Name Date Period ______ 2015 Spring Semester Exam Review

Name _________________________________________ Date ____________________ Period __________
2015 Spring Semester Exam Review: Early Modern Period to the
Contemporary Period
Time – 55 Minutes; 70 Questions
Directions: Attached you will find your semester exam review. Students who complete
EVERY single question with a legitimate response will earn 10 points on their
semester exam grade. Students who skip questions will receive no credit; this is an
all or nothing opportunity! Test corrections will not be offered for the semester
exam, so it is essential that you do the review and study for your exam.
Your completed review must be turned in on the day of your semester exam, not a
day later in order to earn the bonus points.
Your exam is on _______________________, which is the day your review is due!
Unit III: 1450 to 1750: Early Modern Period (Ch. 21-27)
1. What region was included in the global trade network in the late 1400s?
2. How did the Incas and the Aztecs build their societies?
3. What impact did sailing technology have on the Europeans during the Age of Exploration?
4. What were the major cash crops produced on plantations?
5. To what lands did Zheng He travel?
6. What was the global impact of the silver trade during the early modern period?
7. What was a shogun?
8. What challenge did the Muslim leaders of the Mughal Empire face in India?
9. Name the four major artists of the Italian Renaissance. Think of the turtles.
10. What caused literacy rates to rise as part of the Protestant Reformation?
11. In what area of Africa did slavery dominate?
12. What is miscegenation? Why was it practiced in Latin America as part of the castas?
13. Why were the Chinese junks unique?
14. Describe the Middle Passage.
15. Describe the Ottoman Empire of the early modern period. Give a bit more detail with this one.
16. What were the Gunpowder Empires of the early modern period.
17. Why were the voyages of Zheng He stopped?
18. Who defeated the Aztecs and the Incas?
19. Who dominated South Asia during the Ottoman Empire?
20. What culture influenced the architecture of the Taj Mahal?
21. Which nation led European exploration?
22. What movement of intellectual thought inspired thoughts about individual rights and liberties?
23. What was the triangular trade?
24. List the levels in the castas social system of Latin America.
25. What makes 1450 to 1750 different from the earlier time periods in regards to trade?
26. What would fall under the category of social in your PERSIAN charts?
Unit IV: 1750 to 1914: Modern Period (Ch. 28-32)
27. What led the world economy in the modern period (19th and early 20th centuries)?
Name _________________________________________ Date ____________________ Period __________
28. What was different about Russia and Japan’s experience with industrialization?
29. What was the first successful revolution in the Caribbean, which inspired further revolutions in Latin
30. What technology did Asian and African rulers desire the most?
31. What institutions did the U.S. and Brazil abolish in the 1860s?
32. Why did social inequality continue to exist even after revolutionary movements in the Latin American
33. Define the concept of Social Darwinism.
34. What did British merchants use to foster an addiction in the Chinese? Where did this product come
35. What major project eventually came under the control of the Europeans, specifically the British after the
rule of Muhammad Ali?
36. How did American colonists and French citizens react to high taxation without representation in their
respective governments?
37. What effect did Enlightenment ideas have on the 18th and 19th century revolutions?
38. What do Simon Bolivar, Miguel de Hidalgo, and Jose de San Martin share in common?
39. What was the Sepoy Mutiny or Rebellion? Where did it occur?
40. What kind of leisure activities did the middle class do in the 19th century?
Unit V: 1914 to the Present: Contemporary Period (Ch. 33-38)
41. How did the role of women change between the modern period and the contemporary period?
42. What is a multinational empire? Name a couple of examples.
43. Define the concept of total war.
44. How were the percentages of people killed in World War I different than that of World War II?
45. What event during the modern time period helped create the boundaries of the sub-Saharan states?
46. After what major event did most of the countries of Africa begin the process of decolonization and/or
the independence movements?
47. China patterned their modernization and economic development efforts after what nation?
48. How have some areas of the world reacted to the globalization of American culture?
49. What was the Marshall Plan?
50. What was the non-alignment movement of the 1960s about?
51. Why could the uneven distribution of wealth in Latin American be traced back to colonial times?
52. Who usually led nationalist movements in the 20th century?
53. What are some of the major examples of genocide in the 20th century?
54. Why do many developing nations struggle with a weak industrial base?
55. Today, where would Islam be the main faith of the country? Name the top two.
56. What went wrong with the Treaty of Versailles?
57. Why did the Great Depression and resulting global depressions lead to the rise of totalitarian regimes in
58. Define the characteristics of fascism.
Name _________________________________________ Date ____________________ Period __________
59. What were the five-year plan, collectivization, and the Great Purges?
60. Why did Iran become an Islamic theocracy after the Revolution of 1979?
61. Why did the U.S. get involved in the Korean and Vietnam Wars?
62. Why did independence movement leaders such as Mohan das Gandhi of India and Kwame Nkrumah of
Ghana use civil disobedience in their struggle for independence from the British?
63. Why is there ongoing conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians?
64. Define the concept of apartheid.
65. List examples of contemporary international organizations.
66. What are some examples of contemporary environmental problems.
67. What was the most influential technology of the last 30 years of the contemporary period?
68. What is the Euro?