Super- a Greek prefix

eu- a Greek prefix
good, pleasing, well
euphemism- (n) a word or phrase of another term that may be too harsh; a
more pleasing way to say something
Ex. “meet your maker” or “kicked the bucket”
euphoria- (n) a feeling of great happiness or well-being
Ex. Winning the lottery would create a feeling of euphoria.
eutopia- (n) a place where there is complete happiness; a perfect place
Ex. Heaven is a eutopia. (sometimes written as utopia)
eulogy- (n) a speech written to praise/speak well of the deceased
Ex. His best friend gave a touching eulogy at his funeral.
euthanize-(v) to put to death painlessly; an easy death; a “mercy killing”
Ex. We had our vet euthanize our dog; he was too old and sick to go on.