, going to lock the design and go with a triple set.
The other purpose of the waveguide is to provide power to the apex emitter and the ventral emitter in
the base of the prototype. The emitters and waveguide act like a giant size electromagnet, which should
in theory work with the skin to entrain the airflow around prototype reducing drag and friction.
I have several different designs for the skin using cold rolled steel, or stainless steel. I like the
stainless steel version but it's a very hard metal work and a real bugger to drill holes in. But I can get
special drills bits. The cold rolled steel is cheaper and easier to work but it goes rusty very quickly.
Which is a real problem in England, what with all the rain. I would have to apply a protective coating to
the skin or use galvanished [zinc] coated steel. I know I will work it out nearer the time.
Well that's all for now.
S-458. from Tom Bearden regarding free-energy researcher Gene Mallove
From: "A.J. Craddock" <craddock@west.net>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, May 26, 2004 3:22 pm
Subject: Tom Bearden remembers Gene Mallove
With the murder of Gene Mallove, we've lost one of the most dedicated and sincere - and competent
- researchers in the alternate energy field. He was a champion -- ever the champion -- of rigorous
scientific work on cold fusion. Due in large part to his stalwart efforts, cold fusion is one area that just
would not be squelched, even though some of the most powerful (and even some of the most immoral)
aspects of the big and powerful nuclear and hot fusion community vehemently opposed and still oppose
cold fusion.
It is doubly sad because of the energy crisis hurtling upon us and threatening eventual economic
collapse of the U.S. and of our society. Gene well-understood that coming massive problem, and he also
understood that the conventional energy things being worked on and funded by the established scientific
community were largely “business as usual”, and not anywhere near equal to solving the problem.
It is triply sad because, starting from statistical fluctuations in systems originally at constant
temperature and in equilibrium, it is already well-known and experimentally proven - e.g., in forefront
thermodynamics; see Wang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 89(5), 29 July 2002 - that the statistical fluctuations
alone are sufficient to “make the chemical reactions run backwards” for up to two seconds in a region of
the size of a cubic micron. In an aqueous solution, that is some 30 billion ions and molecules involved in
that region where the reactions can be and are being reversed.
As Gene often pointed out, the only thing chemically preventing nuclear reactions at low
temperature is the “Coulomb barrier” between like charges, such as two hydrogen ions (simply two free
protons). Yet the statistical fluctuations alone can temporarily result in the “Coulomb barrier” becoming
a “Coulomb attractor” between like charges. If this reversal lasts sufficiently long, then statistically
some of the H+ ions will be drawn together closely enough to involve the strong force region, forming a
In that case, decay of the fluctuation can indeed lead to a new nuclear reaction where a single quark
flips in one proton and converts it to a neutron, producing a deuterium nucleus. Obviously there are
many more previously uninvestigated “backwards nuclear reactions” available from this generatrix of
statistical fluctuations. Just as obviously, without additional stimulation, the backwards reaction occurs
but with extremely low expectation.
This “statistical reversal of reactions” momentarily, is especially pertinent if very sharp perturbations
are also made to the solution; in nonequilibrium thermodynamics, it is already well-known and proven
that strong gradients are one of the areas that experimentally violate the Second Law of
thermodynamics. It is also well-known that re-ordering and shifts to new states not otherwise achievable
are accomplished. And to quote Kondepudi and Prigogine, not much is known about it, either
experimentally or theoretically. It simply has not been sufficiently investigated scientifically.
So one day, it is almost certain that cold fusion efforts will prevail, because - if the scientific
community would simply fund research in the area, particularly for the pioneers, some doctoral theses
programs, and some sharp young post doctoral programs - then in a very short time cold fusion would be
proven and established, including controllably. These were the kinds of things that Gene was deeply
dedicated to try to help bring about.
It is also sad that now Gene will not live to see the eventual fruition of his hard work and tremendous
dedication over these years. When it does happen, he will have played a major role in getting that great
achievement established.
Gene was always an inspiration and uplifting, and I very much valued his friendship and our
occasional contacts. He was also that rarity of rarities: A real gentleman in this old modern cut-throat
world, and a person with a truly noble soul. He will be sorely missed.
With the untimely passing of Gene Mallove, we have truly lost one of the real pioneers and one of
the great alternative energy researchers of all time. We shall not see his likes again for many a year.
With deepest regret,
Tom Bearden
S-459. from Mike D'Agostino regarding "time lines vs. fields"
From: mangomike1@yahoo.com
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 18:21:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Time Lines or fields
Hi Mark,
The site below is the basic take on time-travel as the mainstream understands it.
Although quantum physics and its implications regarding time would throw Occum`s Razor to the
wind and Infinite Diversity wouldn't only apply to the word 'Bio' as in Biodiversity.
My thoughts would tend to agree with Diversity being the rule and not the exception in all natural
systems. If that is the case some form or variation of a "Many Worlds" scenario is reasonable. Even
though it can be psychologically unsettling for many.
Time -- or what can be called change or the fourth dimension -- is as real as its effects. 'Time' is
called a dimension. Rotation is a function that gets little attention in the major scheme of things.
Everything everywhere is in some form of rotation at multiple scaling (size) levels. So it`s reasonable to
say rotation is scaling invariant -- it's a constant.
To access spaces within Hypro-space or to access Hyper-space (beyond 3D) spaces within and
without acceleration through the local space-time is necessary. The problem becomes no matter what
direction of travel -- Up, Down , Right or Left -- you would still (1) be moving within the surrounding
medium - space, direct contact and (2) obey Relativity and Special Relativity. It almost appears the
faster you travel in any direction the space ahead of your craft is expanding and inertia increasing while
the space behind contracting. Sounds hyperbolic.
1. If a method of tri field (E/M/G)phase canceling can be discovered and controlled this would isolate
the craft or conditioned space from the surrounding local time-space, no physical contact between craft
or conditioned construct space. EM and dynamic virtual rotation of field dynamics would be necessary.
Controlling and manipulating E/M/R just as we now create different algorithms for coding and
multiplexing in communications except this would be a Macro event.
Possibly be creating and carefully manipulating the fields phase orientation and ramp up systems
utilizing ; Bi, Tri or Quad continual phase rotation.
Field phase differentials may be a means of experiencing location changes in an Hyper-spatial
environment. Temporal fields may be accessed using different combinations of Amplitude and
At present we have the ability to manipulate different aspects of a signal; Pilot & Carrier wave,
Electro & Magnetic.
I feel confident in stating Topology is space and space experiencing motion is Time.
Topology -- and how topology can be ordered differently -- is important to DMM : Dynamic
Multiversal Manifold. In theory, if a form or variation of Multiplexing and Coding of topology is
utilized an infinite number of state spaces, realities may co-exist without interfering with each other -all superimposed and also convoluted within each other in a holographic mish mesh of sorts. This
would be a very clever method of getting maximum efficiency and function from a n-defined spatial
manifold nested, enfolded within and projected from Hyper-spatial environments.
The reason I said increased function is if coding and spreading distributing information is taking
place it would be similar to spread spectrum radio communications.
The efficiency and capacity of a spread spectrum radio systems increases as randomness, chaos and
entropy increases. Pseudo noise is used in the coding process. Where`s the noise? In and around Zero
Hertz, direct current, static noise. As you move to increased frequencies background, natural noise
If Nature uses coding within life systems, is it possible space and time is also coded ?
Mark, The site below is regarding Cleve Backster`s book Primary Perception. Very interesting stuff
and 30 years of experiments to prove wireless bio communications is taking place on a regular basis.
I down loaded many of the files on your site. Haven't read all yet, saving for later reading.
Best regards
S-460. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Tom Skeggs' recent efforts
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, May 26, 2004 5:47 pm
Subject: Re: more details from Tom Skeggs ...
Well, I'm sure if Tom believed it wouldn't work then he would not invest so much time & money in
to it. From his site, on the other hand, the design appeared to be a "lifter". His lifter-like aspects based
on his comments seem to be designed to control air flow rather than to provide thrust for a craft (his
"giga volt" estimation is about right for his rough estimate). Noting his mention of an impeller, air
pressure could stay constant with altitude to produce the thrust needed, so it would appear his unique
engine(s) is the real workhouse behind the design.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAtPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-461. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL's new website
From: "Andrew Potter" <potterae@email.uc.edu>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sat, May 29, 2004 6:21 am
Subject: Re: re-inventing the wheel?
Thanks for your offer, but I think I've got things covered. Check out the website =>
http://www.unitel-aerospace.com . Also check out the "Think Tank" I made using PHP-Nuke:
http://www.unitel-aerospace.com/intranet . (Notice we have a section for creating an "Action
Do you have any comments or suggestions? Thanks,
S-462. from Tom Skeggs explaining his FTA design
From: "Thomas Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sat, May 29, 2004 2:42 pm
Subject: Re: Ed's comments on your notes ...
Hello Mark -This may sound odd. But I sometimes get a strange feeling during the day. Then I look at my inbox
and it tends to match up with the dates.
My design does also include a central waveguide and I mentioned it in 1999 when I made the small
The triple set of generators is the result of the vehicle having 3 sides and I wish to keep the design
symmetrical. Also the positioning of the generators keeps changing because I forgot about the weight
and their effect on the vehicle's Center-of-Gravity and Center-of-Pressure. So there are now back in
ventral emitter.
I'm not copying UNITEL. I have all the designs for the parts. I'm just trying out different
configurations to get all the parts to fit inside as the whole vehicle acts an integrated system.
The purpose of the Steel skin is that it carries an electric charge. It's to do with 'Plasma Magic". But
Aluminum has a low melting point and the skin can heat up. As some of the power from the capacitor
discharge units is discharged into the skin. That's why I'm going for a steel skin.
A lot of the parts have a dual purpose. The skin carries as charge but also acts as a heat skin,
radiating heat out of the FTA during flight. The cap discharge units have air heater elements which heat
the air up inside the engine-like propulsion systems. The heaters also pump air into the cap discharge
units. Also the heaters act as dump loads. As without them, the discharge from the caps would create a
short circuit and could damage the vehicle's skin and propulsion systems.
To date I have borrowed about £25,000 ($35-40,000) since Feb 2003 for research & development
and construction of the FTA. And recently in the last week or so I have experienced a financial crisis.
But I hope to get it sorted out within the next 3 weeks-or-so. If I don't, then I may go bust. Which I
think would be a real shame because I have about 95% of the parts. It's just time I need now to put it all
Well I must go now.
All the best
S-463. from Tom Skeggs regarding an FTA Progress Update
From: "Thomas Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sat, May 29, 2004 2:51 pm
Subject: FTA Update
Hello again -I forgot to add that I hope to update my website this weekend with some new pics of the FTA.
On sensing feelings from other people. I generally sense that people think I'm a "nutter" or a "Doc
Brown from Back to the Future"-style inventor. Some people asked how much fuel does it use per hour.
And I don't know. Which gets some strange looks. Plus one asked what is the fuel? I replied "water".
And I have not seen him since. Water, of course, can be turned into hydrogen and oxygen. But the first
prototype will used bottled [compressed] gas. It's not far-fetched. NASA looked at the idea of using
ramjet engines which converted air into a liquid oxygen in flight to reduce weight. As much of weight
in a rocket is made up of oxidizer.
Really must go now.
S-464. from Tom Skeggs regarding FTA/MHD Generators
From: "Thomas Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, May 31, 2004 12:02 pm
Subject: FTA/MHD Generators
Hello Mark -Could you forward this on to you scientist friend? It relates to some of the work I'm doing on
MagnetoHydroDynamic generators (MHD). You may have to convert the format as I wrote it on my
Microsoft Works word processor which seems to be incompatible with every other WP program.
My knowledge of equations and math is very limited. And most of the time, numbers all look alike
to me. A lot of the time I go on what "looks" right.
This explains why I'm over £20,000 overdrawn on developing the FTA. I hope to apply and obtain a
consolidated loan from a finance house this week, where I pay it back over a longer time period to
reduce the monthly payments. The remaining money would go to building the engine units, skin, and
generators. If I can't get a loan, well I'm totally screwed.
With this strange ability sense emotions. I keep thinking I should in a real panic over the funds and
loan. But for some strange reason I not. It feels I have some breathing space. I think the bank is willing
to give a few days to see what I do about my loans. If I don't do anything, then they will file to have me
made bankrupt. So this week I'm focusing to see if I can solve this problem because it's going to get
real serious if I do nothing.
I just feel I have only days instead of weeks. To do something.
All the best
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Generators
By Tom Skeggs
The Flight Test Article (FTA) Defiance uses a triple set of MHD generators as a means to produce a
electrical currant by subjecting circular plates within the MHD generators to a jet of electrically charged
molecules to produce a weak plasma. The molecules create emf between the two plates causing a
currant to flow within the plates in keeping with Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
The gas used is a noble gas. Argon mixed with atmospheric Nitrogen/Oxygen mixture. A fan
impeller pumps the atmospheric Nitrogen/Oxygen mixture into the MHD generator and mixed with
argon (see note 1 for more details).
In MHD generators the gas is usually thermally ionized to produce free electrons where the process
is described mathematically as
K -> K+ +e
(Does the K mean Kelvin?.)
where the power output is the per unit fluid volume (W) is given as
W = k ? v2 B2
where ? is the conductivity of the fluid, v is the velocity, and B is the magnetic flux density. The k is the
a constant. (Does the k constant mean the Boltzmann constant?) Where the k means
K = R / NA
The R is the molar gas constant and the NA is the Avogadro Constant. The book I got the MHD info
on just states k as a constant. It does not state which one. Or does the k mean the thermal conductivity
defined by the Biot-Fourier [heat] equation.
? T =k del2 T
?t c?
where T is the temperature, k is the thermal conductivity, c is the heat capacity and ?? is the density and
t is the time. Also I found little on electrical conductivity ?? (Am I mixing this up with the StefanBoltzmann constant?) Is it defined mathematically as
? =2 ?? k?
15h3 c2
The Stefan-Boltzmann constant appears to deal with the power emitted by a radiating black body.
One drawback is that plasma can reach very high temperatures of 2500-50,000 oKelvin and would
require special high temp alloy casings and parts to deal with the high temperatures. Or the plasma
would require an intense magnetic field to contain from coming into contact with the casing to prevent it
from causing damage. My design uses a weak electrically plasma which is not thermally ionized. It
maybe less efficient when compared to other professional built MHD generators but it should work.
Equation 1 -- to me -- looks like the math process for thermal ionization of free electrons liberated
from hot gas mixture. My design uses electrical ionization. Would the equation to liberate free
electrons from a electrically ionized gas be described as
E -> E+ +e
(5) ?
I very uncertain about Equation 5. The only other time I have seen equation like this is in quantum
mechanics which relate to the energy of a mass particle, etc. Hopefully I will attempt to build a rough
prototype and test it. Also any type of device which can act as a generator can also be adapted to act
like a motor creating a measurable thrust.
Note 1 :
Also recently I made an observation where I placed a mug of coffee in front of rectangular fan
heater. The air from the fan heater blew across the top of the mug and caused the coffee to swirl around.
I tried switching the fan on and off. And it continued to swirl around.
Blowing across a cylindrical shaped vessel will produce a vortex in a fluid inside the vessel. To me,
this was fantastic because I can produced a much more compact generator instead of having a fan
blowing air directly into it. The fan unit sits next to the generator. The fan directs air onto a plate which
directs the air to flow across the cylinder shaped MHD generator causing the gas mixture to spiral
around inside. MHD generators work when the interaction between the moving conducting fluid and the
strong magnetic field across it generates an emf. It's like a standard generator between instead of a solid
rotating electromagnet it uses a fluid one.
I have found references to water drop [induction] generators where drops of water are dripped
through pairs of nozzles and through pairs of metal rings. The rings are wired together and it can result
in a measurable voltage. (There also known as Kelvin Generators, invented in 1867 by Lord Kelvin). I
may experiment with this design but instead of using water. I use the Argon-Nitrogen/Oxygen gas
mixture. The voltage and ampere would be used to energize the generator in the same way you need to
energize a ordinary motor or generator.
A Novel Afterburner & Bransstrahlung
Recently in the last day-or-so, I have come with quite a novel way of boosting the power output of
the MHD generators. It involves using Bransstrahlung (braking radiation) where radiation is emitted
by a metal plate bombarded by electrons. The MHD would have a metal deflector plate, and in theory
maybe able to create e-p pair production from photon emissions (Bransstrahlung) in a strong electric
field. But only if the quantum energy is high. The purpose of attempting to produce e-p pair production
is to add a final high intensity boost of power which would produce a thrust. (I been exploring ways to
incorporate e-p pair production within the FTA propulsion systems. As the plates with a special
configuration of quartz crystal). This is something I’m still working on-and I don’t know if this idea
will appear in the final build of the FTA.
S-465. from Tom Skeggs regarding a novel Afterburner & Bransstrahlung
From: "Thomas Skeggs" <tomskeggs@tiscali.co.uk>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, May 31, 2004 12:24 pm
Subject: A Novel Afterburner & Bransstrahlung
Hello again -I have just been thinking about a part I wrote in the paper to passed on to your scientist friend [Ed
Halerewicz, Jr.]. One part called 'A novel afterburner'.
I recall reading in magazines -- and you have mentioned it -- about Magnesium samples from
crashed UFOs. The isotope readings were different from standard [Earthly] magnesium. I have
believed the change in the isotope number may be a result of the metal being subjected be bombarded
with energy. Thinking up ways of providing a real boost of power, those magnesium samples may have
been subjected to bombardment by high-energy free electrons to produce e-p pair production. The
bombardment may result in slight changes in the composition of the metal used. As it may be high
energy photons slamming into the metal causing particles in the metal to be ejected. I think this a
photoelectric effect. I recall that this may relate somehow to the formation of a means of FTL
propulsion. As the space and time could be distorted in some way. I read it somewhere, but I cannot
recall where.
