The Great Gatsby Vocabulary List (Chapters 1-4) 1. complacency (k m-pl s n-s ) n. - A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction 2. reproach (r -pr ch ) tr.v. -To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone); to blame 3. supercilious (s p r-s l - s) adj. - Feeling or showing arrogant scorn; to consider as beneath one’s self 4. languid (l ng gw d) adj.- Lacking energy or vitality; weak; showing little or no spirit or animation; listless; lacking vigor or force; slow 5. proprietary (pr -pr -t r ) adj.- Exclusively owned; private 6. deft (d ft) adj. - Quick and skillful in movement 7. prodigal (pr d -g l) adj. - Rashly or wastefully extravagant; giving or given in abundance; lavish or profuse 8. haughty (hô t ) adj - Scornfully and condescendingly proud; demonstrating excessive pride 9. insolent ( n s -l nt) adj. - Presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; rude or disrespectful 10. jaunty (jôn t , jän -) adj - Having a buoyant or self-confident air; brisk; Crisp and dapper in appearance; stylish The Great Gatsby Vocabulary List (Chapters 5-9) 11. disconcert(ing) (d s k n-sûrt ) tr.v- To upset the self-possession of; ruffle; To frustrate (plans, for example) by throwing into disorder; disarrange 12. valor (v l r) n. - Courage and boldness, as in battle; bravery 13. nebulous (n b y -l s) adj. - Lacking definite form or limits; vague; Cloudy, misty, or hazy 14. laudable (lô d -b l) adj. - Deserving commendation; praiseworthy 15. meretricious (m r -tr sh s) adj. - Attracting attention in a vulgar manner; gaudy 16. ineffable ( n- f -b l) adj. - Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable; Not to be uttered; taboo 17. elusive ( -l s v, -z v) adj. - Difficult to define or describe; Tending to avoid being captured by: evade 18. vicarious (v -kâr - s, -k r -, v -) adj.- Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another; Endured or done by one person substituting for another: vicarious punishment 19. forlorn (f r-lôrn , fôr-) adj. -Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned; Wretched or pitiful in appearance or condition; deprived: forlorn of all hope 20. surmise (s r-m z ) v. -To infer (something) without sufficiently conclusive evidence.; guess