- Chemistry Education Association


Some suggestions for teaching

Units 3 and 4 in


This file is available as a Word document on the CEA website.

Penny Commons



The Chemistry Education Association, CEA, is an association dedicated to assisting chemistry teachers and students. It has a very useful web site ( www.cea.asn.au

) and I recommend it to you. The website contains such things as:

 links to the VCAA study design, VCAA resources, past exams, VCAA Sample exams, VCAA FAQs

 solutions to the sample exams

 useful resources and materials for teachers and students

 interesting items of news for Chemistry teachers such as up-coming conference.

CEA offer scholarships to teachers to attend conferences and to chemistry graduates in their final year who have completed a successful teaching qualification. These application forms are available on the CEA website. Membership forms to join CEA are also available on the website. The cost is $10 for life.

I hope the following material will be useful to you when you teach Units 1 to 4 Chemistry. I have included:

 possibly useful information

 a copy of a Chemistry Handbook for Year 12 students with a timetable with pracs and demos and

SAC dates for Units 3and 4

 a copy of a Chemistry Handbook for Year 11 students with a timetable with pracs and demos and

SAC dates for Units 1and 2

 the questions I require the students to complete from the text book included in the timetables

 some examples of assessment tasks

 a reminder of the CEA Teachers’ scholarship

I use the Heinemann books, Chemistry One and Chemistry Two, and the Chemistry 2 Student Workbook and the page references throughout are in those books. The other text book series contain similar useful material.

The pracs and practical parts of the SACs are from the Heinemann Chemistry 2 Student Workbook or the

Heinemann Teacher’s Resource and Assessment Book with some changes at times.

The worksheets etc are from my Student Workbook, Heinemann Chemistry 2 Student Workbook.

I have particularly concentrated on teaching Year 12, Units 3 and 4, but there are many aspects that could apply equally well to Year 11, Units 1 and 2.

My address: School of Chemistry

University of Melbourne


Postal address:


Project Officer

Chemistry Education Association


PO Box 4142,

Melbourne University. Victoria. 3052 pcommons@unimelb.edu.au

If you have questions or concerns throughout next year, I encourage you to email me (or other CEA

Committee members) for assistance and advice. I wish you many years of enjoyment teaching this great subject and hope you pass your enthusiasm onto your students - at least to some of them!

Penny Commons


Texts and resources

There are many resources available, but some include:

 Chemistry 2 Student Workbook - Penny Commons, Heinemann, Pearson

 Chemistry Two 4 th Edition, Heinemann, Pearson

 Heinemann Teacher’s Resource and Assessment Book

 Checkpoints by Roger Slade that contains VCAA exam questions and worked solutions

 Nelson Chemistry VCE Units 1 and 2 and Units 3 and 4

 Study On series, Jacaranda

 Chemistry Dimensions, Pearson

 Material provided by the VCAA on their website and in FAQ

 The Data Booklet to be used in VCAA examinations

 CEA web site ( www.cea.asn.au

) which includes information about CEA, useful material for VCE Chemistry including exam papers, suggested solutions to VCAA Sample exam papers 1 and 2 for the new course,

Chemistry resources including links to useful sites (e.g. VCAA)

Your Timetable

The timetable and your timing in general are extremely important to enable you be certain you have taught all the necessary material before you give the students a SAC in an interesting and enjoyable manner. This is important to keep in mind when we are teaching this most exciting and demanding subject.

Chemistry has the wonderful advantage of practical activities and it is important that, in our aim to cover the course for the exam, that we do not lose that excitement and fun. There will be students who find

Chemistry very difficult, but by being careful not to drop pracs and demos, they will enjoy the subject, although their score may not be earth-shattering.

To achieve these goals, it is important to be well prepared for each lesson and to keep to the timetable. Be sure you have fully considered and planned the way you intend to teach each topic:

 the method of questioning,

 the answers you might expect (or not!)

 the order of the material,

 where the students are coming from and how they might interpret the information

 the homework you intend to set that lesson

 your intended outcomes for the students.

Writing lesson plans really do make a difference to the amount of material you cover in each lesson and the success of the lesson from your viewpoint and especially from the students’ viewpoint.

Consider ways to catch up if necessary. Some suggested time-savers:

 Try not to cut out pracs because this is how Chemistry is best taught. Redesign pracs to fit the time you have.