Also the bombardment of a metal may cause fragments to break off or be ejected if there are
weaknesses or cracks in the metal being used. This could explain why such UFO samples contain
metals of high purity. As impurities may create weak points and cause fragments of metal to be ejected.
I try and recall where I got the info on e-p pair production and FTL.
All for now
S-466. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr.regarding Tom Skeggs' questions on MHD generation
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Tue, June 1, 2004 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: forwarding from Tom Skeggs re. his FTA/MHD Generators
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Ed -647
> Tom requested that I forward this to you. MS-Word has a downloadable utility that can
convert .wps files into Word .docs if you can't read this. I couldn't tell if his equations had
some of the symbols removed/substituted by the text editor I was using.
> -- Mark
As a matter of fact I have Works instead of Word, so that format wouldn't bother me.
(Eq 1) K --> K+ +e
means nothing. K can't approach itself and return its value with another. Also thermal radiation
does not directly relate to ionization. That is only in the case when ionization causes a thermal change,
such as with a fire. Ionization energy is related to the Bohr Model of the atom an is initiated through
quantum jumps to lower energy levels. The equation is
E=-(13.6 eV) Z2 / n2
If a thermal equation is being spoke of, then K probably means oKelvin. Although (Eq 1) does make
any real sense, it would at least be logical if specific chemical reactions were discussed. For (Eq 2), k is
the Boltzamann constant. Standard notation is usually kB = R/N to avoid confusion as k is often just
used as a proportionality constant. Self Boltzmann's constant is sigma=5.67 x 10-8 Wm2K-4, whence you
acquire the power aspect which you touched upon. As for charge conductivity, it is simply the electrical
storage potential of an element, and its the charge conductive which generated a magnetic field from a
charged flowing material, so that would be related to the induction of a MHD field. I would replace (Eq
5) with the first equation I gave.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
S-467. from Andrew Potter regarding a UNITEL web forum
From: "Andrew Potter" <potterae@email.uc.edu>
To: egschasteen@myexcel.com
Date: Wed, June 2, 2004 8:33 am
Cc: halgravity@yahoo.com (more)
Subject: Forums
Hey guys,
You may want to check out the forums. Someone has been posting there with some questions.
Also, feel free to let any physics contact you know about the Intranet -- the more people that contribute,
the sooner we'll figure this jigsaw puzzle out.
And Ed -I'm going to be busy for the next week w/exams, but after that I plan to incorporate your suggestions
(including PayPal, re-wording, etc.)
S-468. from Tom Skeggs regarding Ed Halerewicz's comments on MHD equations
From: "Thomas Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Thu, June 3, 2004 6:13 pm
Subject: Alright
Hello Mark
Is everything alright at your end? Hope all is well.
I got the e-email from Ed Halerewicz. Going to look over the numbers again. I found some papers
on a NASA technical server at the Kennedy Space Center on pulse detonation MHD propulsion studies.
It has lots of equations regarding MHD.
The equations I used came from science dictionaries which only provide very basic terms on various
technical and scientific subjects. Going to look up the other text books for a more detailed summary on
All the best
S-469. from Paul Kirsch regarding UNITEL
From : Paul Kirsch <kirsch@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
To : stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Sent : Friday, June 25, 2004 2:56 PM
Subject : introducing myself- what's Larry up to these days?
Dear Stealthskater,
I'm the guy who wrote "the Journal of Interdimensional Travel" with Mike Miller. Not to worry, that
you posted a portion as it is nice to see others have referred to the text. (Though if there is any money let
me know of course.)
I sent an e-mail to Larry Maurer and have not heard from him. Do you know how things are going
with Unitel? I've been out of touch for about 5 years.
Are you related to Mike or Larry or a friend?
I currently work at UC Santa Barbara as an administrator in a nanotech materials office. I was
thinking if they had a good powerpoint presentation perhaps they could show it to people here.
I've often thought that their ideas should be moved forward some how and I was never sure how to
do it. I even toyed with getting a Ph.D. in physics but then that seemed too hard...
I too have been rather addicted to the UFO phenomenon.
What do you do?
Best, Paul
S-470. from Paul Kirsch with some personal background info
From: "Paul Kirsch" <kirsch@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, June 28, 2004 1:31 pm
Subject: Re: some personal info about me ...
I went to Art School and Film school. NYU undergrad film and the American film Institute. Two
short films I made 27 years ago were sold to HBO when cable was just coming out. Lately I have been
doing painting and photography. I'm sort of working on a web site, plus numerous books on various
topics but nothing much to show yet.
I have always been a bit of rebel as well. (I left home at age 15 and went to India for two years then
came home overland by bus).
Artistically, I'm kind of like the fantastic realists -- I hope to write a book on some day. They are
kind of a tangent of the surrealists. They include, Remedios Varo, Andre Foch and in modern times,
Abdul Mati Klarwein (who did the Santana Abraxas album). I think these folks really foreshadowed
I had a friend who does that boudoir photography. He supports his family on it. Other friends who
did strictly fine art photography starved and went crazy.
I've often thought of creating a music studio, the means of duplicating and distributing for Indy's
have gotten easier. But I never got to it. I also have about a million ideas (no that's exaggerating) for
dance clubs for 20-somethings. but that would seem to take a lot of money, especially in Santa Barbara
where the mean cost of a home is now 1 million dollars.
Best, Paul
S-471. from Paul Kirsch regarding his UFO interests
>From: "Paul Kirsch" <kirsch@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
>To: kram@stealthskater.com
>Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 09:54:20 -0700
>Subject: in the same boat - or starship
Your response was very interesting, and is precisely congruent with my own UNITEL experiences.
1. I got a lot of pressure from Larry to find a multi-millionaire and -- being an administrative assistant in
Medicine at UCLA at the time -- I had no resources.
I had sent Larry to one funder -- a doctor and author -- who gave him, I believe, (neither side
made it clear) $1,000. I've lost touch with the funder, and now I feel a bit bad about that although I
made it quite clear to the funder that there were risks.
At times I got very busy at work (I was simultaneously going to graduate school in Public
Administration and raising a family) and so --out of exhaustion and exasperation -- gradually let the
correspondence dwindle.
2. I interviewed Mike Miller because I felt and still feel that he is a head-and-shoulders above many
others in modern scientific thought, and believed someone should get this all down. I will try to
send you the whole interview -- it has nice cover art that I wanted to get around. I am curious, how
did you get a copy of it? Perhaps there is some way yet to market this. Let me know your snail mail
address. (note: It may take me some time before I get time to mail, so I beg your patience.)
My address is:
Paul Kirsch,
122 W. Micheltorena, Apt B,
Santa Barbara, CA 93101.
I, too, was involved with "Flying Colors" (Larry's autobiography that led to the founding of
UNITEL) and spent months-and-months editing and re-writing it. I would edit a chapter, send it to
Larry, and then he would reply "great" and that was it. I remember it went to 11 chapters but was
only about 50 pages. God-knows-where those floppy disks are now! I don't think I even printed it
all out. It has been difficult to keep up with things given working for a living and changes in
software MAC/PC and storage media - floppies, zips, CDs, memory sticks that are constantly
Your statement -- "I do it solely to provide others with a 'running start' to bring them up-tospeed with all the legends that are out there, hoping that -- IF UFOs or time portals do exist -- these
phenomena will be acknowledged by the powers-that-be before I die. It's my own meager 'Johnny
Appleseed'-like effort towards disclosure." is excellent. I feel the same.
I am involved in the Politics of UFOs and supported Greer's Disclosure project (bought the
video) went to several of his talks in small and large venues. I am also friends a little bit with Steve
Bassett and wrote numerous letters to newspapers to work on disclosure.
I say this cautiously because an e-mail letter I sent to Steve Bassett once somehow got
intercepted by Jack Safartti and he threatened me. Jack has hurt a lot of people -- other stories
reached me about him -- and, in the kindest way I can put it, he needs to heal his inner child. I have
friends who work in Defense (my kid goes to school with their kid) and there is a mutual
understanding that we can constructively debate but we would never threaten each other.
4. Ed Halerewicz, Jr. seems like a great guy from his writing. I hope to get in touch with him sometime.
Again, I was flattered that he lists my text in the references of his text.
5. I have had three sightings of unidentified craft in broad daylight. I had another experience that may
have involved close contact at night, in my room. The problem is that I have no evidence and was
quasi-conscious at the time. Nevertheless, it has made me sympathetic to the UFO cause when,
earlier in my life, I had no interest nor was there any family or external input. I corresponded with
Mack a little about this, but it petered out fast when he kept soliciting me for money. I kept
thinking, "Dude, you're a professor of Harvard, I can't be sendin' you money." I guess, I was just
offended by the way he soft-peddled things as opposed to people like Greer who really courageously
sticks his neck out although I have many disagreements with him. Oh course, Mack did have to
fight for his tenure.
6. Let me know if you have any insights on how we could forward the main project, which I think would
be to develop some mathematical models toward building a ship.
Best, Paul
S-472. from Paul Kirsch regarding personal UFO theories
From: "Paul Kirsch" <kirsch@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Tue, June 29, 2004 12:41 pm
Subject: Re: the CD is on its way ...
> Paul ->
> I'm sending you the CD backup of my site today -- 'Priority-Mail' from West Virginia. I'm
guessing it will be at least Friday -- if not Saturday -- before you get it. By all means -- if
nothing else -- please read my "Email Diary".
> Also included is another CD containing the manuscript that I edited for the first draft of
UNITEL's "Quantum Electromagnetic Laser Propulsion" book. I don't have another copy of
the book itself so you'll have to make do with an electronic format. I had to divide it into
different files because of size limitations within MS-Word. Ed Halerewicz found lots of
math errors in this hastily-prepared book by Larry. Andrew Potter was helping him to
rewrite it when Andrew got mad at Larry again.
> I'm also sending you 5 CDs of UFO video documentaries. Maybe there is something in
them that you can use. I tried to convert analog VHS to digital .mpg and didn't do a good job
in certain places where the video portion got "washed out". But the audio remained clear,
> Ed said that Larry never mentioned you to him. I sent him copies of some emails that
Larry forwarded to me concerning you. That way, Ed will have a good idea of who you are
should the two of you start corresponding.
> If what the "experts" have been saying all along is true, then the "secret" to UFO
technology lies way beyond our current and foreseeable science. What could it be so as to
appear as "magic"? If I had to guess, I'm guessing "consciousness engineering" of the type
(http://www.stealthskater.com/Bearden.htm ). More than just a Clint Eastwood/Firefox
>mind-control navigation, this would be a mind-machine hybridization -- almost a "living"
machine. To exploit that would require new psycho-reactive materials of the type that David
Adair (admittedly, discredited) talks about seeing. The oft-rumored joint technology
exchange program between aliens and the government might have been to retrofit whatever
pieces of "their" technology into our existing machines. If that was the case, I'm sure it
would be as much of a challenge for "them" as us.
> Lately there has been a lot of talk about alleged S4 microbiologist Dan Burisch and ET
biology, the Ganesh Particle (the "Genesis" particle), etc. The more notable parts are
archived at http://www.stealthskater.com/Burish.htm (and -- of course -- on the CD). It
started out low-key and turned into somewhat of a circus. Don't know if latter elements were
added to "muddy the waters" or if it was all clever dis-info from the beginning. I have heard
where medical researchers comment that although it uses correct terminoloy, it "doesn't make
sense". If you get a chance to read it, give me your feedback and I'll pass it to some friends
who are very interested.
> All for now -> -- Mark
You are very generous. I look forward to receiving all your material and appreciate your critical but
positive approach. All the math is way over my head, so it is interesting you can understand it. I will
try to send you some things as well, but it may take time because I have to search through a lot of files.
I saw a documentary last night -- from my local video rental -- called something like "UFOs of the
Sixth Sun." (by Lee Elders). It's rather dated, and not great, but may be worth seeing. There was a
pretty significant flap in Mexico in the 1990's and air traffic was effected.
I have a theory these days -- just a hunch -- that UFOs make themselves known to people who have a
personality type that is 1) not xenophobic 2) open minded 3) tending toward humanistic values and 4)
perhaps natively a little prone to anxiety. My reasoning -- besides observation and without much
applied study (I could be wrong) -- is that it would make sense for beings that are extremely foreign and
sophisticated to seek out those who are 1) not afraid of the unusual 2) possessing the pre-requisite
elasticity of mind to accept the extra-terrestrial hypothesis without rejecting it out-of-hand 3) of
empathetic/sympathetic heart so as to avoid confrontation and facilitate communication and 4) sensitive
to or energized by the environment.
While I was in graduate film school, the class used to grab lunch from one of these "roach coaches"
(outdoor food-service vending trucks) that came every day at noon in the hot Hollywood sun to the
parking lot. One time I looked up and saw a small (2-3 millimeter) sliver in the sky that was not moving
and maybe black and orange in color. It was high in the sky (50-80 thousand feet?) higher than regular
jet traffic. It wasn't a balloon, helicopter, jet, cloud reflection, or anything I could identify. I pointed it
out to perhaps 10 of the people around me. Of these, perhaps 7 ignored me and kept talking about their
Hollywood deal making. 2 looked up briefly and shrugged their shoulders and said basically "I don't
know" and continued their conversations. And one -- a woman who made documentaries about labor
exploitation in Asia -- spent a lot of time looking at that object with me. She eventually turned away
and went back to business. I looked away too after a while and looked up again and it was gone. I think
this story kind of replicates a lot of what goes on in society.
One additional story: I was -- and still am (though to a lesser degree) -- interested in the crop circle
phenomenon. I went to England and videotaped various people both scientist/botanists and arm-chair
intellectuals as well as a miscellany of other people for a documentary I made on the subject (never
completed or released -- ran out of money). I was and still am open to a variety of interpretations. At
one point I was leaning a bit toward the hoax hypothesis. But there was one thing, unrelated that struck
a chord with me and reverberated back to a possible ET hypothesis.
I was a member of MUFON/LA, and a small group of us (MUFON members) got together to meet a
fellow from Hungary who was visiting. In a very matter-of-fact and detached way and without any
show of ego, this fellow said through an interpreter that one night he was smoking a cigarette when he
decided to take his dog out for a walk. While walking, he met a 'grey alien' and that marks were left on
his body (the marks were still vaguely visible and there were photographs when they were fresh). He
also had medical reports stating that the marks were not burns or disease of any known kind.
The thing is, these marks were much like the crop circle designs of circles within circles and circles
laid out in a line or forming a triangle. He stated that after his encounter, he developed healing powers.
Subsequently, he has developed an interest in Egyptology and feels there is an ancient Egypt/ET
connection. He has some following in Hungary and demonstrates various psychic feats -- placing his
hand over a piece of paper and making it catch fire. Helping people with different physical and
psychological ailments.
I haven't followed up much with him, perhaps because I am interested in political issues of the hereand-now. But I think this is just another piece in the puzzle -- i.e., that there really could be other forces
at play. Also --about the crop circles -- it might be noted that there were similar things in the 1960's in
Australia, the "Tully" nests.
Best, Paul
S-473. from Paul Kirsch regarding misc. thoughts
From: "Paul Kirsch" <kirsch@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, June 30, 2004 2:07 pm
Subject: misc. thoughts
> Paul ->
> I sent 2 parcels off to you yesterday. The box containing the 5 Video-CDs of UFO
documentaries contained an extra back-up CD of my website. Pass it on to a friend and
encourage duplication.
> I'll try to answer some of your past questions -- I wasn't ignoring them.
> You'll have to check my "Email Diary" to be sure, but I think Larry sent me your published
interview with Miller. I don't know if he sent me an original copy and I just re-typed it into a
Word-document or if it was an e-mail attachment. I did try to include the remark that Larry
was requesting $50 to receive an authentic reprint.
> I am convinced that UFOs, the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project, time-travel,
remote-viewing, and maybe even life-after-death itself can be described by a breater allencompassing theory.
No need for Quantum Mechanics and Relativity anymore.
Unfortunately, this "super" theory (no, it's not superstrings or M-branes) will deal with
"meta"physics which is taboo for most mainstreamers. (If pressured, they concede it exists
but will do everything they can to shy away from it since it can't be "equation-alized".)
> The purpose of my site was to highlight legends/rumors/experiments dealing with these
phenomena in hopes that someone a lot smarter than me can find such a "super theory" and
explain what all these things are. It may be cheating the Creator a little, because I think some
of these were not meant for us to understand in our mortal lives.
> When I first started the site, I used links to the URLs that contained all these reports &
documents. But frequently these external sites would change their URLs or -- worse yet -disappear altogether. If the documents had any graphics in them, then even using the Internet
"Wayback Machine" wouldn't restore them. So I got the bright idea of converting the .pdf
and .htm pages to Word .doc files. I use an external link icon to encourage people to go to
the source site to read the report, and to use my Word files only as a back-up. (Although
there are times when my converted files are much easier to read than those of these authors!)
> I'm doing this as a public library-archiving type of service and make that plain on each
page. All for free ... and in hopes that someone will be a better "Sherlock Holmes" or "Doc
Savage" than I am. Your published interview was archived with this theme in mind. Of
course, I'm sure I made the mistake of archiving some articles which are ridiculous
(especially to mainstreamers like Ed and Jack), and probably didn't archive some that I
should have just because they didn't "interest" me or I didn't understand them. But it was my
best-albeit-imperfect effort.
