MOSAIC CIRCLE STUDY Page 1 And1 - WEEK 6: GO GET ‘EM! LESSON OBJECTIVE: In the course of our calling to go and seek the “lost”, we must never forget the heart of the God who “draws” the unbeliever toward His will and way. The charge falls to us to present the truth of God to others, especially when it comes to repentance. In this study, we will consider the interconnectedness of the three parables Jesus shared in Luke 15. In these parables, about the Good Shepherd, the Good Woman and the Running Father, we will see the subject of repentance in a new way. CONNECT: GOAL: Helping people get to know each other in order to build openness and trust. 1. SHARE A MEAL TOGETHER a. Share the evening’s agenda b. Open in prayer 2. ICEBREAKER: Discuss how group members view God by using one or more of these questions to spark conversation. a) Where did you get your early impressions and understanding about God? b) How did you view God as a child? a. Like "the force" from Star Wars, with both a good side and a dark side b. As a celestial highway patrolman setting up speed traps to catch people doing wrong c. As a kind and gentle grandfather, like George Burns or Morgan Freeman. d. Something based on Michelangelo's depiction of God in the Sistine Chapel e. I didn't really think much about God f. Other: ______ c) How has your image of God changed over the years? GROW: GOAL: Help the group to discover biblical truth for themselves. READ TOGETHER: LUKE 15:1-32 CIRCLE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. HOW DO YOU DEFINE REPENTANCE? 2. HOW DOES THE CONTEXT OF THE PARABLES CHANGE IN LUKE 15 IF WE RETITLE THEM HIS WAY? a. “THE GOOD SHEPHERD” VERSUS THE “PARABLE OF THE LOST SHEEP”? b. “THE GOOD WOMAN” VERSUS THE “PARABLE OF THE LOST COIN”? MOSAIC CIRCLE STUDY Page 2 c. “THE RUNNING FATHER” VERUS THE “PRODIGAL SON”? 3. WHEN JESUS TAUGHT THESE PARABLES, HE WAS RECEIVING SHARP CRITICISM FOR SPENDING TIME WITH THE MISFITS… THE “SINNERS” AND “PROSTITUTES”. WHY DO YOU THINK THIS TROUBLES THEM SO MUCH? 4. WE’VE COME TO UNDERSTAND THE WORD, “REPENT” ACCORDING TO THE GREEK TRANSLATION METANOIA, WHICH MEANS “TO TURN AWAY FROM”. IF WE CONSIDER THE WORD IN IT’S ORIGINAL HEBREW CONTEXT, IT IS SHUB, WHICH MEANS, “TO STOP AND ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE FOUND.” WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER THIS DIFFERENCE? SERVE: GOAL: Meeting the needs of others. 1. IS GOD IS ASKING YOU TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU PRESENT HIS LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS TO US TO THOSE OUTSIDE THE FAITH? WORSHIP & PRAYER: GOAL: Practicing the presence of God. 1. PRAY PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING FOR GOD’S LOVING PATIENCE WITH US IN RESPONDING TO HIS CALL ON OUR LIVES. 2. PRAY FOR THOSE IN YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE – THAT THEY WOULD STOP AND BE WILLING TO BE FOUND BY GOD. 3. WORSHIP SONGS (if someone plays and instrument) 4. ARE THERE NEEDS AMONG YOU THAT WE NEED TO BE AWARE OF AT THIS MOMENT? 5. PRAY FOR THE NEEDS THAT HAVE BEEN MENTIONED DECLARATION: GOAL: Committing to live out what you’ve learned. 1. WHAT IS SOMETHING SPECIFIC AND CHALLENGING YOU CAN PRACTICALLY DO TO LIVE OUT WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED TODAY? 2. HOW CAN THIS GROUP HELP YOU ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? 3. PRAY TOGETHER ASKING GOD TO HELP US REMAIN FAITHFUL TO HIM. LOGISTICS: GOAL: Make decisions and communicate intentions for future meetings. 1. SET THE DATE, TIME, & LOCATION FOR THE NEXT CIRCLE GATHERING 2. DISCUSS ROLES FOR THE GATHERING a. Is it appropriate to secure two people to help develop a children’s program for next time? MOSAIC CIRCLE STUDY 3. DISCUSS MEAL PLAN FOR THE NEXT GATHERING AND DELEGATE Page 3