Commerce Lab - Practical Question Bank FACULTY OF COMMERCE, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.Com (All Streams) III Year W.E.F.2010-11 RETAIL MANAGEMENT Time: 60 Minutes Record : 10 Skill Test : 20 Total Marks : 30 1) Draw a chart showing the classification of retailing. 2) Prepare an exhibit with the details of global retailers, head quarters present in different countries. 3) Draw a diagram on Retail life cycle stages. 4) Show a diagram on buying decision process model. 5) Prepare a chart with the key forces in retail mix. 6) Prepare a one page report on franchise in retailing with living examples. 7) Sketch layout of model retail store with important departments. 8) Format on stores management of any major retail outlet. 9) Prepare an exhibit on eight stage model of retail buying process. 10) Present mini-case on local retail outlet. 11) Generate a mini-report on major functional areas in retail organization. 12) Prepare a chart on organizational structure of a major retail outlet. 13) List major interiors and exteriors in a major retail outlet with examples. 14) Draw a customer flow chart in a retail outlet with an entry to exit. 15) List out the formalities to be completed and permissions to be obtained to start a major retail outlet with check list. 16) Show a diagram on the elements of retail mix in the context of retail image. 17) Prepare a report on departmentation of a retail outlet to tune the customer flow. 18) List the issues while choosing a retail site with suitable examples. 19) Draw a retail store lat out environment with prominent elements which improves the stores image. 20) Prepare a mini (one page) report on key elements of retail image mix with the help of a case. 21) Draw a diagram showing the stages of planning a model retail communication. 22) Draft a report in columnar fashion on retail communication in a competitive environment. 23) List out the product range with price variations among two or more local retail outlets. 24) Prepare a chart with the details of products with discounts and offers. 25) Design an exhibit with the help of q chart on campaign management system. 26) Prepare a chart with the details of types of sales promotion. 27) Collect the specimen loyalty cards used in the retail outlets. 28) Draw a chart showing the retail selling process in the context of personal selling. 29) Collect the exhibits relating to everyday low pricing, 30) Prepare chart with the details of different steps involved retail communication system. 31) Prepare a bar diagram communication objectives and stages in consumers decision - making process. 32) Prepare an advertisement budget with hypothetical figures. 33) Collect the specimens of display items as a part of promotion strategy in retail business. 1 34) Present a mini-case with the details of ideal space management strategies in retail outlets. 35) Prepare a retail format with different fashion segments. 36) Design a spread sheet of a retail outlet with the details of products, prices and discounts. 37) Draw a chart of Retail IT system. 38) Develop a mini case on online shopping from retail outlet. 39) Draw a chart on data warehouse in the context retail management. 40) Bar coding in retail business with virtual collection of specimen with details of products and prices. 41) Sketch the electronic payment or scratching machine. 42) Prepare a small note on technology application in retail malls. 43) Show a chart on use of e-commerce in retailing in different countries. 44) Prepare a chart differentiating between transaction marketing and relationship marketing in the context of retail business. 45) Draw a chart on retail life cycle. 46) Prepare a chart on the business to customer interface of retail marketing function. 47) Develop a chart on information source prior to purchase in retail business. 48) Distinguish with the help of chart between 20th Century and 21st Century attitudes of consumers towards retail outlets. 49) Draw a diagram showing Push versus Pull Strategy of a retailer. 50) Prepare a summary of types of sales promotion in retail business. 51) Draw a relationship marketing ladder in practical business in general. 52) Develop a chart showing the details of customer database. 53) Show a specimen of retail selling process in any leading retail outlet. 54) Collect the print outs of internet-based advertisement s of selected retail establishments. ***** 2