> The ONLY one to have complained to date has been Robert Collins (ufoconspiracy.com) .
He says he is a former AF intelligence officer. Some of his documents were as "wild" as
those on Boylan's site. At first he gave me permission to post them. Then he rescinded that.
I notice that many of these are now only available on his for-sale CD. (Between you and me,
his formerly-public documents are STILL on the CD that I sent you. But they are no longer
on my website. Be sure to check them out on the UFO page.)
> I have a gut feeling that if there were any TRUE reports, they would be censored from the
Internet as fast as they got posted. The ones that did make it -- through books or hardcopy
documents -- probably have had a lot of dis-info added to "cover up" the facts. I don't think
the UFO topic is as widespread as certain powers wish us to think it is. I tend to side with
Bob Lazar on that.
> Jack Sarfatti believes a lot of the UFO legends were formed from KGB and CIA battles.
Many of his messages and essays post evidence to this. Like many others, I have been on the
receiving end of his wrath before. (Again, check out my Email Diary for details.) As much
as I hate to admit it, I believe he is enough of a renegade physicist -- if not a "theatrical" one - that he is more 'right' than he is 'wrong'. The same can be said for his college Dr. "Ark"
(from cassiopea.org) who frequently bashes Bearden and the scalar folks. Once you
understand their method operatus, it makes sense and these guys are not so bad. They know
the PROVEN laws of physics and are adept at mathematics. I truly believe they would be as
excited as anyone else to be shown some new phenomena. But until that happens, they will
subject any claims to brute-force mathematical validation. And there's nothing wrong in that
-- it keeps us honest and saves money from being thrown away.
> But there are ways to accomplish that and some to avoid. Jack likes ridiculing others to
build up himself. "What comes around goes around." See my clever-rebuttal document at
http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Sarfatti-16.doc . That got him off my case for
awhile. One of the regular contributors to the Yahoo "Greenglow" list is Robert Neil Boyd,
who said he saw many UFOs while working at NASA. He resigned his "commission" at
Sarfatti's "Starfleet Academy", but said that Jack really has a 'heart' underneath all that
roughness. Jack has recently claimed that Neil should be locked up in an asylum. Neil and
"B.G." (the UK engineer who is pro-UNITEL but anti-Maurer) are always at each others'
throats in these forums.
> Ed Halerewicz said Miller "absorbs knowledge like a sponge". But without solid
mathematics, he would never be heard in the Physics world. He said Mike needs to get a
> I was never really interested in politics (no matter who got elected, the results always
seemed to be the same) until now. The country is in its worst shape -- BOTH domestically
and internationally -- than I can ever remember. The tragedy is that most of it could have
been avoided. A lot of parents, , wives, husbands, and children will have to suffer for the rest
of their lives because of incompetence and greed. And our elected officials stood by while it
happened. And the mass public didn't prod them any. Don't get me started ...
> You can get the details from my "Email Diary" as to why I became so seemingly obsessed
with these topics. Like anyone else, I always enjoyed reading about them or watching
movies. But it wasn't until I had a strange experience at a local library -- almost like a
religious conversion -- that I started all of this 3 years ago. I had to teach myself all the
programming languages and buy my own computer and learn all the Internet stuff. Nothing
ever seems to come easy for me.
> You are right that there IS a reason as to why UFOs only make themselves visible at
certain times and to select individuals. I almost think 'they' are not really machines in our
normal space-time but "manifestations" (for lack of a better term) that have access to our
consciousnesses in the "Multiverse". Indeed, Larry often posed that very question to me as
to why he and Mike were chosen to see the 1981 "demonstration" in such detail and not any
> Be sure to read Tom Skeggs' material at
Even if we had a UFO, we'd still be trapped in spacesuits due to alien bacteria/viruses, etc.
Tom's way allows for real-time interactive remote-viewing -- sort of like a Montauk-type
portal while remaining inside its protective boundaries. Tom is also working on an advanced
aerospace vehicle which he is currently machining (see his FTA weebsite). Tom suffers
from a mild physical disability (he never told me what it was) and is always at odds with the
British government on collecting benefits. He is also a remote-viewer but has suffered from
ridicule, so he is quite choosy with whom he exchanges e-mails with.
> And be sure to give me your review -- when time permits -- on the Burisch material
(http://www.stealthskater.com/Burisch.htm ). I can put you in contact with the unofficial
Burisch library (Kate alias 'White Rabbit') in Australia or with the chief investigator Jarrod
(alias 'Crackajack) in New Zealand.
> "Talk" to you later, Paul -> -- Mark
Thanks for your long letter. If you send me your address, I'll send you some stuff I've written. I
guess I could send electronically if you can receive about 2 Megs in one go. However, I am a little
unsure about posting it on the web because it is political and may upset people and I'll get harassed. So
please don't do that. On the other hand, my co-author and I are distributing hard copies. Of course, I
advocate peace and non-violence as the only way. My co-author, by the way, takes view that UFOs are
virtual reality or "mind stuff" rather than strictly physical.
Over the years I've seen some pretty amazing websites and perhaps I can find them again sometime
and forward URLs to you. There's a lot on alternative energy.
I think I don't like that Burisch situation too much. It's just not very clear and backed by tangible
evidence. Maybe, I just want to withhold judgment till a lot of blanks are filled in. I sometimes use as a
rule of thumb that the forces of darkness like to keep people in the dark, and so the forces of light like to
spread light.
I did find that stuff with the time travel very interesting. Intuitively, I think this may play a role in
the radical shift we are undertaking
It seems you are interested in the science stuff. I read some neat simple experiments that might
interest you:
1. To test if mind effects space: put a laser and gravity measuring device next to the head of someone
sleeping and then waking. See if there are changes. This was mentioned by a guy named Mr. H
who wrote a book on interstellar travel. I don't like all of his philosophy that much but some of
it is OK.
2. Univ. of Oregon Prof. ofTtheoretical Physics -- Amit Goswami -- wrote a paper that would seem
to prove telepathy. He took subjects who knew each other. He had each person go in a sealed
box a distance away from each other. One had a strobe light shine in the eyes. The other had
EEG wires hooked up to measure optic nerve pulses. The pulses in the receiver matched the
blinking of the strobe of the other participant, in sync and in phase. I have the reference for this
in my paper I will send you.
3. From more than one source I have heard that you can physically go to another space if you get in a
dream and then consciously connect to about 12 points in the environment. I think of this as a
dodecahedron. I have also read that if you have some ancient relic or artifact and meditate on it
as a target, you can transport your mind back in time. But as you say, perhaps our Creator does
not want us to do this. I kind of think we will eventually do this, but it has to be done with a
beneficent divine being so it is done with compassion and purpose.
I saw some stuff on "Coast-to-Coast AM" (Art Bell) a while back that there were a lot of sightings in
Tennessee. Do you know about the groups there and is it far for you to visit? The website on the Satwa
Sanctuary in Oregon seems to have a lot of sightings. I can send you the site if you don't have it. I
know the guy who runs it and he has a good heart although he is a little unusual. It is hard for me to
travel because of money and family obligations. My wife is OK with UFO stuff though not as
compulsive at it as I am and my son is actually pretty afraid of it, which is sometimes disappointing for
me, because we agree on so much else.
Gotta run,
best, Paul
S-474. from Tom Skeggs regarding remote-viewing possible British-American covert "hate"
From: Tom Skeggs
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Fri, July 2, 2004 2:08 pm
Subject: remote-viewing possible British-American covert "hate" programs
Hello Mark
I had to change my e-mail addresses. I no longer use my tiscali or hotmail addresses any more.
I had 2 viruses sent to me, but my heavy-duty anti-virus program stopped them doing any damage.
One from America server another off a German server. I can see the people who did this, but I have
trouble pinning down their location. The viruses were sent on the same day that I had a meeting with a
[American-owned] finance house.
Some may think this maybe a "false flag" exercise. Where hackers using other servers which I can
trace to a certain country, and the blame fails on them. But I sense British and Americans here. I sense
someone is being vindictive.
There is a pattern here. I know once when people read someone they don't want to here. Then a few
days later I get sent viruses. Once with telling someone I planned to start work on the FTA. And I had
no plans to go to America at that time. Another time was when I described to them my work with the
UHF transmitters. And an unexplained incident involving a TV studio in Santa Monica.
Around this time, I had a number of e-mails from a man in Briton asking me questions on time travel
and my UHF transmitters. His name was Dennis Arnold. So I asked him if he was a member of TapTen and he replied 'yes'. (I also stated about the time machine in the book called the "Bible code II: The
Count Down"). And such transmitters may act as a "key" to such a device. Luckily there is more than
one key. I also e-mailed him last year on the time travel devices last year. He's okay. But I recall
seeing him post on the Tap-Ten forums.
I also sense some people who are involved with Tap-Ten and/or UNITEL are deeply religious. I
sense that some are trying to do the right thing but for all the wrong reasons. I keep thinking disclosing
the metallic memorial-like cylinder monolith was a mistake as I sense some people believe they have a
right to know about it. But I sense it may lead to some real serious conflict over ownership of the
device. When I use ERV to bilocate and connect with it, there is so much sadness and sorrow. It's an
epitaph to the dead or fallen. Its words -- not mine. The words are inscribed on it. I also kept getting
images of a desert landscape covered with flags. And seeing a strange African man called "Janus". This
may be an abstract image of a foreigner surrounded by many different flags. A foreigner in a foreign
I know Tap-Ten has a man in the north of England. They claim they have a British Chapter. But it's
very, very few. Found this out when doing RV. The people behind the virus attacks are American and
there is a British connection. Last week I also felt someone using directed attention spreading hate,
anger, and negativity. Directed attention is a vector-emotion is scalar and harder to trace. They seem to
do it to wind me up. And someone is training them on how to use RI to do it. One man complained that
"I'm not psychic". The trainer replied "Yes, but he is. And he will feel it". Or something like that. Also I
get "the less I do, the better it is for them".
Did someone tell you that I will reply even after I stated I'm cutting all ties with America?
I don't know if I can send any more e-mails. I'm too busy with FTA. It's also due to the turmoil and
all the set-backs. I just need a bit of time to myself for a few weeks or months.
Well that's all.
All the best.
S-475. from L.K. Tucker regarding new info on the Betty&Barney Hill abduction
From: researcher@visionandpsychosis.net
To: stealthskaters@hotmail.com
Date: Sun, July 11, 2004 2:49 pm
Subject: Barney and Betty Hill New Information
A new posting at VisionAndPsychosis.Net re-evaluates the 44 year-old Betty&Barney Hill alien
abduction story "Interrupted Journey". Information not available at the time is used to argue that Barney
may have been the victim of a bizarre psychiatric injury related to the human vision startle reflex.
About 50 years ago, engineers were surprised when workers in newly designed close-spaced
workstations had dissociative or psychotic episodes. The Cubicle was the solution by the 1960s. It is
unlikely that Barney's workstation in the Post Office had Cubicle Level Protection.
VisionAndPsychosis.Net is about the conflict of human physiology and how it has shaped human
history. The Everquest Connection page explains the psychology and relates it to MMORPG players.
Shawn Woolley's mother sued Sony believing that Everquest addiction caused his suicide. CultureBound Syndromes discussed on the Chaco Canyon page show the conflict of physiology manifests
world wide.
The Astronomy magazine article on the Zeti Reticuli Incident and the resulting academic argument
has little meaning if the abduction never happened.
If you have friends or family using computers in homes, dorms, student apartments, or small
business offices, send them to the site to read "Prevention" at the bottom of most site pages.
L K Tucker
S-476. from Tom Skeggs regarding the UFO enigma
From: Tom Skeggs
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sun, July 18, 2004 6:40 am
Subject: Re: and yet ANOTHER twist on the Betty & Barney Hill story
---kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Hi Tom!
> I received this [see bottom] out-of-the-blue at both of my email addresses. The original
Astronomy magazine articles are at my online site as well as the backup CD.
> Sometimes I think when somebody -- either by accident or good research -- gets too
close to the "truth", counter-intelligence agents jump on the case and weave dis-info tales. I
don't know if that is the case here.
> I'm leaning toward believing that most of the sensational stuff we read about is, in fact,
clever dis-info legends. And Keyhoe, Moulton-Howe, Collins, Hamilton etc. are being
duped into propagating it. Much as I hate to admit it -- more for personal reasons (which I
should rise above) -- Sarfatti and "Ark" may be correct about most of this. I need to sit down
some weekend and painstakingly go through Sarfatti's yGroups to extract the KGB-UFO tieins and similar dis-info ploys. Jack does have good historical bits-and-pieces.
> That is NOT to say that I do not think UFOs exists. But I feel they are few-and-far
between. And -- not knowing any better -- I tend to side with the Bob Lazar view on this. I
still think 'their' technology lies with advanced pyscho-reactive materials and an ability to
consciously manipulate time/space/matter. This would fit observers' comments that this
ttechnology would appear to be hundreds of years away from our own and would appear as
"magic" to the World's best scientific minds.
> Maybe another clue would be to work backwards -- addressing not the technology issue
but HOW did these ETs find us in the first place. I'm going to assume they came from faroff like Zeta Reticuli -- 70 million light-years or so. You cannot detect another planet at that
distance and scrutinize its details with classical astronomy apparatus. In 70 million years,
that world's population would have been much evolved anyway! I'm guessing some sort of
advanced "remote-viewing" was used to "find" us. And the same sort of mental powers that
enabled this rv-ing was then used to mind-melt with the "living machine" (UFO) to bring
'them' (or some bio-engineered form of 'them') here. At this time, I'm not addressing the
nuclear test tie-ins or the possibility that 'they' seeded our species.
> Lastly, I'm still getting plagued with returned e-mail showing ME as the sender. I
never sent any of it! The help desk at my host said that hackers can get hold of your ISP
address and -- somehow, I didn't understand it all -- use that to send out email with your own
addy. A co-worker of mine -- who is quite the computer "geek" -- said that was very
common and suggested I use some sort of software to "randomize" my port. I understood
that even LESS than what the other people said. But if you receive something from me that
appears "strange", it is NOT coming from me!
> I'm still working on re-editing the 180-or-so "Doc Savage" adventures. I will include
them on the back-up CD (after reducing the size of UFO-Video) in future releases. I call it
my "Project Preserve Doc" (borrowing from "Project Preserve Destiny"). One of the
amazing things about these stories is that they were written from 1933-1948. The original
Smith & Street copyrights have expired and so Blackmask.com posted the stories on their
site. I have many of the re-released Bantom Books myself. I still have your postal address.
When I finish, I'll send you an updated backup CD which will contain these.
> All for now -> -- Mark
Hello -The physical evidence of alien races visiting Earth is extremely rare. The so-called "aliens" appear
to be biophysical [i.e., non-physical] entities. And communication with these so-called alien races
maybe akin to channeling. Like in "Project Preserve Destiny". If actual contact is taking place, I don't
believe it's a face-to-face contact but more like psychic communication. Like in the stories of the "Cult
of the Nine". (The technique dates back centuries with Oracles and sages who could communicate with
the gods when in an altered state). Their non-physical existence explains why finding physical evidence
is like trying to find Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction".
The UFO witnessed by UNITEL may be been a high-definition hologram. This could explain why it
was transparent. And they believe it uses lasers as part of its propulsion system. It may be a form of
propulsion where it projects an image of itself ahead of itself to a distance location. This may involve
superposition where an image is projected to a distance location. But how you get the mass to the
distance location is another matter (pardon the pun). The use of quantum tunneling is one method. And
for a few seconds, the object will be a superposition and occupy both locations at the same time. To me,
the projected image and the object generating the image exchange places. To a person seeing it, it's
difficult to tell if the object is actually physically real or a holographic copy of a physical object.
Also most alien abductions appear to occur when the witness enters into an altered state of
consciousness. Many may be unaware that they are doing it. The physical injuries may be a
manifestation of what they encounter when in an altered stated.
On the Dulce Wars, I remote-viewed Dulce. And there is an underground base there. But when I
remote-viewed the base, it was very quiet with little activity. So it may be it was "moth-balled". British
remote-viewer Tim Rifat suggests that when he remote-viewed the base, they were conducting
experiments using intra-dimensional or extra dimensional doorways. This allowed biophysical entities
to gain entry to the base. And they became trapped. My idea is that the biophysical entities took over
some the Dulce base personnel as an attempt to re-open the doorway. Just like in the short TV series
"Taken" when a group of doctors performed an operation on abductee, and the soldiers started to act
strangely and started shooting each other. The rest is now unproven legend and folklore … just like
On crashed alien space vehicles, there maybe fragments locked away in vaults somewhere.
Canadian scientist Stanton T. Friedman may be making a valid point. They may know how such craft
work. The drawback is the methods of manufacture. How to replicate the technology using present
technology is the hardest obstacle to overcome.
