1 The Land Use and Zoning Committee offers the following Substitute to 2 Ordinance 2010-253: 3 4 Introduced by Council Members Davis, Holt, Bishop, Redman, Joost 5 Crescimbeni substituted by the Land Use and Zoning Committee: 6 7 8 ORDINANCE 2010-253 9 AN ORDINANCE ADDRESSING THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE 10 THROUGH THE REGULATION 11 AESTHETICS; 12 TOLERANCE FOR LITTER ON PUBLIC PROPERTY; MAKING FINDINGS; 13 AMENDING 14 REGULATIONS), ORDINANCE CODE, AS DESCRIBED; CREATING A 15 NEW SUBSECTION 656.1301(o) TO ADD A FINDING AS TO SIGN 16 FUNCTION; CREATING A NEW SUBSECTION 656.1301(dd) TO ADD A 17 DEFINITION FOR TEMPORARY ELECTION SIGNS; CREATING A NEW 18 SUBSECTION 19 EXPRESSION 20 656.1303(a)(4) THAT CURRENTLY ALLOWS FOR TWO ADDITIONAL 21 SIGNS 22 ELECTION SIGNS AND FREE EXPRESSION SIGNS; CREATING A NEW 23 SECTION 656.1313 (TEMPORARY DIRECTIONAL REAL ESTATE SIGNS 24 DURING 25 PLACEMENT 26 PROVIDING CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND OTHER PROVISIONS 27 PERTAINING TO THE SAME, PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT FEE, AND 28 PROVIDING A SUNSET DATE ON JUNE 30, 2013; CREATING A NEW 29 SECTION 656.1314 (TEMPORARY ELECTION SIGNS) TO AUTHORIZE 30 TEMPORARY ELECTION SIGNS WITH CONDITIONS; CREATING A NEW 31 SECTION ADDRESSING CHAPTER IN 656 LIGHT WEEKENDS) OF OF (ZONING TO THE ADD TO (FREE NEW POLLUTION REGULATIONS CODE), A DELETING TEMPORARY 656.1315 VISUAL SIGN 656.1301(ee) SIGNS; OF PART DEFINITION CURRENT PROVISIONS AUTHORIZE DIRECTIONAL EXPRESSION THE AND ZERO 13 (SIGN FOR TEMPORARY PERMITTING SIGNS) FREE SUBSECTION FOR REAL AND ESTATE TO AND SIGNS, AUTHORIZE & 1 FREE EXPRESSIONS SIGNS WITH CONDITIONS; CREATING A NEW 2 SECTION 656.1316 (CONTENT NEUTRALITY AS TO SIGN MESSAGE 3 (VIEWPOINT)) TO CONFIRM CONTENT NEUTRALITY (VIEWPOINT) IN 4 THE 5 656.1317 6 COMMERCIAL 7 ALLOWING A NONCOMMERCIAL MESSAGE TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR A 8 COMMERCIAL MESSAGE; CREATING A NEW SECTION 656.1318 (NO 9 CRIMINAL PENALTIES) TO EXPRESSLY PROVIDE THAT CRIMINAL 10 PENALTIES SHALL NOT APPLY TO A VIOLATION OF PART 13 OF 11 CHAPTER 656 OF THE ORDINANCE CODE; CREATING A NEW SECTION 12 656.1319 13 SEVERABILITY, EVEN IF LESS SPEECH RESULTS, IN CONNECTION 14 WITH THE PROVISIONS OF PART 13 OF CHAPTER 656; AMENDING 15 CHAPTER 16 ORDINANCE CODE, 17 111.786 18 CHAPTER 741 (ZERO TOLERANCE FOR LITTER), ORDINANCE CODE, 19 TO ADD PART I (GENERAL PROVISIONS) TO CHAPTER 741 AS A 20 SUBTITLE FOR SECTIONS 741.101 THROUGH 741.102; AMENDING 21 THE DEFINITION OF “LITTER” TO SPECIFICALLY INCLUDE “SNIPE 22 SIGNS,” 23 “PERSON”; ADDING PART II (POLICY, FUNDING, AND REPORTING) 24 TO CHAPTER 741 AS A SUBTITLE FOR SECTIONS 741.103 THROUGH 25 741.106; ADDING PART III (ENFORCEMENT) TO CHAPTER 741 AS 26 A SUBTITLE FOR SECTIONS 741.107 THROUGH 741.114, CHAPTER 27 741; 28 TOLERANCE 29 UNLAWFUL TO PLACE LITTER OR AFFIX A SNIPE SIGN TO PUBLIC 30 PROPERTY CITY’S SIGN REGULATIONS; (SUBSTITUTION MESSAGE) OF TO TO (SPECIAL AS AND TO CREATING FOR AND ADD THE NEW DEFINITIONS 741.107 ESTABLISHING TO TRUST FOR -2- PROVIDE A NEW FUND; “SNIPE ESTABLISH FOR OF FOR ACCOUNTS), (VIOLATION PENALTIES FOR PRACTICE TRUST TO CREATE LITTER LAW) CITY’S AND SECTION MESSAGE EXPRESSLY REVENUE SECTION LITTER THE TO DESCRIBED ESTABLISH A NONCOMMERCIAL CODIFY (SEVERABILTY) 111 CREATING SECTION AMENDING SIGN” OF THAT AND ZEROIT IS VIOLATIONS; 1 CREATING SECTION 741.108(LITTER AND SNIPE SIGNS DEEMED 2 ABANDONED 3 SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY SHALL BE CONSIDERED ABANDONED 4 PROPERTY SUBJECT TO REMOVAL BY ANY PERSON IN A CERTAIN 5 MANNER; CREATING SECTION 741.109(DUTIES OF MUNICIPAL CODE 6 COMPLIANCE DIVISION CHIEF OR DESIGNEE) TO PROVIDE DUTIES 7 AND PROCEDURES FOR ENFORCEMENT OF PART III OF CHAPTER 8 741; 9 PROCEDURES) PROPERTY) CREATING TO PROVIDE SECTION TO THAT LITTER 741.110(FINES ESTABLISH THE AND AND SNIPE PENALTIES; AUTHORITY OF CODE 10 ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND CERTIFIED PERSONNEL TO ENFORCE 11 PART III OF CHAPTER 741; CREATING SECTION 741.111(COUNTY 12 COURT 13 JURISDICTION TO HEAR CHARGES OF CODE VIOLATIONS PURSUANT 14 TO 15 741.112(PROVISIONS 16 PROVISIONS OF PART III OF CHAPTER 741 SHALL BE ADDITIONAL 17 AND SUPPLEMENTAL; CREATING SECTION 741.113(DISTRIBUTION 18 OF FINES) TO PROVIDE FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FINES COLLECTED 19 FOR 20 SECTION 21 ESTABLISH 22 SEVERABILITY 23 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. JURISDICTION) THE ISSUANCE VIOLATION OF 741.114 TO PROVIDE OF CITATIONS; SUPPLEMENTAL) PART III (ANNUAL THE OF TO COUNTY CREATING PROVIDE CHAPTER REPORTING ANNUAL REPORTING OF FOR OF SECTION THAT 741; THE CREATING REQUIREMENTS) REQUIREMENTS; PROVISIONS COURT PROVIDING THIS TO FOR ORDINANCE; 24 25 WHEREAS, the City Council (Council) finds and determines that 26 the sign categories identified within Part 13 of Chapter 656 relate 27 to the function that the sign serves, such as construction signs, 28 directional 29 identification 30 signs, landmark signs, and neighborhood identification signs; and, or direction signs, signs, temporary real estate election -3- signs, signs, free subdivision expression 1 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the sign-types 2 set forth in 3 determinations, but are based upon careful consideration of the 4 function served by the sign-types involved, and that such sign- 5 types 6 aesthetics 7 necessary purpose; and, serve this ordinance substantial and safety are not based governmental with the need upon interests for signage any arbitrary of balancing that serves a 8 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the limitations 9 on the height, size, number, and setbacks of sign types are based 10 upon the sign function; and, 11 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the regulation 12 of sign types by sign function as set forth in Part 13 have not 13 been adopted because of any disagreement with the message that the 14 signage conveys [see Ward v. Rock Against Racism, 491 U.S. 781, 791 15 (1989)]; 16 regulation of signage in Part 13 is not designed as a regulation of 17 speech per se but is a regulation of the places where some speech 18 may occur, and is not concerned with a particular viewpoint and 19 does not seek to advance or prohibit any particular point of view 20 on any specific subject [see Hill v. Colorado, 530 U.S. 703, 719- 21 723 (2000)], and that the provisions such as those directed to 22 snipe signs on utility poles are designed to meet constitutional 23 parameters, 24 another [see Members of City Council of Los Angeles v. Taxpayers 25 for Vincent, 466 U.S. 789, 808 (1984)]; and, further, and the are Council not finds designed to and favor determines one that viewpoint the over 26 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that under current 27 jurisprudence, temporary election signs are generally accorded a 28 higher level of protection under the First Amendment than any other 29 classification or type of speech; and, -4- 1 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the size of 2 temporary election signs should be consistent with the size allowed 3 for temporary signs in residential districts, but that the size 4 should not be increased beyond four square feet because a lot may 5 be allowed to have one such sign for each candidate and each ballot 6 issue, 7 accommodate 8 allowable signs with the need to keep in check sign clutter, and 9 that as part of an effort to maintain