 One way to save time with pracs is to teach theory until 20 minutes before the end of the lesson and then to do a prac. Students will take as long as you give them and will easily finish on time if it is their lunch break they are eating into!

 Use notes provided in booklets (see later)

 Do demos (see later) to emphasise a point.

When designing the timetable allow time for revision, and, if possible, allow catch up time. Schools are notorious for taking lessons from you unexpectedly! Watch the holidays on a Monday when you may have your double for the week!



These are difficult to arrange in Year 12. Instead you may decide to have someone visit your school. One person who does this is Phillip Hannacker who will come to the school and bring equipment and run a practical based session on a particular topic. There are other excellent excursions you could organise and details of these are on the CEA website at http://www.cea.asn.au/Workshop.html

CDs and Videos

 Practical Science Series Number 1: Chemical Analysis. Video Education Australasia, Bendigo.

 World of Science: Catalysts – old, but short and very good.

 A power point on chromatography from a lecture series I went to several years ago. Simple, but well done. Let me know if you would like this.

 The Amazing Mole; there are many others produced by VEA that are most useful.

Talk to other teachers about their favourites. It is important to have viewed the CD or video before showing it in class. These should not be used as time-fillers or baby-sitters. Sometimes you need to have taught a particular point before the video is useful and then you may only need to show 5 or 10 minutes of it.

Risk Assessment

It is important that you complete risk assessment forms for each experiment and demonstration. These only need to be done once every 5 years and it is best to keep them with the lab notes for that exercise for the following year. Once you have done a few you become quite quick at accessing and recording the necessary information. The CEA web site offers suggestions.

The Heinemann Teachers Resource and Assessment Book (TRAB) has a Risk Assessment proforma on page xiv near the beginning of the book. There is also an electronic copy of it on the CD associated with the


As part of the new course students also have to know how to use MSDS for chemicals and complete a Risk

Assessment for a prac. It is useful to do this as part of an assessment task – it maybe completed in 10 minutes in class on the provided proforma before the actual activity takes place.

Student handouts for Years 11 and 12

 Chemistry Handbook

 Prac book

 Class notes

School Chemistry Handbook

I found it useful to provide Years 11 and 12 students with a dedicated School Chemistry Handbook that contains useful information regarding errors, significant figures, examination preparation and hints, the timetable for each unit, the questions they are required to complete and a checklist of the key knowledge and key skills in each unit from the VCAA Study Design.

Prac Book

A specially designed prac book is also useful for me as well as the lab tech and the students. This contains all the pracs and demos tat are intended to be done throughout each semester. Provide space for student answers in some cases and in others provide the aim, materials and method only leaving spare pages for the student to record observations and results accurately. There are pracs in the Student Workbook set out in a useful way that could be used. In the Workbook, I have selected practical activities that are most useful

5 for helping students to understand the concepts. You may decide to use these practical activities as part of assessment tasks.

Class Notes

A booklet of your Class Notes is also useful. These booklets take considerable time to produce but are definitely worthwhile. I suggest you leave spaces for the students to add notes from the board or as you speak. This means the students has an ownership of the booklets and it is not just another text book. If your students have the Student Workbook, I think I would be less inclined to do this, but as you teach I would require students to annote their workbook and add comments where necessary from your teaching notes. I have tried to only include the essential knowledge in each Area of Study and more details will be given by you as you present the information, as well as worked examples. They would also need a note book to record these worked examples etc from each lesson.

I make a set of overheads of the student booklets for my use on the overhead. If you are a power point wiz you may choose to do it another way.

I think it is very important that when they come to revise they have only one set of notes from which they can train their memory to recall information.

Chapter Questions

These required questions are set out in the Chemistry handbook in a column in the timetable and the students have to submit all essential questions on each topic. This and their pracs form the basis for achieving their overall S for the Unit.

Correction of chapter question

In order to reduce your correction time, provide answers to the book questions. The TRAB and CD are most useful in this respect. Insist students correct their work before submitting it. I feel that all students can benefit from reading what is considered to be the correct answer. It helps them to learn how to use the language of Chemistry correctly and efficiently.

I do not attempt to correct all questions for all students. There is no time and I need a life too! I check that they have done all set questions and that the working is shown and the descriptive answers are not a direct copy of the provided answers. I ask them to request the questions at the top of their answers with which they need help and want you to look at carefully. I do not give them an S for the questions until I see evidence that they have corrected their work.

