Chapter 2: Environmental Law, Economic and Ethics Old-growth Forest Endangered Species Act Northwest Forest Plan Why did environmental groups sue the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management and what allowed them to win the case? Frontier Attitude How long did it take the loggers to deforest an area the size of Europe? Henry David Thoreau What was the intent of the American Forestry Association? General Revision Act (1891) What was the response of Theodore Roosevelt to the congressmen who sough to rescind the president’s power to establish forest reserves? Utilitarian Conservationist What was Pinchot’s view on forest management? How are forests managed today? What was the world’s first national park and when was it established? Yosemite National Park Bill (1890) Biocentric Preservationist What is the Sierra Club and who was its founder? Antiquities Act (1906) Who managed the national parks and monuments in 1916? Who manages them today? When was the National Park Service created and for what purpose? Civilian Conservation Corps American Dust Bowl (1930) What were the taxes on sporting weapons and ammunition used for? Rachel Carson (1907-1964) What effect did the book Silent Springs have on the public? The Population Bomb (include name of author) Environmentalist Earth Day 1970 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) – 1970 Environmental Impacts Statements (EIS) Council on Environmental Quality What does the Federally owned holding include? What are some of the critiques made against EISs? What occurs after an environmental problem becomes widely recognized? Full-cost Accounting What must happen from the time a legislation is passed and signed to the time that it is implemented? Office of Management and budget (OMB) List five laws passed by Congress since Earth Day 1970. (include dates) Citizen Suits What was the “loophole” in the Clean Air Act of 1977? List three examples which show the success of pollution-control efforts. Economics How does an economist view the world? What determines the price of goods in a free market? Economic Expansion Recession On what aspect of the natural environment does the economist depend? Source Sink Natural Capital Resource Degradation Pollution National income accounts What are the two measures used in national income accounting? Why is the current national income accounting practice misleading? What do the measures above provide? Net Domestic Product (NDP) Who pays for all the cost of producing a product? External Cost Does the buyer or seller bear the external cost? Why or why not? According to economists, what is one of the root causes of the world’s pollution problem? What is the basis question asked by economists in assigning a proper price to pollution? What are the two extremes used in accessing the cost of pollution? Marginal Cost (Give two examples) What are the 2 kinds of marginal cost that must be balanced so that we have a quality environment with the needed goods? Marginal cost of pollution What does the graph in Figure 2.11 show? Marginal cost of pollution abatement Why does the curve showing the marginal cost of pollution abatement slope downwards? Cost-benefit diagram Optimum amount of pollution What happens if pollution exceeds the optimal amount of pollution? What happens if pollution is less than the optimal amount of pollution? What would economist say if the above were the case? What are the two major flaws in the economist’s concept of optimum pollution? What are two ways that governments control pollution? Command and control regulations Incentive-based regulations Emission Charge European countries have restructured taxes to take into account environmentally destructive practices. What were some of the benefits seen in Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands? In general, is paying taxes on pollution a successful practice? Explain Market waste-discharge permits