Cell Book Project - jguajardobiology

Cell Internet Project
The cell will be a combined science and technology project. The
cell project will be assigned as the assessment for the cell unit.
It will count as a test.
•To demonstrate an understanding of the basic parts of cells and their
•To demonstrate an understanding of the cell cycle.
•To demonstrate an understanding why cells are differentiated.
•To show basic word processing and internet searching skills.
Each cell slide must include a cover with a title and artwork.
Table of Contents:
The table of contents should include the following items in the order
listed below. Be sure to include page #s.
I. Introduction
II. Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic cells
III.Generalized drawing of plant and animal cells
IV.Description of all cell organelles
a. Cell Membrane
b. Cytoplasm
c. Mitochondrion
d. Nucleus
e. Vacuole (plant only)
f. Lysosome
g. Endoplasmic Reticulum
h. Golgi Body
i. Ribosome
j. Chloroplast (plant only)
k. Cell Wall (plant only)
V. Comparison of animal cells and plant cells
VI. Cells’ processes for storing and releasing energy
a.Cellular Respiration
VII. The Cell Cycle
VIII. Conclusion
IX. Bibliography
What belongs in each section:
I. Introduction:
The introduction should include at least 1 paragraphs to introduce the
book. The paragraph should be a basic paragraph about cells.
II. Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic cells
In this report, we will emphasize eukaryotic cells (plant and animal).
Describe eukaroytic cells and prokaryotic cells. How are they different?
Include simple drawings of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that
demonstrate their differences.
III. Generalized Drawings of Plant & Animals Cells:
Your internet cell should include generalized drawings of plant cells and
animals cells with all the organelles labeled. Be sure to include cell walls
and chloroplasts ONLY in the plant cell.
IV. Cell Organelles:
The function of all the following organelles should be explained. A table
should be made to indicate whether the organelle is found in animal
cells, plant cells, or both.
V. Comparison of Plant and Animal Cells:
Explain why certain organelles are found only in certain types of cells.
Also, explain why the chloroplasts are found mostly in the leaves of the
plants and explain why they are less common in root and stem cells.
Explain what types of cells would have more mitochondria and why?
VI. Cells’ Processes for Storing and Releasing Energy:
Describe photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Compare and contrast
the two processes. How are the two processes related.
VII. The Cell Cycle:
Draw the steps of the cell cycle in both plants and animals. How are the
steps different in plants vs. animals.
VIII . Conclusion:
Compare the entire human body to a single cell. Explain how the
processes that take place in the cell are similar to the processes that
take place in the body, for example. Compare how cells and the whole
body produce energy, how waste is extracted, etc.
IX. Bibliography:
Bibliography must reference all pictures and articles used to do this
report. Bibliography must be in MLA format. Check link above for proper
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