They should only see me with a short list of questions that still cause difficulties.

Pracs and Demonstrations

Why use demonstration?

They are quick, fun, help the students remember particular aspects and they create interest in the topics.

They also give your teaching a special flair. It can be difficult to do all the pracs you would like to do as well as the necessary SACs. Demonstrations fill this gap.

After all, Chemistry is prac and demonstrations really! That is why students love it!

When you do a demo in the last 3 to 5 minutes of a class, the students leave inspired and with a sense of having enjoyed themselves. They have their favourites too!

I make sure I have done the demonstration before I perform it in front of the class. With the lab tech’s help it should be all organised and take no longer than a few minutes to set up.


The lab technician is the chemistry teacher’s best friend and you should make sure you work at this relationship.

Some special demonstrations that I like to do are given below. They are listed by the same names in the

Teacher’s Resource and Assessment Book.

 The foam column

 Various rates demos

 Chemical oven

 Endothermic reaction between two solids

 Carbon pillar

It is also a good idea to get students to help you carry out the demo for the rest of the class, when it is safe to do so. I often use a demo as a way of introducing students to equipment they will need to use in a coming SAC or to introduce a new concept.

The TRAB has the demonstrations listed with the pracs so they are easily found for each topic. I always include the method and questions for each demonstration in the students’ prac book. This ensures that they remember them and listen and learn appropriately. They have to complete all questions, as they do for all the pracs.

Correction of pracs and demos

I make a point of correcting pracs and demos very carefully. It is the one place I can teach the

students to express themselves and learn to use the chemical language properly. I do this in Year 11 as well to help them develop this knowledge base. I do not insist on full reports for all pracs as this is a waste of the students’ time, but I do insist that all results are accurately recorded, all questions fully

answered and a conclusion written. I require students to resubmit pracs until I feel they have met my requirements.

Method of Delivery in Class

When I introduce a new topic I request that they all listen only to me. After teaching them the concept for about 10 minutes, I require them to add notes to their work book or complete the spaces in the class notes.

This generally means that each topic is covered twice in a lesson.

The plan is for the students to go over their notes that night and read the appropriate section in the text book, making a note of anything of which they are not sure. (This process should take them about 15 - 20 minutes and should be done for all subjects for which they had classes that day.) Any problems should be discussed with the teacher as soon as possible, preferably before the next lesson. This is an approach that will be successful in tertiary study and it encourages them to start to take responsibility of their own education.

I always aim to finish Unit 4 theory, pracs and SACs by the last lesson in Term 3 by carefully planning ahead. Sometimes I have to run an extra class or two to compensate for unavoidable lost school time.

Orange juice and donuts are excellent bribes for 8.00am make-up lessons or pizza for an after school class!!

These also build team spirit and cooperation.


VCAA Data Booklet

One of the significant changes to assessment is the introduction of a Data Booklet for use in the VCAA examinations. This does not contain equations, but there is considerable information given that students will need to learn how to access, interpret and use. This booklet should be part of each student’s resources during Years 11 and 12 and should be constantly used in class whenever data is required (even molar masses or using the Electrochemical Series). In this way they will learn where the information is found and how to interpret and use it. It can be downloaded as part of any VCAA examination from 2008 or 2009, via a link on the CEA website.

Topic tests

In the past in Year 12 I used topic tests for each topic throughout the year. With the introduction of

SACs, time was difficult and the students did not take the tests seriously. Even the present reduced number of SACs, provide an excellent method of keeping the students up to date with their work. These days I suggest you give topic tests and separate answers to the students to do at home on weekends or holidays. It is up to them to do these in their own time and to see you if they have any questions. I have recently used the NEAP topic tests, although previously I made my own tests.


I strongly urge you to take the time at the beginning of the year and develop all the SACs for both units.

This will ensure that they are carefully considered. You may make minor alterations closer to the time when you use them, but at least they will be properly planned. Also be sure to write out the answers and allocate the marks, carefully developing the marking scheme. This is essential to ensure there are no errors and that you know exactly what you require them to give as their answers.

Planning ahead of time will allow you to ensure that you have taught the necessary material, given the lab tech time to order the appropriate chemicals and equipment and given students appropriate time to digest the key knowledge and skills. It also prevents repetition of topics covered in SACs.

