21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 1 The 21st meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Happy ValleyGoose Bay was held on October 26, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. and called to order by Mayor Abbass. Present: Deputy Mayor George Andrews Councillor Shawn Crann Councillor Bill Mackey Councillor Arlene Michelin Councillor Brenda Way Town Manager Wyman Jacque Town Clerk Hayward Broomfield Director of Economic Development Karen Wheeler Recording Secretary Kathy Eddy Regrets: Mayor Leo Abbass (out of town) Councillor Lidija Chubbs (sickness in family) Deputy Mayor Andrews read the following Proclamations: DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH AND WORLD DIABETES DAY WHEREAS, Diabetes is a serious condition, and WHEREAS, more than 9 million Canadians live with diabetes or pre-diabetes, and WHEREAS, nearly one in four Canadians either has diabetes or pre-diabetes, and WHEREAS, more than 20 people are diagnosed with the disease every hour of every day, and WHEREAS, the cost of diabetes in Canada is approximately $12.2 billion and is expected to rise by another $4.7 billion by 2020, and WHEREAS, the Canadian Diabetes Association is focusing public attention on the need for funds to lead the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while working to find a cure. THEREFORE, I, George Andrews, Deputy Mayor of Happy Valley-Goose Bay do hereby proclaim the month of November 2010 as Diabetes Awareness Month and November 14th, 2010 as World Diabetes Day in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. I call upon all citizens to combat this disease and its life-threatening complications by familiarizing themselves with the diabetes warning signs, making healthy lifestyle choices and by accessing the best quality of care available to our citizens with diabetes. Dated at Happy Valley-Goose Bay, this 26th day of October, 2010. George Andrews For Mayor Leo Abbass 21st 1 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 2 21st 2 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 3 1. a) DELEGATION- Frank Russell Mr. Russell addressed Council on behalf of CLEAN regarding the Sewer Treatment Plant. b) DELEGATION- Clarice Rudkowski Ms. Rudkowski addressed Council regarding the status of the Sewer Treatment Plant. c) DELEGATION- Gerald Dyson Mr. Dyson addressed Council regarding the announcement of the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Project, the poor condition of some of the sidewalks in Town and the declining caribou herd. 2 ADOPTION OF AGENDA OF THE 21st MEETING It was moved by Councillor Mackey seconded by Councillor Michelin to adopt the agenda of the 21st meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Motion Carried unanimously. 3 ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF the 20th MEETING It was moved by Councillor Mackey seconded by Councillor Way to approve the adoption of the minutes of the 20th meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Motion Carried unanimously. 4 ACTION REPORT a) Councillor Mackey queried the status of 6 (11) of the 20th Minutes. Town Manager Wyman Jacque advised that the area has been monitored and no amount of excessive speeding was reported. Deputy Mayor Andrews asked that Constable Sampson provide Council with his report. b) Councillor Michelin queried the status of 6 (12) of the 20th Minutes. Town Manager Wyman Jacque advised that a November meeting will be set up. 21st 3 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 4 c) Deputy Mayor Andrews queried the status of 9 (13) of the 17th Minutes. Town Manager Wyman Jacque to set up a meeting. d) Deputy Mayor Andrews referred to 9 (10) of the 17th Minutes and commented that he would like to see this happen as scheduled. 5 CORRESPONDENCE There were 2 Incoming and 12 Outgoing letters in the Council Package. Deputy Mayor Andrews referred to Outgoing Correspondence letter #1 and the need for this in the local area. MUNICIPAL SERVICES COMMITTEE – Councillor Bill Mackey It was moved by Councillor Mackey seconded by Councillor Michelin to approve the Municipal Services Committee Report with item #2 and item #17 referred back to committee, item #4 to be voted on separately and item #6, #7, #8 and #11 to remove the words “and furthermore; not accept any more applications until the “Potential Water Protection Buffer Area” has been removed from the Town Plan.” Motion carried unanimously. 1. Land Application- Duane Dyson Application received from Duane Dyson for a parcel of land on Mud Lake Road to be used for a storage/ garage during poor ice conditions in the spring. Since then the Crown Land referral process took place and Municipal Affairs have denied the application due to non compliance with Town Regulations being that the storage garage not being a permitted use in the Season Recreation Zone. Therefore, Mr. Dyson is requesting permission for the cottage only. The area in question is zoned SR and cottages are discretionary uses. Committee recommends approval. 