STANDARD READING ASSESSMENT – GRADE 7 1. Connections: How does what you read connect with what you already knew, experienced, or read somewhere else? 1 not yet meeting/ limited 2 minimally meeting/ partial or with support With guidance, may make some simple, obvious connections to own experience or other selections Makes some concrete, obvious connections to own experience or other selections 2. Work is vague, inaccurate, or incomplete Identifies some main events and characters May be able to place main events in order; explains some simple relationships 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Makes and supports logical, direct, connections with own ideas, beliefs, feelings, and key features of other selections Makes and supports logical connections with own ideas, beliefs, feelings, experiences, and other texts; may risk a divergent response 2 minimally meeting/ partial or with support Provides accurate information; often vague Describes setting, main characters, events, and obvious conflicts; gives some details if asked; explains some simple relationships 2.5 satisfactorily meeting 3 fully meeting/ proficient Generally accurate with most main events, characters, setting, and conflicts captured Gives some detail and explains some relationships among events Clear, complete and accurate, with specific references to the selection Describes setting, main characters, conflict, and events accurately and in some detail; explains relationships among events 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Thorough and precise, with specific detail Describes setting, characters, conflict, and events accurately in own words with relevant detail and explains subtle relationships Inferencing: Read between the lines to find something you believe to be true but that isn’t actually said. Explain your reasoning. 1 not yet meeting/ limited Makes some simple inferences; often illogical because the student has missed literal information Unable to interpret theme or author’s message 4. Makes relatively direct connections to own experience; straightforward connections to key features of other selections 3 fully meeting/ proficient Summarizing: Choose a way to show the main ideas and details in what you read. 1 not yet meeting/ limited 3. 2.5 satisfactorily meeting 2 minimally meeting/ partial or with support Makes some simple inferences; little or no support Interprets theme or author’s message simplistically 2.5 satisfactorily meeting Makes some basic inferences with some support Can offer basic interpretation of obvious theme or message 3 fully meeting/ proficient Makes logical inferences with support Interprets obvious themes or author’s message logically 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Makes inferences with insight, support Interprets complex or subtle themes or author’s message logically Vocabulary: Choose any of the underlined words from the text to complete the boxes below. 1 not yet meeting/ limited 2 2.5 3 minimally meeting/ satisfactorily fully meeting/ partial or with meeting proficient support Focuses on sounding Relies on sounding Uses basic range of Uses range of word out new words; out and context word skills; may skills confidently often gives up clues need prompting Recognizes and tries Difficulty with Limited recognition Recognizes some to interpret figurative/abstract of figurative figurative language figurative language language language *strategies: context clues, sounding out, root words, prefixes, suffixes.. 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Uses range of effective word skills; independent Interprets figurative language confidently 5. Explain a question the reading leaves you with AND/OR a prediction you can make now. 1 not yet meeting/ limited Vague questions unconnected to text Vague or incomplete predictions that may be unsupported or illogical 6. 2 minimally meeting/ partial or with support Direct/concrete/ literal questions connected to the main idea of the text Attempts to make simple, obvious predictions 2.5 satisfactorily meeting Some logical questions connected to key ideas of text Uses story structure to make simple, direct predictions 3 fully meeting/ proficient Thoughtful, logical, reasoned questions Makes logical predictions using knowledge of story structure or genre 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Engaging questions; deeply thoughtprovoking Makes logical, insightful predictions using knowledge of story structure or genre Reflecting: How easy or difficult was this text for you to read? Give specific examples of how you helped yourself understand. 1 not yet meeting/ limited Lacks awareness of strategies Unable to identify problems Often guesses rather than rereading 2 minimally meeting/ partial or with support Limited use of comprehension strategies May need help or direction Inefficient 2.5 satisfactorily meeting Checks for understanding; may use one or two strategies 3 fully meeting/ proficient Checks for understanding; draws on range of strategies and adjusts as needed 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Evaluates own understanding; chooses effectively from wide range of strategies Oral Reading (Fluency: reading at the speed of speech) 1 not yet meeting/ limited Reluctant and/or uncertain Little or no intonation 2 minimally meeting/ partial or with support One word at a time; some attention to puntuation Some intonation 2.5 satisfactorily meeting Phrasing evident; attends to punctuation Adjusts intonation to convey meaning 3 fully meeting/ proficient Confident in oral reading; often becomes more fluent as the story progresses Begins to explore intonation that reflects mood, pace, and tension 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Fluent, confident, and expressive Intonation reflects a more thorough understanding of the text SUMMARY MARK Looking at the big picture, what is the overall mark you would assign for the assessment? (If in doubt, look at the summarizing and inferencing marks; these two areas hold the most weight in terms of comprehension.) 1 not yet meeting/ limited 2 minimally meeting/ partial or with support 2.5 satisfactorily meeting 3 fully meeting/ proficient 4 exceeding expectations/ insightful Student Name: __________________________________________________________ Grade: ________________ Teacher: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________