-- Tom
S-477. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Gravastars
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sun, July 18, 2004 6:54 pm
Subject: Gravastars
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Paul, Ed, Andrew ->
(http://www.stealthskater.com/PX.htm#StarChamber ). Ed -- in particular -- is familiar
with Tom's Flight Test Article website and his current efforts on a capacitive-discharged
hydrogen-oxygen Flight Test Article. Tom has re-classified it as an Electronic object that
has the ability to fly; previously it was an aerospace article with advanced electronics. Don't
know why the change in emphasis. Tom is hoping that down-the-road he can use mere water
as a fuel. With that in mind, did any of you see the Chinese patent on the self-running
hydrolysis of water => http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet/m15616.html .
anymore, I'm getting more-and-more like Ed and Tom Mahood [say it isn't so, Joe!]. I have
been reading about alt-energy claims forever, it seems, and have yet to see any of this pan
> For Ed:
> We discussed this before. Sarfatti even ceded that the senior Livermore physicst -George Chapline -- is probably correct on black holes being 'gravastars' rather than
'singularities'. Jack speaks of George as one of his past mentors. How does gravastars tie in
-- if at all -- with Hawkings' revelations of understanding how information is not lost in the
evaporation of a black hole? This may be a premature question as nobody has seen advanced
briefs of Hawkings' paper, yet.
> All for now, guys ...
> -- Mark
Hey Mark,
I don't have too much free time at the moment, but I'll try to address some of your questions at the
moment in this message.
Using water for fuel is possible but not very efficient. You can extract their component gases with
electricity, but that would require more power and would not be as efficient as more standard chemical
propulsion methods. As for patents, I really have no interest in them. I guess I only would if I was
going to invent something. Regarding that Chinese article, well all you have to do is look how the
international community scoffs at the newly created Chinese space program. "No external power" b.s.!
It says no external power to sustain it not to start it, just a catalyst. The magnetic device on the object
most people call that an electromagnetic. So it has a motor, which stores charge. In cars, we just call
them "alternators".
Gravastars? I don't believe I ever come across that term in actual physical text. It must be
something the "alt" people invented. Most physicist share the opinion that black holes are singularities,
but no one has found a correction to the Einstein field equations to fix this problem. I read that Hawking
lost yet another of his famous bets. Information loss problem in the mainstream text is what is called the
"no hair theorem". But with QM mechanics and Bell's theorem, no one really believed that no hair was
correct at a quantum level. Perhaps on a classical level, though. And this was Hawking's position. Now
with the event of M-theory, there is another way for black holes to show their "hair" without pure QM
rules. Gravastars would seem to be the hutch that there is a quantum (gravity) correction to Einstein's
equations, while the no hair theorem position is being more motivated by Hawking on the basis of
membrane theories (at least that is the interpretation I get from his writings).
Also I scanned one section "how would ET be able to find us". That's rather simple since we could
find ET easily, getting there may be another problem. For example, we with our puny instruments can
detect Jupiter-sized planets orbiting other stars. If you were looking for Life, that's where you would
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
S-478. from Tom Skeggs regarding Bob Lazar and David Adair
From: Tom Skeggs
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, July 19, 2004 6:59 pm
Subject: Re: how do Lazar and Adair fit into this?
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Tom ->
> What you wrote about UFO experiences ties together a lot of things. It makes sense. How
do you think Lazar fits into all this? David Adair -- who has been criticized by the UFO
"mainstreamer" like Friedman -- claims to have seen a psycho-reactive hull. Sarfatti says the
KGB fabricated the Roswell story and has been -- along with other major intelligence
agencies -- conjuring up UFO stories over all these decades. That would explain why no
government is interested in them. Any clue as to the purpose of these actions?
> -- Mark
Hello Mark -Lazar is a mystery. I guess he saw something out there at S4. I did some RV work on S4 a few
months back. The imagery was very poor with lots of noise and interference. I could hear air powered
tools, but I could not see any air compressor. Then I read in some large workshops. Like the Boeing
Phantom Works, they have sockets located in the floor or walls. Others may have air lines running from
the ceiling. To me, the sound of air power tools being used suggests whatever they were working on
was man-made. I don't think aliens build their ships with nuts and bolts.
You also said a female remote viewer did some sessions on S4 and said is now dis-used. Remote
viewers can slide back-and-forth along the time-line looking for clear imagery. I remote-viewed back
and got a fuzzy image of a black vehicle. But I was unable to see what it was.
I generally sense that if such genuine wreckage exists, it's locked inside a vault in a base somewhere
which has rarely been mentioned. In one of Tim Good's book, a French scientist (I believe) was invited
to inspect some metal fragments at Wright-Patterson USAF base. He told Good that scientists would
not stick their necks out and say a bit of wreckage is "alien" because many are concerned with the
damage it could do to their professional reputation if they got it wrong.
The psychoactive hull is a story that I know little about. My first RV sensing of it is that its
incomplete. And does work properly. But I don't know if this relates to the stories or actual wreckage.
But I recall that a psychoactive alien vessel was also in the Sci-fi show "Taken" as well -- made by
Film director Steven Spielberg -- where the vehicle required the talents of a skilled psychic to operate it.
The drawback was that the human mind was incapable of handling the device and would result in the
death of the human operator if exposed to it for so many minutes. Sci-Fi writers sometimes do base
their stories on actual UFO and abduction reports.
Well, it's late here. So must go. If I get anymore RV info, I let you know.
S-479. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding more on Gravastars
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Fri, July 23, 2004 7:44 pm
Subject: Gravastar Bunk!
Gravastars … ah I heard of this idea before. I found this link:
It's proven to be bunk. The BEC idea is b.s. BECs are low-energy quantum states. The formation
of a black hole is in a high-energy quantum state. Second, I've seen another article disprove this model
because it would require a high momentum state which is not observed by astronomers. Even
Space.com had an article a while back why this would not work. It was very popular when the idea
came out, but it lost weight through conventional physics and actual measurements. Also Matt Visser -who is most famous for the inventing wormholes as means of travel for Carl Sagan's novel "Contact" -has theorized about black hole condensates. They aren't really. They create a sonic event horizon, but
not one in physical space-time.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAtPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-480. from Tom Skeggs regarding separating fact from fiction
From: Tom Skeggs
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sat, July 24, 2004 1:57 pm
Subject: separating fact from fiction
---kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Hello again, Tom ->
> I work for state government here since undergoing a downsizing at Union Carbide Corp.
many years ago. Sometime ago, the "powers-that-be" thought too much time was being
spent responding to personal e-mails. So they had the IT dept. put up firewalls that
prohibited anyone from accessing Yahoo!, MSN Hotmail, Excite, etc.
> Now they came out with a loosely-worded and very generalize policy that says that anyone
caught accessing "unsafe" sites or non-approve software will be subject to disciplinary
measures (including dismissal).
> So I'm leery about using my website server host (Datarealm) and its e-mail facilities like I
was in the past (to get around their firewalls). So I may only be able to respond to you on
weekends now.
> The Burisch story -- IMO - is based on some facts with a lot of disinfo thrown in. I was
suckered in at first. Now I don't believe it. I put more faith in the Lazar stuff. It may have
been a grand exercise to see how gullible people were to such stories and how fast they could
be "taken in" by using the Internet as a tool.
> I'm disappointed in many of the theoreticians. Despite what some claim -- about
encouraging physicists to think "outside the box" -- they don't practice what they preach.
They consistently find faults in new ideas based on the leading mainstream theories. In the
final analysis, they're entitled to their own opinion of course. But an unfortunate
consequence could be that they discourages some potential Edison from following his
convictions. I am SO TIRED of reading all these websites with all these theories but nothing
concrete to show for it. Tom Mahood once told me (you saw it on my CD) that "theories are
like assholes -- everybody has one").
> I have Timothy Good's "Above Top Secret" book. I read somewhere that somebody
accused him of being a good researcher and author but not personally believing in any of it.
David Darlington -- who wrote "Area 51 - the Dreamland Chronicles" said that he always
hates to be asked if he believes in UFOs. I guess that means his answer would be "no".
> -- Mark
Hello Mark -Sad to here you're feeling down with your quest. But I think there still a valid need for a on-line
cataloge of UFO-Mind Control, Time Travel, Teleportation, FTL articles.
When I first read the articles in Nexus on the "Wingmakers", I was really taken with it. I carried
copies around with me and read them during breaks at work. Then I realized it's like reading a good
novel that you can't put down. Novels are mainly a work of fiction.
The same is with Montauk. My interest has been on-and-off for years. But when you do your own
research, the Montauk story does not really match up with the outside world. Yet I still believe
something happened there. One odd thing happened during my field trip last year to Montauk. I only
believed it was about 3 miles from the town -- no more than 5 miles. In fact it was about 9 miles, and I
walked it in 1 hour and 40 minutes. The place has energy -- real strong biophysical energy. Stronger
than Stonehenge. I see why the native Americans choose this site as a burial or sacred site.
One devastating blow this week is that I moved out of the workshop as I could no longer afford to
stay there. And I'm having to do extra hours at work to stop being too overdrawn. Also the workshop
was not a "workshop" but an aircraft hanger. And the owner complained strongly about the mess I was
making. I ended up spending a lot of time cleaning up instead of building. That took the fun out of it.
And I have been totally stressed out for the past 4-5 weeks. But I now slowly getting back to normal.
The Bentwaters workshop went "pear shaped". Last time I wrote about it, I stated that I had not
cancelled the agreement. Incase I had to move to another location. When I looked around for letter of
cancellation, I remembered that I posted it and I completely forgot. (I don't think the owners took me
seriously anyway). Because I'm nearly out of cash, I can no longer afford to hire another workshop.
But for now, I'm not going to let that stop me.
I did plan to download a technical summary on how the FTA works, including equations. But now
I've decided to hang on to the info as I may need in the future to do a deal with aerospace company. If I
publish it then they don't need me or the prototype.
On Friday I had a strange dream where I was sitting at a table in a classroom. There, others in the
classroom were telling me "you know you are going to be discredited". When I woke up, a poster came
off the wall and landed on top of me. The poster is of Leonardo De Vinci's drawings of inventions and
models built, centuries after his death by a museum in Milan. Strange Stuff!
I have had dreams like this before. One time I dreamt seeing Dr. Jack Sarfatti talking to an African
boy. A few days later, he was slagging someone off after he asked him for his advise on his invention.
Sarfatti was saying he usually gets crazy theories from Nigerians-or something like.
Another dream I recall when 2 well-known people moved into my house and filled it with boxes of
belongings. I was complaining about all the mess. Then -- in real life -- when I was up at the hanger,
the owner had a go at me for making a mess.
I'll stay in contact. My ISP only limits me to use the Internet at weekends and evenings to.
All the best
-- Tom
S-481. from Tom Skeggs regarding progress on the FTA engines
From : Tom Skeggs
To : Stealth Skater <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Sent : Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject : Re: some comments and examples
---Stealth Skater <stealthskaters@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tom ->
>> Sad to hear your feeling down with your quest. But I think there still a valid need
for a on-line catalogue of UFO-Mind Control, Time Travel, Teleportation, FTL
>I'm not down on the "quest" -- just reading purely theoretical accounts of how things
supposedly work and -- if these mainstream models don't allow for such -- then these
advocates -- the Sarfatti's, Mahood's dismiss anyone else's ideas to-the-contrary. I meant that
in addition to keeping abreast of all the "legends" in the UFO/time-travel/Montauk areas, I
find it more refreshing to read websites devoted to experimentation and actual prototypes
rather than the purely "high-brow" theoretical type.
>> When I first read the articles in Nexus on the "Wingmakers", I was really taken
with it. I carried copies around with and read them during breaks at work. Then I
realized it's like reading a good novel you can't put down.
> I too was quite taken by the WingMakers site when I first saw it. None other than Richard
Boylan himself wrote me (you should have it in my "Email Diary") that the site was based on
clever dis-info. And Boylan of all people! He himself has been accused by Sarfatti as being
an "bad" source. And lately even Bill Hamilton -- who is not on the "favored" list of most
mainstream scientists -- has discredited Boylan's claims about Michael Wolf and members of
the "Aviary".
>> One odd thing happened during my field trip last year to Montauk. I only
believed it was about 3 miles from the town, no more than 5 miles. In fact it was
about 9 miles and I walked it in 1 hour and 40 minutes. The place has energy -- real
strong biophysical energy. Stronger than Stonehenge. I see why the native
Americans choose this site as a burial or sarced site.
> That's exactly what that one author (K.G. Wells??) said when he toured the area. He
claimed to be somewhat "psychic" and said that he was picking up bad vibes. Not
necessarily those of time-travel, but more along the like of people suffering. Then he was in
some sort of communication with a deceased Indian woman.
>> One devastating blow this week is that I moved out of the workshop as I could no
longer afford to stay there. And I'm having to do extra hours at work to stop being
too overdrawn. Also the workshop was not a "workshop" but an aircraft hanger. And
the owner complained strongly about the mess I was making. I ended up spending a
lot of time cleaning up instead of building. Which took the fun out of it. And I have
been totally stressed out for the past 4-5 weeks. But I now slowly getting back to
> When I leased an upstairs floor in a commercial building to serve as a photography and
recording studio, the landlord -- a pastor of a Nazarene church -- said that I could do anything
I wanted to on the inside (within reason). In fact, I had to take it as it was and do my own
remodeling. He was responsible for the outside and the major inside stuff (like the furnace
and hot-water tank). I don't see why anybody should care how much of a "mess" that you
make inside of something that you're leasing as long as you don't damage the structure (so
they would have to pay to have it fixed). You're paying for the privilege of living in a "mess"
if you want to.
>> I did plan to download a technical summary on how the FTA works, including
equations. But now I decided to hang on to the info as I may need in the future to do
a deal with aerospace company. If I publish it, then they don't need me or the
> Sometime check out the "Update" and "Progress" documents that I've mirrored
from your site at http://www.stealthskater.com/PX.htm#StarChamber . If there is some
stuff that shouldn't be there for confidentiality reasons, let me know where it's at and I'll
remove it. I've tried to keep current with new additions but I didn't go back to see what you
> -- Mark
Hello again -I like to keep up -to-date with theoretical physics work. But rarely do the experts and scientists
agree on most subjects. And the debates go around-and-around in circles with and little-or-no actual
experimentation getting done.
It's not always easy for me to explain things to people. And it's not always easy for me to understand
what other people are trying to communicate due to my disability. In the past, I think some other people
think that I'm trying to "trick" them. That's not my intention. It's not very easy to explain. And
sometimes I'm taken the wrong way. That's why I building the FTA, so I can point out to any "white
coated boffins" which part of the FTA does what.
It don't matter how "wild" or "whacky" your ideas or theories are as long as you have solid proof to
back it up. In the past, I have made the mistake of going public with little-or-no evidence to back up my
claims. For example, my SC and RV-based teleportation work. And those strange dreams were
probably my unconscious mind telling me that going public and publishing everything on the Internet
with all the tech details now may not be a good idea. But exchanging private e-mails is okay.
I have finally managed to solve some of the technical problems with the FTA's Propulsion system.
There was a problem with placing the propulsion units-the Cardinal points vertically. They use a
capacitor discharge-to accelerate the molecules out of the engine units at high velocities. The problem
with having the engine units placed vertically is the thrust will travel in 2 directions and out of the air
intakes. I solved this problem by designing lift fan units which sit on top of the capacitor discharge units
and suck air and blow air into the discharge units. This was inspired by the Rolls Royce Lift Fans used
in the Joint Strike Fighter.
The Cardinal points units now tend to resemble ramjets. http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/K12/airplane/ramth.html . Which have no moving parts. The fan lifts are also designed to ensure air
flows through the air intakes when vehicle is traveling at low speeds or is hovering. As ramjets depend
on the vehicle moving at high speed to produce thrust.
Another problem was overheating relating to the duty cycle. It is a measure on how long a high
power electrical device -- like a electric motor or welder -- can be run before its components overheat.
This is why the FTA has a short flight endurance of no more than 3-4 minutes. I can use oversized lift
fans to blow cool air over the components and increase the duty cycle rate. This would increase in flight
endurance time.
Well that's all for now until next weekend
All the best for now
S-482. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "TruthSeeker TV"
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <ehal_warpcurve@hotmail.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Fri, September 10, 2004 7:00 pm
Subject: FW: To Warp Drive from TruthSeekerTV
The following message I just got. I thought it would interest you more than me. I don't even feel the
need to respond to it. If they think that my name really is "warp drive", then they are truly screwy and
haven't actually read anything on my site.
Also something that might be of interest to you was the following research mentioned in a number of
recent scientific articles, but direct from NASA is:
An article discussing how its possible with present technology to break the sound barrier without
creating a sonic boom. So it could be very well possible that many so called UFOs doing such things
are probably government-owned, and will likely increase in number over time due to this new finding.
>From: TruthSeekerTV / Michael Caroff <links@truthseekertv.com>
>To: ehal_warpcurve@hotmail.com
>Subject: To Warp Drive from TruthSeekerTV
>Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 09:09:18 -0400
>Dear Warp Drive,
>Because of your presence on the Web, I wanted to get your help in promoting >a new TV
show. It's called "Truth Seeker TV," and it's like a Reality TV >version of the X-Files, or a
punk rock version of 60 minutes. We'll be >covering UFOs, mind control, archaeology, the
occult, secret societies, >aliens, abductions, political intrigue, prophecy and other
unexplained >phenomena, to name just a few subjects.
>Since we are 100% independently financed and operated, we are apolitical >and are not in
any way beholden to corporate or special interests. This means we will not be bought, sold,
commercialized, white-washed, or intimidated. Our only purpose is to dig out the facts, no
matter where they are hiding.
>I am writing you to see if you would be interested in setting up reciprocal links.
>You can check out our site at: http://www.truthseekertv.com
>You'll get all the information there, including a description of upcoming episodes. We've
>We'd be happy to link back to you, to direct people to your site, as well.
>Please e-mail your response and/or any questions to: links@truthseeker.com
>or call us any time. We look forward to working with you!