this balance that such signs 10 be defined to be nonilluminated and no higher than six feet above 11 the ground; and, thereby striking election a signs balance by between an increase the in need to the broadly number of 12 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that a size of four 13 square feet is sufficient to be visible to passing vehicular and 14 pedestrian traffic, and that temporary signs that are between three 15 square feet to four square feet in size are commonly utilized and 16 effective, and that signs that are four square feet or smaller in 17 size 18 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) (2009 edition) 19 and are effective as a means of communication to passing vehicular 20 traffic; and, are allowed as official signs within the current federal 21 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that under current 22 jurisprudence [see, e.g., Ladue v. Gilleo, 512 U.S. 43 (1994)], 23 signs 24 homeowners, to freely express a particular point of view on their 25 own property should be reasonably accommodated and may be uniquely 26 valuable, and that it is appropriate to provide a definition for 27 free expression signs which function to communicate information or 28 views on matters of public policy concern or communicating other 29 noncommercial 30 noncommercial signs on private residential lots; and, that allow property messages, and owners, to codify -5- especially the residential allowance of small 1 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that free expression 2 signs 3 noncommercial speech that may be unrelated to particular candidates 4 or ballot issues; and, 5 are sufficient WHEREAS, the allow Council determines 9 expression sign in a commercial zoning district may display either to allow is in and to it 8 districts, signs that or display of a commercial message as well as a noncommercial message zoning expression political 7 10 free and additional appropriate commercial define finds for 6 a to to provide that for a the free a commercial or a noncommercial message; and, 11 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that in defining 12 free expression signs in connection with their allowable size that 13 it is appropriate given their function that such size be consistent 14 with the size allowed for temporary signs in residential districts, 15 and that the size should not be increased beyond four square feet 16 so as to keep in check sign clutter, and that the same be defined 17 to be nonilluminated and no higher than six feet above the ground 18 to balance the interest of additional speech through signage while 19 balancing the interests in aesthetics and traffic safety; and, 20 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that a size of four 21 square feet is sufficient to be visible to passing vehicular and 22 pedestrian traffic, and that temporary signs that are between three 23 square feet to four square feet in size are commonly utilized and 24 effective, and that signs that are four square feet or smaller in 25 size are allowed as official signs within the Manual on Uniform 26 Traffic Control Devices (2009 edition) and are effective as a means 27 of communication to passing vehicular traffic; and, 28 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that in addition to 29 the display of a free expression signs, nothing herein shall limit 30 a property owner from having -6- the right to substitute a 1 noncommercial message for a commercial message, a practice that is 2 codified 3 substitution clause, and that the right to make that substitution 4 further supports a definition of free expression signs that limits 5 the physical characteristics of the same; and, 6 herein WHEREAS, by the the inclusion Council finds in and this ordinance determines that of it a is 7 appropriate to expressly provide that property owners may display 8 at least one free expression sign at all times, in addition to 9 displaying temporary election signs for candidates or issues prior 10 to an election to which the same may pertain and in addition to 11 displaying any other lawful sign type; and, 12 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that by expressly 13 allowing for the display 14 candidate and each issue that may appear on the ballot and by 15 expressly allowing a free expression time to be displayed at any 16 time, there is no longer a need to allow for the display of two 17 noncommercial 18 therefore appropriate to delete current Subsection 656.1303(a)(4) 19 and 20 656.1303(a)(4); and, signs renumber in of temporary residential Subsection election districts, signs and 656.1303(a)(5) for that to each it is Subsection 21 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that there is a 22 growing concern with the housing crisis that afflicts the City of 23 Jacksonville and the nation, and that it is appropriate to make 24 minor and temporary adjustments to Chapter 656, Zoning Code, to add 25 Section 656.1313 to Chapter 656 and provide that during a forty- 26 eight hour window between 3 P.M. Friday and 3 P.M. Sunday (the 27 weekend) 28 weekend 29 subject to strict conditions and limitations; and, small temporary directional signs) real can estate be -7- directional placed in signs certain (small locations 1 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that “real estate” 2 signs are a well-recognized and unique sign type that is tied to 3 their function, and that under current jurisprudence [see, e.g., 4 Linmark Associates v. Town of Willingboro, 431 U.S. 85 (1977)], 5 real estate signs should be allowed given the important role and 6 unique function that they perform; and, 7 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the addition of 8 Section 656.1313 is necessary and appropriate, that it is based 9 upon careful consideration of the unique function served by such 10 temporary signage, 11 necessary as a result of the nationwide housing crisis which has 12 substantially increased the number of distressed properties; and, 13 WHEREAS, 14 jurisdictions 15 regulations 16 function 17 crisis; and, 18 to for that the relaxed the Council finds have adopted similar allow the such sign projected location and determines amendments types duration standards based of to upon the that are other their their nationwide sign unique housing WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that small weekend 19 directional 20 additional 21 available 22 consequences of the ongoing housing crisis, and the Council further 23 finds and determines that their placement of such sign types can be 24 controlled and regulated so as to not proliferate unnecessarily; 25 and, 26 signs serve information housing WHEREAS, the and to an important the public thereby Council assist finds and function as in to by the combating determines that providing location the of adverse such small 27 weekend directional signs should be allowed for a period (subject 28 to a sunset date of June 30, 2013) given the important role and 29 unique function that small weekend directional signs can perform to 30 assist in stimulating housing sales -8- during the present housing 1 crisis; 2 recession 3 afflicts the City of Jacksonville; and, 4 especially and considering combined with the the present national ongoing housing economic crisis that WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that small weekend 5 directional signs 6 motoring public in locating housing for sale in the distressed 7 local 8 providing such information during peak