This bibliography lists circulating library materials that IHA members may borrow from the Illinois
Heritage Association for a four-week period. The bibliography is divided into subject categories with subheadings:
Historic Preservation
Research and Interpretation
Special Audiences
Some bibliographic entries overlap in scope, so users should consult more than one section when searching for a specific publication. If you are searching for an item not included in this bibliography, contact the IHA office to determine if it has been added to the collection. More information about some titles may be found at Book Reviews.
The following abbreviations are used throughout: AAM —American Association of Museums; AASLH–
American Association for State and Local History; IHA –Illinois Heritage Association; pb–paperback.
Materials in the IHA vertical files also may be borrowed by members. These include pertinent articles from professional journals; information sheets; products and services information; data about museums, historic sites, and preservation management policies; and forms used in administering museums and other history-related organizations.
For additional information, or to borrow titles, contact plm(at)illinoisheritage(dot)org, or phone 217-359-
AAM. Museums: Their New Audience . Washington, D.C.: AAM, 1972. 112 pp., pb.
Alderson, William T., ed. American Issues: Understanding Who We Are . Nashville: AASLH, 1976. 144 pp., pb.
Alderson, William T., and Shirley Payne Low. Interpretation of Historic Sites . Nashville: AASLH, 1976, 89 pp., pb.
Allen, Barbara, and Lynwood Montell. From Memory to History: Using Oral Sources in Local Historical
Research . Nashville: AASLH, 1981. 172 pp.
Anderson, Jay. Time Machines: The World of Living History . Nashville: AASLH, 1984. 217 pp.
Baum, Willa K. Oral History for the Local Historical Society . 2d ed., rev. Nashville: AASLH, 1971. 62 pp., pb.
———. Transcribing and Editing Oral History . 1977. Reprint. Nashville: AASLH, 1987. 127 pp., pb.
Cheney, Lynne V. Tyrannical Machines . Washington, D.C.: National Endowment for the Humanities,
1990. 64 pp., pamphlet.
Clark, Kenneth . Looking at Pictures . 1960. Reprint. Boston: Beacon Press, 1968. 208 pp., pb.
Culin, Stewart. Games of the North American Indians . New York: Dover, 1975. 846 pp., pb.
Davis, Gordon A., comp. Eyestone School: Turn of the Century One-Room School Program . Springfield,
Ill.: Illinois State Board of Education, 1983. 37 pp., pamphlet.
Felt, Thomas E. Researching, Writing, and Publishing Local History . Nashville: AASLH, 1976. 162 pp., pb.
Fishwick, Marshall, and Ray B. Browne. Icons of Popular Culture.
Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green
University Popular Press, 1970. 122 pp., pb.
Gardner, James B., and George Rollie Adams, eds. Ordinary People and Everyday Life . Nashville:
AASLH, 1983. 215 pp.
Garrett, Annette. Interviewing: Its Principles and Methods . New York: Family Service Association of
America, 1970. 123 pp., pb.
Grinder, Alison L., and E. Sue McCoy. The Good Guide: A Sourcebook for Interpreters, Docents and
Tour Guides . Scottsdale, Ariz.: Ironwood Publishing, 1985. 147 pp., pb.
Helmbold, F. Wilbur. Tracing Your Ancestry: A Step-by-Step Guide to Researching Your Family History .
Birmingham, Ala.: Oxmoor House, 1976. 210 pp., pb.
Tracing Your Ancestry Logbook . Birmingham, Ala.: Oxmoor House, 1976. pb.
Jolly, Brad. Videotaping Local History . Nashville: AASLH, 1982. 160 pp., pb.
Kammen, Carol. On Doing Local History: Reflections on What Local Historians Do, Why, and What It
Means . Nashville: ASSLH, 1986. 184 pp., pb.
Madigan, Mary Jean, and Susan Colgan, eds. Early American Furniture —From Settlement to City . New
York, NEW YORK: Billboard, 1983. 160 pp.
