Oneida Middle Schools Date or Lesson Number: 3/25/14-3/31/14 Time: 11:40-12:30 Curriculum Area: 7th Science Unit of Study: Mineral Identification Standards and Objectives: GLE 0707.Inq.5 Communicate scientific understanding using descriptions, explanations, and models. GLE 0707.7.1 Describe the physical properties of minerals Intended Learning Outcome(s): To Know, To Value, To Do, To Create After the lesson students will be able to: 1) Identify seven ways to determine the identity of minerals. 2) Explain special properties of minerals Assessment Strategies: How will you assess the intended learning outcome(s)? * Observation Learning Log/Journal Presentation/Performance/Oral Reports Anecdotal Notes Self-assessment Interview/Conference * Work Samples Peer-assessment Checklist * Project Rubric Other (explain) Pre-Assessment: Students have been pre-assessed on their prior knowledge of what a mineral is. They will need to understand the four questions that must be asked to determine if an object is a mineral. Prior Knowledge Required: There is no prior knowledge for students to have for this lesson Materials/Preparation: Chapter 13 Starter Transparency Section 13-2 Power Point Presentation Brain Pop Video: Mineral Identification Section 13-2 Identifying Minerals Independent Practice Sheet Mineral Identification Lab Sheet Introduction: Hook (7-10 mins) Activating Chapter Starter Transparency. Students will learn about the value of minerals (specifically gemstones). engaging, motivating, experiencing, connecting with prior knowledge, reflecting, conjecturing Curriculum Correlations: Students will be required to use their listening and writing skills from Language Arts during the lesson’s presentation. Student Grouping: The instructional grouping arrangement throughout the lesson will be whole class and students are also seated heterogeneously. Students will be ability grouped during the lab of the Mineral Identification. Guided Learning Steps: Students will take notes throughout the course of the lesson from the power-point presentation. As we discuss mineral properties, students will look at various minerals and the properties that they possess. Once the lesson is over students will have a worksheet over the lesson’s content which will provided them with independent practice. Students will have to apply the content from the lesson to be successful in completing the worksheet. They will also have to use the information to correctly perform test on the minerals to identify them successfully.. Disclose: acquiring knowledge/skills, conceptualizing, developing, understanding Practice/Reinforce: Modeling, checking for understanding, guided practice, independent practice, applying, posing and solving problems Higher Order Questioning, Thinking, and Problem Solving: Students will have to use problem solving skills along with prior knowledge to successfully identify the minerals based upon the properties that each mineral has. They will use flow charts and clues to help identify the minerals correctly. Closure/Wrap Up: (Reflection, Summarizing, Connecting) The discussion of the names of the minerals will be the close or wrap up of the lesson. summing up, responding, creating, performing, committing, evaluating Modifications: How will you change the lesson to meet the needs of individual students? * Increase time, space, amount Scribe * Include visuals * Decrease * Oral explanation * Use manipulatives Change Peer/tutor Partner Extend Who will require modification? Personal Notes/Reminders/Homework/Other Considerations: Once the lesson is over students will be required to complete a worksheet over the lesson’s content to check for understanding of the lesson’s content. How will you provide academic feedback during this lesson? During the presentation of the lesson students will complete the assignment and receive feedback. During lab students will receive feedback on their progress. Post-lesson Reflections Ongoing Assessments: Students will use the knowledge obtained in this lesson to understand how the properties of the minerals help in identification of the mineral. How will students provide academic feedback to each other during this lesson? During the lab stations students will provide feedback to one another to progress through the lab.