For the Written Report of a Practical Activity, the Extended Experimental Investigation and the Summary

Report it is important that the practical segments do not overrun the time you have allowed.

 Where necessary, rewrite pracs so that they will fit.

 Ask your lab tech to assist with setting out materials so that as little time as possible is lost by the students. For example, it is not always necessary that student weigh the starting material. Once they have perfected this task in earlier pracs, the lab tech can provide weighed samples reducing the time lost at the balances

 Sometimes you might even clean up for them!

The Student Workbook contains suggested SACs to cover your needs as stated by the Study Design. If you wish, the practical exercises of the assessment task can be completed in the workbook by the students, collected by you as the log book if you wish, and the report section provided separately by you under test conditions for easy authentication.

I would design the Written Report of a Practical Activity to be all done within the one session in class, including the report. In such a case the students could use the workbook. It is not really an issue if they know the prac before hand because they will have to answer your questions as part of the report under test conditions.


I would use the stimulus material SAC and analysis of second-hand data SAC in the workbook as exercises for revision. Finding more stimulus material is not too difficult using

 the websites in the Advice to Teachers at the back of the VCAA Study Design

 the textbook action, extension or cutting edge boxes.

Also second hand data is easily availably from various exercises in the Heinemann TRAB.

I have found that when writing the questions to satisfy the VCAA criteria, it is sometimes useful to include theoretical application questions that ensure that the students study the topic properly. This also allows easier separation of students when you are ranking them. In the past, my students have requested that the questions cover as much as possible of the topic.

During the week before the SAC, I provide the students with a list of appropriate pages in the text, questions and notes for their revision. I called this the Pre-assessment requirements. It is helpful, particularly if there is more than one class with different teachers.

I also provide an assessment sheet for each SAC which summarises (in simple terms) the VCAA criteria and shows the students where the marks are to be allocated.

On the hi.com website (easy access via the CD at the back of the TRAB) my thoughts and suggestions about preparing the assessment tasks are provided, as well as solutions and suggested risk assessments and a grid to satisfy the VCAA criteria. This is password protected to try and ensure students don’t have ready access. You may find it useful when planning and developing your assessment tasks.

Because it is important to be able to authenticate the assessment tasks, I promote the idea of a log book that you collect. Also the final reports are done under test conditions in the classroom in front of you. This provides a fair assessment of the students and they appreciate the justice.

Even though the students will be able to discuss the pracs or topic with their friends or tutors, if they have learnt the material sufficiently to be able to answers your previously unseen questions for the report, we have achieved our aim.

I have copied a small section of the eei Hints and comments from the website, for your interest, below.

Hints and comments

After consideration of the particular laboratory environment and school timetable demands, teachers must decide how to organise their extended experimental investigation. It could be done over a 2–3-week period, concentrating specifically on the investigation, or it may be spread over about 5 weeks with students performing one experiment each week and completing the report in the last week. The extended experimental investigation can be student designed and/or planned or a teacher-directed task. It is important that students complete the necessary theory before each part of the task. Students may work in pairs to perform the practical activities but will need to record their results and progress in their own logbooks, which will remain with the teacher until it is required for the session when the report will be completed. The report must be an individual activity completed by each student and readily authenticated as their own work.

A grid indicating marks for sections of the practical exercises that exemplify particular key skills and criteria according to the VCAA Assessment Handbook should be developed. As suggested earlier, it is desirable that students keep a logbook throughout the activity and for safe-keeping and authentication reasons, the logbook should remain with the teacher. By checking the logbook regularly, discussing issues and signing off notes in the logbook, a student’s progress can be carefully monitored.

One suggestion for the questions to be addressed by the report is provided at the end of the sample assessment task on page 58 of Heinemann Chemistry 2 Student Workbook. Other approaches are provided by the VCAA


The last part of the assessment grid would be for the report in the format decided upon. This part of the investigation should be an individual activity and must be able to be authenticated. One way to do this is to require that students use their results, under test conditions, to complete a report that is entirely written in the classroom. Another way is to provide sufficient time, for all the class to give an oral report as a media/PowerPoint presentation, poster or speech with speaker notes. It is essential that the report includes a written document that is submitted, with the logbook, to the teacher.


It is worth mentioning that for the June exam in Year 12, students have very little time to revise. Most schools teach up until the Friday before, giving the few students with exams a two-day study period. Often they have several SACs in other subjects during that last week. For this reason it is important to finish the course as soon as possible in Term 2 and provide structured revision in class.