Orr, David. Historical Archaeology and Museum Interpretation: An Exemplary Course. Occasional
Papers from the Hagley Museum and Library . Wilmington, Del.: Hagley Museum and Library,
1989. 24 pp., pb.
Petersen, Keith. Historical Celebrations: A Handbook for Organizers of Diamond Jubilees, Centennials, and Other Community Anniversaries . Boise, Idaho: Idaho State Historical Society, 1986. 118 pp., pb.
Pratt, Mildred, comp. and ed. We The People Tell Our Story . Bloomington, Ill.: Bloomington-Normal
Black History Project, 1987. 48 pp., pb.
Read, Hadley. Morning Chores and Other Times Remembered . Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
1977. 189 pp.
Sawyer, Alex. In Praise of East Central Illinois . Champaign, Ill.: Garfield Press, 1976. 51 pp., pb.
Schlereth, Thomas J. Artifacts and the American Past . Nashville: AASLH, 1980. 294 pp., pb.
———, ed. Material Culture Studies in America . Nashville: AASLH, 1982. 419 pp., pb.
———. Victorian America: Transformations in Everyday Life, 1876-1915 . New York: HarperCollins,
1991. 363 pp.
Seale, William. The Tasteful Interlude: American Interiors through the Camera's Eye, 1860-1917 . 2d ed., rev. Nashville: AASLH, 1981. 284 pp., pb.
Sedgwick, John P., Jr. Art Appreciation Made Simple . NEW YORK: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1959.
224 pp., pb.
Sheppard, Beverly. The 21 st
Century Learner . Washington, D.C.: Institute of Museum and Library
Services, n.d. 14 pp., pamphlet.
Sleepy Hollow Program Committee. Selected Proceedings from the Sleepy Hollow Conference on
Interpretive Issues for Outdoor Museums and Historic Houses . Tarrytown, NEW YORK: Sleepy
Hollow Restorations, 1982. 20 pp., pamphlet.
Sobel, Judith Ellen. “A Comparison of Two Methods for Creating Empathy with Art in Grade School
Children.” Master's thesis, George Washington School of Arts and Sciences, 1970. 66 pp., photocopy.
Taylor, Joshua. Learning to Look . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957. 152 pp., pb.
Terkel, Studs. Working . New York: Avon Books, 1972. 762 pp., pb.
Tilden, Freeman. Interpreting Our Heritage . Rev. ed. Nashville: AASLH, 1967. 120 pp., pb.
Wiggington, Eliot, ed. Foxfire 2 . Garden City, NEW YORK: Anchor Books, 1973. 410 pp., pb.
Aaron, Lenore, comp. and ed. South Street Seaport Museum Cookbook . New York: South Street
Seaport Museum, 1972. 80 pp., pb.
Americana Review. The Country Kitchen: 1850 . Scotia, NEW YORK: Americana Review, 1965. 32 pp., pb.
American Heritage. The American Heritage Cookbook . 1964. Reprint. NEW YORK: American Heritage
Press, 1969. 174 pp.
Anderson, Robert V. Mixin's and Fixin's . Scotia, NEW YORK: Americana Review, 1976. 36 pp., pb.
Arnold, Sam. Frying Pans West . Denver, Colo.: The Fur Press, 1969. 50 pp., pb.
Better Homes and Gardens. The Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook . 400 pp., loose leaf binder.
———. The Williamsburg Cookbook.
Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1981. 180 pp., pb.
Bridwell, Margaret M. Kentucky Fare: A Recipe Book of Some of Kentucky's Mouth Watering
Specialties . Kentucky: Margaret M. Bridwell, 1953. 28 pp., pb.
Brown, Dale, and the Editors of Time-Life Books. American Cooking . New York: Time-Life Books, 1968.
208 pp.
DeWitt County (Illinois) Museum Association. Homestead Cookbook: Apple and Pork Edition . Clinton,
Ill.: DeWitt County Museum Assoc., 1972. 12 pp., photocopy.
