Rockville Town Council

Rockville Town Council
Regular Meeting
March 11, 2015
Rockville Community Center
1. CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL – Mayor Tracy Dutson called the meeting to order at
6:00 p.m. The following members of the Rockville Town Council were present: Pam Leach,
Megan Honer-Orton, Terry Bell, and Bernie Harris.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dutson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
were no conflicts declared.
4. PUBLIC COMMENT – There were no public comments or questions.
FRANCIS – Luci Francis reported that the District hired a part-time Interim Fire Chief by the
name of Ashley Averett who will work for a period of six months. Chief Averett served as Chief
of the LaVerkin Fire Department from 2003 until 2008 and currently works part-time as a Fire
Captain. He has been part of the department since 1979. A new survey was completed by the
Insurance Services Organization (ISO) to determine the Public Protection Classification (PPC)
for the service area. The ISO staff evaluates the department’s fire suppression capabilities in four
major areas; emergency communication systems, the fire department itself, water supply, and
community risk reduction. The most recent study was conducted in 2008 at which time they were
given the current rating of 4/9, which is excellent. Ms. Francis stressed that the lower the rating
the better. The results of the current study can take up to nine months to receive.
Ms. Francis informed the Council that this month seven members of the crew will complete the
HazMat portion of the Fire Fighter I and II certification training that they began in September.
On Tuesday, April 21 in the Canyon Community Center in Springdale, the Zion National Park
Fire Education Specialist will make a presentation on defensible space. The time of the
presentation had yet to be determined but it would be sometime in the evening.
Ms. Francis reported that the District has accepted Hurricane Valley Fire’s offer to provide the
District with a comprehensive study. Hurricane Valley’s board will vote on the matter tonight.
In the event Hurricane Valley is no longer willing or able to do this, the District has been placed
on the Five County Association of Governments’ one-year priority list to have the opportunity to
apply for funding for a study. They were prioritized as number three under small projects.
Ms. Francis reported on incident statistics from February 11 through March 10. There were a
total of 11 calls received with two fire calls and nine EMS calls. Of the nine EMS calls, five were
transports. The next District Board Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, March 25 at
6:30 p.m. at the Town of Springdale, which was where all future meetings will be held.
Of the firefighters involved in the recent testing, five passed the written exam and four need to
retake the Fire Fighter II test. That was considered a good percentage for such a small group.
Two individuals could not continue due to conflicting work schedules. Ms. Francis stated that
there will be additional opportunities for them to make up the HazMat portion of the test.
Bernie commented that in the 1980s when he became chairman of the fire district and they
constructed the fire house and bought property, their ISO rating was 9. Once the fire house was
completed the rating dropped to 5. The cost savings on their homeowners’ insurance was
Rockville Town Council Meeting
March 11, 2015
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significant. He considered it a great financial benefit to the community to have a fire department
that is well staffed. Clerk Harris suggested that information be included in the annual standby fee
statements informing citizens of what is forthcoming. She was informed that not all insurance
companies keep track of ratings and may need to be made aware of them. Bernie estimated that
the improved ISO rating resulted in an average insurance savings of 32%. Ms. Francis hoped
they would be able to maintain their excellent rating. She noted that Hurricane’s rating went
from 5 to 7.
HATFIELD – The above matter was cancelled as there was no Planning Commission Meeting
held in March.
Resolution 15-0311-15 and nominated Bernie Harris to serve in this position. Megan HonerOrton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
CLERK – Bernie Harris MOVED to approve the monthly expenditures for February 2015.
Terry Bell SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
minutes were reviewed and modified.
Pam Leach MOVED to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2015, Town Council Regular
Meeting and the February 18, 2015, Special Meeting, as corrected. Bernie Harris SECONDED
the motion.
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March 11, 2015
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VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
10. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS – Terry updated the Council on the
ZC3 activities and stated that they recently held their Strategic Plan Meeting at the state level. A
plan for the corridor improvements for the kiosks and upgrades were expected to be in place
soon. He noted that Rockville is a low priority for placement of a kiosk.
Pam reported on the Historical Rockville Bridge Fundraising Committee donation efforts. The
committee secured the website domain name as “” and created a live
home page available for viewing. They also set up a PayPal account and updated the Town’s
website with a “donate” button. Approval was secured from Springdale’s Mayor to include
information on their town’s website about the bridge project. 29 of the 30 volunteers needed
were secured for the Zion Half Marathon. Rockville Bridge t-shirts will be available for sale at a
discount for volunteers. A space was secured at the finish line to sell Rockville memorabilia and
educate and collect donations for the bridge project. A flyer was created to be distributed starting
Easter weekend. A volunteer also agreed to assist with grant writing. A few grants were
identified to help with engineering studies, education, and outreach efforts. Donation jars were
created that will be placed at businesses throughout Springdale. A proposal was being worked on
for off-site donation collection and also a sign and donation box to be located at the bridge.
Approval of the sign would be requested at the next Planning Commission Meeting. Other
fundraising efforts were discussed. Pam expressed appreciation to Joyce Hartless, who is heading
up the committee, and each of those serving on the committee.
In response to a question raised by Mayor Dutson, it was determined that no one had yet reached
out to Susan Wood from the Utah League of Cities and Towns. He thought she would be a huge
help. The possibility of also contacting Dick Norse, a Saint George resident, former newscaster,
and avid supporter of Southern Utah, was discussed. Other marketing efforts were discussed.
Billboard issues were discussed. Terry stated that a bill was put forward this legislative session
that would allow billboards as long as they meet the setback requirements. He was not sure what
implications it will have in Rockville.
