Fundamentals of Chemistry Assessment I Measurement in Chemistry 60 points Instructions: 1) Each student must make their own concept map. 2) You may use the Inspiration Software, Microsoft Word, the outlines included with 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) this packet, or hand-draw your map. You will earn extra points (see rubric) for using the Inspiration software to generate your concept map. You will have access to computers on Tuesday, February 5, and Friday, February 8 (if necessary). Using the vocabulary list on the next page, decide on what subtopics you will use in your concept map. Choose appropriate concepts or vocabulary words to associate with each subtopic. You must use a total of at least 30 phrases or words in the vocabulary list to construct your concept map. Make sure your concept map is neatly arranged and easy to understand. Make sure all the words on your concept map are spelled correctly. Put your name and date on your concept map. Your concept map on “Measurement in Chemistry” is due Friday, February 16. You may turn in your concept map early. HHeLiBeBCNOFNeNaMgAlSiPSClArKCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKrRbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAg Rubric for Your Concept Map on “Measurement in Chemistry.” 1. Correct identification of appropriate subtopics. 2. 1 point for each vocabulary word or concept used correctly. 3. Construction of your concept map using the computer (not using the pre-printed outline or hand-drawing your map). 4. Use of pictures to make your map more interesting and informative. 5. Final concept map informative and easy to understand 6. Neatness, correct spelling (1 point deducted for each spelling or grammatical error MAXIMUM TOTAL POINTS 0- 5 0 - 30 5 0- 5 0- 5 0 - 10 60 BONUS Use of appropriate additional words or phrases that are NOT included in the vocabulary list to enhance your map. 0- 5 HHeLiBeBCNOFNeNaMgAlSiPSClArKCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKrRbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAg Fundamentals of Chemistry Assessment Unit 1: Measurement in Chemistry Measurement in Chemistry Vocabulary Word List accepted value accuracy analytical balance beaker buret calculations Celsius centigram centiliter centimeter crucible tongs data collection density evaporating dish funnel graduated cylinder gram Kelvin kilogram kilometer laboratory equipment length liter Fundamentals of Chemistry mass mass/volume meter Metric System milligram milliliter millimeter precision rounding ruler seconds SI System significant figures stopwatch temperature thermometer time top-loader balance volume water displacement % error Assessment Unit 1: Measurement in Chemistry Score for Your Concept Map on “Measurement in Chemistry.” 1. Correct identification of appropriate subtopics (0 - 5) 2. 1 point for each vocabulary word or concept used correctly (0 - 30) 3. Construction of your concept map using the computer (not using the pre-printed outline or hand-drawing your map) (0 or 5) 4. Use of pictures to make your map more interesting and informative (0 - 5) 5. Final concept map informative and easy to understand (0 - 5) 6. Neatness, correct spelling (1 point deducted for each spelling or grammatical error (0 - 10) SUBTOTAL POINTS _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ BONUS Use of appropriate additional words or phrases that are NOT included in the vocabulary list to enhance your map (0 – 5) TOTAL _____ _____ Score for Your Concept Map on “Measurement in Chemistry.” 1. Correct identification of appropriate subtopics (0 - 5) 2. 1 point for each vocabulary word or concept used correctly (0 - 30) 3. Construction of your concept map using the computer (not using the pre-printed outline or hand-drawing your map) (0 or 5) 4. Use of pictures to make your map more interesting and informative (0 - 5) 5. Final concept map informative and easy to understand (0 - 5) 6. Neatness, correct spelling (1 point deducted for each spelling or grammatical error (0 - 10) SUBTOTAL POINTS _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ BONUS Use of appropriate additional words or phrases that are NOT included in the vocabulary list to enhance your map (0 – 5) TOTAL Fundamentals of Chemistry _____ _____ Assessment Unit 1: Measurement in Chemistry