2. Land Application- Parrott Development Inc. Request received from Neil Parrott for Crown Land located behind his existing property on Hamilton River 21st 4 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 5 Road to be used for a weeping field and gazebo and to square up his property. Committee recommends to approve the application and inquire the purpose of the weeping field. 3. Land application- Northfield Builders Request received Northfield Builders for Crown Land located on Corte Real Road to be used for a warehouse. The area in question is zoned Rural and Light Industry are discretionary uses. A visit determined no issues. Committee recommends to approve the request subject to a) the request be advertised for public input and b) if and when the Town installs water and sewer services, he shall connect into these services within one year of installation. 4. Land Application-Reg Michelin Councillor Michelin left Council Chambers for this item and returned for the next item. Request received from Reg Michelin for Crown Land located on Markland Road to be used for a house. The area in question has been applied for in the past and has been denied because the proposed site forms part of the Town’s natural drainage system. Committee recommends to deny the request for the following reason; a) the parcel in question forms part of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay’s natural drainage system. For: Andrews, Crann, Mackey, Way. Motion carried. 5. Land Application- Hector Lethbridge Request received from Hector Lethbridge for Crown Land located at Groves Point to be used for a cottage. The area in question is zoned rural and cottages are discretionary uses. Committee recommends approval. 6. Land Application-Blaine Hodder Two requests have been received from Blaine Hodder for land on the Trans Labrador Highway which is located in the “Potential Water Protection Buffer Area” that Council has agreed to lift. The parcels in question have been applied for and are on hold for another applicant. Committee recommends to deny the request. 21st 5 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 6 7. Land Application-Brad Nippard Request received from Brad Nippard for land on the Trans Labrador Highway which is located in the “Potential Water Protection Area” that Council has agreed to lift. The parcels in question have been applied for and are on hold for another applicant. Committee recommends to deny the request. 8. Land Application-Yvonne Swain Request received from Yvonne Swain for Crown land located on the Trans Labrador Highway which is located in the “Potential Water Protection Area” that Council has agreed to lift. Committee recommends the application be kept on file until the “Potential Water Supply Protection Area” buffer has been removed from the Town Plan at which time the applicant will be notified and the application will be approved. 9. Land Application-Adrian White Request received from Adrian White for Crown Land on the Trans Labrador Highway which is located in within the “Potential Water Protection Buffer Area” that Council has agreed to lift. Committee recommends the application be kept on file until the “Potential Water Supply Protection Area” buffer has been removed from the Town Plan at which time the applicant will be notified and the application will be approved. 10. Land Application-Norma Knight Request received from Norma Knight for Crown Land on the Trans Labrador Highway which is located in within the “Potential Water Protection Buffer Area” that Council has agreed to lift. Committee recommends the application be kept on file until the “Potential Water Supply Protection Area” buffer has been removed from the Town Plan at which time the applicant will be notified and the application will be approved. 11. Land Application-Matthew Brown The Town has received Crown Land Applications from Matthew Brown for land in three different locations on the Trans Labrador Highway in which two parcels are located within the “Potential Water Protection Buffer Area” that Council has agreed to lift and the third parcel is located within the flight path. Parcels located in the 21st 6 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 7 buffer area have been applied for and are on hold for other applicants. Committee recommends to deny the request due to a) parcel 1 is located within the flight path and b) parcels 2 and 3 have been applied for and are on hold for other applicants. 