Dintelman, Marjorie, comp. Christmas Memories, Customs and Cookies . Alton, Ill.: Alton Area Historical
Society, 1977. 30 pp., pb.
Elliot, Mimzie, comp. Dessert Recipes from Cliveden: Germantown-Philadelphia . (2d, rev. ed.; from 19 th century Cliveden notebook) Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1974. 25 pp., pb.
French, Marian. Lincoln Heritage Trail Cookbook . Williamsburg, Va.: Tory Hill Press, 1971. 32 pp., pb.
Genesee Pure Food Company. Jello Ice Cream Powder . Leroy, N.Y.: Genesee Pure Food Co., 1906. 16 pp., pamphlet.
Gilles, Linda, et al. A Culinary Collection . New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973. 173 pp., pb.
Hahn, Adele, ed. Recettes of Old Prairie du Rocher . Randolph County, Ill.: Randolph County Historical
Society, 1973. 28 pp., pb.
Illinois Department of Conservation. French Herb Garden . Springfield, Ill.: State of Illinois Dept. of
Conservation, 1976. 10 pp., photocopy.
Jefferson County Historical Society. Recipes and Recollections . Kearney, Neb.: Morris Press
Cookbooks. 121 pp., spiral bound.
Junior League of Los Angeles. Recipes from Katherine's Kitchen: Personal Recipes of Katherine Stewart
Banning . Wilmington, Calif.: Port Admiral Society of the Jr. League of Los Angeles, 1978. 67 pp., pb.
The Kitchen Companion and the Housekeeper's Own Book . Springfield, Ill.: Octavo Press, n.d. (reprint from 1844 ed.). 36 pp., pb.
Ladies' Aid Society of the First Congregational Church of Lockport, Illinois. The Home Cook Book: A
Collection of Choice Recipes from Our Experienced Housekeepers . 1909. Reprint. Lockport, Ill.:
Will County Historical Society, 1986. 30 pp., photocopy.
Macon County (Illinois) Historical Society. Kids in the Kitchen. Decatur, Ill.: Macon County Historical
Society, 1979. 17 pp., photocopy.
———. Yesteryear Cookbook: Meat Cookbook . Decatur, Ill.: Macon County Historical Society, 1979. 38 pp., photocopy.
Northern Illinois Gas Company. Heirloom Cookbook.
Northern Illinois Gas Company (for the Illinois
Sesquicentennial Committee), 1968. 80 pp., pb.
Patton, Nancy N., ed. Green Corn and Violets . Springfield, Ill.: Illinois State Museum Society, 1976. 53 pp., pb.
Penfield (Illinois) Centennial Cookbook Committee. Penfield Centennial Cookbook.
Kansas City, Kans.:
Cookbook Publishers, 1976. 129 pp., pb.
Rocky Mount (Tennessee) Historical Association. Huckleberry Muffins and Flaxseed Tea: A Rocky
Mount Hearthside Cookbook . Piney Flats, Tenn.: Rocky Mount Historical Association, 1981. 26 pp., pb.
“Sis” & “Jake,” comps.
Ma's Cookin' . Osage Beach, Mo.: Ozark Maid Candies, 1975. 56 pp., pb.
Stan Hywet Hall Foundation. Stan Hywet Hall Cook Book: Sumptuous Things for Thee to Eat . Akron,
Ohio: Stan Hywet Hall Foundation, n.d. 120 pp., pb.
Verner, Margaret, ed. The World at Your Table: Scandinavian Cooking . New York: 'Round the World
Books, 1978. 72 pp., pb.
Walter, Mary Hays, comp. Northfork Cookbook (Yesteryear Cookbook, Vol. VII). Decatur, Ill.: Macon
County Historical Society, 1976. 78 pp., photocopy.
Weiler, Katherine, comp. Country Cookin' . Myrtle Beach, S.C.: By the author. 1970. 60 pp., pb.
West Chicago City Museum. Stirring Up History . West Chicago, Ill.: West Chicago Printing Co., 2003.
