Sensory Physiology

Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
Steven A. Fink; Instructor
____ 1. The sensation of pain originates in the Basal (Ganglia) Nuclei of the brain.
____ 2. A sensation is usually perceived as originating at the site where that particular
sensory pathway begins.
____ 3. The semicircular canals of the vestibular apparatus provide information about
the tilt of the head while standing in place.
____ 4. Rod photoreceptors are more sensitive to light than cone photoreceptors.
____ 5. The Primary Sensory Area exists in both the Right and Left hemispheres of the
____ 6. Sensory information from the eyes is not relayed to the Thalamus.
____ 7. The convolutions (folds) of the cerebrum are technically called “gyri”.
____ 8. The unpleasant emotion associated with pain, originates in the Cerebellum.
____ 9. In the general pattern for sensory pathways, information is first processed in the
Thalamus before being relayed up to the Cerebral Cortex.
____10. The number 1 reason people take medication is for the treatment of pain.
____11. Rod photoreceptors are specifically associated with color vision.
____12. Rod photoreceptors permit us to see in dim light.
____13. Noxiceptors are normally stimulated by chemicals released from injured tissue
____14. The cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in ganglia outside the CNS.
____15. Each sensory neuron responds primarily to 1 particular type of stimulus.
____16. Muscle spindles are important in the anti-gravity stretch reflexes.
____17. The semicircular canals of the vestibular apparatus provide information about
rotational acceleration & deacceleration in space.
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____18. All optic nerve fibers cross at the optic chiasm to the opposite side of the brain.
____19. Rod & cone photoreceptors synapse (onto 2nd order neurons) in the retina.
____20. Sensory information about odors is directly sent to the Cerebral Cortex.
____21. Sensory information from each area of the body is sent to a specific location
in the Primary Sensory Area.
____22. Activation of neurons in the Primary Visual Area of the Cerebral Cortex always
produces the sensation of light.
____23. Activation of neurons in the Primary Auditory Area of the Cerebral Cortex
always produces the sensation of sound.
____24. All sensory neurons adapt to a constant, maintained stimulus.
____25. The auditory receptors in the cochlea actually respond to mechanical
____26. Adaptation in noxiceptors results in a decreased perception to painful stimuli.
____27. Adaptation in olfactory receptors results in a decreased perception to odors.
Multiple Choice
____28. The pigmented muscle that surrounds the pupil of the eye is called the:
(a) cornea
(b) iris
(c) pigment epithelium
(d) retina
(e) choroid plexus
____29. Which one of the following is a visceral sensory neuron?
(a) photoreceptor
(b) olfactory receptor
(c) muscle stretch receptor
(d) baroreceptor
(e) touch & pressure mechanoreceptor
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____30. Visceral sensory neurons are also called:
(a) exteroceptors
(b) interoceptors
(c) proprioceptors
(d) noxiceptors
(e) hair cells
____31. In sensory pathways, most 3° (3rd order) neurons originate in the:
(a) Dorsal (Posterior) Root Ganglion
(b) Cerebral cortex
(c) Spinal cord
(d) Thalamus
(e) Hypothalamus
____32. All of the following structures possess sensory hair cells EXCEPT:
(a) muscle stretch receptors
(b) utricle
(c) semicircular canals
(d) cochlea
(e) saccule
____33. The perception of sound originates in the:
(a) parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex
(b) Midbrain
(c) temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex
(d) Thalamus
(e) Cochlea
____34. In hearing, high-pitched sounds are discriminated from low-pitched sounds
(a) low-pitched sounds produce stronger vibrations on the eardrum
(b) high-pitched sounds produce larger action potentials
(c) low-pitched sounds vibrate the middle ear bones more
(d) low-pitched sounds cause bending of the hair cells at the
far end of the cochlea, while high-pitched sounds cause
bending at the near end
(e) low-pitched sounds vibrate the fluid in the cochlea, while highpitched sounds vibrate the fluid in the vestibular apparatus
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____35. Which one of the following types of sensory neurons does NOT show sensory
(a) olfactory receptors
(b) noxiceptors
(c) taste buds
(d) touch & pressure receptors
(e) thermoreceptors
____36. When impulses that originate from visceral organs are sensed as coming from
the body surface, this is called:
(a) sensory adaptation
(b) referred sensations
(c) phantom sensations
(d) anesthesia
(e) reticular activation
____37. The primary function of the utricle and saccule is to:
(a) transduce sound waves into action potentials
(b) detect the position of the head in space relative to gravity
(c) detect changes in rotational acceleration or deacceleration in space
(d) produce endolymph fluid for the cochlea
(e) detect the presence of noxious stimuli
____38. The perception of touch originates in the:
(a) parietal lobe of the Cerebral cortex
(b) frontal lobe of the Cerebral cortex
(c) temporal lobe of the Cerebral cortex
(d) occipital lobe of the Cerebral cortex
(e) Thalamus
____39. Phantom pain:
(a) results when visceral pain is perceived as somatic pain
(b) results when a sensation is perceived as originating in an
amputated limb
(c) results after a sensation is lost from a limb ("goes to sleep")