12. Land Application-William Ivany Application received from William Ivany for Crown Land on the Trans Labrador Highway which is located in within the “Potential Water Protection Buffer Area” that Council has agreed to lift. Committee recommends the application be kept on file until the “Potential Water Supply Protection Area” buffer has been removed from the Town Plan at which time the applicant will be notified and the application will be approved. 13. Home based Business-Wade Lyall Request received from Wade Lyall to operate a Home Based Business at his residential property located at 45a Hamilton River Road. The applicant plans to operate a General Contracting business providing general contracting services to the general public. The area in question is zoned Residential Low Density and Home Based Businesses are discretionary uses. Committee recommends to approve the request subject to a) the request be advertised fro public input and b) the storage of materials is not permitted on site. 14. Home Based Business-Kim Michelin Request received from Kim Michelin to operate a temporary Home Based Business from her home at 88 Hamilton River Road. The business will offer bath and beauty products to the general public by means of call in or fax in orders fro pick up and delivery. Committee recommends approval on a temporary basis until new building is constructed of sales of bath and beauty products, but no tanning beds subject to a) the request be advertised for public input and b) this application is for the sale by phone and fax only. 15. Land Application-Darren Buckle Request received from Darren Buckle for Crown Land located on Hamilton River Road adjacent to the Pentecostal Church to be used for an 8 unit motel. The area is zoned Commercial and motels are permitted uses. Committee recommends approval conditioned upon a) all plans to be submitted and approved in 21st 7 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 8 compliance with the Town’s development regulations b) approval from Government Services for Fire, Life Safety and Accessibility and c) water /sewer connections into the Town’s main lines shall be made one year after installation. The Town reserves the right to back charge the land owner based on frontage and the cost associated with installing water and sewer services along the said properties. 16. Land Application-Sun Chow Request received from Sun Chow for Crown Land located on Hamilton River Road adjacent to the Tree Nursery to be used for a new Chinese restaurant. The area is zoned Commercial and restaurants are permitted uses. Committee recommends conditioned upon a) all plans to be submitted and approved in compliance with the Town’s development regulations b) approval from Government Services for Fire, Life Safety and Accessibility and c) water /sewer connections into the Town’s main lines shall be made one year after installation. The Town reserves the right to back charge the land owner based on frontage and the cost associated with installing water and sewer services along the said properties. 17. Request to Purchase Town Land Request received from Mealy Mountain Realty to purchase Town Land adjacent to their existing lot at 1 Laurier Loop to be used for snow clearing and construction of two additional apartments attached to their existing building. Committee recommends to contact the owner of the lot directly behind them. 18. Land on Churchill Street-Melville Native Housing Request received from Melville Native Housing regarding the legal transfer of land at 14 Churchill Street from the Town. In January 1993, the Town Council agreed to turn the land over to Melville Native Housing, however, the legal transfer was never done even though the property according to the Town Assessment Roll is in the name of Melville Native Housing. Committee recommends the Town transfer the property located at 14 Churchill Street to Melville Native Housing subject to a) all costs associated with the legal transfer are the sole responsibility of Melville Native Housing. 21st 8 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 9 19. Request-Colby Construction Request received from Colby Construction for permission to bring in from New Brunswick, 5 prefabricated mini homes to be located on Mitchell Street. The square footage on the mini homes are 1152sq ft and the minimum sq footage per regulations is 1291sq ft. After discussion with Colby’s, they have indicated that they will construct an addition to accommodate the sq footage. Committee recommends approval. 20. Land Application-Charlie Swain Request received from Charlie Swain for Crown Land on the Trans Labrador Highway to be used for a cottage. The area in question is outside the flight path and the “Potential Water Protection Buffer Area”. Committee recommends approval 21. 