100 pp., spiral bound.
Woman's Club of Ste. Genevieve (Missouri). Recipes of Old Ste. Genevieve . Ste. Genevieve, Mo.:
Woman's Club of Ste. Genevieve, 1976. 127 pp., pb.
Williamson, Charlotte Nesmith, comp. Champaign County Sesquicentennial Recipes: 1833-1983 .
Mahomet, Ill.: Charlotte Williamson, 1983. 166 pp., pb.
Americana Review. American Mail Order Fashions, 1880-1900 . Scotia, N.Y.: Americana Review, 1961.
36 pp., pb.
Armstrong, Nancy. The Book of Fans . [Surrey, UK]: Colour Library International, [1978]. 127 pp.
Ashwell, Rachel, and Glynis Costin. Shabby Chic . New York: ReganBooks / HarperStyle, 1996. 197 pp.
Bailey, Adrian. The Passion for Fashion: Three Centuries of Changing Styles . Surrey, U.K.
: Dragon’s
World, 1988. 192 pp.
Baker, Lillian. Hatpins and Hatpin Holders: An Illustrated Value Guide . Paducah, Ky.: Collector Books,
1983. 159 pp, pb.
Baldt, Laura I. Clothing for Women: Selection and Construction . Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1929. 562 pp.
Ballard, Bettina. In My Fashion . New York: David McKay Company, 1960. 320 pp.
Barton, Lucy. Historic Costume for the Stage . Boston: Walter H. Baker, 1935, 1961. 609 pp.
Bath City Council. Museum of Costume: Assembly Rooms, Bath, England . Bath, U.K: Bath City Council,
1980. 39 pp., pb.
Bawden, Juliet. The Hat Book: Creating Hats for Every Occasion . Asheville, N.C.: Lark Books, 1993. 144 pp.
Beaton, Cecil. Fashion, An Anthology.
London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1971. 78 pp., pb.
Bell, Quentin. On Human Finery . London: Hogarth Press, 1948. 134 pp.
———. On Human Finery . 2nd ed. New York: Schocken Books, 1976. 239 pp., pb.
Better Homes and Gardens. Embroidery . Des Moines, Iowa: Meredith Corporation, 1978. 96 pp.
Bigelow, Marybelle S. Fashion in History . Minneapolis, Minn.: Burgess Publishing Company, 1970.
352 pp.
Bloomingdale Brothers. Bloomingdale’s Illustrated 1886 Catalog: Fashions, Dry Goods and Housewares .
New York: Dover, 1988. 158 pp., pb.
Blum, Stella, ed.
Ackermann’s Costume Plates: Women’s Fashions in England, 1818-1828
. New York:
Dover, 1978. 90 pp., pb.
———, ed. Paris Fashion of the 1890s: A Picture Source Book with 350 Designs, Including 24 in Full
Color . New York: Dover, 1984. 88 pp., pb.
———, ed. Victorian Fashions and Costumes from Harper’s Bazaar, 1867-1898: Over 1000 Illustrations .
New York: Dover, 1974. 294 pp., pb.
Bouknight, Joanne Kellar. The Kitchen Idea Book . Newton, Conn.: Taunton Press, 2001. 201 pp., pb.
Braun and Schneider. Historic Costume in Pictures: Over 1450 Costumes on 125 Plates . New York:
Dover, 1975. pb.
Buck, Anne. Victorian Costume and Costume Accessories . 2nd ed. Bedford, U.K.: Ruth Bean, 1984. 224 pp., pb.
Butterick Publishing Co. Butterick’s 1892 Metropolitan Fashions . New York: Dover, 1994. 138 pp., pb.
Buxton, Alexandra. Discovering 19 th Century Fashion: A Look at the Changes in Fashion through the
Victoria and Albert Museum’s Dress Collection . Cambridge, U.K.: Hobsons, 1989. 48 pp., pb.
Byrd, Bette. Rosemaling: A Celebration of a Norwegian Folkart . Atlanta, Ga.: Craft, 1976. 35 pp., pb.
