ACTION COMPONENT District Name School Name Community/School Culture x Preliminary Component Manager Current Date Ashland Independent Hatcher Elementary Priority Need By removing the barriers to student learning that can be controlled, students will be more open to learning. School District X Revised Robin Clay April 13, 2005 Goal Hatcher Elementary will improve measurable and meaningful parent involvement at the school for the purpose of improving student achievement. Measurable is defined as those activities that can be monitored. Meaningful is defined as activities/opportunities that have a direct impact on student achievement. *By removing barriers to student learning, the overall academic index will increase from 72.8 in 2004 to 78.9 in 2006. *Parent/school/community relations will improve. Causes of the Need Objectives For Reaching the Goal A. Our students do not have adequate opportunities to receive assistance beyond their initial classroom instruction. A. The school will provide opportunities for children to obtain additional assistance beyond the regular classroom instructional experience. B. There are barriers to student learning that could be reduced in intensity with additional aid from the school. B. All barriers to learning that can be controlled by school functions will be reviewed. C. The families and community need to feel that they are full, active partners in educating all students. C. Families and community will be invited to be full, active partners in the education of all students. Evidence of Causes Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results) A1. In the school’s survey for teachers, teachers reported, “Our children sometimes lack the experiences to relate to school due to lower economic backgrounds. Field trips may help,” along with other comments. A1. The Community/School Culture Committee will continually review field trips and school assemblies in order to provide an increase in opportunities for the enrichment of student learning. A2. Hatcher has a free and reduced lunch rate of 94%, and not all families can financially support academic enrichment opportunities (such as tutoring, mentoring, or field trips) outside of school. A2. The Community/School Culture Committee will review the schedule to ensure that teachers are making use of 100% of the tutoring available and that the tutor is servicing students in the best way to maximize student learning. B1. In 2004-2005, approximately 20 students received counseling through a Pathways counselor provided at the school. B1. The Pathways Counselor will be provided with an area for counseling during 100% of her visits to the school. B2. In the Ashland Family Resource Center’s ‘Family Needs Assessment’, approx. 90% of respondents reported that they “could/would use the services of the Family Resource Center.” B2. The Ashland Family Resource Center will continue to provide services for 100% of children who have need. C1. In the Spring 2003 CSMpact Survey, parents felt that there was not enough communication between home and school. In the same survey, teachers cited the same problem. B3. The school will continue to support a full-time counselor through funds from both the School District and Title I. C1. Parent/teacher correspondence will be monitored in the main office. C2. During the opening days of the school year, parents will be made knowledgeable of/ invited to the school council meetings and other activities in order to promote greater understanding of the process and provide parents with more ownership of school decisions. C3. Principal’s weekly newsletter, The Hatcher Herald, will continue to provide parents with current events at the school. C4. The AFRC newsletter will be utilized monthly as a means of keeping parents, students, and teachers informed of school activities. Objective A: Outside-Of-School Instructional Experiences Activity Measure Responsible Person Start Date End Date Cost Fund Source District funds/SBDM funds 1. The committee will monitor field trips to ensure that students are receiving the maximum educational benefit possible. A1 Community/Culture Committee Chair Aug. 2004 Ongoing Misc. 2. The committee will communicate each month with teachers and the FRC (by email or evaluation sheet) to ensure that student tutoring is maximizing student learning. A2 Community/Culture Committee Chair Aug. 2004 Ongoing None Objective B: Improved Record-Keeping for Behavior and Needs Assessments Activity Measure Responsible Person Start Date End Date Cost 1. The Pathways counselor will be ensured an area for counseling students. B1 Principal Summer 2004 Ongoing None 2. The Family Resource Center needs assessment data will be reviewed by the Community/Culture Committee. B2 Community/Culture Committee Chair As available Ongoing None 3. The school counselor position will be maintained yearly. B3 Principal/SBDMC Summer 2004 Ongoing $54,00 0 Fund Source School Alloc. /Title I Objective C: Review Removal of Barriers to Learning Activity Measure 1. Hatcher will have Kindercamp during the 1st week of school. 2. Hatcher will have a 4th grade parent academy during the 1st week of school. 3. Hatcher will have open house during 1st week of school. Open house will emphasize parental expectations in relation to student achievement. At that time a school handbook with core content concepts and enrichment activities for the home will be distributed. 4. Regularly scheduled family literacy programs in conjunction with PTO. Responsible Person Start Date End Date Cost Fund Source C1; C2 Principal Aug 2004 Ongoing $2,000 est. District/CSR Grant C1; C2 Principal Ongoing $1,000 est. CSR Grant C1; C2 Principal Aug 2004 Ongoing $500 Aug 2004 Ongoing Aug 2004 Ongoing None Ongoing None Ongoing None C1; C2 FRC 5. Principal’s weekly newsletter to parents C3 Principal 6. FRC monthly newsletter C4 FRC liaison 7. School Website will be maintained with current and appropriate information for students and parents. C1 STC/STA Aug 2004 Aug 2004 Aug. 2004 $1,000 CSR Grant CSR Grant