Call in number (310)-794

UC EH&S Leadership Group Agenda
Conference Call - August 24, 2007 at 10:00 AM
Call in number (310)-794-5378 @ 10:00 AM
Introductions & Steve Action Items
In Attendance:
1. Old Business
a. ISEM System Development
i. Template for Campus Summary of ISEM Implementation Status –
ii. ISEM System Discovery Subgroup – Ross/Subgroup
Ross has not heard from anyone on the template. Mark has been “putting it to the test.”
Ross nearing completion of RFP for a detailed ISEM project on how HR and Audit can
integrate ISEM into their business process (based on an informal discussion at CSHEMA.
Mark working on template for DOE to demonstrate his campus program is equivalent to
the LBNL safety program. He’s also working on compiling what is the campus doing to
implement ISEM—more at UCR (final draft available). We’ll focus on template with
discussion to follow at UCR.
Action Item: Ross will resend the template to the directors list.
b. DHS Chemical Facility Rule Update – Pat
A meeting was held last week with DHS in preparation for Ara’s testimony. New
Appendix A with more guidance is being developed. It will include hazard classes and
thresholds for all chemicals. Definition of “facility” is an establishment that possesses
chemicals above Appendix A levels—owner will have substantial latitude in deciding
what constitutes a facility. The inventory is a one-time snap shot, with later notification
of changes. Once Appendix A is published we’ll have 60 days to submit. Extensions will
be granted. DHS is working on an extension template. DHS understands our approach to
compliance will be different than industry especially in vulnerability assessment and
security plans. Pat thinks we’ll see finalization of Appendix A in October, with most
facilities requesting approximately three month extensions.
c. Injury & Illness/OSHA 300/Joe’s Index Subgroup – Steve & Joe
Mark is sending some staff members to Federal OSHA training in October/November.
Once they return Mark and Steve will work on this further.
d. Flow Monitors for Fume Hoods – Larry & Joe
i. Funding
ii. System-wide purchase
iii. CalOSHA Compliance Strategy for Flow Monitors and ASHRAE
110 Testing
Joe has said he will go forward with a funding request and perhaps UCOP will reimburse
the campuses after the fact. UCB installing magnahelic gauges with department option
for better equipment, UCSF installing vane anemometers, UCD and UCSD considering
TSS Apex 1000.
e. ASHRAE 110 Containment Testing SF6 Use, CARB & CalOSHA –
Cal/OSHA has unofficially recognized nitrous oxide as a substitute for SF6. UCI is
moving ahead with SF6
f. Low Flow Fume Hood Study & CalOSHA Status – Marc, Larry, Joe
No update
g. NFPA 70E Campus Implementation & IH Workgroup & UC
No update
h. Electrical Injury Stats – Steve
No update
i. Lab Design Guide Promotion – Steve
Action Item: Steve to contact George Genkin to explore options for having the Guide
recognized and adopted by facilities management.
j. Recognizing UC Workgroups, Nominations Submitted – Kevin
Vote differed to UCR meeting.
k. Online Training RFP – Ross
UCOP Risk Services is developing an RFP. Grace knows we’re anxious to get a product.
Action Item: Ross will check with Grace on the timeline and send out a message to the
directors list.
l. LMS Update – Kevin
UCR is in first wave of implementation with preliminary roll out in early fall. EH&S
considerations: naming convention for courses, employee self-profile and third-party
vendor training library.
m. Ergo Software Training – Joe
This event is happening today.
2. New Business
a. SFM MOU – Mark and maybe Ellie Ross
Draft went from UCOP to the campuses. It’s very important that VCs on campuses new
to T19 (UCB, UCSD, UCR, UCI) are aware of the extensive requirements (and
associated expense) of taking on this responsibility.
b. EH&S Compliance Assistant Software, Tracking Rad Isotope
Inventory Limits – Mark
c. BUS 50 & Controlled Substance Program Guideline – Marc
Action Item: Wendy Scott, Seth Heller, Christine Judal, Karen Shore to be on a new
committee charged with giving the Directors a report on the scope of taking on the
responsibility of controlled substances for a campus.
Action Item: Bob and Steve to coordinate committee and work product.
d. AB 515 (Lieber) Standards for toxic material limits in the workplace –
Appropriations vote postponed until 8/27. Steve and Bob gave the pros and cons of this
legislation. Unclear what the next legislative step is for this bill.
Action Item: Marc to ask Lisa Mahar to brief the Directors on this bill at the UCR
e. EH&S Director Recruitment Update (UCLA, UCD, UCOP)
f. Controlled Substances.
3. Other Items – All
a. Next Conference Call, September 28 at 10:00 cancelled
b. Next Meeting – UC Riverside on October 1 & 2, 2007
c. Future Meetings:
i. UCD Feb 7 & 8 2008
ii. UCLA in May/June 2008, need dates!
iii. Check in on location due to possible negative public relations UCM at Yosemite (Wawona) in September/October 2008, need
dates! We’ll discuss at UCR whether or not meeting at the UC
Wawona conference center is prudent.