Byrde, Penelope. A Frivolous Distinction: Fashion and Needlework in the Works of Jane Austen . Bath,
U.K.: Bath City Council, 1979. 42 pp., pb.
Calloway, Stephen, and Stephen Jones. Royal Style: Five Centuries of Influence and Fashion . Boston:
Little Brown, 1991. 208 pp.
Campione, Adele. Women’s Hats . San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1994. 143 pp., pb.
Castle Howard Estate. Costume at Castle Howard . N.p., [UK: Castle Howard Estate, 1975]. Pamphlet.
Chandler Press. American Mail Order Fashions, 1880-1900 . Maynard, Mass.: Chandler Press, 1989. pb.
Chase, Edna Woolman, and Ilka Chase. Always in Vogue.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1954. 381 pp.
Clarburn, Pamela. Shawls in Imitation of the Indian . Bucks, UK: Shire, 1982. 32 pp. Pamphlet.
Coleman, Elizabeth Ann. The Genius of Charles James . Brooklyn, N.Y.: Brooklyn Museum, 1982. 176 pp.
———. The Opulent Era: Fashions of Worth, Doucet and Pingat . Brooklyn, N.Y.: Brooklyn Museum,
1989. 208 pp., pb.
Cochran, Andrew G. Tying the Knot: The Sharp Dresser’s Guide to Ties and Handkerchiefs . Brookline,
Mass.: Abbotsford, 1996. 48 pp. Pamphlet.
Coles, Janet, and Robert Budwig. The Book of Beads: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Beads and
Jewelry Making . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990. 125 pp.
Crocker Art Museum.
A Century of Women’s Costume: 1814-1914
. Sacramento, Calif.: Spilman Printing
Company, 1980. 16 pp. Pamphlet.
Cumming, Valerie. The Visual History of Costume Accessories . New York: Costume and Fashion Press, n.d.
Cunnington, C. Willett. English Women’s Clothing in the Nineteenth Century: A Comprehensive Guide with 1,117 Illustrations . New York: Dover, 1990. 460 pp., pb.
Davenport, Millia. The Book of Costume: Volume 1.
New York: Crown Publishers, 1962. 970 pp.
Day, JoAnne C. Art Noveau Cut and Use Stencils: 66 Full-Size Stencils Printed on Durable Stencil
Paper . New York: Dover, 1977. pb.
De Marly, Diana. Fashion for Men: An Illustrated History . London: B. T. Batsford, 1985. 166 pp., pb.
———. Worth: Father of Haute Couture . 2nd ed. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1990. 238 pp., pb.
Dodge, Venus A. The Dolls’ Dressmaker: The Complete Pattern Book . Devon, U.K.: David and Charles,
1987. 192 pp., pb.
Earnshaw, Pat. Bobbin and Needle Laces: Identification and Care . London: B. T. Batsford, 1983. 191 pp., pb.
Eckstein, E. and J., and G. Firkins. Gentlemen’s Dress Accessories . Bucks, U.K.: Shire, 1987. 32 pp. pamphlet.
Edelman, Amy Holman. The Little Black Dress . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997. 157 pp.
Edwards, Diane. Design Basics for Swedish Folk Art . Volume 1. Alamosa, Colo.: Rosemaling and
Crafts,, 1996. 40 pp., pb.
“Fashions and Textiles at the Court of Burgundy.” CIBA Review 51 (July 1946): 1831-68.
Fontanel, Béatrice. Support and Seduction: The History of Corsets and Bras . New York: Harry N.
Abrams, [1992]. 159 pp.
Foster, Vanda. A Visual History of Costume: The Nineteenth Century . London: B. T. Batsford, 1984. 144 pp., pb.
Gernsheim, Alison. Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: A Photographic Survey . New York: Dover, 1963,
1981. 104 pp., pb.
Gillon, Edmund Vincent, Jr. The Gibson Girl and Her America: The Best Drawings of Charles Dana
Gibson . New York: Dover, 1969. pb.
