MOSAIC CIRCLE STUDY WEEK 1: Page 1 WHO NEEDS COMMUNITY? LESSON OBJECTIVE: Scripture gives us a fundamental truth: we all need community. In fact, in many ways, the health, maturity and effectiveness of the church depends us authentic relationships and trusting one another. But where is the proof that God intended it this way and what is His prescription for achieving community? CONNECT: GOAL: Helping people get to know each other in order to build openness and trust. 1. SHARE A MEAL TOGETHER a. Share the evening’s agenda b. Open in prayer 2. ICEBREAKER – URGENT OR IMPORTANT Give each person an index card or scrap of paper. Have them write "important" on one side of the card and "urgent" on the other. Give them about three minutes to list as many things as possible for each category. This may lead to some discussion about the difference between the two words. That is good. Use this simple: "Urgent" may be those things that vie for our time but don't necessarily have any eternal significance. "Important" are those things that make a difference for a lifetime. After everyone has completed their lists, have them share the top three things on both of their lists. GROW: GOAL: Help the group to discover biblical truth for themselves. CIRCLE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. HOW IMPORTANT IS COMMUNITY TO YOU TODAY? a. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? (ask members to share specifics about their experience) 2. SCRIPTURE: READ Luke 24:13-­‐35 a. Luke presents two unusual pairs of hiding and revealing things. In both cases, Jesus first hides something, and then reveals something. b. WHAT IS THE FIRST SET OF HIDING AND REVEALING? (see page 5 & 6 of leaders manual) c. WHAT IS THE SECOND SET OF HIDING AND REVEALING? d. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU SEEN THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST REVEALED THROUGH THE LIFE OF ANOTHER BELIEVER IN A WAY THAT GAVE EVIDENCE TO THE TRUTH OF THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST? (ask members to share specifics about their experience) MOSAIC CIRCLE STUDY Page 2 3. SINCE GOD INTENDS FOR US TO BE IN COMMUNITY, WHAT MAKES IT SO HARD TO ACHIEVE? 4. WHAT CAN WE DO TO ALIGN OUR PRACTICE WITH GOD’S INTENTION FOR HIS CHILDREN? SERVE: GOAL: Meeting the needs of others. 1. Communitas is achieved when members of a community serve one another. a. WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS OF HOW THIS GROUP WILL HELP YOU WHEN YOU’RE IN NEED? b. ARE THERE NEEDS WE NEED TO BE AWARE OF AT THIS MOMENT? WORSHIP & PRAYER: GOAL: Practicing the presence of God. 1. WORSHIP SONGS (if someone plays and instrument) 2. READ FROM THE PSALMS 3. PRAY FOR THE NEEDS THAT HAVE BEEN MENTIONED DECLARATION: GOAL: Committing to live out what you’ve learned. 1. WHAT IS SOMETHING SPECIFIC AND CHALLENGING YOU CAN PRACTICALLY DO TO LIVE OUT WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED TODAY? 2. HOW CAN THIS GROUP HELP YOU ACHIEVE THIS GOAL? 3. PRAY TOGETHER ASKING GOD TO HELP US REMAIN FAITHFUL TO HIM. LOGISTICS: GOAL: Make decisions and communicate intentions for future meetings. 1. SET THE DATE, TIME & LOCATION OF THE NEXT CIRCLE GATHERING 2. DISCUSS ROLES FOR THE GATHERING 3. DISCUSS MEAL PLAN FOR THE NEXT GATHERING AND DELEGATE