(d) a dull throbbing pain takes the place of a sharp, localized pain
(e) caused by "pulsations" in cerebral blood vessels
____40. Which sensory neurons detect changes in the position of a skeletal muscle?
(a) baroreceptors
(b) proprioceptors
(c) Merkel's discs
(d) osmoreceptors
(e) hair cells of utricle
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____41. Arrange the following structures in the correct sequence that occurs during the
transduction of light into the sensation of seeing:
(1) optic nerve
(2) cornea
(3) thalamus
(4) photoreceptors
(5) visual cortex
(6) lens
The correct sequence should read:
(a) 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5
(b) 2, 6, 1, 4, 3, 5
(c) 2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5
(d) 2, 6, 4, 1, 5, 3
(e) 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5
(ab) 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5
(ac) 6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 3
(ad) 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5
(ae) 6, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3
____42. Arrange the following structures in the correct sequence that occurs during the
transduction of sound into the sensation of hearing:
(1) vestibulocochlear nerve
(2) cochlear fluid
(3) thalamus
(4) sensory neurons
(5) tympanic membrane
(6) auditory center
(7) middle ear bones
The correct sequence should read:
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
(b) 1, 2, 5, 4, 7, 3, 6
(c) 1, 4, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6
(d) 5, 2, 7, 4, 1, 3, 6
(e) 5, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6
(ab) 5, 7, 2, 4, 1, 3, 6
(ac) 5, 7, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6
(ad) 7, 5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 6
(ae) 7, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 , 6
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____43. Proprioceptors are located in all of the following structures EXCEPT:
(a) muscles
(b) mucous membranes
(c) joints
(d) tendons
____44. The postcentral gyrus of the Parietal Lobe is the location of the:
(a) Primary Somatosensory Area
(b) Primary Motor Area
(c) Primary Auditory Area
(d) Langual Comprehension Area
(e) Respiratory Reflex Center
____45. The Primary Visual Area of the Cerebral Cortex is located in the:
(a) Frontal Lobe
(b) Temporal Lobe
(c) Parietal Lobe
(d) Occipital Lobe
(e) Limbic System
____46. All of the following would be sensed by mechanoreceptors EXCEPT:
(a) hearing
(b) pressure
(c) touch
(d) vibration
(e) light
____47. Usually, in sensory pathways, the 2° (second-order) neurons conduct Action
Potentials from:
(a) the PNS to the CNS
(b) the spinal cord to the brain stem
(c) the spinal cord & brain stem to the thalamus
(d) the thalamus to the postcentral gyrus of the Cerebral Cortex
(e) upper motorn neurons to lower motorneurons
____48. In sensory pathways, the 3° (third-order) neurons in the Dorsal (Posterior)
White Column-Medial Lemniscus Pathway extend from the:
(a) skin to dorsal (posterior) root ganglia
(b) dorsal (posterior) root ganglia to the dorsal (posterior gray horn
(c) spinal cord to the medulla oblongata
(d) medulla oblongata to the Thalamus
(e) Thalamus to the somatosensory area of the Cerebral Cortex
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____49. The Medial Lemniscus is a projection tract of 2° (second-order) neurons
extending from the:
(a) dorsal (posterior) root ganglia to the Medulla oblongata
(b) proprioceptors to the ventral (anterior) gray horns of the spinal cord
(c) Thalamus to the postcentral gyrus of the Cerebral Cortex
(d) Upper Motorneurons to the Lower Motorneurons
(e) Medulla to the Thalamus
____50. During a maintained, constant stimulus, sensory neurons often exhibit a
decrease in the Receptor ("Generator") Potential response. This is called:
(a) adaptation
(b) transduction
(c) propagation
(d) perception
(e) integration
____51. Sensory neurons located in muscles, tendons, joints and the Vestibular
Apparatus are called:
(a) exteroceptors
(b) interoceptors
(c) proprioceptors
(d) chemoreceptors
(e) photoreceptors
____52. The neurons of the retina are nourished by blood vessels in the:
(a) choroid
(b) iris
(c) sclera
(d) cornea
(e) pupil
____53. The "blind spot" of the retina is the location where:
(a) only cone photoreceptors are present
(b) only rod photoreceptors are present
(c) the optic nerve leaves the eye
(d) rays of light can not be focused
(e) is where nerve fibers from the eye synapse
____54. Cone photoreceptors:
(a) are located primarily in the fovea centralis of the Retina
(b) all respond to the same wavelengths (colors) of light
(c) allow us to see in dim light
(d) are found in equal numbers throughout the Retina
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____55. At the optic chiasm:
(a) the optic nerve leaves the eye
(b) nerve fibers from the eyes decussate
(c) is where nerve fibers from the eyes synapse
(d) only cone photoreceptors are present
(e) rays of light can not be focused
___56. The Cochlea & Vestibular Apparatus are located in the:
(a) "external" ear
(b) "middle" ear
(c) "inner" ear
(d) lateral ventricles of the brain
(e) corpus callosum
____57. The middle ear is normally filled with:
(a) air
(b) blood
(c) endolymph
(d) perilymph
(e) cerumen (wax)