>Warm regards,
>Michael Caroff
>(818) 784-0922
>(818) 784-0923 [fax]
S-483. from Tom Skeggs regarding USAF consciousness teleportation
From: "Tom Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sat, November 6, 2004 12:16 pm
Subject: USAF consciousness teleportation
---kram@stealthskater.com wrote
>Hi Tom ->
>I see where you've been quite busy over the summer. I've been working on converting
all 181 "Doc Savage" novels into MS-Word documents. The 1930's Lester Dent (author)
must have been like a modern-day Jules Verne. It wouldn't surprise me if some of his
fiction was incorporated into today's UFO-type disinformation. Some of it is uncanny!
Larry Maurer is always worried that the rest of the (scientific) world is "catching up" with
UNITEL. The following teleportation article at SPACE.com
(http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technovel_teleport_041103.html ) made
me wonder if YOU might be saying the same thing (with regard to your "Star Chamber").
I think Eric Davis is a sometimes-"in"/sometimes-"out" cohort of Sarfatti's.
-- Mark
Hello Mark -Did you read this in the Teleportation Physics Study by Eric W Davis?
“Psychics Uri Geller (1975) and Ray Stanford (1974) claimed to have been teleported on
several occasions. Most claimed instances of human teleportation of the body from one
place to another have been unwitnessed. There are also a small number of credible
reports of individuals who reported being teleported to/from UFOs during a UFO close
encounter, which were scientifically investigated (Vallee, 1988, 1990, 1997). But there
are a larger number of such reports that are anecdotal, whereby the witness data tends to
be unreliable".
The that work I did between Sept 2001 to March 2002 on experimental teleportation with my mini
transmitters may be viewed by the general consensus as being "unreliable" as there were no other
independent witnesses to events. This work would be described in the study as 'p-teleportation' where
remote viewers project the bioelectric field to a distance location.
The field is a product of the emission of photons. The photons usually have a very low amplitude
making them invisible to the naked eye. (see "A model for biophotons" by Matti Pitkänen at
EmergentMind.com). Some like Pitkänen and Popp believe that the emission of biophotons is quantum
coherent. I believe subjecting the human body to EM radiation of a specific frequency and modulated
amplitude may cause the emission of more quantum coherent photons with a higher amplitude. This
means the field could become visible to observers at a distance location. Like projecting a 3-D
hologram of your original self to a distance location.
One of the key governing principles maybe the superposition principle where the [Biophotonic] field
exists in a superposition until an observation is made. This explains why I try to cut myself off from the
world and conduct tests in total isolation.
One distance location that I ended up at by accident was some studio (in Santa Monica) where it all
seemed very real to me at the time back in March 2002. Another location was outside an observatory on
the outskirts of Los Angeles. I sent a letter in July-August 2003 to the boss of the studio. But I never
received a reply. Yet the purpose behind this is what I nicknamed as "pinging". I send out a letter or
email, then use some empathic ability and RV to gauge the response.
The empathic ability seems to trigger the RV. It’s the emotion of the person reading the letter that I
pick up on. And early mornings and late nights are the best times. The actual RV feedback from the
letter that I sent was mixed. The boss appeared to show it to other people there. One-or-two believed
what I wrote was cool while others thought I was a fantasist. But I recall one of them was going to file a
For the last week-or-so, I’ve been sensing something to do with re-new, re-activate, repeat.
Wednesday and Thursday was the worst days. On Thursday, I was pacing up-and-down at work and got
no work done. I also got some strange empathic-RV stuff. Seeing someone lighting a candle. And I
think they were praying. I sensed directed attention. (Cannot tell if it was a man or woman). RV visual
data was very brief. But RV images were very sharp and clear. I saw a yellow-white candle by a stone
wall-flame flickering. It may have been near an altar in a small chapel. There was red fabric nearby.
Maybe a curtain or banner made of red fabric. And I kept smelling candle wax. On Wednesday and
Thursday. Strange!
FTA Work has stopped for now as I’m doing extra [gardening] work to get my finances in order so I
can re-start work sometime next year. I nearly went "bust" during the summer. But I'm getting things
slowly back to normal.
Must go now.
S-484. from Albert Nickitin regarding Life's unanswered questions
From : Albert V. Nickitin <avnikitin@hotmail.com>
To : "Stealth Skater" <stealthskaters@hotmail.com>
Sent : Sunday, November 7, 2004 4:18 PM
Subject : Re: unexplained mysteries and Life's unanswered questions
attachment:  tex10eng.rtf [ Nickitin_Attachment
Dear Mark,
I in the greatest degree am grateful to you for your letter, mainly and basically highly having
estimated its detail and sincerity (the right, I at all am not absolutely sure, whether understand at you
sense of a word "sincerity" which at us is accepted for putting in it). And in general henceforth
magnanimously I ask to take into account and forgive my very weak possession English.
1. It seems to me, that when we -- with you -- become "gods" on other planets in other galaxies, your
trade and some acquaintance to chemistry rather will be useful. Your knowledge in the field of
programming and obvious excellent(different) skills of work in NET, undoubtedly, are useful to
participation in the organization " Time Travel " development., even, probably, may have key value. At
the same time, I perfectly and with skill understand that for brilliant performance of daily duties, your
hobbies "raised" am obvious not on advantage (bosses usually do not approve it). Especially it is
surprising that You -- despite of it -- nevertheless create something deserves all respect. P.S. If
achievements of your corporation represent DOW in chemistry, whether that (casually) are engaged
there in "know-how" of composites on thermo-reactive to a polymeric sheaf? I ask because --by the
way --I have outstanding scientific achievements in this direction.
2. You have 3 fine qualities which me does not suffice slightly. You're rather vigorous YOUNG
gentleman (I approximately am twice more senior, alas); well own English and, apparently, how many
own representations about "mentality" of what help is required; You well are guided in NET. We may
try to cooperate. Therefore, from Your permission, FOR THE BEGINNING I send You in the
appendix the reduced text with the description of mine "Project" - Attachment tex10eng.rtf.
Nevertheless, try "to master" its sense in full. After that, I shall answer ANY questions -- both under
this text and on ANY "ambiguities" which are hazardously discussed on every possible sites. I,
certainly, not "god" (while) and consequently can not know ALL. But me everything is clearly, that it is
necessary for successful realization "Teleportation" (though the term this incorrect and may be applied
only conditionally).
And at your age, I though and for a long time already dreamed of the same, but it is more at a level
of fantastic novels instead of in practice. Instead of it in free time from education had a good time (in
style of the American students?): was engaged in a hunt, fishing, riding, fencing (USSR's the Master of
Sports, the Champion of Russia, her " The Second Sword " - in student's years) :).. etc
Though I had absolutely other base education and interests, I -- the same as also you long -- was
engaged in any "nonsense" (in comparison with such questions as " Time travel+Teleportation ").
Nevertheless, thus "playing" has reached many rather significant scientific and applied results. Not
including only scientific original, not ordinary achievements (I shall bring examples later), I was one of
known experts in Russia in sphere of production of synthetic diamonds. Thanking personally the state is
no time output of this production on the world market (in view of use of results as patents USA, Canada,
Sweden, France, Germany, Italy,etc. to my achievements has received).
3. Still some details about itself.
Since the age per 14 years, I always had by main sense of the life of traveling in other Solar systems
- on habitable planets of other stars. With the specified purpose almost 40 years ago has ended special
(elitist) faculty of Gorky State University (graduated “a radiophysics and electronics”, qualification of
“radiophysics – investigator"), was engaged in study of ionospheric plasma, Space Communications
etc. As well as many my comrades, hoped to become the chief of one of the future Star expeditions.
Space rocket our country then owned better all. However, it was necessary to realize that with their
help up to stars not reach - at any rate, for the proximate 100 years. And consequently the majority of
the most talented graduates of this speciality began to leave from the occupation. And with them and
I. Same, which remained, were engaged in useful businesses: by mining of all systems of flight and
lunar landing, Venus, Mars. It was not interesting for us, as did not correspond (meet) to dream.
After the ending by me of University, I have worked on the first speciality, in particular, very little in
defence minings. However has received from it huge pleasure: in that time we it is easy, is successful
and with large by pleasure could by the means erase the whole armies Anglo-Language of "allies" of
your state. Then, in my youth, my country has given me a capability in practice to believe in own
Creative Capabilities. My generation (60-70-years of XX century) substantially was felt "all-powerful",
with a capability to become similar to "gods". We have proved it by the hands of the
EXPERIMENTERS.I and now consider myself only as EXPERIMENTER, though in perfection is
informed on all achievements of modern theoretical physics. For this parent I never itself operate with
concepts, which are not founded on effects of EXPERIMENTS, and from others I do not perceive
seriously similar reasoning. The advance is braked by absence of global new experimental effects like observed by the Michael Faraday of effects of an electromagnetic induction. We with you and
other worthy our colleagues are called to fill this deficiency of modern knowledge about Space-Time. By means of EXPERIMENT ! . . . . However, for achievement of the treasured purpose (distant
Space flights in other reasonable worlds) there was no suitable theoretical model, even approximate
circuit of experiments. At the present moment they ARE. If there is no idea, nothing can be made even if to have the not limited material resources. When the idea is -- and not only as only theoretical,
but also in engineering project -- to make all is possible.
During absence of suitable idea since then, I was engaged in applied science: was the professional,
known enough in Russia, in synthesis of diamond at hyper-pressures, was engaged in a geochemistry,
volcanology, spectroscopy and structural examinations of crystal and crystal - generator of systems..
Has received a scientific degree on a crystallography and crystallophysics, then scientific rank on a
university speciality "molecular physics". Long-lived time taught at University: all common physics
(from a mechanics up to atom physics), theory of a structure of molecules, molecular spectrum
analysis, discipline of specialization of the students 4 and 5 policies ( “Heterogeneous systems and
processes", "Physics-chemistry of surface phenomenons" with devices of the theory of self-organizing).
All this as appeared, very much was useful by development of the project and is its necessary "tool".
With sincere respect
Albert V. Nickitin
P.S. I am glad to any information (and at me is DVD-ROM) though, at the same time, now it is
necessary to solve not CHAT's questions and to not enjoy same, and to be engaged in the organization of
works and engineering designing.... I know what to make and as.
-- Albert V. Nickitin
Prospect Stroiyteley, 52-55
153040, Ivanovo, RUSSIA
S-485. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding his article on the "Flying Triangle" ufos
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, November 8, 2004 12:53 am
Subject: Teleportation Physics Study by Eric W. Davis]
Well, I'll have to wait until I get some more free time before I can read that long post that you
forwarded. But I'd say you're about right in that the message appears to be written by Sarfatii.
However, since your here, Paul of JoAPM wanted to post my article that I've been working on
regarding FT/BTs. That should be up whenever he does the updates. Because he really wanted it up
before I completed it the way that I wanted, some stuff is missing. Like how the FT's might actually fly.
In short, I shot the "blimp" reasoning down. I stated that Edgar Fouche's claim was wrong but
interesting (in that it might be possible if you could some how unify electromagnetism with gravitation,
but otherwise it would not work). So I simply stated his claims were bogus unless he knows of new
physics of course. I mentioned Bruce Cornet's studies on the Flying Triangles but didn't get to them
because of Paul wanting the paper for the next journal update. But that's that! I thought you might be
interested in reading the full article so I've attached it. Take care.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-486. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding physics theories
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Thu, November 11, 2004 9:03 am
Subject: I got the pdf to download finally
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> I forwarded your FT-pdf to my stealthskaters@hotmail.com account. I was able to 'open' it
there without any problem. My website host has a rudimentary email system (they admit
that), so I'm gong to assume that the problem only lies when I try to open/download pdf's
from there.
> 25 grand?! If you think that is outrageous, think about Fred Alan Wolf's $250/hr ("Have
Brains, Will Travel") consulting fee!
> I thought you agreed with Einstein's General Relativity and geometry defining gravity. Or
are you looking at it as purely a good semi-empirical math model that fits the observed data
well? Some of these guys take geometry and hyperspace to the n-th degree. Something
inside me balks at that. I sort of agree with Bearden and others in that the more degrees -offreedom you add to a model, of course the better the fit will be and the ability to encompass
different regimes-theories under a greater umbrella.
> Someone over at CERN said that they couldn't wait until their new collider goes onstream
in the later part of the decade. One of the reasons was that "there are way too many theories
out there". He said the new collider will eliminate most of them. I remember Tom Mahood
telling me that "theories are like assholes ... everyone's got one"!
Hi again,
Glad that you got the file to finally open. $25,000 outrageous, I agree too. I hope that's their total
research budget and not for just that one paper!
I agree with the predictions of General Relativity and that it fits the data pretty good. But a lot of
fudged math in the past supported the idea that the Universe revolved around the Earth. It took over
1000 years to get past that. I do believe it's the best model out there which fits all the data. But as a
particle theorist, I believe that the space-time geometry is created by a physical interaction which has not
been determined as of yet (what that may be, I don't have the foggiest).
I agree with the CERN guy that a lot of theories will be killed once the collider is ready. That's how
Science -- like technology -- largely progresses. By failure.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-487. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding the Rare Isotope Accelerator and Bob Lazar
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Tue, December 14, 2004 10:13 pm
Subject: RIA
Hey Mark,
I came across something interesting on the web not too long ago which might be of interest to you. I
read about a new project being spearheaded by the DOE, last I heard. It's a project that I also caught on
the local news this morning as my state Illinois is attempting to lobby for the program. The program is
known as the Rare Isotope Accelerator. The program website describes it as a facility to artificially
create elements not found naturally on Earth, although not directly per say.
As per some of your earlier statements regarding Lazar, (1) I bet the RIA program will get your
attention from some of Lazar's claims. (2) I haven't read anything on Lazar for a while. But he changed
his stories so much that I don't find anything he said to represent any truth. Although if I remember
correctly, he stated the reactor operated at around 7 Hz and that the "gravity wave" was a microwave,
due to the dimensions of the waveguide he mentioned on a number of occasions.
Now if you suppose a connection between the wavelengths etc., 7 Hz would be the ELF range. Jack
Sarfatti has suggested that in his reasonings that the Flying Triangle objects use ELF to create an
artificial gravity field (although along this is where I had my disagreements with him).
Also about 2 years back, I was contacted by someone claiming to be a government geologist stating
that gravity is created by the inner core activity generating microwave-like radiation. Now I also had
problems with that. But if you suggest a connection there, it might be that. But I doubt it. I also had
problems with that guy's claims
However, he did mention a project which he worked on for predicting earthquakes which did later
show up in the news. That may suggest that he may not have been "blowing smoke" -- perhaps he was
just jumping to conclusions about certain issues. Anyway, some food for thought for you.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-488. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding evidence of superstrings
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Fri, December 17, 2004 7:26 pm
Subject: first evidence of string theory
---kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/ =>
> http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg18424781.400
> I'm too "Newtonian" to peer deeper than the atom. I never did understand what makes a
"field" tick, but I could use the equations (F=ma) to solve problems. I still have to grasp with
the notion of a "wave" to describe photon. It sounds too "virtual" to me -- like the virtual
particles existing in some not-to-be-touched (and for all practical purposes, hence imaginary)
so-called ZPE. I like to SEE something to understand it. I imagine you could fill up a plastic
tank-or-tube with dye and inject a sound wave into that. So maybe that's how they come up
with sound waves are longitudinal. I have no idea how they are so sure about what the
"waves" of particles look like. But that's my own shortcomings -- I need to touch and see
something before I can understand how I can manipulate it for some practical purpose.
> I say all this now as a GENERAL DISCLAIMER for off-the-cuff remarks I may (and
probably will) make in the future concerning things which are out-of-my-expertise. Outside
of general physics, the only other physics course I took in college was "Modern Physics".
All that I can remember about that was that on the atomic level, electrons don't exist in just
any orbit. They are stuck fast in one until they absorb a quanta of energy to force them to a
higher one. That's why I could never understand the uncertainty principle. It seems to defy
what quantum mechanics says. But then I'm not concerned about the orbiting velocity,
either, so maybe that's where the "out" is.
> Back to the above article, though. It amazes me how physicists can deduce quantum
behavior by studying Macroscopic (relativity) events. I thought strings were on the order of
the Planck length, but it seems they can be light-years long. I thought those were "cosmic
strings" associated with possible time-travel. But apparently there is a tie-in because it led
physicists to revise the Inflationary Model with the Ekpyrotic one that made use of M-theory
and proposes 5-D infinite branes within a Multiverse. So if strings are true, then why is
everybody searching for a quantum theory of gravity? Strings explain that, hence no need to
look further. ... It's way beyond me ...
Well, I would have to go to the newsstand to read exactly what the article has. In general, I like New
Scientist because they describe breakthrough news. But the bad part is that there is no real depth to it.
Nature is by far my favorite scientific magazine. It's just too pricey for me to subscribe.
Now the light year string is not really surprising. Michio Kaku makes mention of this in one of his
books. And the "Nexus" -- from the Star Trek VII: Generations movie -- Kaku describes as being a
'cosmic string'. They are close to the Planck length in diameter. But just not length -- like a role of
F=ma. Good approach. A "field" is just a human invention to make things easier to understand. In
fact, I really think that after all the research I've done, the particle physics path is the best way to go.
"Fields" just tie the data together in a nice picture. And I feel that this is the reason that there really
hasn't been any major breakthroughs lately people spending too much time on field theories rather than
experimental data.
Soundwaves are really easy. Beat a drum and it moves. Hit a slinky and the wave goes through it.
Very basic stuff. As for photons, they are not waves but particles. But EM radiation is waves. And the
data to date suggest that there is a duality to them both. Not too surprising as Newton was trying to
decide on wave/particle theory. Although in his time most of the data pointed towards a wave theory,
which led to discovery of the properties of EM radiation.
