U n i i t t P l l a n T T e m p l l a t t e
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Unit Author
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Carl Lyman carl.lyman@m.millard.k12.ut.us
Delta Technical Center
305 E 200 N
Delta, UT 84624
School Phone
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Unit Overview
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Unit Plan Title
Accounting Real Estate Board Game & Careers
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question
What are annual reports and who ever uses them?
1. How are source documents created and analyzed?
Unit Questions
2. How are transactions journalized and posted?
3. Why is a worksheet prepared?
4. How & why are financial statements prepared?
5. How are financial statements used?
6. How are the activities of a business reported?
7. What kinds of people use accounting?
8. Is there accounting in my future career?
Unit Summary
Subject Area(s)
(Click boxes of all subjects that apply)
Business Education Drama
Engineering Foreign Language
Other: Accounting
Other: Careers
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Home Economics
Language Arts
School to Career
Industrial Technology
Physical Education
Social Studies Technology
Grade Level
(Click boxes of all grade levels that apply)
K-2 3-5
Gifted and Talented Other: Adults
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
1. Students will work as a team to collaboratively to play a real estate board game like
2. Students will generate their own accounting problems as they play the real estate board game using checks and receipts instead of cash.
3. Students will analyze the transactions from their source documents into their debit and credit parts, journalize the transaction, and post the entries to the ledgers.
4. Students will prepare a trial balance, six-column worksheet, and compute the net income or loss.
5. Students will prepare an income statement and a balance sheet.
6. Students will analyze the financial statements, the playing of the game, and compose a multiple page an annual report using web page creation software.
7. Students will create a brochure exploring a career that uses accounting and what a person needs to do to prepare for that career.
8. Students will reflect on their abilities, skills, and goals then prepare a multimedia presentation exploring where they want to go in life.
Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks
1. Identify the particulars of several types of source documents. 0401
2. Analyze transaction from source documents. 0402
3. Determine general ledger account balances. 0601
4. Prepare a trial balance. 0602
5. Identify temporary and permanent accounts and extend balances to appropriate
Income Statement and Balance Sheet columns. 0702
6. Compute net income or net loss. 0703
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7. Assess need for identifying income/loss and providing data to management. 0704
8. Prepare a formal Income Statement and a formal Balance Sheet using the worksheet as a source document. 0801
9. Compose a cover letter or other communication to accompany the end-of-period financial reports to management. 0806
10. Practice writing checks. 0902
11. Explore telecommunications used with computer for accounting purposes. 1306
12. Explore careers associated with technological advances in accounting. 1307
The student will:
1. Play an accounting real estate game like Monopoly
in groups of 3 or 4 using checks and receipts instead of money.
2. Record journal entries for all transactions generated playing real estate board game.
3. Post entries to the General Ledger.
4. Create a trial balance and worksheet from the ledger. (May be done on a spreadsheet.)
5. Create financial statements: Income Statement and Balance Sheet on a spreadsheet.
6. Analyze the financial statements and use them to compose an annual report to be published as web pages.
7. Prepare a brochure about a possible career that uses accounting.
8. Reflect on personal skills and abilities then create a multimedia presentation about their goals and possible careers that use accounting.
Approximate Time Needed
( Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.)
Playing a real estate board game, journalizing, posting, and creating financial statements.
(4 days)
Publishing the Annual Report on the Web. (3 days)
Brochure on Accounting Careers. (2 days)
Multimedia presentation on skills and goals in a possible career. (4 days)
Prerequisite Skills
- Understanding of debits & credits
- Understanding of the accounting cycle
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Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware
(Click boxes of all equipment needed.)
Camera Laser Disk
Digital Camera
DVD Player
Projection System
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Internet Connection Television
Technology – Software
(Click boxes of all software needed.)
Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
Printed Materials
Internet Web Browser
Web Page Development
Word Processing
1. Teacher implementation plan
2. Sample annual reports from local companies
3. High School accounting text books
4. Pamphlets on different careers
5. Real estate game instructions
6. Chart of Accounts, checks, receipts, journals, ledgers, worksheets, financial forms
7. Student unit plan & assignment sheets
8. Student planning storyboards
9. Scoring rubrics for each activity
or other real estate games
Internet Resources
Search engines.
Annual Reports on major company web sites. Usually can be found under the Investor link.
Tutorials on using Publisher, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Career exploration and job search web sites.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Resource Student
Accommodations for special needs students are already part of the project. Students will work cooperatively. Teacher created spreadsheet templates can be used. Built in templates and wizards can be used in the creation of publications. The teacher or other students can give students one-on-one help. Accessibility Options in the control panel can be used as needed.
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Gifted Student
Student Assessment
Key Word Search
There are many opportunities for gifted students to extend the project. They can modify existing documents or design other documents used in playing the real estate board game. They could use an automated accounting program to keep their accounting records. They could visit or job shadow someone who uses accounting in their work. They can explore the history of real estate board games. They can visit an elementary school or career fair to explain about careers that using accounting.
Students will be given points earned on each of the different parts of the project.
1. Playing Real Estate Board Game rubric (150 points)
2. Accounting Annual Report Web Site rubric (130 points)
3. “So You Want to Be …” Career Exploration Brochure rubric (120 points)
4. My Career Plan Presentation rubric (150 points)
The students have a possibility of earning a total of 600 points for the project.
Accounting, checks, receipts, worksheet, money, business, finance, balance sheet, journal, ledger, annual report, spreadsheet, source documents, accounting cycle, careers, financial statements, copy & paste, storyboard, transitions, animation, layout, publishing, credits, copyright, design, layout, links, brochure, stockholders, multimedia, professional organization
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