Framework for Success 2013-2014 Core Content Areas K-5 READING MS READING WRITING Intervention/Prevention Catch-Up Strategy What is used to ensure best first teaching is aligned to the rigor of the standards? How do we pre-teach or reteach those on-level TEKS that students do not understand? Instructional Delivery: - CRMs - 5 components: PA, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension - Balanced Literacy - Genre Study (Inquiry based) - Independent Reading with accountability Resources: - Reading Readiness (K-1) - Text Talk - LETRS - Daily Five - 50 Strategies for Teaching ELLs - Words Their Way - Genre Study Books Instructional Delivery: Instructional Delivery: - Guided Reading - Reading Specialists - Reading Specialists - Tutorials - Tutorials - 800 Word Challenge Resources: Resources: - TPRI/Tejas Lee Intervention Kits - TPRI/Tejas Lee Intervention Kits - AIMS Web - AIMS Web - Istation (3-5) - Istation (3-5) - Triumphs (K-5) - Triumphs (K-5) - Tesoros - Voyagers - Early Reading Intervention for - Passports/Pasaporte (K-5) ELLs - Early Reading Intervention for - LETRS ELLs - Project Read - LETRS - Read Naturally - Project Read - SIPPS - Read Naturally - McMillan Tier 2 - SIPPS Instructional Delivery: - CRMs - Balanced Literacy - Genre Study (Inquiry based) - Independent Reading with accountability - Keys to Literacy - Literacy Across Content Areas Resources: - READ 180 Instructional Delivery: - Guided Reading - Keys to Literacy - Tutorials - Keys to Literacy Resources: - READ 180 - Portals (6-8) - Istation - The Key 3 Routine, Comprehension Strategies - Vocabulary Through Morphemes - Building Academic Vocabulary - 50 Strategies for Teaching ELLs - AIMS Web - LETRS Instructional Delivery: - Guided Reading - Keys to Literacy - 800-1200 Word Challenge - Tutorials - Processing Text Brochure 13-14 Resources: - READ 180 - Portals (6-8) - The Key 3 Routine, Comprehension Strategies - Vocabulary Through Morphemes - Building Academic Vocabulary - 50 Strategies for Teaching ELLs - AIMS Web - LETRS Instructional Delivery: - CRMs - Writing Process - Mini-Lessons w/ mentor texts Resources: - Interactive Grammar Notebook Instructional Delivery: - Guided Writing/ Teacher and student conferences - Writing camps - Warm Ups Instructional Delivery: - 800+ Word Challenge - Interactive Grammar Notebook Bold and red – Available for purchase Blue – Hyperlink for Access How do we catch-up students on those prerequisite skills that should have been learned in previous grade levels? (has some prerequisite skills) Bold, red and highlighted – Available for purchase at Media Center Framework for Success 2013-2014 Core Content Areas K-5 MATH Intervention/Prevention Catch-Up Strategy What is used to ensure best first teaching is aligned to the rigor of the standards? How do we pre-teach or reteach those on-level TEKS that students do not understand? How do we catch-up students on those prerequisite skills that should have been learned in previous grade levels? Instructional Delivery: - Problem of Day/Spiral problem solving - Core - Numerical Fluency - Guided Math - Summarize Learning - Campus wide problem-solving model Resources: Online - CRMs/Lesson Portfolios via SchoolNet - UT Dana Center Mathematics TEKS Toolkit (K-5) - Think Through Math by TEA - SuperSource by ETA - Exemplars - Region IV Performance Assessments (3-6) Print - Math Investigations by TERC - Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by Van de Walle - Hands On Standards by ETA - Box of Facts (Origo) - America Math - Lone Star Daily Rigor - Countdown to STAAR - Marcie Cook books (3-8 ) Instructional Delivery: - Pre-teach - Guided Math - Tutorials Resources: Online - Area 1 Computational Fluency Program Drop box - Area 2 Fluency Program Drop box - Think Through Math by TEA - TEMI Intervention Resources (K-2) - Aimsweb by Pearson - Illuminations – NCTM - Virtual Manipulatives - Equivalent Fractions by TEA - Facts & Patterns: Mult. & Div by TEA Print - Pre-teach lessons (3-4) - Engaging Mathematics (2-5) by Region IV - Region XIII 2nd Sense (2) - Region XIII 5th Sense (5) - Assessing Math Concepts (K-2) by Kathy Richardson - Developing Number Concepts, by Kathy Richardson (K-2) - Moving with Math (3-9) - Closing the Distance (3-5) by Region IV Instructional Delivery: - Small Group Resources: Online - Area 1 Computational Fluency Program Drop box - Area 2 Fluency Program Drop box Print - The Box of Facts (Origo) Bold and red – Available for purchase Blue – Hyperlink