Quantum theory fits into the energy levels. They are broken into "packets" (the energy levels are
actually a quantum packet). Only where the electron charge becomes observable does the electron
choose its place, as shown by Shroedinger. Not too surprising as that theory was based off the energy
level model of Bohr.
As for superstrings, no direct evidence in the lab for them. But there is direct evidence in the lab for
quanta carriers of energy. Hence the research for quantum gravity. Even if strings were shown to exist,
one would still have to explain the quantum behavior of objects we observe everyday. So there would
still be interest simply because of that.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-489. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding field theory
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sun, December 19, 2004 5:22 pm
Subject: so there is a 'method to your madness' !
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> What I didn't understand is that after the bad guy initially succeeded and caused the Nexus
to envelop him (supposedly allowing him to exist in a virtual-type world) and caused the
Enterprise to crash, then Whoopi told Pickard just to *think* what he wanted -- since he was
in this Nexus virtual world anyway. And somehow he engineered a "reality" where he was
able to reverse the bad guy's events (although it looks like the Enterprise still crashed). What
if the bad guy was wishing too? How come Pickard's wishes were "stronger"? Maybe this
wasn't a "virtual reality" afterall because it seemed like they finally buried Kirk -- for real -at the end. I didn't understand the implied physics part, but it was a very good haunting type
of movie.
Well, the plot hole was just that. Even the writers of the movie laugh about that on the Special Edition
DVD, showing how little Paramount really cares about Star Trek. As for the "Star Trek: The Next
Generation" series, there was a normal episode that describe them better, something like smaller than a
few meters but having more mass than black holes. But I digress.
> That's interesting. So fields are more-or-less a "mathematical convenience"? I can relate
to that because we use such notions all-the-time in engineering. I was very comfortable with
the equations and models used to design nuclear reactors. I used an apparatus that fired
neutrons into a target so that we could use a 2nd-order regression fit to obtain the crosssection. Now why one has to slow down (moderate) these particles to increase a crosssection -- what is the physics behind that? -- I have no idea. I think that sort of thinking was
bad on my part, at least from a grade point-of-view. I was too often trying to figure out the
underlying causes of stuff like that instead of concentrating on the equations and engineering
methodology. The emphasis was on "who cares how it works! Here are the models that
describe it and lend themselves to experimental regression. Now use them to scale-up and
build the thing!"
I never built a nuclear reactor, so you are more qualified than me on that one. But in general, the math
for cross sections is given with a combination of electromagnetic and atomic forces. So I'm sure the
answer lies somewhere in there. But for this particular case, you probably have a better idea than I.
> I thought everything -- particles included -- had a wave function. Didn't Hawking make a
wave function of the Universe? EM radiation is composed of photons, is it not? Apparently
these quantum bits of energy behave as a wave and at other times as a particle. Depends on
the experiment. But I've never looked into a microscope and seen an EM "wave". The
closest I got was on an oscilloscope where you can see the sinusoidal oscillation. But you
could measure current flowing through a wire in the same way. That doesn't mean that the
current is a "wave", however.
You can make all particles have wave functions. But anything on the atomic scale is often smaller
than the nucleus of an atom. So there is really no importance for them in everyday study unless you are
dealing with subatomic particles. "Seeing" a sound wave is possible using quantum physics. But in
everyday these situations not likely. Just think of your ear like it's a drum. Only your brain "interprets"
the vibration as sound. Sound can also be described as molecular movement. So motion in itself could
be considered sound. But that gets into the whole" tree falling in the forest thing", something best left to
> My "denseness" is not permitting me to fully appreciate the significance of the uncertainty
principle. It's a personal shortcoming. I try to make things as simple as I can -- force of
habit -- and while that can be good, at times it is a stumbling block. This is one of those
cases. That was an interesting choice of your words -- "becomes observable". Seems to
imply something.
I came across an interesting article which might help you there. It described the uncertainty principle as
background noise of the ZPF regulated by the Planck constant 'h'. It doesn't help to explain why it
exists. Just that it could be interpreted as noise to get a better feeling for it.
> I had read something on decoherence where the "last word" -- at that time -- was that it
appeared (in layman's terms) that "every particle in the Universe was keeping an eye on
every other particle". And hence that's why things are where they are. And that would
answer Einstein's rebuff about a "mouse looking at the Moon" would cause the Moon's
position to be fixed.
Personally, I would leave such statements to philosophers as such a meaning will only do good for them.
> I think it was on one of those NOVA programs (perhaps your "friend" Brian Greene) where
it said that if the Multiverse idea is correct and our Universe was formed in a collision
between two 5-D infinite branes in the Multiverse, then present models show that 3 of the 4
known forces would be confined to our universe. But gravity would "seep out" and interact
with these other dimensions. In fact, the program suggested that gravity may be as strong a
force as any of the others. But much of its strength is dissipated into these other dimensions,
leaving only what appears to be a very weak force in our Universe.
Certainly a possibility. But so would be the fact that the motions of the planets are caused by "actions of
Angels" to parphrase Feynman.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-490. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Bob Lazar
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Tue, December 21, 2004 5:30 pm
Subject: Re: like a bad penny, here comes Bob again!
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> I found some neat animated graphics of Lazar's flight configurations at =>
http://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Star_Trek_Physics.htm .
Nothing new to me. When I first went online, I came across some of Bob's stuff. But the more-andmore I learned about physics, the more -and-more it seemed like bunk.
> I also saw some of the inner wall hiero-type symbols that I hadn't seen before. At the end
of that page is a photo of the site's author with Lazar taken circa 2000.
I come across that page before and wasn't impressed with it.
> This guy seems to think that -- if not the same as the color force -- gravity is at least as
strong as it is. Don't know if that arrived from his independent research or if he was heavily
influenced by Lazar.
If gravity was as strong as the strong nuclear force, than no one would be able to jump. Now in string
theory, it is way stronger. But only if you introduce an extra dimension. Considering that Bob stated
that he never trusted anything beyond particle physics, that's one hell of a leap!
> He had some of the same reference articles that I had gotten from John Andrews. Don't
know if that's a coincidence or if John influenced him.
> At least it has some material -- presented in "cool" ways -- that I hadn't seen before. Don't
know how much of it is factual. Might be worth your look-see (if not only for the reason that
his site name is treading on "sacred ground" -- your email addy plus he may be taking the
name of "Star Trek" in vain ... ha!ha!).
My email addy? Are you referring to the gravity part? I just find it interesting that he completley
ignores Alcubierre's warp drive, even though it's the only scientific version of the idea.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-491. from Tom Skeggs regarding recent FTA progress
From: "Tom Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Thu, December 23, 2004 7:47 pm
Subject: Short News
Hi Mark -680
Hope all is fine. Been doing work on the engines again. The old design did not work too well.
I went back to Paris in November and saw an old Rolls Royce NENE engine which really inspired
me. To build an engine using 8 small hydrogen-fuelled jets arranged in a ring. Working on a more
traditional working engine, then modify it with the other electric boosters, etc. at a later date. To
provide more thrust. My new engine design uses mini pulse jet-like burners where the pulse jet acts like
an air-breathing rocket.
Also been reading up on "Magnetic Mirrors" capable of compressing the gases within the exhaust
tailpipe by using electromagnetic coils. Do a search for the 'VISIMR' rocket. It was in the N0V 2000
edition of Scientific American.
I stopped work on the airframe #2 as the new engines are twice as long as the old ones. And I may
have to modify the design so the new engines fit inside the airframe.
Some other news I came across. The studio (Mutant Enemy Inc) that I apparently "visited" in 2001
in Los Angeles is closing down as its director has run out of ideas. It's the place that I remote-viewed
during my bilocation/teleportation trails.
I Updated FTA website on 23-24th Dec. If I get anymore tech info, I'll let you know.
All the best
S-492. from Tom Skeggs regarding alleged Tibet "stargate"
Subject: Update on Montauk,Pine Gap, Stargates.
From: "Tom Skeggs"
Date: Tue, December 28, 2004 11:56 am
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Hello Mark -Sorry for delay. Was away for Christmas. I hope you had a good Christmas.
>Did you ever hear anymore from that "Bluestone" guy? The one who wanted you to RV for
him. He said something about a new energy source that was at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma.
He also told me the rumored "stargate" in Iraq was a hoax, and that the only story along those
lines that he leaned toward was a reported one in Tibet.
I don't recall hearing from Bluestone himself. I just got a blank e-mail entitled "Lets be Friends"
from a friend of his in New York in 2003. I think his name was "Hoffman". He may have worked for
some foundation in Eastside.
Strangely I think of Oklahoma City during the time I first heard of him when I was releasing
material on Plattsburgh AFB and Montauk AFS. I kept getting repeated [RV] images of a 1950s-1960s
red-brick warehouse. (I think it was being re-built.) Latter in March 2004, I discovered that the USAF
has a storage facility at Oklahoma City (Oklahoma Air Logistics Center*). This center is located at
Tinker AFB and is operated by Air Material Command (AMC*2). This may be one of the places
besides Plattsburgh AFB that machinery was taken when Montauk Radar station was decommissioned
some after 1984. Tinker AFB is also home to a squadron or so of transport aircraft belonging to Air
Mobility Command.
I also think something "funny" was going on in Ohio in August 2003. The state of Ohio is home to
Wright Patterson AFB where the AMC has its HQ. And it has a long history relating to UFO wreckage.
For example, 'Operation Moondust' and the infamous 'Blue Room'. I also found out recently that Ohio is
home to some major aerospace contractors. (I was going to submit a proposal for funding to a research
center calling for such proposals on VTOL aircraft, based in Ohio last March-June).
I did some RV work on Montauk. What I get is that the caretaking crew at Montauk did not do its
job properly. Looking at air photos of other Sage radar sites and reading reports from people visiting
other sites, the caretaking crews stripped the radar sites bare of all equipment, materials, and paperwork.
This did not happen at Montauk. The caretaking crew spent most of the time in one of the mess or club
houses drinking and playing cards. One caretaker was knocking his kids and wife about and was a
heavy drinker. Another was selling materials from the base to unofficial sources. I later discovered in
one of the Sky Books that a friend of the authors was arrested and charged for selling property. I saw a
white lorry and money changing hands.
The Air Force to be taking a real interest again in 1992-93 following publication of the first Montauk
book. I recall seeing a senior American Air Force officer visiting the radar site (in a RV session) and he
was absolutely furious at the state of the radar site. And that the site. He was also demanding answers
from his juniors and ordered them to investigate what was going on.
I also think the caretaking crew were like big kids and they were screwing around with the radar
equipment. And they got far more than they bargained for. This may explain why most of the
experiment were not dismantled right away and left in situ until the mid 1990s.
They may even had unofficial support in the form that other officials were aware of what was going
at the radar station but turned a blind eye. Until things got out of hand. One name keeps popping up
over-and-over again. The name is 'Anderson'.
As in Dr David Anderson. Preston Nichols names one of the caretakers as 'Anderson' but suggests
it's a false name. Later it transpires that Nichols, Peter Moon, and Anderson are close friends. (The Sky
Books website was hosted on Anderson's Time Travel Research Center website). Anderson claims to
have worked at Edwards AFB-CA and was in the USAF during the 1980s.
Edwards AFB is known as the Air Force Flight Test Center and is under control of the Air Material
Command. Sometimes I think that Anderson was not a scientist but an Air Force radar technician. He
may have been based at Montauk and could be the source of most of the time-travel stories as they all
originate from the New York-Long Island area. Stories such as the Wingmakers, Ong's Hat-Pine
Gap*3, Montauk that, and Brookhaven.
Regarding the young man I kept "seeing" starting fires at the Montauk base. I think he was a son of
one of the families living in a small house by the Montauk highway who was moved from one
psychiatric hospital to another. Where he escaped. I know he went south, crossed the Brooklyn Bridge,
and went passed a park. He also stayed at a friends place near or in Chinatown. And then I think he fled
America and went to Canada.
I think he lives there to this day. I also "get" that he moves between Canada and the UK a lot. This
is the same man who as a teenager took refuge in a church following the incident at Montauk. This is
the confusing part. The church is in the town of Montauk some 9 miles from the radar station. Yet I
sensed that he was found at the radar station in a somewhat confused and dazed state where police took
him into custody and later to a hospital. During my trip to New York, I tried to pick up on his trail to
see if I could identity any locations. And there is a psychiatric hospital overlooking the East River.
* There are Air Logistics Centers at Wright Patterson AFB-OH. Ogden, Hill AFB-UT. and Warner
Robins, Robins AFB GA.
*2) Air Material Command operates research labs at Kirkland AFB-NM where a scientist conducted
experiments into the effects of microwaves on the human body at Kirkland AFB. And the AMC also
operates the Rome Lab in upstate New York.
*3) I think this is the place [Pine Gap, New Jersey] where I kept seeing in RV the pine trees last year. A
pine forest. I kept seeing a red barn-like building next to a bend in a road surrounded by long grass.
The road bends around to the right. And the building is close to some broad-leaf trees like oak trees.
This road leads to some type of military enclosure close to a pine forest. The enclosure is overgrown
with long grass. The site has aerials and shallow mounds. The road is blocked by a steel chain link
gate. I also recall warning signs. And I saw yellow lines painted on the road. Turning around passing
the building. You will cross a river over a bridge made of steel guiders.
The bridge was rusty. And the river was slow moving but seems fairly wide.
I detected or sensed very little activity at this site. It's a very quite and peaceful place. So I cannot
confirm that Pine Gap was a active time travel research site.
>Recently came across an India site that was predicting something along the anti-gravity line
was going to happen somewhere over there in 2012.
I think for some reason military and political planners around the World have penciled in a 2012AD date
for some reason. Some suggest it's the date of the eEnd of the World like in the Mayan prophecies.
Now I'm not a fan of such end-of-the-world, revolution, civil war stories. But I have noticed that some
British and American advanced weapon systems are due to enter full operational service by 2012. I
think it's the F-22 Raptor and Joint Strike Fighter. Plus some other armed UAV's and anti-satellite
weapons. Others suggest a major change in human thinking and awareness. Also I read 2012 is a date
for the discovery of Zero Point Energy. And even the discovery of time-travel is actually possible and
made public in 2012. But I'm not going to hold my breath.
> You mentioned mainstream physicists like Jack Sarfatti and their claims that ESP or PSI
events are not proven as they have not seem any valid mathematical model. I also believed
that Science is founded on experimentation and not based purely on taking mathematics as
hard factual evidence to prove a theory. They may point out that Einstein formulated concise
maths papers on special and general relativity. But what proved Einstein's theories correct
was not pure mathematics. It was experimentation.
When other scientists did experiments to prove or disprove his theories -- for example, during a solar
eclipse, so see a large body can bend light. You made a valid point that some scientists give up to early
when they cannot get the maths right.
As for Sarfatti, I no longer get e-mails from his forum. But I'm still a fan of his. It's just that I
needed to totally cut myself off from the world for month-or-two. Leaving the workshop and running
away was a serious blow. And I took it as the end of the FTA. But I think that now the only option
open to me is to finish the building of the FTA.
Some people think my research into Montauk is a little nuts and simply ruins any chance I have of
being taken seriously, regarding my work on the FTA. But I noticed that you quoted Edison.
Edison believed he had little people living inside his head. And Tesla stated he was in radio contact
with aliens living on Mars. So I think inventors are just prone to having more moments of madness than
the average person.
On ancient relic-like Stargates or star chambers, etc. After some RV searching, I sensed nothing in
Iraq prior to or after the Iraq war. I sensed no unique biophysical signature identifying such a device
was active or been active within the last year. That story may be a hoax, but it hasn't stopped groups
from searching for such relics.
There may be a Tibetan Monastery located in a isolated region of Tibet on top of a hill or mountain.
(I cannot recall its actual location). I first "visited" in 2001-2002. It's not a 'device' but the location on
which the monastery is built. (Like the Montauk radar site is built on a geological/biophysical
crossroads!). Standing outside the monastery, you cannot see any roads, electricity pylons, telegraph
poles, railway lines or villages. No signs of human habitation. It's a wonderful place. But I don't know
if this is the place Bluestone mentions.
The Chinese have destroyed many monasteries over the years. And this monastery has been saved
due to its remoteness and isolation. The monks take all the supplies up a narrow pathway to the
monastery on mules or donkeys. There are no roads leading to it. The only way to get there is on foot
or horseback. Or trans-bilocate (i.e., remote-viewing) … ! The monks speak very little English and
generally leave you alone to explore. They don't like chit-chat, nor people asking unnecessary
To me it's more of a retreat then a "hyper-dimensional stargate doorway". So I don't think this is the
place that Bluestone was talking about. I encountered other Westerners there. It was the mysterious
African man "Janus" who introduced me to this remote Tibetan Monastery.
Off-topic, on the December 23, I did some basic Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) searching. I got
an image of a man standing alone in a foggy graveyard. The man was wearing a gray suit. The second
stong ERV image was a man standing on a stage surrounded by people. He was wearing a suit and had
dark hair. I did pick up "He tells stories...". I think he was going on about the true meaning of
Christmas. Does this ring any [church] bells with you!.
Oh well, must go now. I hope this helps answer some of your questions.
