REFLEXIVE VERBS Reflexive verbs are verbs that need a reflexive pronoun in addition to a subject pronoun, because the subject(s) performing the action of the verb are the same as the object(s) being acted upon. Examples: Nous nous habillons. We're getting dressed (dressing ourselves). Tu te douches. You're taking a shower (showering yourself). In French, you can recognize reflexive verbs by the se which precedes the infinitive. These reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the verb is performing the action upon himself, herself, or itself. Reflexive verbs mainly have to do with parts of the body, clothing, personal circumstance, or location. Here are some common reflexive verbs: s’appeler s’asseoir se baigner se brosser (les cheveux) se coiffer se coucher se dépêcher se doucher s’énerver se fâcher s’habiller to call oneself (be named) to sit down to bathe, swim to brush (one’s hair) to do one’s hair to go to bed to hurry to take a shower to get annoyed to get angry to get dressed se laver se lever se maquiller se moucher se peigner se promener se raser se regarder se reposer se réveiller se taire to wash oneself to get up to put on makeup to blow one’s nose to comb one’s hair to go for a walk to shave to look at oneself to rest to wake up to be quiet There are two steps in conjugating pronominal verbs. First, take the reflexive pronoun se, change it to agree with the subject of the verb (Je, tu, nous etc), and place it directly in front of the verb. Then, as with all verbs, conjugate the infinitive according to whether it's an -er, -ir, -re, or irregular verb. singular Subject je tu il elle on reflexive pronoun me (m’) te (t’) se (s’) se (s’) se (s’) example Je me lave Tu te douches Il s’appelle Elle se maquille On se dépêche English I wash myself You shower He calls himself (he is called) She puts on her makeup One hurries plural Reflexive verb pronouns: nous vous ils elles nous vous se (s’) se (s’) Nous nous levons Vous vous réveillez Ils se brossent les cheveux Elles s’énervent We get up You wake up They brush their hair They get annoyed 10. Exercise A: Fill in the verb in its correct form for each sentence. Remember to choose the correct pronoun each time. 1. Je me lève à sept heures. (se lever) 2. Ils se rasent avant de partir. (se raser) 3. Le petit garçon se couche après le diner. (se coucher) 4. Nous nous reposons pendant les vacances. (se reposer) 5. Tu te maquilles devant le miroir. (se maquiller) 6. Le prof se fâche quand les élèves sont méchants. (se fâcher) 7. Je me promène avec mon chien sur la plage. (se promener) 8. Le film s’appelle “Titanic”. (s’appeler) 9. On se mouche quand on a le nez qui coule. (se moucher) 10. Vous vous réveillez tôt le matin. (se réveiller) Exercise B : Translate the following sentences. 1. I get up and get dressed at quarter past six. Je me lève et je m’habille à six heures et quart. 2. My mum gets annoyed when she is tired. Ma mère s’énerve quand elle est fatiguée. 3. You (tu) get dressed in the morning before breakfast. Tu t’habilles le matin avant le petit déjeuner. 4. We go for a walk every Sunday afternoon. Nous nous promenons le dimanche après-midi. 5. Marie and Lucille hurry up to catch the bus. Marie et Lucille se dépêchent pour prendre le bus. 6. My brothers shave in the bathroom. Mes frères se rasent dans la salle de bains. 7. You (vous) go to bed very late on a Saturday night. Vous vous couchez très tard le samedi soir. The passé composé and reflexive verbs The verb “être” is always used as the auxiliary verb with reflexive verbs. As with TASMAN verbs, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the preceding direct object (which in the case of reflexive verbs is the same as the subject!) Some examples to remind you… I washed myself. (f) Je me suis lavée. Pierre got up. Pierre s’est levé. We had fun. (f) Nous nous sommes bien amusées. They got married. Ils se sont mariés. The girls fell asleep. Les filles se sont endormies. My mother approached the snake. Ma mère s’est approchée du serpent. We (m) got lost in the forest. Nous nous sommes perdus dans la forêt. Ma prof s’est fâchée. My teacher (f) got angry. NOTE: When the preceding pronoun is actually the indirect object then there is no agreeement. (This situation can be recognised because there will be a noun after the verb) Examples: Elle s’est brossé les dents. She brushed her teeth, not herself – no agreement Ils se sont lavé les mains. Marie s’est cassé la jambe. The washed their hands, not themselves – no agreement Marie broke her leg, not herself – no agreement Exercise: Translate the following sentences using the passé composé form of the verb in brackets – take care with agreements. 1. You (f,pl) got up early yesterday [se lever] Vous vous êtes levées tôt (de bonne heure) hier. 2. The boys got dressed before breakfast [s’habiller] Les garcons se sont habillés avant le petit déjeuner. 3. She went for a walk on the beach [se promener] Elle s’est promenée sur la plage. 4. Suzanne cut her finger [se couper] Suzanne s’est coupé le doigt. 5. The class got bored during the film [s’ennuyer] La classe s’est ennuyée pendant le film. 6. The group went swimming in the sea [se baigner] Le groupe s’est baigné dans la mer. 7. Corinne and Marilyn met last week [se rencontrer] Corinne et Marilyn se sont rencontrées la semaine dernière.