for Access Bold, red and highlighted – Available for purchase at Media Center Framework for Success 2013-2014 Core Content Areas MS MATH Intervention/Prevention Catch-Up Strategy What is used to ensure best first teaching is aligned to the rigor of the standards? How do we pre-teach or reteach those on-level TEKS that students do not understand? How do we catch-up students on those prerequisite skills that should have been learned in previous grade levels? Instructional Delivery: - Warm Up - CSI Spiral Review - Core - Small Group - Lesson Closure - Campus-wide problem-solving - Stenopads Resources: - Online - CRMs/Lesson Portfolios via SchoolNet - UT Dana Center Mathematics TEKS Toolkit (K-5) - Think Through Math by TEA - SuperSource by ETA - Exemplars Print - CSI (Constantly Spiraling Investigations) - Intervention Notebooks Tier 1 by AISD - Teaching Student Centered Mathematics by Van de Walle - Supporting STAAR Achievement by Region IV - Accelerated Curriculum for Mathematics by Region IV - Region IV Performance Assessments (3-6) - Connected Mathematics Project by MSU - Holt Textbook - Marcie Cook books (3-8 ) Instructional Delivery: - Pre-teach - Small Group Instruction - Tutorials Resources: - Online - Think Through Math by TEA - Aimsweb by Pearson - Illuminations – NCTM - Virtual Manipulatives - Equivalent Fractions by TEA - Facts & Patterns: Mult. & Div by TEA - Ratios and Rates by TEA - Proportionality by TEA Print - Engaging Mathematics (68) by Region IV - Region XIII 8th Sense (8) - Moving with Math modules (3-9) - Closing the Distance (6-8) by Region IV - Intervention Notebooks Tier 2 by AISD Resources: - Online o 6-8 Computational Fluency Plan - Intervention Notebooks Tier 3 by AISD Bold and red – Available for purchase Blue – Hyperlink for Access Bold, red and highlighted – Available for purchase at Media Center Framework for Success 2013-2014 Core Content Areas SCIENCE (5&8) SOCIAL STUDIES Intervention/Prevention Catch-Up Strategy What is used to ensure best first teaching is aligned to the rigor of the standards? How do we pre-teach or reteach those on-level TEKS that students do not understand? How do we catch-up students on those prerequisite skills that should have been learned in previous grade levels? Instructional Delivery: - CRM Exemplar Lessons (5E model) - Science Notebook (interactive) - Science Structured Cycle (5E model) - 8th Grade Curriculum Lessons w/ Student Guide - Literacy in science Resources: - STEM Scope (K-8) - 5th Grade Lesson Plans - 8th Grade Curriculum Binder/CD w/ Student Guide - Science Visual Flipbook Supplemental Aid (Media Ctr) - Science Interactive Bound Notebooks for CRM Lessons (5th & 8th) - SHRC Kits (K-5) - Pearson Readers (K-5) - Science Glossary (Media Ctr) Instructional Delivery: - Pre-teach lessons (5th) - Reteach lessons - Science camps - Warm Ups Resources: - STEM Scope (K-8) - Science Visual Flipbook Supplemental Aid (Media Ctr) - Inquiry Unit (5th) - Pre-teach lessons - Motivation Science (for purchase) - SciToGo Leveled Readers Instructional Delivery: - Process skills (explicit instruction) Resources: - Video series - STEM Scope (K-8) - Pearson Leveled Readers (K-5) - Science Glossary (Media Ctr) - Science Visual Flipbook Supplemental Aid (Media Ctr) - Inquiry Unit (5th) Instructional Delivery: - CRMs - Process Skills - Pacing Calendar and guides - Interactive Timeline - Document Based Questions using primary sources - Student inquiry and analysis - Reading and writing about history Resources: - Interactive Social Studies Notebook - Creating America teacher resource kit and supplemental materials - History Alive! teacher lesson plan guides - DBQ lessons through S.H.I.P.S., Region XIII - Reading Like a Historian - Ignite Learning - United Streaming & PBS Instructional Delivery: - Reteach concepts - Learning center - Social Studies centers - Warm Ups - Tutorials - Specialists - Pull-outs, push-ins - ELL reading strategies Resources: - Interactive Social Studies Notebook - Flash cards, concept puzzles, looping cards, Jeopardy - TEKS Power Booklet - Creating America Reading Study Guide (Spanish translation also available) Instructional Delivery: - Process skills notebook (explicit instruction) - Tutorials - Specialists Resources: - Video series - CD series - Creating America student consumable workbooks - Concept and Vocabulary flashcards Bold and red – Available for purchase Blue – Hyperlink for Access Bold, red and highlighted – Available for purchase at Media Center