Ginsburg, Madeleine. Paris Fashions: The Art Deco Style of the 1920s . London: Bracken Books, 1989.
189 pp.
Gorsline, Douglas. What People Wore: A Visual History of Dress from Ancient Times to Twentieth-
Century America . New York: Bonanza Books, 1951. 269 pp.
Grafton, Carol Belanger. Authentic Designs from the American Arts and Crafts Movement: Selected from
Keramic Studio.
New York: Dover, 1988. 121 pp., pb.
———. Children: A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century Sources . New York: Dover, 1978. 119 pp., pb.
———. Love and Romance: A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century Sources . New York: Dover,
1989. 121 pp., pb.
Shoes, Hats, and Fashion Accessories: A Pictorial Archive 1850-1940 . Mineola, N.Y.: Dover,
1998. 123 pp., pb.
———. Victorian Fashions: A Pictorial Archive . Mineola, N.Y.: Dover, 1999. 123 pp., pb.
Hales, A.H. Fashion Designs of the 1830’s [sic]: Reproduced from the Originals of the Period, Ideal for
Watercolouring and Framing . Bucks, U.K.: A. H. Hales, n.d. Pamphlet.
Hamilton, Michelle. Sewing Victorian Doll Clothes: Authentic Costumes from Museum Collections . New
York: Lark Books, 1996. 224 pp., pb.
Harris, Karyn Jean. Costume Display Techniques . Nashville: AASLH, 1977. 90 pp., pb.
Hecklinger, Charles. Dress and Cloak Cutter: Women’s Costume 1877-1882 . Lopez Island, Wash.: R. L.
Shep, 1987. 119 pp., pb.
Hiler, Hilaire. An Introduction to the Study of Costume from Nudity to Raiment . London: W. G. Foyle,
1929. 303 pp.
Jachimowicz, Elizabeth. Eight Chicago Women and Their Fashions: 1860-1929.
Exhibition catalogue.
Chicago: Chicago Historical Society, 1978. 65 pp., pb.
Japp, David. The Step by Step Art of Paint Techniques: How to Transform Your Home with Decorative
Painting . Godalming, U.K.: Coombe Books, 1999. 101 pp., pb.
Jarvis, Anthea, and Patricia Raine. Fancy Dress . Aylesbury, U.K.: Shire Publications, 1984. 32 pp., pb.
Jno. J. Mitchell Company. Men’s Fashion Illustrations from the Turn of the Century . New York: Dover,
1990. 103 pp., pb.
Jordan, Marsh and Company. Jordan, Marsh Illustrated Catalog of 1891 . New York: The Athenaeum of
Philadelphia/Dover, 1991. 118 pp., pb.
Khalje, Susan. Bridal Couture: Fine Sewing Techniques for Wedding Gowns and Evening Wear . Iola,
Wisc.: Krause Publications, 1997. 145 pp., pb.
Kidwell, Claudia Brush, and Valerie Steele, eds. Men and Women: Dressing the Part . Washington, D.C.:
Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989. 188 pp., pb.
Kobal, John, ed. Hollywood Glamour Portraits: 145 Photos of Starts 1926-1949 . New York: Dover, 1976.
144 pp., pb.
Köhler, Carl. A History of Costume . New York: Dover, 1963. 464 pp., pb.
Kopp, Ernestine, Vittorina Rolfo, Beatrice Zelin, and Lee Gross. Designing Apparel through the Flat
Pattern . Revised 5 th edition. New York: Fairchild, 1982. 518 pp.
Kunciov, Robert. Mr. Godey’s Ladies: Being a Mosaic of Fashions and Fancies . New York: Bonanza
Books, 1971. 183 pp.
Kybalova, Ludmila; Olga Herbenova and Milena Lamarova. The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Fashion.
Trans. by Claudia Rosoux. New York: Crown Publishers, 1968. 608 pp.
Lane, Andrew. Motoring Costume . Aylesbury, U.K.: Shire Publications, 1987. 32 pp., pb.