periods; and, market serve activity, an and important can also function improve by assisting traffic safety the by 9 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines and recognizes the 10 important public purposes that are served by allowing small weekend 11 directional 12 interests in aesthetics and traffic safety at the same time with 13 conditions and limitations on the placement of the small weekend 14 directional signs; and, 15 signs and by balancing the community’s continuing WHEREAS, in view of the findings and determinations contained 16 herein, the Council finds and determines that small weekend 17 directional signs should be allowed within the non-paved portion of 18 the right of way of any City of Jacksonville road that is situated 19 outside of any sidewalk, ditch or drainway therein, and that lies 20 no closer than two feet from the edge of the traveled way therein, 21 subject to conditions and limitations, and may be displayed on 22 private lots with permission of the property owner, subject to 23 conditions and limitations; and, 24 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that small weekend 25 directional signs meet the conditions and limitations as expressly 26 set forth in the new Section 656.1313, including location, spacing, 27 proximity, size, height, setback, and permit requirements; and, 28 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that small weekend 29 directional signs that do not comply with the City’s regulations 30 and/or are found within the City of Jacksonville’s right of way -9- 1 other than during the weekend interval should be deemed abandoned, 2 and code enforcement officials should be authorized to remove and 3 dispose of the same without notice or compensation to the owner, 4 and that such illegal signs be treated as litter under Chapter 741, 5 Zero 6 provisions set forth therein through amendments contained within 7 this ordinance; and, 8 9 Tolerance WHEREAS, for the Litter, Council subject finds and to the determines fines and that other the small weekend directional sign amendment is necessary and continues to 10 provide a balance 11 interests 12 ordinance, 13 categorization and treatment of this particular sign-type survive 14 any strict scrutiny analysis under the First Amendment for the 15 reasons outlined herein; and, of and the between the aesthetic community and the that it is the intent and functions of the traffic served Council safety by that this the 16 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the addition of 17 Section 656.1313 should contain a sunset date of June 13, 2013; 18 and, 19 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that it is advisable 20 to expressly allow for the display of temporary election signs on a 21 private lot for each candidate and for each ballot issue to ensure 22 that election signs are accommodated in a manner that comports with 23 the First Amendment [see, e.g., Arlington County Repub. Committee 24 v. Arlington County, 983 F.2d 587 (4th Cir. 1993)]; and, 25 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that it is 26 appropriate to allow for temporary election signs in addition to a 27 free expression sign that is allowed for each private lot; and, 28 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that it is 29 appropriate to establish a setback of ten feet from the right-of- 30 way for temporary elections signs if the same are displayed as a -10- 1 freestanding sign consistent with the setback requirement for other 2 temporary signs; and, 3 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that durational 4 limitations on election signs, sometimes referred to as political 5 signs, are frequently problematic when the limitations affect the 6 posting of election signs prior to the election concerning the 7 candidate or ballot issue to which they pertain, but durational 8 limits 9 election are generally permissible [see, e.g., Election Signs and 10 Time Limits, Evolving Voices in Land Use Law, 3 Wash. U.J.L. & 11 Pol’y 379 (2000)], and that it is appropriate to establish a time 12 period of seven days following an election for the removal of a 13 temporary election sign that pertained thereto; and, requiring the removal of election signs following such 14 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that a durational 15 limit requiring the removal of a temporary election sign seven days 16 following an election will not impact the right to display a free 17 expression sign which has no durational limit; and, 18 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that under current 19 jurisprudence [see, e.g., Ladue v. Gilleo, 512 U.S. 43 (1994)], it 20 is appropriate to allow the display of free expression signs and to 21 extend that right to all private lots; and, 22 WHEREAS, Council 23 appropriate 24 residential lots; and, 25 to the WHEREAS, codify the the Council finds and practice finds of and determines allowing that such determines it is signs on that it is 26 appropriate to establish a setback of ten feet from the right-of- 27 way 28 freestanding sign on a private lot; and, for free expression signs if the same are displayed as a 29 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the City’s sign 30 regulations are concerned with the secondary effects of speech, -11- 1 including but not limited to aesthetics and traffic safety, and 2 that it is appropriate to reaffirm that the sign regulations are 3 intended 4 speech or regulate the viewpoint of the speaker; and, to be content neutral and are not designed to censor 5 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the City has 6 allowed noncommercial speech to appear wherever commercial speech 7 appears; and the Council desires to codify that practice through 8 the 9 allows 10 specific inclusion non-commercial of a substitution messages to be clause substituted that expressly for commercial messages; and, 11 WHEREAS, the Council finds that in order to reconfirm that its 12 sign regulations meet constitutional scrutiny, it is appropriate to 13 amend the ordinance code to emphasize the fact that noncommercial 14 messages may be placed wherever commercial messages appear, that 15 commercial speech is not favored over noncommercial speech, and 16 that any on-site or off-site sign permitted or allowed by law is 17 allowed 18 speech; and, 19 to contain WHEREAS, the noncommercial Council finds speech and in lieu determines of that any it other is not 20 necessary for criminal penalties to be imposed for a violation of 21 Part 13 of Chapter 656, and that it is appropriate to expressly 22 provide that the remedies available for violations of the City’s 23 sign regulations in Part 13 of Chapter 656 shall not include or 24 extend to criminal penalties; and, 25 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the Ordinance 26 Code’s severability 27 upholding 28 including its sign regulations, as possible in the event that any 29 portion thereof (including any section, sentence, clause or phrase) and clauses sustaining as were much -12- adopted of the with the City’s intent of regulations, 1 be held 2 jurisdiction; and, 3 invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that under Florida 4 law, whenever 5 unconstitutional, the remainder of the act will be permitted to 6 stand provided (1) the unconstitutional provisions can be separated 7 from the remaining valid provisions, (2) the legislative purpose 8 expressed in the valid provisions can be accomplished independently 9 of