Unit 7 - Water Cycle and Climate


Unit 7 - Water Cycle and Climate

Multiple Choice:

1. 3 21. 2 42. 3

2. 2 22. 1 43. 1

3. 4 23. 1 44. 2

4. 4 24. 1 45. 1

5. 2 25. 2 46. 1

6. 1 26. 4 47. 3

7. 2 27. 1 48. 4

8. 2 28. 3 49. 1

9. 3 29. 4 50. 3

10. 4 30. 4 51. 4

11. 1 31. 3 52. 1

12. 2 32. 4 53. 2

13. 2 33. 2 54. 3

14. 1 34. 3 55. 2

15. 3 35. 4 56. 1

16. 2 36. 3 57. 4

17. 1 37. 1 58. 3

18. 1 38. 3 59. 1

19. 4 39. 4 60. 3

20. 1 40. 3

41. 3

Constructed Response:

1. 60 degrees

2. A-A' is Dec 21; D-D' is June 21; 47 degrees between Dec 21 and June


3. B-B' sun rises due east and sets due west

4. inclination of earth's axis as earth revolves around the sun, causes path to change

5. inside at 2 p.m.

6. 12 noon

7. 1 C/hour

8. increased

9. more energy comes into the greenhouse than escapes

10. light from the sun is absorbed heating earth's surface; heat radiated from the surface into air is absorbed by carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere

11. indirect relationship graph

12. indirect relationship graph

13. direct relationship graph

14a. locations near the equator receive more direct sunlight; intensity of sunlight is greater near the equator

14b. planetary wind belts converge and rise at the equator producing precipitation; equator is in a low pressure belt

15. 18 C

16. as water temperature increases, the level of dissolved oxygen decreases (inverse relationship)

17. decreasing

18. more energy was being gained than lost to date

19. 3.5 C/month

20. intensity and duration of insolation are less at this location in winter

21. 4 hours

22. rainfall approximately 23 mm/hr; discharge 0.03 cubic meters/sec

23. it takes time for water to run off land into the stream

24. greater runoff in urban area because paved surfaces prevent water from infiltrating the ground

25. increase because infiltration from the first rainstorm decreased the storage space for additional water in the ground

Error! Unknown switch argument.