Lipmann, Anthony. Divinely Elegant: The World of Ernst Dryden . London: Pavilion Books, 1989. 192 pp.
Lynch, Claudia. “I Do” Veils–So Can You! A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Bridal Headpieces, Hats, and
Veils with Professional Results . Rocky River, Ohio: Harpagon Productions, 1996. 120 pp., pb.
Marshall, Rosalind K. Elizabeth I . Owings Mills, Md.: Stemmer House, 1991. 150 pp., pb.
Mayo, Edith P., and Denise D. Meringolo. First Ladies: Political Role and Public Image . Washington,
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1994. 80 pp., pb.
McDowell, Colin. Shoes: Fashion and Fantasy . London: Thames and Hudson, 1989. 224 pp., pb.
Mehaffey, Karen Rae. The After-Life:Mourning Rituals and the Mid-Victorians . Pipestone, Minn.: Laser
Writers Publishing, 1993. pb.
Merriam, Eve. Figleaf. New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1960. 256 pp.
Minnesota Museum of Art. A Century of Fashion: 1880-1980 . N.p., 1980. 39 pp., pb.
Morris, William. William Morris: Full-Color Patterns and Designs . New York: Dover, 1988. 41 pp., pb.
Morton, Keith Scott, and Mary Seeahfer Sears. The Scandinavian Look: Country by Design . New York:
Hearst Books, 1997. 174 pp.
Mourey, Gabriel, et al. Art Nouveau Jewellery and Fans . New York: Dover, 1973. 149 pp. pb.
Murray, Diane, and William Conte. Bones and Muscles of the Human Form . n.p.: Alfred Publishing
Company, 1980. 48 pp., pb.
Netherlands Museum of Costume. Women’s Dress: 1800-1820.
The Hague: Netherlands Museum of
Costume, 1974. 17 pp.
Newdick, Jane, and Neil Sutherland. The Step by Step Art of Flower Arranging . North Vancouver, B.C.,
Can.: Whitecap Books, 1996. 123 pp., pb.
O’Keeffe, Linda.
Shoes: A Celebration of Pumps, Sandals, Slippers, and More . New York: Workman
Publishing, 1996. 507 pp., pb.
Olian, JoAnne, ed. Wedding Fashions 18621912: 380 Costume Designs from “La Mode Illustrée.” New
York: Dover, 1994. 90 pp., pb.
Onassis, Jacqueline, ed., with the cooperation of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In the Russian Style .
New York: MJF Books, 1976. 184 pp.
Payne, Blanche. History of Costume.
New York: Harper and Row, 1965. 620 pp.
Perry, Dame, and Company. Women’s and Children’s Fashions of 1917: The Complete Perry Dame and
Co. Catalog . New York: Dover, 1992. 149 pp., pb.
Picken, Mary Brooks. The Fashion Dictionary . New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1957. 410 pp.
Pickersgill, Howard. Great Paintings . Secaucus, N.J.: Chartwell Books, 1979. 125 pp.
Poli, Doretta Davanzo. Beachwear and Bathing-Costume . Modena, Italy: Zanfi Editori, 1995. 135 pp.
———. Maternity Fashion . Modena, Italy: Zanfi Editori, 1988. 119 pp.
Prakash, K. 250 Stencil Designs from India . New York: Dover, 1996. 48 pp., pb.
Priscilla Publishing Company. Traditional Hardanger Embroidery . New York: Dover, 1985. 32 pp., pb.
Racinet, Albert. The Historical Encyclopedia of Costume . London: Studio Editions, 1992. 320 pp., pb.
Rawlings, Eleanor Hasbrouck, ed. Godey Costume Plates in Color . New York: Dover, 1979. pb.
Reader’s Digest. Everyday Life through the Ages . New York: Reader’s Digest Association, 1992. 384 pp.
Ribbon Art Publishing Company. Old-Fashioned Ribbon Art: Ideas and Designs for Accessories and
Decorations . New York: Dover, 1986. 32 pp., pb.
