◊ Fiction

Fiction ◊
Fiction ◊
Fiction ◊
The Road (Cormac McCarthy)
The Emperor’s Children (Claire Messud)
Beautiful Dreamer (Christopher Rigsby)
An Assembly Such as This (Pamela Aidan)
A Tale of Two Sisters (Anna Maxted)
The Husband (Dean Koontz)
Midnight at the Dragon Café (Judy Fong Bates)
Get ready for the last
Harry Potter book that is
coming out this July by
reading the first six
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer)
Anansi Boys (Neil Gaiman)
B-Mother (Maureen O’Brien)
Every Visible Thing (Lisa Carey)
Black Swan Green (David Mitchell)
Cell (Stephen King)
Natural Selection (Dave Freedman)