those which are void, (3) the good and the bad features are not inseparable a portion in of a substance statute that or it ordinance can be is said declared 10 so that the 11 legislative body would have passed the one without the other, and 12 (4) an act complete in itself remains after the valid provisions 13 are stricken [see, e.g., Waldrup v. Dugger, 562 So. 2d 687 (Fla. 14 1990)]; and, 15 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that there have been 16 several judicial decisions where courts have not given full effect 17 to severability clauses that applied to sign regulations and where 18 the courts have expressed uncertainty over whether the legislative 19 body 20 situations despite the presumption that would ordinarily flow from 21 the presence of a severability clause; and, intended 22 that severability would apply to certain factual WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that there should be 23 an ample 24 severability clause in connection with the City’s sign regulations 25 be applied to the maximum extent possible, even if less speech 26 would result from a determination that any exceptions, limitations, 27 variances or other provisions are invalid or unconstitutional for 28 any reason whatsoever; and, 29 30 record of its intention that the presence of a WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that there be an ample record that it intends that -13- each prohibited sign-type 1 continue in effect regardless of the invalidity or 2 unconstitutionality of any, or even all other, provisions of the 3 City’s sign regulations, other ordinance code provisions, or other 4 laws, for any reason(s) whatsoever; and, 5 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that it would serve 6 the public interest for a separate trust fund to be maintained for 7 the purpose of keeping bus stops and bus shelters well-maintained, 8 in good repair and litter-free, with such account to be funded from 9 fines collected for enforcement of the City of Jacksonville’s zero- 10 tolerance for litter law; and, 11 12 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that there be established a Litter Trust Fund; and, 13 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the goals of 14 Chapter 741 would be furthered by establishing a Litter Trust Fund 15 as set forth herein; and, 16 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that such fund would 17 operate in a manner similar to the enforcement of laws prohibiting 18 the unauthorized parking in disabled parking spaces, as set forth 19 in Section 804.102, Ordinance Code, and through Part 1 of Chapter 20 636, Ordinance Code, with seventy percent of the fines collected to 21 be placed in a separate account of the City of Jacksonville to be 22 expended as provided in Section 804.102(d) for certain designated 23 public purposes; and, 24 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that in 2004 the 25 Council enacted Chapter 741, Ordinance Code, to ensure that the 26 streets, 27 shall be litter-free to the maximum extent feasibly possible; and, 28 highways, public spaces, rights-of-way, and waterways WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that Chapter 741 set 29 forth minimum 30 litter, and standards that for those establishing minimum -14- a zero-tolerance standards are for desirable 1 environmental goals that will advance the quality of life for Duval 2 County and its residents; and, 3 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that in enacting 4 Chapter 741 the Council found that Jacksonville citizens believe 5 that their City should be a model for beauty that is not surpassed 6 by any city in America; and, 7 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the City of 8 Jacksonville is adversely impacted and the zero tolerance goals 9 have been frustrated by the placement of litter, often referred to 10 as snipe signs, on public property throughout the City; and, 11 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the City of St. 12 Petersburg has implemented an effective snipe sign enforcement 13 program that has reduced the proliferation of snipe sign litter in 14 that municipality; and, 15 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that a more robust 16 enforcement of litter laws with a combination of public education 17 as well as the assessment of fines for offenders would serve to 18 improve the beauty of the City of Jacksonville; and, 19 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that it enacted 20 Chapter 741 with the intent that public bus stops and shelters 21 shall 22 intent that the City of Jacksonville shall provide funding, subject 23 to available funding, for the maintenance of public bus stops and 24 bus shelters; and, 25 be well-maintained and litter-free, and with the further WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the City of 26 Jacksonville has achieved 27 enforcement, notably 28 unauthorized parking in disabled parking spaces, as set forth in 29 Section 804.102, Ordinance Code, and through Part 1 of Chapter 636, 30 Ordinance Code, with seventy percent of the fines collected being the success enforcement -15- in of other laws areas of prohibiting code the 1 placed in a separate account of the City to be expended as provided 2 in Section 804.102(d) for certain designated public purposes; and, 3 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the enforcement 4 of laws prohibiting the unauthorized parking in disabled parking 5 spaces has been aided by persons certified through training to 6 issue 7 accessibility 8 disabled persons and to provide funds to conduct public awareness 9 programs in the County concerning physically disabled persons; and, citations, with and monies equal to be expended opportunity to only to qualified improve physically 10 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the City of 11 Jacksonville has an interest in keeping public bus stops and bus 12 shelters, 13 maintained and litter-free, including specifically those locations 14 for 15 placement; and, including bus shelters those that for meet the physically established disabled, criteria for well- shelter 16 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the goals of 17 Chapter 741 would be furthered amending said chapter as set forth 18 herein; and, 19 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the amendments 20 to the Ordinance Code that are set forth herein, including the 21 addition to the 22 addition of definitions 23 expression 24 656.1303(a)(4), the addition of Section 656.1313 to allow temporary 25 directional 26 allow 27 656.1315 28 Section 656.1316 29 message (viewpoint), 30 allowance of the substitution of a noncommercial message for a signs for to findings in weekend set in Section for temporary election Section 656.1302, the signs, the temporary election allow free for to forth provide the addition signs, of the expression for addition -16- of signs deletion Section addition signs, content 656.1301, the neutrality 656.1317 to and of the free Section 656.1314 of Section addition as to to codify of sign the 1 commercial message, the addition of Section 656.1318 to expressly 2 provide that there be no criminal penalties for a violation of Part 3 13 of Chapter 656, the addition of Section 656.1319 to provide for 4 severability, the addition of Section 111.786 to provide a Litter 5 Trust Fund, the modification of and addition to the definitions in 6 Chapter 741, and the addition of Sections 741.1307 through 741.1314 7 to Chapter 741, are consistent with all applicable policies of the 8 City of Jacksonville’s adopted Comprehensive Plan; and, 9 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the foregoing 10 amendments will not be applied to the Beaches and the Town of 11 Baldwin; and, 12 13 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the foregoing amendments are not in conflict with the public interest; and, 14 WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the foregoing 15 amendments to Chapter 656, Zoning Code, as set forth herein, will 16 not result in incompatible land uses; now therefore 17 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Jacksonville: 18 Section 1. Section 656.1301(o) Created. Chapter 656 19 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations) is amended to create a 20 new 21 determinations, and to read as follows: subsection 656.1301(o), 22 CHAPTER 656. 