Housing and Community Services 2015-2016 Tenant Participation Grants Program Guidelines Applications close 5pm Tuesday 3 November 2015 Please read these guidelines carefully before completing your application online Page 2 of 9 Contents 1 Introduction................................................................................................................................. 3 2 Aim .............................................................................................................................................. 3 3 Priority Areas ............................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Social Inclusion of ACT Government Housing and Community Housing Tenants .............. 3 3.2 Support Workforce .............................................................................................................. 3 4 Funding Categories ...................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Social Inclusion .................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Supporting Employment ..................................................................................................... 4 5 Available Funding ........................................................................................................................ 4 6 Eligibility Requirements............................................................................................................... 5 6.1 Individual Eligibility Requirements ...................................................................................... 5 6.2 Project Eligibility Requirements ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7 Exclusions on the use of Grant Funding ...................................................................................... 5 8 Assessment of Applications......................................................................................................... 6 9 Accepting a Grant ........................................................................................................................ 6 9.1 Grant Requirements ............................................................................................................ 6 9.2 Acquittal Requirements....................................................................................................... 7 10 Important Information for Applicants ..................................................................................... 7 10.1 Accessibility ......................................................................................................................... 7 10.2 When to submit your application ....................................................................................... 7 10.3 How to submit your application .......................................................................................... 7 3. Addendum ............................................................................................................................... 9 4. Complaints............................................................................................................................... 9 11 Further Information ................................................................................................................ 9 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program Page 3 of 9 1 Introduction Housing and Community Services is pleased to announce the availability of the 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program. 2 Aim This Grant Program provides funding for activities that promote participation in the ACT community. The primary aim of the Program is to encourage and support ACT Public Housing and Community Housing tenants and their families to participate in a range of sporting, arts, cultural, education, employment and training activities for physical, social and personal development. The Program does not aim to fund IT equipment, hardware or capital works. 3 Priority Areas Applications that demonstrate an active focus on the following priority areas will be viewed favourably. 3.1 Social Inclusion of ACT Public Housing and Community Housing Tenants Activities which assist ACT Public Housing and Community Housing tenants and their families to participate in a range of sporting, arts and cultural activities. 3.2 Support Workforce Activities which assist ACT Public Housing and Community Housing tenants access programs and training that increase their ability to find work, reintegrate back into employment, re-skill and ensure that they remain active and productive members in our community. 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program Page 4 of 9 4 Funding Categories Eligible individuals may submit one (1) application in only one of the following two (2) categories. Applicants should consider the main purpose of their activity and choose the most suitable category. 4.1 Social Inclusion This category supports ACT Public Housing and Community Housing tenants and their families to participate in a range of sporting, arts and cultural activities. Activities that will be considered for funding under this category will: 1. Encourage participation in new and existing activities such as sporting, arts and cultural activities in the ACT community. 2. Provide support for registration fees, uniforms, materials and equipment required to perform the activity. 4.2 Supporting Employment This category supports ACT Public Housing and Community Housing tenants to participate in education for employment and other training activities. Activities that will be considered for funding under this category will: 1. Support skills development for current or future employment to re-engage in the workforce. 2. Encourage further education and training. 3. Support care for a child or children to enable attendance at education or training activities. 5 Available Funding A total amount of $35,000 (GST exclusive) is available in the 2015-16 funding round across all funding categories. Grants are one-off for the activities specified and are not intended as a recurring funding source. Individual applications are capped to a non-recurrent grant up to $400.00 (GST exclusive). 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program Page 5 of 9 6 Eligibility Requirements 6.1 Individual Eligibility Requirements Only individuals that meet the following eligibility requirements may apply: 1. ACT Public Housing or Community Housing resident; 2. have no overdue reporting obligations for any previous ACT Government grant including: evaluations, acquittal reports and audited financial statements; 3. proof of registration or intent to register in a sporting, arts or cultural program. (Applicants will have three (3) months to accept the grant offer and provide proof of registration); 4. proof of registration or intent to register in a learning activity that may assist in developing skills for current or future employment; (Applicants will have three (3) months to accept the grant offer and provide proof of registration); 5. proof of enrolment in childcare for attendance at education or training activities in developing skills for current or future employment; 6. Applicants who have not received a Tenant Participation Grant in the past two (2) years; and 7. only one application per eligible individual is allowed. If you do not comply with the above eligibility requirements, your application will not be assessed for funding. 7 Exclusions on the use of Grants Funding Funding will exclude (but is not limited to): 1. IT equipment and hardware; 2. activities that do not contribute to the Aim of the Grants Program; 3. activities where alternative sources of funding are more appropriate; 4. activities that do not occur primarily within the Australian Capital Territory; 5. salaries where the salary forms part of the individual’s usual responsibility; 6. retrospective costs — activities or purchases which have already taken place or been completed; 7. commitments such as contracts, hire purchases or rental agreements for any goods beyond the period funded; 8. purchase or lease of real estate; 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program Page 6 of 9 9. festivals, parties and celebrations; 10. prize money; 11. travelling allowances, including overseas travelling; and 12. activities which are deemed to be inappropriate and/or offensive. 