AP Pysch 8th ed. Chapter 6:Perception Part 1 While you read chapter 7, take notes for the following questions. 1. Describe how the process of perception is directed and limited by selective attention. Inattentional Blindness Change blindness Change deafness Choice blindness 2. Explain how illusions help us to understand some of the ways we organize stimuli into meaningful perceptions. Visual capture 3. Discuss Gestalt psychology’s contribution to our understanding of perception. Gestalt Name: ___________________ 4. Explain the figureground relationship and identify principles of perceptual grouping to form perception. Figure Ground Gestalt principles of grouping 5. Discuss research on depth perception involving the use of the visual cliff. depth perception visual cliff 6. Describe the use of binocular cues and explain how they help the brain to compute distance. BINOCULAR CUES: Retinal disparity Convergence 7. Explain how monocular cues differ from binocular cues. Describe several monocular cues for perceiving depth. MONOCULAR CUES: Relative size Interposition Relative clarity Texture gradient Relative height Relative motion Linear perspective Relative brightness Psychology 12/AP Chapter 6:Perception Part 2 While you read chapter 7, take notes for the following questions. 1. State the basic assumptions we make in our perception of movement and explain how these perceptions can be misleading. Stroboscopic movement Phi phenomenon 2. Explain the importance of perceptual constancy show how they operate in visual illusions. Perceptual constancy Name: ___________________ 3. Describe the shape and size constancies and explain how our expectations about perceived size and distance contribute so some visual illusions. Shape constancy Size constancy Moon illusion Muller-Lyer illusion Distorted room illusion 4. Discuss lightness constancy and its similarity to color constancy. 5. Describe the contribution of restoredvision and sensory deprivation research in our understanding of the nature-nurture interplay and in our perceptions. Emanuel Kant John Locke Critical period 6. Explain what the use of distorting goggles indicates regarding the adaptability of perception. 7. Define perceptual set and explain how it influences what we do and do not perceive. Perceptual set Schemas 8. Explain why the same stimulus can evoke different perceptions in different contexts. 9. Describe the role human factors psychologists play in creating user-friendly machines and work settings. Human factors psychologists 10. Identify the three most testable forms of ESP. Telepathy Clairvoyance Precognition 11. State the claims of ESP and explain why most research psychologists remain skeptical. Parapsychologists Extrasensory perception (ESP) Ganzfeld procedure