23 * 24 25 adding PART 13. Sec. 656.1301. * additional findings and ZONING CODE * SIGN REGULATIONS Findings. 26 * * * 27 (o) The sign categories identified within Part 13 of Chapter 28 656 relate to the function of the sign; the sign categorizes are 29 tailored toward the sign function; the limitations on height, size, 30 number, setback, physical characteristics -17- or location are based 1 upon the sign type and the sign function; the regulation of sign 2 types 3 disagreement with the message conveyed; the regulation of signage 4 is not designed to regulate speech per se, but is a regulation of 5 the places where some speech may occur; and the regulations herein 6 are not concerned with a particular viewpoint and do not seek to 7 advance or prohibit any particular point of view on any specific 8 subject. 9 according Section 2. to their functions are not because of any Definitional Subsections 656.1302(dd) and (ee) 10 Created. Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations), 11 Section 12 subsections 13 for election signs and free expression signs, to read as follows: 14 Sec. 656.1302. 656.1302 (Definitions), 656.1302(dd) and is amended 656.1302(ee), to create providing new definitions Definitions. 15 * * * 16 (dd) Temporary election sign means a temporary nonilluminated 17 sign, not in excess of four (4) square feet in size (area) per side 18 and the top of the sign is not more than six (6) feet off the 19 ground, that functions to communicate support for or opposition to 20 a candidate or stating a position regarding a ballot issue upon 21 which the voters of the City shall vote. In a commercial zoning 22 district 23 nonilluminated election sign may be increased from four (4) square 24 feet to sixteen (16) square feet. the maximum size (area) per side of a temporary 25 (ee) Free expression sign means a nonilluminated sign, not in 26 excess of four (4) square feet in size (area) per side and the top 27 of the sign is not more than six (6) feet off the ground, that 28 functions to communicate information or views on matters of public 29 policy concern or containing any other noncommercial message, that 30 is otherwise lawful; provided, however, that in commercial zoning -18- 1 districts, a free expression sign may also function to communicate 2 either a commercial message or a noncommercial message. 3 Section 3. Section 656.1303 (Zoning limitations on signs) 4 Amended. Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations), 5 Section 6 delete 7 656.1303(a)(5) to be Section 656.1303(a)(4) as follows: 8 Sec. 656.1303. 656.1303 (Zoning Section limitations 656.1303(a)(4) and signs), to is amended renumber to Section Zoning limitations on signs. 9 10 on * * * * * (a) Residential zoning districts: 11 * 12 (4) In addition to the signs permitted in subsection (a)(1) 13 and (2) of this Section, two nonilluminated noncommercial signs not 14 exceeding four square feet in area shall be permitted in RR and RLD 15 Districts. 16 17 (5)(4) Roof signs, neon signs, changing message signs and strip lighting shall be prohibited. 18 Section 4. Section 656.1313 (Temporary directional real 19 estate signs during weekends) Created. 20 Part 21 656.1313 (Temporary directional real estate signs during weekends) 22 to read as follows: 23 Sec. 24 weekends. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter or 25 the 26 estates 27 following conditions and subject to the following limitations until 28 the Sunset Date identified below: 29 30 13 (Sign 656.1313 Ordinance (a) signs Regulations) Temporary Code to during Definition. the is amended directional contrary, weekends A Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), are temporary to real create estate temporary hereby a new signs during directional authorized directional Section real under estate real the sign means a temporary nonilluminated sign that functions to provide -19- 1 directions to residential real estate that is for sale, rent, or 2 lease and that meets the durational limitation, location, spacing, 3 proximity, size, height, setback, proximity and permitting criteria 4 set forth herein. 5 (b) Durational limitation. The placement of any temporary 6 directional real estate sign allowed by this section is limited to 7 the forty-eight hour period between 3 p.m. Friday and 3 p.m. Sunday 8 (the weekend period). 9 10 (c) Authorized locations. A temporary directional real estate sign allowed by this section is limited to the following locations: 11 (1) The non-paved portion of the public right of way of 12 any City of Jacksonville roadway that is situated outside of 13 any sidewalk, ditch or drainway. 14 (2) Private property with the permission or consent of 15 property owner or lawful occupant of the property. 16 (d) Prohibited locations. A temporary directional real estate 17 sign otherwise allowed 18 following locations: by this section is prohibited from the 19 (1) The right-of-way of any portion of the State Highway 20 System or in violation of any state statute including but not 21 limited to Chapter 479, Florida Statutes. 22 23 24 (2) A location within 10 feet of a driveway intersection, or within 25 feet of a roadway intersection. (3) A public right-of-way location that adjoins 25 residential real estate without the permission of its owner or 26 lawful occupant. 27 28 29 (4) Within a locally designated historic district, sign overlay zone, or designated scenic corridor. (5) A location that obstructs a public sidewalk. -20- 1 (e) Spacing. A temporary directional real estate sign allowed 2 by this section shall be spaced at least 100 feet from any other 3 temporary directional real estate sign on the same side of the 4 road. 5 (f) Proximity. A temporary directional real estate sign 6 allowed by this section shall be no further than 1 mile from the 7 residential real estate that is for sale, rent or lease and for 8 which the aforesaid sign serves to provide directional information. 9 (g) Size. A temporary directional real estate sign allowed by 10 this section shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size per 11 side. 12 (h) Height. A temporary directional real estate sign allowed 13 by this section shall not exceed three (3) feet in height above the 14 ground level. 15 (i) 16 Setback. A temporary directional real estate sign allowed by this section shall meet the following setback requirements: 17 (1) If placed in the right-of-way, the sign shall be 18 placed at least 4 feet back from the edge of pavement or back 19 of curb, whichever is greater. 