Megan reported that on Saturday, March 21 the Drill Team will perform at the St. Patrick’s Day
Parade (Spring Celebration). The lineup is at 1:30 p.m. to decorate vehicles and rehearse
routines. Megan requested the opportunity to rent the Rec Hall on April 24 for a flamenco dance
practice. An instructor is coming from Salt Lake City whose family is visiting Zion and wants to
give the two-hour class here. No damage would be done to the floor. There were no objections
from the Council. Megan stated that several residents asked her when the survey report will be
available. The Mayor recommended she direct the question to Sharon Hatfield.
Mayor Dutson presented a certificate from Rocky Mountain Power thanking the town for
supporting Blue Sky renewable energy in 2014. The Town’s support of 12,000 kwh of renewable
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March 11, 2015
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energy avoided the release of 14,609 pounds of carbon dioxide, which is equal to not driving a
car 15,763 miles.
The Mayor received a letter from UDOT providing notification of UDOT’s annual visit
scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in St. George. As
Mayor Dutson would be out of town he asked that another Council Member attend in his absence.
Terry and Bernie offered to attend. The meeting was to include a discussion and Q&A regarding
federal aid transportation funding programs of interest to local governments. Chris Potter was
identified as the Town’s contact with regard to the Joint Highway Commission. Mayor Dutson
also reported on a training scheduled for March 19 at 9:00 a.m.
Mayor Dutson reported that he received valuable information relative to the bridge from a recent
meeting with Chris Potter from UDOT the previous Tuesday. He and A.J. Yates met with Mr.
Potter to discuss where they are headed and what the Town has heard from UDOT over the past
year in connection with the Joint Highway Commission funds that have been set aside. He
discovered that the Town cannot advertise for construction until 2018 when the Town has all of
the money in the bank. $200,000 will be received in October 2015 for engineering. UDOT’s
solution is to construct a new bridge. The possibility of redirecting the money for rehabilitation
was discussed. The following day Mr. Potter met with the sub-committee which agreed to the
possibility of suggesting to the main committee that they reprogram the money for a
rehabilitation. The Town would have to provide a structural analysis, which is the Baker study.
They have $17,000 set aside that would need to be transferred into this year’s budget as soon as
possible to commence the study. It was noted that the main Joint Highway Commission meets in
September at which time the Town will present the data supporting the rehab. The SubCommittee indicated that they would want to see a 25-ton bridge with a 30-year lifespan as part
of a reasonable rehabilitation budget. The budget they sought for the rehab was $2.1 million.
Mayor Dutson expected the preliminary study to lay everything out.
At the next meeting a budget amendment would be needed. Bernie asked if asking Baker to do
this will be a conflict with their purchasing policy in terms of obtaining bids. Mayor Dutson
stated that Baker does a lot of UDOT work and at the last meeting he gave details of his meeting
with Baker. The federal level, which the Town would likely be held to, allows for anything less
than $150,000 on a qualification basis. It was noted that there is $17,000 set aside. It was
expected that as a result of fundraising events that number should increase to the required
$20,000. Terry suggested they shoot for more than a 30-year service life on the study. Mayor
Dutson agreed and stated that 30 years is the minimum.
The Mayor reported that he received an email from UDOT indicating that they will have an
opportunity to meet with the Joint Highway Commission in April in St. George. Even though the
Town will not have completed the analysis, the case could be presented.
Bernie thanked the Young Men’s group from the LDS Church that cleaned the irrigation ditches
on Main Street and stated that it saved the Town the cost of having inmates do it. He reported
that he attended the Washington County Waste Special Meeting on curbside recycling. The
Executive Board conducted a survey and graded both companies that submitted bids.
Negotiations were underway. A decision was expected to be made in 8 to 12 months. Bernie
stated that the binnies will remain until such time as the participation rate exceeds 70% at which
time they will be removed.
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March 11, 2015
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Bernie reported that a bid was received from Diamond C Asphalt to crack seal, recoat, and
restripe the parking lot. In 2012 the Town paid $3,600 just for crack sealing and restriping. The
bid for all three is $3,446.40.
Bernie reported that Dixie State University is doing a renovation at the O.C. Tanner Amphitheater
in Springdale for the education camp they are starting this year. There will be a number of
cushioned chairs that will go up for surplus and he asked if the Town was interested in acquiring
some. The Mayor thought the Town could use some chairs. With regard to speed limit signs,
Bernie stated that Barry had one put up near Horse Valley Wash. He was waiting for the fellow
from Trust to get the verbiage needed for warning signs at Crybaby Hill. He hoped to be able to
order all of the signs at the same time. He planned to change the speed limit going down Bridge
Road to 15 mph, across the bridge to 5 mph, 15 mph around the curve, and then back up to 25
11. STAFF REPORT AS NEEDED – Clerk Harris reported that the trust has a $1 million liability
dividend being divided among the municipalities. In July, the Town will receive its share, which
is $416.80. Clerk Harris reported that someone was hired to service the HVAC system in the
apartment and also research heating problems. Possible solutions were identified as dropping the
ceiling around the problem area, insulating it, and packing it. It was noted that the tenant has a
very high power bill, much of which was attributed to lack of insulation of the duct work. Mayor
Dutson recommended the Town address the issue and provide the tenant with a safe place to live.
12. ADJOURN – Bernie Harris MOVED to adjourn. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Teri Forbes, Owner
T Forbes Group
____Tracy Dutson_____________
Mayor Tracy Dutson