Internet 101: Worksheet I Name Mendy Brewer Date 10-29-14 Introduction: The Internet is a vast collection of billions of pages of information on every topic imaginable. As you explore Web sites online, keep in mind that over six million Web pages a day change, move, or are removed. Unlike a book, whose pages don't change after publishing, a Web site can change continuously. The information you find today may not be there tomorrow! I Step one: How do I determine the speed of my Internet connection? ZOOM: How fast is your Internet? Check it out: PING: 44ms Download speed: 9.71 Mbps Upload speed: 26.60 Mbps Go to the following website and figure out the speed: PING, Download Speed, Upload Speed and record them. Also, record your Bandwidth speed. What is Download and Upload? What speed has to do with that? How fast you can download and upload the files What is Bandwidth? Bandwidth is the range of frequencies within a given band, in particular that used for transmitting a signal Step 2: Chart it!! Go to the following website note speed and see how the chart of your speed in a graph looks like. After that you will graph the Speed with the numbers given. Max download: 5.15 Mbps Min download: 10 Kpbs Max upload: 8.52 Mbps Min upload: 290 Kpbs Step 3: Now after all that you will check how the speed connection is to other states. In the following website you will record speed in the 8 states listed. You have to record the Download and Upload Speed. Make a table. Upload speed Download speed Chicago Seattle 41.12 mbps 9.92 mbps 6.35 mbps 3.14 mbps San Francisco 10.81 mbps 1.76 mbps Los Angeles 8.74 mbps 3.77 mbps Dallas Atlanta 20.54 mbps 4.33 mbps 23.98 mbps 6.04 mbps New York 37.66 mbps 9.16 mbps Washington 16.88 mbps 17.14 mbps Step four: In the following website you will record your Broadband speed (in Mb/s), IP address, Host. Also, you will answer the questions: What is Broadband speed?, What is an IP address? What is a HOST? What does Mb/s stands for? Broadband Speed: Download speed: 1.195 mb/s Upload speed: 0.731 mb/s Broadband speed- Broadband speed is the rate that information is sent (upload speed) or received (download speed) on your broadband line IP address- a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network HOST- A network host is a computer or other device connected to a computer network Mb/s- megabits per second Step five: Testing a web site: Stopwatch: In the following website you would measure the speed of 10 websites and record them here. Would you like to know how long it takes to load a webpage? This program will measure the time for you. Enter the URL to be measured and watch the top of the window. Google- 00:00:00.501 Twitter- 00:00:00.158 Tumblr- 00:00:05.000 Yahoo- 00:00:00.578 Microsoft- 00:00:03.461 Bing- 00:00:00.823 Youtube- 00:00:00.205 Tetris Friends- 00:00:10.309 Gmail- 00:00:00.655 At&t- 00:00:02.363 Step six: How far is it…. Speed reduction by distance: Servers far away are slower than servers nearby. Why is that? And how big is the effect? This calculator shows how much your speed is reduced because of distance. Note Parameters section and Results table here. Look at the explanation section on the page. Because there are servers in different places to bring information to different places so the network can be large. Parameters: Connection speed: 56000 Distance (round-trip): 40000 Block size: 1500 Results: bits per second kilometers bytes Throughput: 34511 Latency (round trip): 133 bits per second milliseconds