Rolley, Katrina, and Caroline Aish, in association with the National Portrait Gallery. Fashion in
Photographs 1900-1920 . London: B.T. Batsford, 1992. 144 pp.
Schnurnberger, Lynn. Let There Be Clothes.
New York: Workman Publishing, 1991. 418 pp., pb.
Schreier, Barbara A. Fitting In: Four Generations of College Life . Chicago: Chicago Historical Society,
1991. 76 pp., pb.
Sears, Roebuck and Co. The 1902 Edition of the Sears, Roebuck Catalogue . New York: Gramercy
Books, 1993. 1162 pp., pb.
———. Silhouettes of Fashion. Skokie, Ill.: Consumer Information Services, Sears, Roebuck and Co.,
1968. 20 pp.
Severa, Joan. Dressed for the Photographer: Ordinary Americans and Fashion, 1840-1900 . Kent, Ohio:
Kent State University Press, 1995. 592 pp.
Shields, Jody. Hats: A Stylish History and Collector’s Guide . New York: Clarkson Potter, 1991. 128 pp.
Sloan, Annie. The Practical Guide to Decorative Antique Effects . Ple asantville, NY: Reader’s Digest
Association, 1995. 128 pp.
Smith, Desire. Hats with Values . Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Publishing, 1996. 160 pp.
Spencer, Charles. Erté . 1 st American edition. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1981. 184 pp., pb.
Steele, Valerie. Fetish: Fashion, Sex and Power . New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. 243 pp., pb.
———. Fifty Years of Fashion: New Look to Now . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. 167 pp.
Thomson, Jane, and Louise Drayton. The Floral Stencil Book . New York: DK Publishing, 1997. 31 pp. pb.
Trasko, Mary. Heavenly Soles: Extraordinary Twentieth-Century Shoes . New York: Abbeville Press,
1989. 131 pp., pb.
Turnbull, Krista Jensen. The Exhibition of Textiles and Costume: Merging Conservation Requirements and Aesthetic Considerations . n.p.: Krista Jensen Turnbull, 1983. 217 pp.
U.S. Committee for Saudi Arabian Cultural Heritage. Palms and Pomegranates: Traditional Dress of
Saudi Arabia . N.p., n.d. 33 pp., pb.
Ulseth, Hazel, and Helen Shannon. Victorian Fashions Volume I: 1880-1890 . Cumberland, Md.: Hobby
House Press, 1988. 128 pp., pb.
———. Victorian Fashions Volume II: 1890-1905 . Cumberland, Md.: Hobby House Press, 1989. 128 pp. pb.
Van den Bukel, Doreen, ed. Fashion Design 1850-1895 . Amsterdam: Pepin Press, 1997. 376 pp., pb.
Waddell, Sasha. New Swedish Style . New York: Rizzoli, 1996. 95 pp.
Waring, Lyn. Hats in Miniature . New York: Sterling Publishing, 1999. 128 pp., pb.
Wark, Edna. Drawn Fabric Embroidery . London: B. T. Batsford, 1979. 136 pp.
———. Metal Thread Embroidery . Kenthurst, Australia: Kangaroo Press, 1989. 80 pp.
Watkins, Susan. Jane Austen’s Town and Country Style . New York: Rizzoli, 1991. 224 pp.
Waugh, Norah. Corsets and Crinolines . New York: Routledge/Theatre Arts Books, reprint of 1954 edition.
176 pp., pb.
———. The Cut of Women’s Clothes, 1600-1930 . New York: Theatre Arts Books/Methuen, 1968. 336 pp.
Wehrle, Louise. Appearance and Gender Identity, Costume Society of America Symposium Abstracts,
16th Annual Meeting and Symposium, May 16-19, 1990, Washington, D.C
. Earleville, Md.:
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Voris, Helen H., Maija Sedzielarz, and Carolyn P. Blackmon. Teach the Mind, Touch the Spirit . Chicago:
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