2010 Paving Project 22. Land Development-Pottle & Mitchell Street 23. Land Development-Phase Johnny Hill 24. Status of Protected Wetland at Deharving & Tooktoshina 25 Town Landfill Building 26. Asbestos Survey-Request for Proposal 27. Complaint regarding 44 Saunders Street 7 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE – Councillor Arlene Michelin It was moved by Councillor Michelin seconded by Councillor Mackey to approve the Parks and Recreation Committee Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 1. Parks and Recreation Committee Report Enclosed in Council Package is the Parks & Recreation Monthly Report for the period September 21- October 19, 2010. 21st 9 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 10 2. Meetings Enclosed in Council Package is a list of meetings attended during this reporting period. 3. Concerns-Minor Soccer 4. Upcoming Events -Hire Special Events Co-ordinator -Continue working on Policy -Hire Yoga Instructor for Senior’s Class -Community Awards, SnoBreak and Christmas Parade in planning stages -Budget Preparations Councillor Michelin advised that the application for the Special Events Coordinator was denied and they will be looking at other candidates. Councillor Michelin was happy to announce that the ice is down and line painting has started. The tender is out for the Fire Alarm System and everything will be ready for opening on November 1st. 8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Councillor Brenda Way COMMITTEE – It was moved by Councillor Way seconded by Councillor Michelin to approve the Economic Development Committee Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 1. Aerospace and Defense Meeting-St. John’s, NL Committee recommends that the Director of Economic Development attend the upcoming Aerospace and Defense Meeting in St. John’s, NL. 2. Take Charge of Your Town Challenge 3. Information Item- Nalcor Bank Stability and Fish Habitat Field Program 4. Information Item- Updates/Meetings 21st 10 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 11 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE – Deputy Mayor George Andrews It was moved by Councillor Way seconded by Councillor Michelin to approve the Finance and Administration Committee Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 1. Request- Labrador Creative Arts Festival Request received from the Labrador Creative Arts Festival for support as in previous years. Committee recommends approval. 2. Request-Account #110255 Request received from owner of Account #110255 to remove interest charges. Committee recommends to refer back to committee for further discussion. 3. Request-Diane Scales Request received from Diane Scales for a donation to aid in the cost of travel for her son Curtis to attend the Atlantic Challenge Cup in Moncton, NB. Committee recommends to donate $150.00 as per the Town’s Donation Policy. 4. Request-Canadian Cancer Society Request received from the Canadian Cancer Society for the 2010 contribution to Daffodil Place as indicated in the attached letter. 5. Request-Account #117871 Request received from owner of account #117871 to remove the Business Tax. Committee recommends to deny the request. 6. Valley Construction Committee recommends reimbursing the Bid Bond to Valley Construction. 7. Halloween Night Committee recommends Halloween Night be observed on Sunday, October 31st. 21st 11 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 12 8. Function with 5 Wing Goose Bay Committee recommends to host this event on November 18/10. 9. Meeting with Dan Noseworthy Committee recommends to arrange for early in the New Year. 10. Union Negotiations An update was given regarding Union Negotiations and the Pension Plan. 11. Ron Hunter, Environment Canada A letter was drafted to Ron Hunter giving an update on the Sewer Treatment Plant. 10. Environmental Assessment An update was given on the registration of the Sewer Treatment Plant. ADDITIONAL ITEMS It was moved by Councillor Way seconded by Councillor Mackey to approve the Audited Financial Statements for the year January 1 to December 31, 2009 as presented by Walters Hoffe. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Councillor Michelin seconded by Councillor Mackey to approve the following resolution: As a part of the on-going planning for the future of our community be it resolved that the Town of Happy ValleyGoose Bay agrees to submit a proposal to the Government of NL for the 2011/12 fiscal year. The proposal would request funding for the design and costs to construct a facility similar to the Labrador Training Centre located in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. The Recreational Facility would be constructed in accordance with the recommendations of the Labrador Regional Recreation Facilities Study dated April 2008 prepared for the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador. 21st 12 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 13 10. APROVAL OF CHEQUES It was moved by Councillor Way