-- Tom
S-493. from Tom Skeggs regarding a mysterious "energy source"
From: "Tom Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Wed, December 29, 2004 11:51 am
Subject: Corrections to last e-mail
Tinker AFB update-FireFox Down
I "looked" again at this AFB plus its surrounding area last night. I'm getting images of a modern
hanger-like building. It has short walls made of large concrete blocks with the upper part of the walls
made of corrugated steel, plus a steel roof painted a pale yellow color. There are wooden crates inside
on pallets. I "saw" a small forklift truck moving around. I sense that most of the crates contain broken
aircraft parts.
Mr. Bluestone may be searching for data on a crashed unidentified vehicle which some claim it's not
indigenous to this planet. It's associated with a cave or cavern in the desert. His contacts believe its
"energy source" is still active and causing strange effects.
I also sense that Bluestone knows the answers before asking the questions. But does he know that
AFOSI know who his contacts are? Not all of his contacts are Air Force!
Dark Matter
An energy source, like a generator using dark matter. It's strange … its dark matter does not
physically exist in this Universe. It's shielded and sealed inside a vessel and emits energy outside the
vessel (so many fractions of a wavelength from the surface of the vessel; i.e., one-quarter wavelength).
Like in the Walker papers. The energy emitted is 'dark' and results in producing a repulsive
gravitational field. (Something to do with negative energy densities). Think of the vessel or container
as a 'Ark'. One recurring image I get over again is of an hourglass-shaped device. It rotates and glows
with a blue-white light. There are rotors and maybe crystals. But it's difficult to see details clearly
cause of the light. Such a device does not move though space-time. The device causes space-time to
move, to hold up around it.
Some non-indigenous technology is totally different. Its omni-technical. It serves more than one
purpose. For example. we have generators and motors, batteries, etc. Separate items. This nonindigenous tech is combined into fewer components. So you have an omni-motor generator energy
storage device all in one package. This may explain why such devices are so difficult to reproduce
because we think along singular lines. Its designers think in more than 3 dimensions at once. And they
suggest that because something is not "material" or "physical". The effects can still be real! "Omnitech" means you can pack more into a smaller space. And better the chances of the overall vehicle
acting as singular quantum-like entity.
My short Story: Dissolution
Last August I wrote part one of a short Sci-fi story. It's an American company sets up a set of
advance labs in Sahara Desert in corp with UNESO. The UNESCO with the Jordanian governments
some strange relics in a cave near the Dead Sea dating back centuries. The first parts deals with the thief
of some silver coins in Paris. Plus an explosion at the labs when a scientist was conducting tests on the
Part Two -- which I have not got around to finishing yet -- involves the team being sent the labs to
investigate the cause of the explosion. They discover this is not first time that ancient relics have caused
a explosion. They discover UNESCO and the French archaeologists discovered an unknown device in
North Africa and shipped it to a lab on a isolated island in the Southern sea. Where explored. The
investigation reveals that they dealing parts of a single space faring vessel which broke up high in the
Earth's atmosphere and crashed at numerous locations around the World. Not only did it crash at
various locations, but it also crashed at various times. The team read reports that its scientists
researching the devices would disappear and re-appear. Or disappear all together. They report being at
a different locations. Actually at location of the parts of the vehicle. They manage to create a computer
model of a cylinder-shaped device (like the Spectra), which actually had a highly advance quantum
computer actually incorporated into its hull. So it's not a "space ship" as we see it. It's actually a spacefaring quantum computation device.
It's my new year's resolution to try to be a little more "open" and cooperative as there has been a
change in my agenda with regard to the construction of the FTA. Seeking financial or technical support
is no longer a primary concern. Completion of the prototype is. I have taken a few days off working on
FTA to type this stuff up and round things up. Re-starting work tomorrow -- the 30th Dec).
And I will publish FTA tech stuff on my FTA website.
That's all for now.
Have a Happy New Year.
S-494. from Tom Skeggs regarding insights into remote-viewing
From: "Tom Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sat, January 1, 2005 10:14 am
Subject: Re: from Russia with ... ???
From: <kram@stealthskater.com>
> Tom ->
> Got this out-of-the-blue from somebody supposedly in Russia.
> Warning -- it's hard to read because of his faulty English and embedded grammatical
errors. I don't know if he's the Russian equivalent of Jack Sarfatti or if it is some sort of disinfo effort (KGB "UFO Wars"). I have no idea of who he is or how he got hold of my email
> Some of the stuff was vaguely familiar. But I got a headache after the first page. Guess
I'm not in the right "mood".
> -- Mark
Hello Mark -I see what you mean. That paper by Albert Nickitin is heavy reading!
This Russian paper seems to contain the usual mixture of distorting space-time using bubbles formed
out of the vacuum. (I recall NASA stated once in one book that black holes are like 3-D bubbles instead
of being like a 2-D hole or whirlpool-like). The paper also contains the usual references to Tesla,
torsion fields, and ancient gods. Plus references on using MHD or EHD as method to make these
bubbles. But overall it's makes difficult reading.
Some of Nickitin's work has been printed on a website, April 2004, on Human Potential: Time,
Reality and the experience of Death.
I think I mentioned in the past where I had a similar experience in my youth with a Near-Death
Experience (NDE). It was following an exploratory operation to treat cancer. I went into shock and
died. Like you pointed out when US Army Major David Morehouse being shot in the head, some
develop a psychic skill to see the World differently. Also having a disability may result in a neuro
condition where I experience the world from a different prospective. Or prospectives. (For example,
being in two places at the same time. Which is what emote-viewing is all about).
I have been thinking of using the Lorentz transformations to explain RV. For example, the physical
body follows a world line within 3-D space as x, y, z. The mass-less biophysical [hologram-like]
component follows a world-line defined as x', y', z'. (Parallel world-line). Another important parameter
is time.
So if x=0, y=0, z=0 @ t=0 and x'=0, y'=0, z'=0 @ t=0, the physical and non-physical components
are in sync. Like in everyday conditions. But when a RV-er decides to remote a distant location, then
the physical body remains stationary:
x=0, y=0, z=0 @ t=1 and x'=10, y'=10, z'=10 @ t=1
The mass-less holographic-like component would inhabit a different set of coordinates within the
Multiverse during a relative time period.
What binds x,y,z to x',y',z' together is quantum entanglement. Yet scientists dismiss quantum
entanglement as a means or method of transmitting information, as they would be cancelled out by
thermal fluctuations. (Other scientists have also pointed out you cannot have large-scale quantum
entanglement of a classical object). But fluctuations may explain why remote viewing, ESP, etc. are so
hard to re-produce in the lab. Remote-viewers usually capture brief and fleeting images. One leading
American remote-reviewer -- Ingo Swann -- stated that most of images can be blocked out by what he
calls 'Signal to Noise'. Or simply white (background) noise or thermal fluctuations. These fluctuations
can even be produced by the motion of atoms in the body of the RV-er. Which results in noise.
What I get from experience from RV is that the mass-less biophysical component not just inhabits
this 4-D World but expands out into other directions or dimensions. This may explain why many
remote-viewers report encountering aliens other entities.
I did start some time ago trying to write a book. But finding the time has been difficult, what with
all the work on the FTA. I feared that publishing a book on RV could damage my chances of getting the
FTA developed by an aerospace company. Some may keep pointing at the book and state "don't do
business with him -- he's a nutter!" (They could point out my interest in Montauk). But since sensing
this,. my options have changed as present day situations have changed. But I have not rejected the idea
of a book. It may take a long time to produce one, however
Note on the SC
In the Star Chamber design, a bubble-like field forms around the device. This isolates the person
from the surrounding 4-D Universe. So they don't have to be a remote-viewer to use it. But it still may
work better for remote-viewers. Anyway, what about training beforehand. Astronauts undergo training
for a space mission. People using a Star Chamber would have to undergo training on how to get the best
out of it.
Other PK Stuff doing.
Strangely, over Christmas I had another strange dream where I meet a Russian man who gave a
warning that some people are going to make fun of my work (especially regarding PK-PSI stuff). And
he advised me not to take any of it to heart. I haven't. No time to worry about it.
What I actually write on the RV-PK stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.
Must go now.
S-495. from Tom Skeggs regarding misc. questions
From: "Tom Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, January 3, 2005 6:26 pm
Subject: Re: tieing up loose ends
From: <kram@stealthskater.com>
> I get the feeling that everybody has these abilities. But somehow they are suppressed
within our biology. And it takes some sort of accident -- usually on the severe side -- to
"prod" them into being. The obvious "accidents" are well-known -- such as Morehouse's. I
suspect the less obvious are those that involve "prodding" along the cellular lines. Maybe
what Bearden refers to in his essays on Priore, Rife, and Reich. It seems that cells and DNA
being what they are, what works for one person may not work for another. Like in medical
cures. And therein lies the problem of "proving" to the World that such phenomena exist.
> UNITEL's Larry Maurer had the same reasons as you did for not wanting to admit that his
design was based on a UFO "demonstration" (i.e., he is adamant that it was NOT a mere
sighting, but a deliberate demonstration for his and Mike Miller's benefit). If he revealed
that, he wouldn't be taken seriously by potential aerospace investors who would brand him
just another UFO crackpot. But then he shoots himself in his own foot by posting messages
to this effect all over the Internet. As in his Bearden's case, I have a gut feeling that there is a
basis to his design. And when all the wrinkles are worked out, he'll find that it does lie
within the known laws of physics but makes a radical new use of them.
> So far, the ONLY! person that I've seen doing any actual experimental work is YOU, Tom!
These others are just as bad as the theorists they are bashing. Everything is on paper. There
isn't an "Edison" among them. Except for you. Do you still classify the FTA as "an
electronic device which flies" rather than an aerospace vehicle with advanced electronics?
> I see where you shut down your other site http://stargate-web.org.uk . Are you not doing
any more Star Chamber updates pending completion of the FTA prototype? That is the
single most thing that I've been fascinated with in all of this stuff. That would eliminate the
need for space travel (if one would accept that no material things could be exchanged as from
an actual expedition) and protect us from all the strange alien virus/bacteria. Plus it could go
back-and-forth in time as well. For one thing, that would eliminate the need for juries and
trials, wouldn't it? But if this is accessing possible alternate histories within the Multiverse,
then that would shoot that down. The new quantum physics force alternate histories to be
there. But like in the infinite number of positions a particle can be in, I wonder if there is
some sort of time "decoherence" that picks one of these histories as the actual one. So the
others are more-or-less "virtual" histories? It gets back to Einstein's old rant against quantum
physicists: "Is the Moon 'there' just because a mouse looks at it?!"
> I can't emphasize THIS point enough. All along I have felt that the secret to UFO enigma
is that it has to do with meta-physics -- a subject much taboo among mainstreamers. Giving
the benefit-of-the-doubt to seemingly conservative physicists, I don't think that they do not
believe such phenomena do not actually exist. But rather because these are so hard to model
("mathematize"), the mainstreamers are "disinterested" in pursuing the topic mainly because
it will be wasting their time. But for 50 years, the World's leading scientists and engineers
have beat their brains out trying to back-engineer the UFOs. All have failed. And some have
remarked that this "technology" is beyond anything that they ever have been taught or
experienced on-the-job. So much so that -- at times -- it appears as "magic". What could that
be? The only answer -- to me -- involves consciousness engineering. Perhaps like what
Bearden referred to.
> To do that, one would have to have a sufficiently developed mind -- maybe the UFO
occupants are artificially engineering to have enhanced RV-type abilities -- as well as the
psycho-reactive materials of construction to make the mind-matter interface. I'm guessing
that our science is nowhere close to that. And so the back-engineering efforts to date have
been reduced to trying to "fit" what they would work within our present technology. Such as
Corso's claims of integrated circuits, fiber optics, lasers, etc. The meta-physics would tie in
what Dan Sherman claims and what you have "viewed". Maybe it would also tie in the "rod"
phenomena as well.
The MAIN MYSTERY to me is the question of what do nuclear weapons
testing/production have to do with UFO sightings (which seem to be done on purpose).
There has been a long rumor that there is a really SECRET part to the Department of
Energy's "Q" clearance. One that is never revealed to associate scientists, researchers, the
Press, and the World in general. And this has to do with that very connection. And all of the
governments know why the UFOs are here. And why they appear where and when they do.
And -- I'm guessing here -- that is the reason for the abrupt ban on all forms of nuclear
weapons testing. Couple that with another rumor that I've long heard. That there has always
been parts of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions that continued to be cloaked in utmost
secrecy. And this has nothing to do with the science and engineering of such weapons, but
rather some of the "after effects". I'm guessing that these refer to the meta-physical world -maybe timelines or whatever -- and not to radiation contamination. And this may tie in with
the suppression of Reich's "orgone" and Rife's "virus microscope" stuff. Maybe this is why
administration of the UFO program lies with the DOE and not with government intelligence
agencies or the military. Indeed, some rumors maintain that nuclear weapons bunkers on
military bases have an internal gated area within them that contain alien artifacts. Military
guards can enter the bunkers but they do not have the security to go further into the gated-off
areas. Only DOE "Q" staff can do that. Do you think Bentwaters was like that in the time of
the Rendlesham Forest incident?
> "Talk" to you later, Tom
> -- Mark
Hello Mark,
Quick note. I have read message below and hope to rely to the questions raised by Sunday. Been
working on prototype engine and just updated FTA website.
All the best for now.
S-496. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding what type of physicist he classifies himself
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <halgravity@yahoo.com>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Mon, January 3, 2005 10:45 pm
Subject: Re: the types of physicists
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Actually, Ed, you are giving me an insight into the meaning of a "physicist".
> When we first started corresponding, I thought you were a hard-core GR man. You didn't
like -- for instance -- Brian Green bashing Einstein.
> But now I seem to learn that you more-or-less claim that while GR fits the data extremely
well, it might not be a "law" after all. (If it is and gravity is caused simply by space-time
deformations, then gravity isn't a force anymore. So scratch it off and now you only have 3
fundamental forces in the Universe!) And then you refer to yourself as a "particle" physicist.
I guess that's different from a relativist or a Bohmian or a string theorist.
> I think that every physicist secretly wishes something new and unexplainable (within
current theories) would arise. They'd be like a kid with a new toy to explore. Say UNITEL,
for example. But until then, they do what they do best -- rigorously apply the known laws of
physics to a premise and put the burden of proof on the proponent. They can't help it -- it's in
their blood ... it's what makes them tick. Too often, it is that type of action that casts them as
the "bad guys" because they seem to be saying "it's impossible for it to work". Now some -like Sarfatti -- go further and refuse to think of any alternatives -- it's either their way or the
highway. But at least you keep an open mind. And I think that attitude would cause people
like Larry Maurer and Tom Skeggs to confide in you, as well as you offer suggestions to
them as to what can be "fixed".
Well, if anything I'm more of a field theorist (EM, GR, QFT are all field theories). I just think the
only way that present physics is going to evolve is by studying particle physics (QCD, for example) as
it's where hard data is going to come from (even string theorists see this; hence the hunt for "sparticles"). Actually there is evidence for this already. The missing "neutrino mass problem" showed
that neutrinos can change "flavors" which violates the Standard Model.
Yeah, General Relativity is great and all. It's the textbook answer. It is what we know. But it is not
the final say. If CERN turns out an 's-particle', I let my books on GR gather with dust and move on to
superstring theory.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
Editorial Member of JoAPM: http://www.joatp.org
S-497. from Richard Martin regarding possible counter-intelligence at Tinker AFB
From: "Richard Martin" <rpjmartin1971@yahoo.co.uk>
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Thu, January 6, 2005 4:08 am
Subject: Re: remote-viewing a 'stargate'
--- kram@stealthskater.com wrote:
> Rich ->
> Thought you might be interested in some of the remote-viewing reports that Tom Skeggs (a
fellow countryman of yours) did concerning Montauk and a mysterious stargate-type "energy
source" that is allegedly being mothballed at Tinker AFB. Check out the attachment.
> -- Mark
Hi there, Mark
Regarding the comments on Tinker AFB. It reminded of something I'd previously heard on certain
intelligence operations being conducted from this base. In particular, a group known as 'Riskers' of
which BJ Wolf (aka Marcia McDowell) is alleged to be an operative of.
>From the first link:
"Robert 'Lone Bob' Wolf, told me he had had several run-ins with people who mistook
him for the "BJ Wolf" that supposedly works for "Riskers" on certain matters, and
supposedly has a 'Loony Toons' reputation. So, he did a little checking out of the Riskers
group. He says that his friends in Navy OSI laughingly have told him that RISKERS is a
partly CIA/ partly Air Force Intelligence funded "Confidential Undercover" Group
operating under control of MI located at "Tinker AFB" in Oklahoma City ("NEXXUS"),
and out of the "Air Force Intelligence Special Education Section" situated at the Air
Force Academy in Colorado Springs ("Riskers"). It's part of an "Information Warfare"
training program operating there, they say."
Makes me wonder if the whole Burisch episode was a training project, possibly using some truthful
elements in the story to bolster its believability amongst the gullible at GLP. Some elements of this
story always seemed absurd. For example, the evangelical overtones, Dan Burisch's 'death' and
reappearance, and McDowell's 'recruitment".
Best regards
S-498. from Tom Skeggs regarding Montauk revisited
From: "Tom Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sat, January 8, 2005 1:09 pm
Subject: Montauk Revisited-some unpublished details.
Just last week I was thinking about Montauk again. Sometimes I try at night to do some RV work
but I get nothing. But last week, I got more from Montauk. Maybe it was due to one of my "windows
of opportunity dating" that started around Dec. 23.
