Office of Developmental Disabilities Stabilization and Crisis Unit Functional Assessment/Behavior Support Plan Client name: Revised: Date of plan: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: I. Client profile Individuals interviewed and/or consulted for the Assessment Plan: Revised: Date interview process is started: Use this date on RTRs, ect. Client identifying information: Psychosocial history: Review of dangerous behaviors: Below add sections and add the name and specific behaviors as needed. Name of behavior 1. Frequency: Context: Duration: Intensity/severity: Interferes with community or social participation Interferes with skill acquisition or other activities Name of behavior Threatens the safety of others or infringes on the rights of others Is a risk to the health or safety of self 2. Frequency: Context: Duration: Intensity/severity: Interferes with community or social participation Interferes with skill acquisition or other activities Threatens the safety of others or infringes on the rights of others Is a risk to the health or safety of self Contributing medical conditions that may have an impact on an individual’s behavior(s): . How the mental health diagnosis manifests in the individual: II. Client needs, preferences, relationships Needs: Policy #3.001 Attachments B & C FA/BSP Page 1 of 4 DHS 4588 Blended Plan (08/14) Preferences: Relationships: Expressive communication: Receptive communication: Communication in distress: III. Behavior definitions Behaviors to increase: Behavior to increase 1. Define: Data collection: Behavior to increase 2. Define: Data collection: Behaviors to decrease: Some have similar or the same “Triggers”: Used to support client in learning how to express his concerns in an appropriate manner. Elaborate in first reference similar “Triggers” and “Precursors.” Check box if different and explain. Setting events: Triggers: Precursors: Name of behavior 1. Definition: Trigger same first reference Trigger different, explain: Precursor same first reference Precursor different, explain: Setting event same first reference Setting event different, explain: Trigger same first reference Trigger different, explain: Precursor same first reference Precursor different, explain: Setting event same first reference Setting event different, explain: Data collection: Alteration criteria: Name of behavior 2. Definition: Data collection: Alteration criteria: IV. Behavior functions Behavior chains / response classes: Policy #3.001 Attachments B & C FA/BSP Page 2 of 4 DHS 4588 Blended Plan (08/14) Function of behavior(s): Functional alternatives to behavior(s): Incentive plan: Not applicable V. Proactive strategies Crowded community events (fairs) Restaurants Parks Stores Yard Laundry room Living / dining room Kitchen Bathroom Asleep: Bedroom Check if applicable Awake: Bedroom Supervision levels (general): Not allowed in room 3 - feet 10 - feet In the same room Visual contact at all times 15 – minute visual checks 30 – minute visual checks Hourly visual checks Check visual every 2 - hours Other: Supervision levels (other): Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Check if applicable Not allowed in room 3 - feet 10 - feet In the same room Visual contact at all times 15 – minute visual checks 30 – minute visual checks Hourly visual checks Check visual every 2 - hours Other: General staff interaction guidelines: Policy #3.001 Attachments B & C FA/BSP Page 3 of 4 DHS 4588 Blended Plan (08/14) Community access: Community restroom procedure: Outing requests: Other: VI. Reactive strategies General: Community: VII. Crisis strategies – BSP essential components 1) General: 2) Program approved PPI’s: 3) When to abort the PPI: PPI release criteria: VIII. Recovery strategies IX. Assessment summary of recommendations: X. Author: Policy #3.001 Attachments B & C FA/BSP Page 4 of 4 DHS 4588 Blended Plan (08/14)