8 Assessment of Applications A Panel of Assessors (Panel) will review all applications and recommend eligibility and priority within the available funds. The Panel will make their recommendation based on the information provided in the application. All eligible funding applications will be assessed against the following selection criteria: 1. Proposal - whether the activity supports the funding priorities for 2015-16. 2. Benefit - demonstrates a clear benefit for the individual for the activity. 3. Priority Area – demonstrates how the activity meets one or more funding priorities. 4. Funding – outlines the costs associated with your grant application, including (where applicable) personal contributions or contributions from others. 5. Activity Plan/Timetable – describes when the funding is required and the period the activity is to cover. Assessment decisions are usually notified within sixty (60) days of each funding opportunity closing. 9 Accepting a Grant 9.1 Grant Requirements 1. Successful applicants will be required to enter into an Agreement with the ACT Government setting out the terms and conditions for which funding will be provided, including acquittal requirements within the agreed timeframe; this Agreement will be a Letter of Offer. 2. The ACT Government does not carry any responsibility for the activity undertaken funded by the Tenant Participation Grant. 3. Funds may be spent only on items and activities specified in the agreed Letter of Offer. Any unspent funds must be returned to the Community Services Directorate. 4. If you wish to change your Grant in any way, you must first obtain written permission from the Community Services Directorate Contact Officer. 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program Page 7 of 9 5. The names, project descriptions and funding amount of all successful applications will be posted on the Community Services Directorate’s website following the assessment process; by accepting a grant you agree to this requirement. 9.2 Acquittal Requirements All successful applicants must expend the funds within the timeframes nominated in the Letter of Offer; this is normally twelve months from receipt of funds or at the completion of the activity, whichever is sooner. An acquittal of the grant must be provided within thirty (30) days of the completion of the grant activity, or by the date specified in the Letter of Offer. Any unexpended funds are to be returned at the time of acquitting the grant. An acquittal form will be supplied to successful applicants with their Letter of Offer. We require you to keep ALL receipts and submit them with your acquittal form. Please note: To be eligible for funding in future grants rounds, applicants must meet all acquittal requirements. 10 Important Information for Applicants 10.1 Accessibility The ACT Government is committed to making its information, services, events and venues, accessible to as many people as possible. If you have difficulty reading a standard printed document and would like to receive this publication in an alternative format – such as large print or audio – please telephone (02) 6205 0619. If English is not your first language and you require the translating and interpreting services – please telephone 131 450. If you are deaf or hearing impaired and require the TTY typewriter service– please telephone (02) 6205 0888. 10.2 When to submit your application Applications open Tuesday, 6 October 2015. Applications close 5pm (AEDST), Tuesday, 3 November 2015. Applications received after 5pm (AEDST), Tuesday, 3 November 2015, will not be accepted. 10.3 How to submit your application All applications are preferred to be submitted online. 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program Page 8 of 9 1. Online Online via the online Tenant Participation Grants Application Form at http://dhcs.smartygrants.com.au/2015-16_TPG If you are having any difficulty in accessing the Application Form please contact the Tenant Participation Grants Program Officer for assistance. You will need to create a log-in to begin your application and you may begin anywhere in the Application Form. Please ensure you save as you go. If an error occurs, please contact the Program Officer on (02) 62056008 or, during business hours, on email DHCSContractsandGrants@act.gov.au and quote your application number. Navigating (moving through) the application form On the right hand side of every screen, there is a box which links directly to every page of the application. Click on any page to jump directly to that page. You can also click 'next page' or 'previous page' on the top or bottom of each page to move forward or backward through the application. Saving your draft application and returning You can press 'save' at any point and log out. When you log back in, your draft application will be saved and you can start where you left off. Submitting your application The submit button is on the final page. You will not be able to submit your application until all the questions are completed. Attachments and support documents You may wish to upload/submit attachments to support your application. This is very simple, but requires you to have the documents saved on your computer, on a zip drive, or similar. If you are not able to upload a document, please contact the Program Officer for support. Completing an application in a group/team A number of people can work on an application using the same log-in details provided that only one person is working on the application at any given time. Ensure you save as you go. Once you have completed your application it must be submitted to the Program Officer. NOTE: The Program Officer is unable to view your application until it is submitted. ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE GRANT APPLICATION. If your application does not include all required documentation, such as quotes it may be deemed ineligible. You can upload supporting documentation to your application on the page after the declaration and privacy statement. 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program Page 9 of 9 Smarty Grants provides an online help guide for applicants. This guide will explain the essential steps you need to take to complete and submit your form. The help guide is accessible at http://help.smartygrants.com.au/display/help/Help+Guide+for+Applicants 2. Hand Deliver: Tenant Participation Grants Contracts and Grants Unit Community Services Directorate Nature Conservation House Gateway Services 153 Emu Bank BELCONNEN ACT 2617 3. Addendum Any additional information provided by the Community Services Directorate as part of this grant program will be posted online on the website at www.communityservices.act.gov.au In addition all applicants that have started or submitted an online application form will be notified by email to the address that was registered with Smarty Grants. 4. Complaints What you can expect A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction in relation to the application process and/or an unsuccessful application for a grant. You or your representatives have the right to raise your concerns. This information supports us to improve services and supports your right to ask questions about the grant application process as well as decisions made in relation to an unsuccessful application. You can expect to: 1. 2. 3. 4. be treated respectfully, fairly and in confidence; have your concerns dealt with as soon as possible; be informed of progress; and be told of the outcome. 11 Further Information For more information please contact the Tenant Participation Grants Program Officer: Ms Vicki McGrath phone: (02) 620 56008 email: DHCSContractsandGrants@act.gov.au 2015-16 Tenant Participation Grants Program