20 (2) If placed on private property, the sign shall be 21 placed at least 1 foot back from the edge of pavement or back 22 of curb, whichever is greater. 23 (j) Abandoned property. A temporary directional real estate 24 sign, as defined herein, that is located on any qualifying public 25 property 26 authorized in this section, shall be deemed abandoned property, 27 litter and a snipe sign under Chapter 741 of the Ordinance Code. 28 Code enforcement officials are authorized to remove and dispose of 29 the same without notice or compensation to the owner thereof in 30 addition to the other remedies provided within Chapter 741 or any or right-of-way outside -21- the forty-eight hour period 1 other chapter of this Ordinance Code . This remedy is supplemental 2 to and without limiting the enforcement mechanisms and sanctions 3 elsewhere authorized 4 Ordinance Code. 5 violation of this Section and only civil remedies shall apply. 6 (k) and available However, no under criminal this penalty Chapter or this shall arise by Permit. A person or entity seeking to utilize a temporary 7 directional real estate sign allowed by this section shall apply 8 with 9 Development Department, or its successor for, and pay a $100 fee 10 for, and receive a permit for each sign so utilized, using the 11 procedures set forth in section 320.402(d), Ordinance Code, and 12 forms approved by the Development Services Division, prior to the 13 placement of any such sign. Each permit shall be for one sign, for 14 a period of one (1) year or until this ordinance sunsets, whichever 15 period is shorter. 16 the (l) Development Display of Services Permit Division Number and of the Date of Planning and Issuance. A 17 temporary directional real estate sign that is permitted hereunder 18 shall display on the sign the permit number and the date the permit 19 was issued. 20 (m) Sunset. The provisions of this section shall sunset and 21 expire on June 30, 2013 unless otherwise revised or extended by the 22 Council prior to that date. All permit rights under this section 23 are subject to sunset, repeal or amendment of this section, and no 24 vested rights shall arise from the issuance of a permit hereunder. 25 Section 5. Section 656.1314 (Temporary election signs) 26 Created. 27 amended to create a new section 656.1314 (Election signs) to read 28 as follows: 29 Sec. 656.1314. 30 In Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations) is Temporary election signs. addition to other allowed -22- sign types including a free 1 expression sign, one temporary election sign for each candidate and 2 each ballot issue may be displayed on a private lot. An election 3 sign may be displayed as an attached sign or as a freestanding 4 sign. If displayed as a freestanding sign, these signs shall be set 5 back from the right-of-way not less than ten feet. A temporary 6 election 7 following the election to which it pertains. 8 9 sign shall Section 6. Created. be removed Section within 656.1315 seven (Free (7) calendar expression days signs) Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations) is 10 amended to create a new 656.1315 (Free expression signs) to read as 11 follows: 12 Sec. 656.1315. 13 Free expression signs. In addition to other signs allowed, one free expression sign 14 may be displayed on a private lot. 15 from the right-of-way not less than ten feet. 16 Section 7. Section These signs shall be set back 656.1316 (Content neutrality as to 17 sign message (viewpoint)) Created. 18 13 (Sign Regulations) is amended to create a new Section 656.1316 19 (Content neutrality as to sign message (viewpoint)) 20 follows: 21 Sec. 656.1316 Content neutrality as to sign message (viewpoint). 22 Notwithstanding 23 Ordinance Code to the contrary, no sign or sign structure shall be 24 subject to any limitation based upon the content (viewpoint) of the 25 message contained on such sign or displayed on such sign structure. 26 Section 8. any other Section Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Part provision of 656.1317 this to read as Chapter or (Substitution the of 27 noncommercial speech for commercial speech) Created. 28 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations) is amended to create a 29 new 30 commercial speech) to read as follows: Section 656.1338 (Substitution -23- of noncommercial Chapter 656 speech for 1 Sec. 656.1317 Substitution of noncommercial speech for commercial 2 speech. 3 Ordinance Code to the contrary, any sign erected pursuant to the 4 provisions of this Chapter or the Ordinance Code with a commercial 5 message may, at the option of the owner, contain a noncommercial 6 message unrelated to the business located on the premises where the 7 sign is erected. The noncommercial message may occupy the entire 8 sign face or any portion thereof. The sign face may be changed from 9 commercial Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter or the to noncommercial messages, or from one noncommercial 10 message to another, as frequently as desired by the owner of the 11 sign, provided that the sign is not a prohibited sign or sign-type 12 and provided that the size, height, setback and other dimensional 13 criteria contained in this Chapter and Ordinance Code have been 14 satisfied. 15 Section 9. Section 656.1318 (No Criminal Penalties) 16 Created. 17 amended to create a new Section 656.1318 (No Criminal Penalties) to 18 read as follows: 19 Sec. 656.1318. No Criminal Penalties. 20 penalty imposed for a violation of Part 13 of Chapter 656. 21 Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations) is Section 10. Section There shall be no criminal 656.1319 (Severability) Created. 22 Chapter 656 (Zoning Code), Part 13 (Sign Regulations) is amended to 23 create a new Section 656.1319 (Severability) to read as follows: 24 Sec. 656.1319. 25 (a) 26 subparagraph, 27 Chapter or Part is declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment 28 or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, the declaration 29 of 30 section, such Severability. Generally. If any part, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase, unconstitutionality subsection, clause, shall paragraph, not term, affect subparagraph, -24- or any word of other sentence, this part, phrase, 1 clause, term, or word of this Chapter or Part. 2 (b) Severability where less speech results. Without 3 diminishing or limiting in any way the declaration of severability 4 set forth above, or elsewhere in this Section, Part, Chapter or 5 Ordinance Code, or any adopting ordinance, if any part, section, 6 subsection, 7 term, or word of this Chapter or Part is declared unconstitutional 8 by 9 jurisdiction, the declaration of such unconstitutionality shall not the paragraph, valid subparagraph, judgment any of 12 Chapter 13 situation where there would be less speech, whether by subjecting 14 previously exempt signs to permitting or otherwise. Part, phrase, even Severability if such of subsection, competent subparagraph, sentence, section, court 11 (c) part, of clause, affect or other decree phrase, 10 15 any or sentence, clause, term, severability provisions or word would pertaining paragraph, of result to this in a prohibited 16 signs. 17 of severability set forth above, or elsewhere in this Section, 18 Part, Chapter or Ordinance Code, or any adopting ordinance, if any 19 part, 20 phrase, clause, term, or word of this Chapter or Part or any other 21 law is declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of 22 any 23 unconstitutionality 24 subsection, 25 term, or word of this Chapter or Part that pertains to prohibited 26 signs, including specifically those signs and sign-types prohibited 27 and not allowed under this Part 13. 