NOM:_________________________________ Class: _________________________________ Fr 2, Unit 5: Grammar Packet Keep this in your notebook and use it to take notes on grammar. Pg 274: Le verbe COURIR COURIR: _____________ Past Participle: __________________ je _______________ nous _________________ tu _______________ vous (f/g)_____________ il/elle_____________ ils/elles_______________ Examples: I run each Wednesday______________________________________________________ He runs Paris. ____________________________________________________________ We ran last night. _________________________________________________________ Pg 287: Le verbe CROIRE The verb __________ translates as ___________ or ____________. When using the verb __________ in a sentence, you usually follow it by _________ or “that.” CROIRE: _____________ Past Participle: __________________ je _______________ nous _________________ tu _______________ vous (f/g)_____________ il/elle_____________ ils/elles_______________ Examples: I believe that it is rainingJe ___________________qu’ il pleut He believes that you are smart. il ___________________que tu es intelligent We believe it is a joke. nous _______________________que c’est une blague Write 5 Sentences of your own using CROIRE 1 Pg 292: L’usage de l’article avec les parties du corps In English, we use _________________________ to talk about body parts. For example, we say “my arm,” “his head,” “your finger,” etc… In French you generally ___________________ use possessive adjectives to talk about body parts. You simply use ___________________________ : le, la, l’, les. So in essence, in French you say : “the arm,” “the head,” “the finger,” etc… EX: My hand is small. Le main est petit. What is in your hand? Qu’est-ce que tu as dans la main? Put the hat on your head. Mets le chapeau sur la tête. Pg 293: Les verbes réfléchis Reflexive Verbs are a special group of verbs. Usually the verbs are an action that is done to _______________ and NOT someone _______________. These verbs require a ____________________________ to describe the action. These are like DOP except that they have to _____________ the person. You can think of it as a “Direct Object Pronoun” that is acting like a _______________ reflecting back at the person There are 3 groups / types of reflexive verbs: 1. __________________ actions (pg 294 & 295), 2.____________________ expressions (pg 298 & 302) and 3. __________________ done with someone else (Fr 3). Some verbs are ________________ reflexive and some verbs can be turned into reflexive verbs. You can USUALLY know if a verb is reflexive when you look it up because it will have a ____ or ____ before the infinitive. EX: se laver, s’amuser, se promener, se sentir Today we are going to focus on two kinds of reflexive verbs : “HABITUAL action” reflexives. Describe __________ that the subject is doing on or for ____________ or ___________. Describe one’s _______________________. “IDIOMATIC” reflexives. Describe how one is __________________ or ____________________. However, idiomatic means: _________________________ so it’s hard to literally translate. 2 Using Reflexive Verbs : Reflexive Verbs are conjugated like all verbs except the ________________________ has to go in front of the conjugation to ______________ / ________________ the person. Below, is your list of reflexive pronouns. (__________) myself (__________) ourselves (__________) yourself (__________) ya’llselves / yourself (__________) him/herself (__________) themselves Practice Conjugating Reflexive Verbs in the PRESENT TENSE: se laver: _________________ Je ________________ Nous _________________ Tu _______________ Vous _________________ Il/Elle _____________ Ils/Elles _______________ EXAMPLE: I wake up at 6 am. Je me reveille à 6h du matin. We get up at 7 am. Nous nous lèvons à 7h du matin. PRACTICE: We wash up on Saturdays. Nous ____________________le samedi (se laver) I wake myself up at 8 am. je ____________________________à 8 h.(se lever) He gets himself dressed for school. il ____________________pour l’école (s’habiller) I am having fun. Je_________________________(s’amuser) They are shaving. Ils______________________________________(se raser) ***Notice that the pronoun __________________ the person talking. This is how we know that the action is NOT being done to _____________________ else. Write 3 Sentences of your own using Reflexive Verbs in the Present Tense 3 Irregular Reflexive Verbs : Le verbe S’ASSEOIR S’ASSEOIR: _____________ Past Participle: __________________ je _______________ nous _________________ tu _______________ vous (f/g)_____________ il/elle_____________ ils/elles_______________ Examples: I’m sitting on the coach_________________________________________________________ He is sitting on the table. _______________________________________________________ Sit down! ___________________________________________________________________ : Le verbe SE TAIRE SE TAIRE: _____________ Past Participle: __________________ je _______________ nous _________________ tu _______________ vous (f/g)_____________ il/elle_____________ ils/elles_______________ Examples: I’m quiet when I go to the movies________________________________________________ He quiets down while studying. ________________________________________________ Be quiet! __________________________________________________________________ Let’s be quiet! __________________________________________________________________ Write 5 Sentences of your own using the two new verbs 4 Les verbes réfléchis in Present and Future So far we’ve practiced with reflexive verbs in the ______________ tense. However, in different tenses, the placement changes. Where the _____________________ are placed depends on the ___________________ of the sentence. The ______________ varies with each tense. Present: Before the conjugated verb. me te se nous vous se conjugated verb (no infinitive) Il ______ regarde. Future Proche/Verb + Infinitive : Before the infinitive conjugated verb Il va ______ laver. ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ INFINITIVE Il veux ______ raser. EXAMPLES: I’m going to get up at 8 am. Je vais me lever à 8h. We’re going to get ready. Nous allons nous préparer. PRACTICE: I am going to have fun in the park. Je ___________________________au parc (s’amuser) You are going to go to bed. Tu ______________________________( se coucher) (Ya’ll) are goinfg to shave. vous______________________________________(se raser) 5 Pg 304: Le passé composé des verbes réfléchis To form the passé composé with reflexive verbs, you use the helping verb _________________ instead of _____________. Since you use ______________, the past participle agrees in ______________ and _________________. In the past, reflexive pronouns go in the same place as DOP, which is __________________, after the ____________________. However, we have to make sure that we change the reflexive pronoun to ____________ / ______________ the person. Passé Composé: Before the helping verb ETRE **Must use ETRE & make the past participle agree in gender and number** ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ ETRE + Past Participle (entire past phrase) E S ES Elle ______ est regardée Il ______’ est regardé Elle ______’ est rasée Il ______’ est rasé Conjugating Reflexive Verbs in the Passé Composé: se laver: _________________ Je ____________________________ Nous ___________________________ Tu ___________________________ Vous ___________________________ Il/Elle _________________________ Ils/Elles _________________________ EXAMPLE: I woke up at 6 am. Je me suis reveillée à 6h du matin. She got up at 7 am. Elle s’est levée à 7h du matin. He got up at 7 am. Il s’est levé à 7h du matin. PRACTICE: We had fun on Saturday. Nous _______________________________samedi (s’amuser) I sat down to eat. Je ____________________________________pour manger (s’asseoir) He hurried to school. __________________________________d’aller à l’ècole (se dépecher 6 The Pronoun Y Y means __________ A preposition of ____________ plus a __________ referring to a __________ or __________ can be replaced by the pronoun ______. Some prepositions of location that “Y” replaces are: - - The pronoun “y” follows the ________________________________ as the other ____________________________. The pronoun __________ comes before the _________ of which it is the object (that it makes SENSE with). If using ___ and ___ together, Y __________ comes __________. Réécrivez chaque phrases en utilisant « y. » 1. Elle travaille au MacDo. _____________________________________________ 2. Vous achetez du pain dans cette boulangerie? ____________________________ 3. Elle est à l’école. ___________________________________________________ 4. Les toilettes sont derrière les téléphones. ________________________________ 5. Je suis allé en France pour Noël! __________________________________________ Expressions de temps utiles : __________________ often __________________ sometimes __________________ from time to time __________________ occasionally 7 __________________ rarely __________________ almost never 8 The Pronoun EN Pronouns are parts of speech that REPLACE ___________. In English we can translate “en” to mean __________________________________________. 1) DE The pronoun “EN” can be used to replace _____( __________________ ) + a noun Examples - - Examples: •Je mange de la pizza. J’___ mange. •Vous voulez des frites? Vous ___ voulez? •Il prend du jambon. Il ___ prend. •Nous allons boire du coca. Nous allons ___ boire. •Vous aimez acheter des sandales. Vous aimez ____ acheter. 2) Number + Noun EN can also replace the noun in an expression of ______________ with numbers If you are replacing #s, ___________________________________________ in the sentence. •J’ai trois stylos. J’___ ai __________. •J’ai cinq cents gommes. J’___ ai ________________. •J’ai deux frères. J’___ ai __________. 3) Expressions of Quantity EN replaces the OBJECT (noun) in an expression of quantity _____________________________ + _______ + ______________ (noun) De will always be _________________ (NEVER du, de la, des). - Beaucoup de + - Une boîte de + 9 - Un peu de + Une tranche de + Une tasse de + Un verre de + - Avoir besoin de + - Avoir envie de + - Assez de + •J’ai beaucoup de pommes. J’_____ ai ___________________. •J’ai un peu de devoirs. J’_____ ai ___________________. •Tu as envie de raisins? Tu __________________________? Placement Pronouns ALWAYS go _____________________of the ___________________ verb. o EXCEPT! if there is _______________________________________, it goes in front of the verb __________________________. Nous allons boire du coca. (_______________________________________________.) → ________________________________. If using a negative expression such as ne…pas, the pronoun goes ______________ the negative expression. o EXCEPT! if there is more than one verb, it goes in front of the verb with which it is dealing AND the negative expression goes around the conjugated verb. Vous n’aimez pas acheter des sandales. (___________________________________.) → ________________________________. 10