seconded by Councillor Mackey to approve the cheques in the amount of $99,219.49. Motion carried unanimously. CHEQUE # PAY TO THE ORDER OF CHEQUE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 10032 Bae-Newplan Group Limited 2,201.96 Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Project 10052 Mark’s Work Wearhouse 2,021.44 Employee Uniforms 10061 Nortrax 10146 A.L.P.A. Equipment Ltd. 1,591.37 Brake Pads/Seal Kit 10153 CBCL Limited 2,331.63 10155 Federation/Canadian Municipalities 1,269.22 Professional Services-Recreation Complex Membership Fee April 2011-March 2012 10157 Hamilton Systems & Sales Ltd. 7,985.56 Materials for lift stations 10160 J.J. Trucking Limited 4,294.00 10164 29,710.50 10170 Municipal Assessment Agency Pitney Bowes Boom Truck Rental/ Topsoil (R/M Dept.) Fourth Quarter Assessment Fees 3,972.68 Payment on Folding Machine Contract 10174 Scholastic Canada Ltd. 1,629.96 Summer Recreation Art Supplies 10175 Speedy Glass (Labrador) 2,468.95 10177 Toromont Cat 4,227.55 Tires/tire repair—Glass suction cups(arena) Swing Cylinder Kit/filters/piston 10178 Tosss Signs Inc. 760.51 10184 Penney Paving Ltd. 835.07 10180 800.88 10190 Valley Business Equipment Inc. Pitneyworks 1,218.58 Postage meter refill 10195 Multi-Materials 3,407.40 Household Hazardous Waste Event 10195a Sign 1st 4,000.00 Rink Advertisement Signage 10198 CBCL Limited 8,457.73 10201 Goose Bay Wholesalers Limited Goose Sales & Services 1,949.22 2,362.18 Upgrades to E.J. Broomfield Memorial Arena Janitorial supplies(arena)- Lavo 12(w/s dept.) Operating Supplies(arena/w/s dept.) 3,427.56 Maintenance to lift stations 10206 Hamilton Systems & Sales Ltd. Hilliers Trades Limited 4,436.39 Maintenance to lift stations 10213 Notre Dame Agencies 1,413.25 10215 Rockcliffe Construction Inc. 1,222.10 10219 Tosss Signs Inc. Maintenance to lift stations & landfill gate building Class A & Cement (Peacock/Perrault Playground) Signs-(confined space/occupational health & safety) 10202 10204 TOTAL 21st 13 542.40 681.40 Wear Plates Signs (caution & number signs for lift stations) Damage to driveway installing water line Copy Cost $ 99,219.49 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 14 11 COUNCILLORS FORUM a) Councillor Crann opened Councillor’s Forum stating that this will be a learning process for him and he is looking forward to working with Council. b) Councillor Way asked that a community calendar can be placed on the Town’s website. She advised that she attended MNL this past month and found it very informative. c) Councillor Michelin offered congratulations to the Trap Line Marathon for another successful run. Councillor Michelin said she visited the arena today and the upgrades are fantastic and the opening is still slated for November 1st. Councillor Michelin reminded everyone to be extra cautious while driving on Halloween night and that the RCMP will be patrolling the streets as well. Councillor Michelin reminded everyone of Guy Fawkes celebrations on November 5th behind Kinsmen Park. Councillor Michelin reminded everyone that the Special Olympic Pizza Party is Thursday evening at the Town Office. Councillor Michelin closed by asking Town Manager Wyman Jacque to see what is involved in getting voice mail for the phones in the office. d) Councillor Mackey reminded everyone of the 50 th Anniversary Celebration of the Fire Department on Saturday night. Councillor Mackey stated that he attended the Country Music Night at the O’Brien Auditorium and that the caliber of talent in this community is outstanding. He stated that there is going to be another performance to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Igor and encouraged all to attend. e) Deputy Mayor Andrews asked if we could present an appreciation plaque to the firefighters at the next Council meeting and possibly host a coffee break for them. Deputy Mayor Andrews expressed his concern with the terrible condition of the shoulders on Hamilton River Road and asked that the Department of Highways be contacted about repair. He also noted that there are 21st 14 Council Minutes October 26, 2010 21st Council Minutes October 26, 2010 15 really large potholes on Aspen Road that need to be repaired. Deputy Mayor Andrews inquired if the Town owns Kelland Drive Extension as there are no lights there and it is very dark on the road. Deputy Mayor Andrews asked that the upcoming events such as the Tree Lighting and the Santa Claus Parade be advertised on the web page. Deputy Mayor Andrews was pleased to see the pole in front of the Town Office being replaced. In closing, he asked if Constable Sampson could check to see that all street lights are illuminated for Halloween night and advise Hydro. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM. MAYOR LEO ABBASS TOWN CLERK HAYWARD BROOMFIELD 21st 15 Council Minutes October 26, 2010