28 Without diminishing or limiting in any way the declaration section, court of subsection, competent Section 11. jurisdiction, shall paragraph, paragraph, not affect subparagraph, Creation of Trust subparagraph, the any declaration other sentence, Account. part, phrase, There sentence, of such section, clause, shall be 29 created a new Section 111.786 (Litter Trust Fund), Ordinance Code, 30 to read as follows: -25- 1 CHAPTER 111. SPECIAL REVENUE AND TRUST ACCOUNTS 2 * 3 PART 7. * Sec. 111.786. * ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION 4 5 * * * Litter Trust Fund. 6 There is hereby created the Litter Trust Fund, a permanent 7 fund of the City, into which shall be deposited all monies derived 8 from the fines collected pursuant 9 Ordinance Code, resulting from to the Part III, Chapter 741, of citations for issuance 10 violations of Section 741.107. 11 shall not lapse at the end of any fiscal year and shall remain 12 available for expenditure, upon appropriation of the Council, for 13 the purposes and in the manner set forth herein. 14 Finance is authorized and directed to make disbursements from this 15 fund as follows: 16 (a) a The monies deposited in this fund The Director of Seventy percent of the fine monies shall be accounted for 17 in separate 18 Transportation 19 public 20 litter-free pursuant to written criteria adopted by the JTA for 21 that purpose. 22 to 23 appropriation of the Council, upon written request of the Chief 24 Executive 25 documentation of costs incurred or to be incurred by JTA to keep 26 public bus stops and bus shelters well-maintained and litter-free. 27 At the end of each fiscal year, if the accrued and unexpended funds 28 exceed three hundred percent of the preceding fiscal year’s cost 29 for 30 maintained and litter-free, the excess funds over and above the bus make subaccount Authority stops and be (JTA) public utilized for the sole bus shelters by the Jacksonville purpose of keeping well-maintained and The Director of Finance is authorized and directed disbursements Officer keeping to public from of bus the this subaccount JTA stops and -26- to accompanied public bus the by JTA, upon satisfactory shelters well- 1 three 2 created by subsection (b), below. 3 hundred (b) percent Thirty shall percent be of transferred the fine to monies, the plus subaccount any funds 4 transferred as provided in the last sentence of subsection (a), 5 above, shall be utilized for the administration of the enforcement 6 of Part III of Chapter 741 and to provide funds to conduct public 7 awareness 8 litter. 9 materials for enforcement of the litter ordinances and for public 10 awareness and education programs, (2) for paying employees hired to 11 enforce those ordinances, and (3) for expenses incurred in such 12 enforcement. 13 Municipal Code Compliance Division (or successor), or new employees 14 hired on a temporary hours or special purpose employee contract 15 basis, until such time as the Council may increase the employee cap 16 by further ordinance to create permanent positions for them. 17 Director 18 disbursements 19 written request of the Director of the Environmental and Compliance 20 Department for such purposes. 21 made, the funds shall be considered a part of the budget of the 22 Municipal Code Compliance Division (or successor). 23 Municipal 24 report annually to the Council concerning the utilization of these 25 funds, 26 education programs to advance zero-tolerance for litter that have 27 been administered, the status of enforcement efforts, and staffing 28 levels and needs. and education programs to advance zero-tolerance for The funds shall be expended exclusively (1) to purchase Such employees shall be existing employees within the of Code Finance from is this Compliance including therein authorized Fund, upon Council directed to make appropriation, upon To the extent that disbursements are Division the and The (or nature -27- successor) of public The Chief of shall make awareness a and 1 Section 12. Chapter 2 Amended. 3 to read as follows: (Zero Tolerance for Litter) Chapter 741 (Zero Tolerance for Litter) shall be amended 4 CHAPTER 741. 5 6 741 ZERO TOLERANCE FOR LITTER PART I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 741.101. Findings, intent and purpose. 7 * 8 Sec. 9 terms or phrases in this Chapter. 10 741.102. (a) Definitions. * Litter. The * following definitions apply to The term “litter” shall mean “litter” as defined 11 in the Florida Litter Law at F.S. § 403.413(2)(a), that is located 12 on public property, and shall include any artificial or manmade 13 object illegally placed within a public right-of-way or illegally 14 nailed, fastened or affixed to any tree, public utility pole, or 15 other object located on public property or within a public right- 16 of-way. 17 herein. 18 (b) The term “litter” shall include “snipe sign” as defined Zero-tolerance for litter” for litter. shall mean The the phrase “zero- 19 tolerance 20 policies and standards that, if implemented, will lead to public 21 property 22 (c) 23 policy policy establishment of being litter-free. Litter-free. The term “litter-free” shall mean that public property will be free of litter. 24 (d) is Snipe sign. tacked, The term “snipe sign” shall mean a sign 25 which nailed, posted, 26 attached or affixed to a tree on public property, to a public 27 utility pole, to a public utility box, to publicly-owned street 28 furniture such as a bench or shelter, to a public fence, or to any 29 other object on public property or within the public right of way, -28- pasted, glued, or otherwise 1 except 2 property owner. 3 with (e) it the express to in 5 Jacksonville. Section 8 9 2.101(g), * Sec. 741.103. Sec. 741.104. Sec. 741.105. of the City of * policy * * * * * * * Sec. 741.106. for litter; minimum * * Implementation dates. * * * PART III. ENFORCEMENT Sec. 741.107. Violation of Zero-Tolerance for Litter Law. (a) It shall be unlawful for a person to place, affix or 20 otherwise 21 property. 22 * Code Annual reporting requirements. 17 19 public Funding. 16 18 the standards. 14 15 Ordinance Zero-tolerance 12 13 of Part II. Policy, Funding, and Reporting 10 11 consent The term “person” shall have the meaning given 6 7 or See the example in Attachment A. Person. 4 permission (b) dispose The of placement litter of as a defined snipe sign in on 741.102 public on public property is 23 transient in nature and is therefore irreparable. The adoption of 24 the prohibition directed to snipe signs on public property shall be 25 deemed 26 possession or control of the snipe sign and the person or business 27 who owns or is advertised or identified by name, address or other 28 contact 29 observation of the violation. The person or business who owns or is 30 advertised or identified on the sign shall be presumed to have notice of information the on violation. the sign -29- The may be person cited or business immediately in upon 1 permitted the placement of the snipe sign in the absence of 2 evidence to the contrary. The term "transient in nature" shall mean 3 that a condition exists on a temporary, periodic, or non-permanent 4 basis. The term "irreparable" shall mean the condition is incapable 5 of being remedied, as the harm sought to be prevented has already 6 occurred. 