The Batteries (The "Beast" & "Boys" Bunker)
This was to re-examine some photos I took during my field trip in 2003. I noticed the levels
between the top of the bunkers or batteries from the front and the side. It appears the side entrance is
located higher than on the side. This may suggest there is more than one level. Compare the photos I
have attached. The side entrance looks closer to the top of the bunker than the front. Yet I recall
walking down hill to reach the side entrance. There is evidence of landscaping around the front of the
casemates, and this has raised the ground level. (The old casemate may have one main floor level. But
RV + ERV does suggest a number of floor levels).
During RV sessions, I found stairways inside leading downwards. Some may be now bricked up.
And I also reported to you in early 2003 before my field trip that there were signs of flooding. You can
see water around the base of the blocked up side entrance.
During my visit, I attempted to do a little on-site RV work to see if I could tune in and get any
stronger data. By the side entrance, I got an image of a large Army truck backing up towards the
entrance. It was a big truck. It had about 4 wheels at the rear and 2 at the front. A soldier jumped out
wearing dark-green poncho and talked to another soldier standing just inside entrance way. He was
wearing a pale green uniform and a green metal helmet with white lines or markings on it. I think he
had a white belt on. (Green & White uniform? May have been Military police.) It was very overcast
and pouring rain. The driver of the truck was complaining about the weather. And then he jumped back
into the truck and backed it into the side entrance. I think they were unloading ammo for the big guns.
This session may date circa 1940s.
I have ruled out the "Beast" bunker was the center for any time travel experiments. The "feel" that I
get from it was it last saw active duty in the 1940s-1950s. I reached this conclusion from the above RV
data by the main entrance and by a RV session by the front. That RV data was quiet and mute, and the
last activity was a long time ago dating back to the 1940s-1950s.
Yet in another RV session, I saw a group of soldiers running fast towards the "Beast" bunker. They
looked like something out of a Vietnam movie. They wore green uniforms, pale-brown flak jackets, and
steel green helmets. They were mainly armed with M16 rifles. I think one was armed with a pump
action shotgun. They took up firing positions near the side entrance and trained their weapons on the
entrance. There was a lot of shouting. I don't know if this was a real security alert or was an exercise.
But it looked rushed. They had their flak jackets undone and the chin straps unfastened, suggesting that
they put them on quick and grabbed some weapons. From the uniforms and weapons, this incident may
have occurred anytime between the late 1960s to the early 1980s.
In his "Montauk Files" book, K. B. Wells points out a pile of unusual rocks on the beach at King's
Point (Page.49). I first pointed out that these rocks could have been mined out of the one of the
magazines. I saw these briefly during my field trip, and I sense that these rocks may be cover up a
outflows for storm drains from the old Camp Hero and radar station. They may also have been dumped
to prevent coastal erosion. The drains run inland and there may be a junction which connects the 2
batteries -- the "Beast" bunker with the "Boys" bunker. These were designed to keep the interior of the
casemates dry. In the "Montauk Files", he shows a photo of a manhole cover being filled in with
concrete and sealing up drains from within the casemates and the main outflows on the beach. This is
done to bar access to the casemates and to flood the interiors. Why flood them? It would corrode the
reinforced steel work in the batteries concrete. Over time the concrete will crack and fracture causing
the battery roofs to collapse. They decided to let Nature destroy the bunkers slowly.
The Underground Works
This storm drain connecting the 2 casemates may be mistaken for a train tunnel. I have picked up
this tunnel during RV sessions before, but have always viewed it as a large diameter storm drain.
Legend has it that an underground rail tunnel runs all the way into Montauk to the Fisher Tower and on
to the Montauk lighthouse. Some claim it was originally built to transport ammo for the large guns from
Montauk. But RV data that I got there suggests that all the ammo (shells) traveled by road to the
casemates at Camp Hero. The tunnel is about 6-8ft in diameter, which quite large for a drain. The
tunnel that I saw using RV is not dead straight but has a number of bends in it. I'm not convinced that
this storm drain or tunnel runs all the way into Montauk town to the Fisher Tower. It's a good 8-9 miles.
On the underground works at Montauk, this all I getting. Just some large water, sewage, drains. I have
had no RV data which points to a large underground-city size base. A broader RV search only revives a
large semi-underground bomb or ammo dump close to the northern shoreline NorthEast of Montauk.
That may be connected with an old World War II U.S. Navy harbor or submarine pens.
Building 22 & 23
When I remote-view, I instruct to search a location. I get repeatedly drawn to a particular spot where
I keep seeing the same image over-and-over again. Last year, I kept getting a clear image of a square
block-like building. I keep getting that this is Building 22 or 23. Looking at it, it looks nothing special.
The Canadian man (who was the troubled teenager that I told you about previously) has something to do
with it. It is a strong connection. But I'm uncertain as to the connection. Between this building and the
rest of the site. It may provide access to the storm drain connecting up the two batteries. The building is
by a road T-junction leading to the administrative and domestic area of the base, along by a road leading
from the radar station. This building was surrounded by trees and lies back from the road on the
Northern side.
Pyramids [Mounds] at Montauk
Looking at the photo of the so-called pyramids remind me of prehistoric burial mounds commonly
found in Britain and Northern Europe. (These prehistoric mounds date back from the early stone age
4000 BC to Viking burial mounds 6th century AD-11th Century). One place in the UK which bears a
comparison is Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, England (not far -- incidentally --from RAF Woodbridge) Sutton
Hoo is a 6th Saxon-Early Viking Ship burial site. Sutton Hoo consists of a number of larger earthen
mounds built on a hillside.
In the 3rd book on Montauk, the author claims that no one knows where the Pyramids are. What I
"get" is that these ancient mounds may be located on the SouthWestern corner of Oyster Pond, near a
part that juts out into the pond just North of the Montauk Park Highway. And North-West of the
Montauk Radar Site. These mounds lie due East from the native Indian cemetery. In the 3rd book, the
author said that he met a man who visited a burial site in a field when he was a child. This may be near
the old cemetery. The mounds may get their shape from natural coastal erosion, or they may be result
of man-made structure. I "sense" a medieval date -- circa 11th-16th Century. I also sense that the
shoreline has changed since 1911 and it may make pinpointing the actual location just a little bit harder.
I'm aware of the area this photo is taken in, but pinpointing down to within 10-ft would be tricky. I
sense that it's underwater or closer to the water's edge. (Also in the photo in Pyramids of Montauk, Page
47. If look behind to the left of the man's head-where the top of the mound meets the horizon. To the
light there is a faint outline of a possible tall thin building with a square base which looks like the old
lighthouse. To the right of the mound is a white line. This may be fore shore line of the pond. Below
the white line is a dark line which may be the surface of the pond. It bends around towards the base of
the large mound, outlining a head jutting out into the pond. So the mound is located next to a lake or
pond with unrestricted views of the lighthouse in circa 1911).
Large [Burial] Mounds at Oyster Pond. SouthWestern Corner.
Mounds not far from Indian cemetery.
Had unrestricted view of lighthouse from Mounds.
Near flat still water.
Montauk Church & Old Montauk Highway.
I walked past Montauk Church on my way to the radar station during my field trip in 2003. The
church has a very English appearance to it. Especially the bell tower. Yet the main part has a simpleplain design in keeping with early Quaker traditional designs. I did not see inside so I was unable to tell
if this is the church the troubled teenager took sanctuary in following the fires at the Montauk radar site.
In the UK, most of the older churches are usually built on pagan sites. Some used the building materials
from the pagan temples to build the new Christian churches with. This church especially tower may
have been continued by early English settlers who built the church from an unknown Indian site. But I
have a sneaking feeling that the church may be newer than 17th Century. Some parts maybe late 19th
Century to early 20th Century.
I noticed how "English" some of the countryside looks in the Montauk area. Some parts could be
mistaken for the English countryside. Especially along the old Montauk Highway when it branches off
the Montauk Parkway Highway near the base. I showed a photo to some people. Some asked why I
went all that way when I can see scenery like that which is only 10 minutes from my house. This area
may attracted early settlers as the terrain of the countryside on some parts of Long Island seems to
closely resemble the English landscape. It may have reminded them of home. Actually during my field
trip, I felt more at home at Montauk than I did in New York.
Radar & Ops Building.
I did some RV sessions last year. I kept getting some repeated RV data of a small group of men who
seemed to be running the radar equipment. There were no persons present who were wearing uniforms.
They were all wearing civilian cloths. They were spending a lot of time in the ops block just messing
around with the equipment or drinking in one of the old mess buildings. (The interior was like a bar.)
These men appear to have been in their 30s age group. These may have been members of the caretaking
group, but I'm unable identify these men. (A week ago I suggested one of them may have been a Air
Force radar tech -- David Anderson, who ran the Time Travel Research Center -- who may have been
stationed there).
Their actions suggest an unofficial experiment. In the first Montauk book by Preston Nichols, he
suggests that they were using mainly off-the-shelf radio equipment which was later wired into the
existing equipment. What I get from RV is that it centers around the old SAGE radar gear. I have never
seen anything which resembles a super computer at Montauk. Nor particle accelerators. Nichols
suggested it was a multi-billion dollar research effort. Yet what I got from the RV data, it does not seem
like a multi-billion dollar experiment to me. It had only a handful of personnel. And no armed security
detachment or command staff like senior military officers.
I also pointed out what a poor job the caretaking crew did at removing the equipment, materials, etc.
Unlike at other SAGE radar sites which were stripped bare of all usable materials and equipment. K. B
Wells was even finding equipment still in place right up until the mid 1990s. Sometimes the time-travel
stories may have been cooked up during one of their drinking sessions to cover up the failure to decommission the radar station properly. I also saw during RV that money was changing hands and tracks
were coming and going. Later I discovered that a man was charged for stealing materials from the site.
I also stated that during one RV session, the radar site experienced a power blackout and they seem
to be trying to get the power back on. I recall one stating "If we don't get the power back on, we have no
control". That conflicts with their story that they were trying their best to cut the power. I saw a man at
a large control panel -- maybe in the power station. He was switching the circuit breakers on, but
something kept shorting out and caused the circuit breakers to trip and close shut. This man had a
walkie-talkie and a torch and was puzzled as to why he could not get the power back on. I also saw
another man racing around the radar site in a old-fashioned army-style jeep with a canvas roof. He was
driving around the base quite fast at night when he spotted some movement and believed that someone
else was on the base. He was using the walkie-talkie to find the location of the others. (The person
creeping around the radar site could have been the troubled teenager 'Canadian man'.)
Another RV session revealed the following creepy images. One man walked into the ops block
carrying metal boxes. In the boxes were old Smith & Wesson revolvers and old Colt 45 automatic
pistols. Another time, they all looked surprised when a phone started to ring inside the ops block. It had
a strange ring tone. Like it would give 3 long rings then stop … then another 3 long rings. The men
looked at each other - then looked at the phone.
This is what I mean when I said it appeared that they got more than they bargained for. Their
screwing-around lead to series of unexplained events which I think others have been trying to reproduce
ever since. I think the troubled teenager was mildly telekinetic. But their screwing-around enhanced his
abilities, combined with being knocked around by his father. Coming to terms with such an ability and
controlling it can be very difficult.
During another RV session, I saw the troubled teenager run to his room when his mother and father
were having a fight. He lay on the bed, and the light fitting hanging from the ceiling started to rock
back-and-forth. This led me to believe he was telekinetic but was unable to control it properly.
Sometimes telekinetic ability can manifest as poltergeist activity. And it can be very difficult to comes
to terms with such an ability when you discover you have one. Many report that they think they going
mad. And this troubled teenager may have experienced this and it lead him to start the fires in the mess
building. This then led to his detention in hospitals in Long Island and New York.
Yet what I described happened at Montauk actually runs parallel with what Nichols claims. An
experiment is set up and all goes well. Then it all ends with a supernatural manifestation of dark forces
which destroys buildings on the base and brings the whole show to a sudden and dramatic end. What
Nichols claims in his book may be an embellishment to enhance the story to sell books and rake in the
cash. Yet my RV data tends to point towards a dark family secret which persists to this day as to what
really happened Montauk.
More to follow at a later date.
All for Now
S-499. from Tom Skeggs regarding more Montauk answers
From: "Tom Skeggs"
To: kram@stealthskater.com
Date: Sun, January 9, 2005 11:29 am
Subject: Some Answers
Hello Mark
Here are some answers to your previous E-mails:
>Do you still classify the FTA as "an electronic device which flies" rather than an
aerospace vehicle with advanced electronics?.
No. At the moment, I just want to build an aircraft that actually works and which uses engines that can
burn any type of gaseous fuel. I hope to adapt to run off hydrogen. Once I have achieved this, I hope to
modify the design and introduce more advanced features at a later date on to a working prototype.
> a proposed book on Remote-Viewing Experiences
I could start producing material for a book and wait until after I completed my R& D agenda on the
FTA. That way, it wouldn't matter. The main problem would be what to focus on. For example, having
chapters on Montauk, S-4 and Lazar, Alien technology, etc.
> What do nuclear weapons testing/production have to do with UFO sightings.
This is a tough one to answer. I haven't really looked into it closely. But it might have something to do
with permutations of some kind during testing of nuclear weapons. But then it puzzles me why such
entities have an interest in nuclear weapons storage sites. Since I wrote up above and the response has
been muted. So I guest the UFO interest in nuclear weapons stores is more in their best interest than
ours. The apparent importance of such nuclear stores being under surveillance was published in a
French military high-level report on UFOs. It stated that the UFO phenomena is real, but there is
insufficient prove to support the notion that UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin. One final point on this
report is that its common knowledge had an official UFO investigation group called GEPAN. Yet many
in media stated that it was closed down and the French no longer investigate UFO sightings. But what
they failed to report is that a new UFO group was set up called SEPRA, and it is part of the French
Space Agency-CNES.
> Recovered Alien Technology
There is a lot less wreckage than so-called whistle-blowers otherwise suggest. Some of it may be stored
in such sites. But my impressions are that it gets moved around a lot. The reason may be that it is being
continuously tested or it is done for security reasons. (For example, limited material may no longer
stored at S-4 Papoose Dry Lake).
Anyway, you pointed that these alien crew members may be genetically engineered with powerful
psychic abilities. They could use the apport techniques to recover any personnel or technology, leaving
behind materials of little value.
Following the publication of the first book "the Montauk Experiment", an angry Air Force officer
(maybe a colonel) went to visit the radar site. I think this colonel was ordered to visit the site by a 4-star
general who blew a gasket in his office on hearing the news. During his visit to the radar site, the
colonel was so angry that he mainly concealed his anger with silence as other Air Force personnel were
talking to him. He ordered his juniors to mount an investigation as to why the base has not been
properly decommissioned. I also "sense" that reports reached the Air Force following an investigation
carried out by a law enforcement agency, following the illegal sale of materials from the radar site.
Yet the book caused alarm bells to ring in Washington. The senior Air Force officer was connected
with air defense as the old radar site came under his area of command. I also "sense" some junior
officers from ROME ATC joined the investigation. I believe this Air Force investigation lead to the
interview of (Preston) Nichols by Air Force personnel at the Montauk (Fisher) tower. Air force
personnel also questioned the care-taking crew but remained tight-lipped and hinted at working in
cooperation with other agencies. The Air Force made inquiries, but they were all holding their hands up
claiming that they had nothing to do with it. So the Air Force terminated its investigation. The report
may suggest that there is no physical evidence to support the claims made in the book -- i.e., that the
radar station was being used by a civilian agency who were carrying out experiments in the mind-control
or time-travel.
a) I sense no present of a large energy signature (e.g., a particle accelerator) as ever being present at
the radar site.
b) I believe that this base was not decommissioned properly by the caretaking crew. Spending time
playing with the equipment or drinking beer in one of the club houses or bars on the base.
c) Men screwing around with radar equipment instead of decommissioning the site.
d) Men got more than they bargained for (see above)
e) A troubled teenage boy seems to be focus of the events at the base.
f) Troubled teenager started fires on radar station.
g) There was a power cut.
h) There appears to be telekinetic or poltergist activity -- phones ringing, heavy doors slamming
shut, etc.
i) Time-travel story maybe a cover to explain why radar station was not properly decommissioned
by caretaking crew.
j) In the 1990s, an angry senior Air Force officer ordered his juniors to investigate the failure of the
decommissioning of the Montauk radar site.
Strange Data
When I think about the overall Montauk radar site, I keep getting a repeated abstract image of a
sheet of glass being stuck hard with a hammer. The glass breaks into hundreds of bits. This is what I
feel. It's like the landscape has been smashed into hundreds of bits, yet the parts keep going backwards
and form back into the sheet of glass again. But the glass keeps reflecting different images. No two are
alike. It feels as something has caused a major disruption to the area sometime ago. But now it feels a
lot clearer and peaceful. That's what I felt during my field trip. So this may explain why some people
who worked on the Montauk project are talking about "altered time-lines" and "parallel worlds". But I
sense it's more to do with altered states than altered time-lines.
From a RV point of view, it's very different to tell what happened as there seems to be some
conflicting RV data running concurrently. What may be going on in this landscape is that people are
projecting events on to the landscape. These then become "embedded" and picked up by others. This is
known as "Telepathic Image Overlay" to remote-viewers. This reinforces their beliefs that what they
believe in becomes real. As it's relayed to then by other people sensitive enough to pick up the subtle
messages embedded into the landscape. (Recall the Stone-tape theory).
One important note here. During 2003 I had a number of realistic E(xtended)RV sessions which proved
traumatic as it is was like I was living situations through the eyes of a troubled teenager who lived
nearby to the radar base. Yet I still remained aware of who I was. I feel some people may have
experienced the same but are mistaken. They are convinced that they are the people they experienced
during RV sessions or dreaming.
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