Social Studies 6 Mapping the Big Picture EQ: What role has geography played in the development of cultures? Targeted Skills Information Literacy Collect/Access Information make observations, record info in appropriate formats Enduring Understandings Cultural diversity in the Middle East contributes to unique relationships among nations. Geography influences the development of culture. Concepts Important to Know and Understand geography Broad Brush Knowledge population distribution, physical geography, political geography Multimedia Links Vocabulary patterns of populations, landlocked TEKS 6.4A: Locate various contemporary societies on maps & globes using latitude & longitude to determine absolute location. 6.4B: Identify & explain the geographic factors responsible for patterns of population in places & regions. 6.4D: Identify & locate major physical & human geographic feature such as landforms & water bodies of various places & regions. Learning Targets: I can locate past and present Middle Eastern societies and create a map locating landforms, countries, and bodies of water. Expert Information The Middle East is one of the major regions of the world. Its geography has impacted patterns of population throughout history. In many ways, ancient civilizations owed their lives to the river. The river provided the people with fertile soil, water for irrigation, and a means of transportation. The Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates Rivers played significant roles in the development of civilizations and continue to effect population distribution in the Middle East. The Middle East is unusual because this region really has countries in three different continents. Some of the Middle East is in Asia, some of it is in Africa, and some of it is in Europe. Some Middle Eastern countries are Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. There are many other countries in this region, too. Several great seas line the coasts of the Middle East. Most Middle Eastern countries have a coast on at least one of the four main bodies of water in the region. However, Afghanistan is landlocked (countries that are surrounded by land and have no access to a sea or ocean). Turn to the Middle East side of the desk map: 1. One of the world’s first civilizations developed around 4500 B.C., between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Find these two important rivers on the main map. a. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers meet in southern Iraq, not far from the Persian Gulf. Show which way they flow. Draw an arrow from the place where they meet to the northern end of the gulf. b. Trace both the Tigris and the Euphrates northwest into Turkey as far as you can. 2. The rich land between the rivers, called Mesopotamia, supported many ancient civilizations. Updated 06/20/10 1 What country is located in that region today? _______________________ Turn to the Africa side of the desk map. 3. Another of the world’s early civilizations developed in northern Egypt. As long ago as 2500 B.C., cities flourished along the Nile River. The starting place of a river is called its source. The mouth is the place where a river flows into another body of water. a. Locate the mouth of the Nile River in northern Egypt. Draw an arrow there to show which way the river flows. b. The White Nile begins at Lake Victoria. It flows to the northern end of Lake Albert, and then turns north to Khartoum. Trace the White Nile from its source to Khartoum. c. Trace the White Nile north from Khartoum, Sudan, to its mouth in northern Egypt. For questions 4 and 5 you will use maps on the right of the large map: 4. For thousand of years, rivers have been important to the people who live along their banks. a. With your finger (not your marker), trace the course of the Nile River on the population map. (located on the right of the desk map) b. Find Egypt’s population density. (use the key and write density in square miles) Along the Nile in Egypt_____________________________________ Away from the Nile in Egypt _________________________________ c. Explain why so many of Egypt’s people live near the Nile. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Throughout the ages, farmers have used these rivers to water their crops. a. Find the Nile, the Tigris, and the Euphrates on the land use map. (do not trace!) b. In Egypt, how is land along the Nile used? *use the key________________________ c. In Iraq, how is land along the Tigris & Euphrates used?________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Turn back to the Middle East side of the desk map. 6. On the main map, circle the names of the Middle East’s four main bodies of water. Check them off as you find them. Mediterranean Sea Persian Gulf Red Sea Arabian Sea 7. Find six Middle Eastern countries located along the Mediterranean Sea. One is an island. Underline all six names and write them here. (Do not include Greece or Libya.) Only include one country on the African continent. The rest are in Asia. ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Updated 06/20/10 2 8. Now find the seven Middle Eastern countries located along the Persian Gulf. One of these is an island. Underline their names. Check them off as you underline them. Kuwait United Arab Emirates Iraq Bahrain Iran Qatar Saudi Arabia 9. Next, find the three Middle Eastern countries along the Arabian Sea and its gulfs. They touch the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden. None exist in Africa. Underline their names. Write the names as you underline them. _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ 10. Three other seas can be found at the edges of the Middle East. a. Two main seas are along the coasts of Turkey. Underline them on the map and write their names. ____________________________ ________________________________ b. The third sea has a coast on Iran. Underline it on the map and name it here. ________ 11. Look on the far eastern portion of the map and find the country at 35 N, 65 E. What country is at this location? ______________________ What country is to the SOUTH of of it? _________________ 12. Think about the WORLD map and the different continents. What continent do you think is the continent where most of the Middle East is located? ________________ 13. Find Egypt on the map. Think about the WORLD map. What is the continent where Egypt is located? _____________________ Egypt is located on a different continent from some of the other countries of the Middle East. However, Egypt is still sometimes called a part of the REGION of the Middle East. 14. Find Turkey on the map. It is also considered a part of the region of the Middle East. However, it is on yet a third continent. Think about the WORLD map. What is the continent where Turkey is located? (Hint: It also contains countries like France, Spain, & Italy). ______________ 15. Much of the Middle East is located on two large peninsulas, large bodies of land nearly surrounded by water. Find them on the main map. a. The Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf surround the Arabian Peninsula. Trace its coastline. b. Name the largest country on this peninsula. ______________________________ 16. The other large peninsula of the Middle East is Anatolia. It is sometimes called Asia Minor (“small Asia”). The Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Seas surround Anatolia. Name the country located on Anatolia at 40N, 35 E. _____________________________________ Adapted from Nystrom’s Hands-On Geography Updated 06/20/10 3 Middle East Map Use the maps in the text atlas on pages A20-A23. Refer to your mapping rules and follow them closely. Neatness always counts on a map! Label the countries of the Middle East and color each one a different color. NEVER COLOR LAND BLUE! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Turkey Syria Israel Egypt Yemen United Arab Emirates Bahrain Iraq 9. Cyprus 10. Lebanon 11. Jordan 12. Saudi Arabia 13. Oman 14. Qatar 15. Kuwait 16. Iran Label the following bodies of water and color them blue: 1. Mediterranean Sea 2. Aegean Sea 3. Red Sea 4. Persian Gulf 5. Arabian Sea 6. Gulf of Oman Label: Asia, Africa, and Europe Updated 06/20/10 4 Updated 05/02/05 5