7 (c) Violations of this Section shall be unlawful and deemed a 8 civil infraction, and shall be subject to the civil fines set forth 9 in this subsection. Each piece of litter or separate snipe sign 10 that a person illegally places on or affixes to public property in 11 violation of this Section shall be deemed a separate violation. The 12 schedule for civil fines for uncontested citations, which may be 13 imposed under this Part III, together with such attorneys’ fees and 14 costs as may be authorized by law, shall be as follows: 15 OFFENSE FINE 1st $ 50 2nd $ 75 3rd $125 4th $250 5th and each thereafter $350 16 For contested citations, there may be imposed a civil fine of up to 17 $500 per citation, plus such attorneys’ fees and costs as may be 18 authorized 19 places a snipe sign on a public utility pole and the bottom of 20 which sign is at a height more than five feet above the prevailing 21 ground level immediately adjacent to the utility pole then such act 22 shall be by law. punishable However, with an if a person uncontested -30- affixes $350 or civil otherwise fine per 1 citation, plus such attorneys’ fees and costs as may be authorized 2 by law. 3 shall mean the finished grade of a parcel of land exclusive of any 4 filling, berming or mounding. 5 Sec. 741.108. Litter and snipe signs deemed abandoned property. 6 For purposes of this section, the term “ground level” Any litter or snipe sign placed on or affixed to public 7 property or placed in the right-of-way, including but not limited 8 to 9 roadway, in violation of this Part III is hereby declared to be 10 abandoned property and is thereby subject to being removed by any 11 person, so long as such removal is accomplished in a safe and 12 peaceful manner. 13 person who removes such abandoned property to do so in a manner 14 that endangers any person, property or the safety of any other 15 person traveling on such roadway. 16 Sec. 741.109. Duties of Municipal Code Compliance Division Chief or 17 Designee. 18 public (a) property The and rights-of-way along or adjoining any Nothing herein shall be construed to permit any Division Chief of the Municipal Code Compliance 19 Division (or successor) of the City of Jacksonville, or his or her 20 designee, shall have the duty to enforce Part III of Chapter 741 21 through 22 designee determines to be appropriate and (2) such members of the 23 public who are certified by the Division Chief or designee to issue 24 citations for violations of Chapter 741, Part III. (1) such assigned personnel as the Division Chief or 25 (b) The certification to issue citations shall extend only to 26 those members of the public (1) who have received such training and 27 instruction for issuing citations hereunder as determined to be 28 appropriate by the Division Chief or designee, and (2) who satisfy 29 such criteria, if any, as may be established by the Office of 30 General Counsel. No member of the public shall be certified unless -31- 1 he or she is able to appear in court to provide testimony, if 2 necessary, in connection with any enforcement action involving a 3 citation 4 certification to any individual for any reason and at any time. 5 Sec. 741.110 6 that The he or she may sign. The City may revoke Fines and penalties; procedures. requirements of this Part III shall be enforced by 7 citation for civil fines 8 Part action for 9 injunctive relief, through a court of competent jurisdiction. In III and pursuant to the authority granted in this Chapter 609, Ordinance Code and by 10 issuing citations, in addition to the procedures outline in Chapter 11 609, the following procedures shall also apply: 12 (a) A violation of the snipe sign prohibitions of this Chapter 13 shall be 14 enforcement officer or any individual certified to issue a citation 15 for 16 “officer”). a documented violation of by a Part digital III photograph of this taken Chapter by a code (hereinafter 17 (b) An officer is authorized to issue a citation to a person 18 when, based upon personal investigation, the officer has reasonable 19 cause to believe that the person has committed the violation. 20 Sec. 741.111. County Court jurisdiction. 21 (a) The County Court in and for the Fourth Judicial Circuit 22 shall hear charges of code violations pursuant to the issuance of 23 citations. 24 (b) Any person so charged may contest the citation in the 25 County Court. 26 Sec. 741.112. Provisions supplemental. 27 The provisions of Part III of this Chapter 741 are additional 28 and supplemental means of enforcing the Ordinance Code and stand 29 alone 30 prohibit enforcement by any other means, including but not limited ordinances. Nothing contained -32- in this Chapter 741 shall 1 to the enforcement methods and penalties authorized by F.S. § 2 162.22 or other means of enforcement provided for in this Ordinance 3 Code; provided, however, no criminal penalty shall be applicable to 4 the placement of a snipe sign on public property. 5 Sec. 741.113. Distribution of fines. 6 All fines collected for violation of Part III of this Chapter 7 shall be deposited in the Litter Trust Fund established by Section 8 111.786, Ordinance Code, and distributed as provided therein. 9 Sec. 741.114. Annual reporting requirements. 10 (a) Within sixty days following the end of each fiscal year, 11 the Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall provide an annual 12 report to the City of Jacksonville of the preceding fiscal year’s 13 cost for keeping public bus stops and public bus shelters well- 14 maintained, in good repair and litter-free. 15 (b) Within sixty days following the end of each fiscal year, 16 the Division Chief of the Municipal Code Compliance Division (or 17 successor) shall provide the City Council with a report of the 18 number of citations issued during the preceding fiscal year, the 19 total fines assessed during the preceding fiscal year, and the 20 total fines collected for each preceding fiscal year. The report 21 shall include the disposition of the fines collected by the City of 22 Jacksonville. 23 Section 13. Severability. It is the specific intent of 24 the Council that in the event that any portion of this ordinance, 25 including any portion of any section or subsection, is declared 26 invalid, unenforceable, unconstitutional or void, or is permanently 27 enjoined, or if the existence of any provision of this ordinance 28 would result in any other portion of Chapter 111, Chapter 326, 29 Chapter 656, Chapter 741, or Article 23 of the Charter being held 30 to be invalid, unenforceable, unconstitutional or void, and the -33- 1 court does not sever such invalid portion of this ordinance, then 2 the invalid portion of this ordinance is repealed and invalid and 3 thereafter no signs of the type included within this ordinance 4 shall 5 applicable Chapter of the Ordinance Code or Article of the Charter. 6 It is the specific intent that the invalidity of any portion of 7 this 8 paragraph, 9 Chapter 111, Chapter 326, Chapter 656, Chapter 741, Article 23 of 10 11 be erected ordinance without shall not subparagraph, compliance affect with any sentence, other the remainder section, phrase, clause of the subsection, or word of the Charter, or the Jacksonville Ordinance Code. Section 14. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become 12 effective upon signature by the Mayor or upon becoming effective 13 without the Mayor's signature. 14 15 Form Approved: 16 17 18 /s/ Steven E. Rohan_________ Prepared by: Steven E. Rohan and William D. Brinton 19 20 G:\SHARED\LEGIS.CC\2010\sub\2010-253 Brinton 5.18.10 SER3 Format.DOC 21 22 -34-