____58. The 1° (first-order) sensory neurons from the Cochlea synapse in the:
(a) Thalamus
(b) Temporal Lobe of the Cerebral Cortex
(c) Cochlear Nucleus of the Medulla oblongata
(d) optic chiasma
(e) (inferior colliculi of the corpora quadrigemina of the) Midbrain
____59. In the Auditory Pathway, the 2° (second-order) neurons go from the
____________ to ____________ .
(a) Thalamus -- Temporal Lobe of the Cerebral Cortex
(b) Cochlear Nucleus of the Medulla oblongata -- Thalamus
(c) Cochlea -- Cochlear Nucleus of the Medulla oblongata
(d) Cochlea -- inferior colliculi of the corpora quadrigemina of the Midbrain
(e) Thalamus -- Cochlear Nucleus of the Medulla oblongata
____60. The hole in the center of the Iris is called the:
(a) pupil
(b) cornea
(c) retina
(d) sclera
(e) canal of Schlemm
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____61. In the eye, which one of the following structures is actually a muscle?
(a) cornea
(b) iris
(c) retina
(d) lens
(e) pupil
____62. A cataract is associated with which one of the following structures?
(a) cornea
(b) iris
(c) retina
(d) lens
(e) pupil
____63. The photoreceptors are located in the _______ of the eye.
(a) cornea
(b) iris
(c) retina
(d) pupil
(e) optic nerve
____64. Pain sensory neurons (noxiceptors) release _______ onto interneurons.
(a) substance P
(b) nitric oxide
(c) endorphin
(d) serotonin
(e) acetylcholine
____65. Which order correctly describes how the rays of light pass through the eyes?
(a) cornea  pupil  lens  retina
(b) cornea  lens  iris  retina
(c) cornea  iris  lens  retina
(d) retina  pupil  lens  cornea
(e) retina  iris  lens  cornea
(ab) retina  pupil  lens  optic nerve
(ac) iris cornea  lens  optic nerve
(ad) iris  cornea  lens  retina
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____66. Which one of the following is a chemical that absorbs light in the rod
(a) amylase
(b) pyruvate
(c) albumin
(d) rhodopsin
(e) chlorophyll
___67. The hard, transparent membrane covering the surface of the eyeball is called
(a) pupil
(b) cornea
(c) retina
(d) iris
(e) optic disk
____68. Light travels at a speed of ______ miles/sec.
(a) 18.6
(b) 186
(c) 1,860
(d) 18,600
(e) 186,000
(ab) 186,000,000
____69. What center is located in the Temporal lobe of the Cerebral cortex?
(a) Primary Visual Area
(b) Primary Auditory Area
(c) Primary Sensory Area
(d) Primary Motor Area
(e) Primary Speech Center
____70. All of the following are forms of Electro-magnetic (E-M) Radiation EXCEPT:
(a) light
(b) X-rays
(c) electricity in a wire
(d) radiowaves
(e) sound
Physiology Study Guide 12: Sensory Physiology
____71. Stimuli from the visceral organs are detected by:
(a) proprioceptors
(b) photoreceptors
(c) somatic noxiceptors
(d) olfactory receptors
(e) interoceptors
____72. Information about spatial position & movement of the body is provided by the:
(a) interoceptors
(b) exteroceptors
(c) noxiceptors
(d) olfactory receptors
(e) proprioceptors
____73. Which one of the following is a somatic sensory neuron?
(a) proprioceptor
(b) osmoreceptor
(c) baroreceptor
(d) O2 receptor
(e) visceral noxiceptor
____74. Which type of stimulus does NOT appear to excite any sensory neurons in the
(a) H+
(b) pressure
(c) ultraviolet light
(d) heat
(e) sound vibrations
____75. Which type of nerve fibers are associated with the retina of the eye?
(a) parasympathetic postganglionic motorneurons
(b) sympathetic preganglionic motorneurons
(c) somatic motorneurons
(d) photoreceptors
(e) proprioceptors
____76. Which one of the following is NOT a chemoreceptor?
(a) olfactory receptor
(b) taste bud (gustatory receptor)
(c) O2 receptor
(d) baroreceptor
(e) noxiceptor
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