Select appropriate exam questions and go over these in class, giving the students a little time to try them first. Prepare these lessons well. Use flow-charts, tables etc to remind the students of the theory. Give out equations to memorise (provided in the Handbook as part of this handout).

For some reason students often perform at a lower standard in the November exam. It may be that for many it is their last exam and they simply get tired and run out of steam. The revision they do in class before they finish school is extremely important. As is the revision they do during the September holidays.

It is worth being structured with the revision lessons at this stage of the year too.

Remind students that, although old exam questions are the best revision, it is important to read over their notes after doing every 2 or 3 exams. This ensures that the details remain in their memory.

Because of the new course, in 2008 the VCAA has commissioned a Sample Exam for both Unit 3 and Unit 4.

These are available on the VCAA website or on the CEA website linked. The links are given below:

Link for sample exam 1 (including the Data Booklet) http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/chemistry/chem1_sample_2008.pdf

Link for Sample Exam 2 (including the Data Booklet) http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/chemistry/2008chem2-samp.pdf


The VCAA does not provide answers for these papers, but carefully-considered, suggested worked solutions are provided on the CEA website on the VCE page under Resources for Teachers. The url is: http://www.cea.asn.au/vce_home_page.html

Trail exams are always useful, as they will provide entire exams that are appropriate. However remember they are another teacher’s interpretation of the Study Design that may match the real exams less successfully that your interpretation.

It is still useful to include in your budget the cost of some trial exams. Providing a folder of exam papers and charging students a deposit to borrow the folder works quite well. The deposit is retained if they do not return the folders and it covers the cost of buying new ones and/or photocopying (depending on the copyright arrangements). Useful trial exams can be bought from NEAP, STAV, IARTV, Lisachem, Insight

(with annotated worked solutions) and naturally the old VCAA examinations.

The old VCAA exams since 2000 have large numbers of questions that will be appropriate. The VCAA exams are available on their web site back to 2002. Also CEA’s website has copies of past examinations and the examiners reports which can be downloaded back to 1995. I have listed the questions that are appropriate from old VCAA exams in a table on the website on the VCE examination page. I will include a copy of these suggested questions at the end of this handout.

The book called Checkpoints is a useful revision source for you and for the students, because it contains real exam questions and worked solutions as well as other practice questions.

There are several commercial revision programs that are advertised by mail. Some of these are less expensive and can be useful for some students.

I always ran trial exams in class myself. Generally I used the last two years VCAA exams given one week apart. I took the time to mark these exams myself and returned them to the students. My expectation was that they would improve 10% from the first to the second exam and hopefully another 10% in the real exam.

Year 11

I used a similar process with class notes, pracs and revision for Year 11 in order to prepare the students for Year 12. There is a suggested Unit 1 and 2 timetable in a possible Year 11 Chemistry Handbook at the end of this document.

The assessment tasks are suggested in the Study Design by the VCAA for Year 11. While it is important to expose the students to the types of assessment tasks that they will encounter in Year 12, they can be a little less formal and there can be fewer.

A major difference is that in Year 11 I use topic tests for all topics, and keep the assessment tasks to a minimum, ensuring that they have adequate introduction to the extended experimental investigation (eei) and a summary report. (See the next section)

With less assessment tasks, topic tests ensure that the students keep up to date and are aware of the extent of their knowledge. These test results are recorded in their reports for their parents to see - this ensures that they take them seriously.

Setting tests


Setting Year 11 topic tests is a most important activity and is similar to setting SACs for Year 12. As said previously, it is vital that the errors are eliminated as far as possible. The best way to find any errors or omissions is to print off the final version of the test or exam paper (or SAC) and to do it yourself using only the data and information provided. This will ensure you do not forget the molar masses or other important data. Once you have done the test, make sure that your marks are able to be allocated and that the marking scheme and solutions make sense and are complete and correct.

I suggest that when setting Year 11 topic tests, you use some of the formats and styles that will be part of their assessment in Year 12 - both in exams and in the assessment tasks. For example:

 give them second hand-data and set structured question that requires its use;

 make use of the Data booklet in questions where it is relevant to year 11;

 provide stimulus material for them to read and then ask structured question that requires their comprehension and application of some of this material.


I feel it is essential to have contact with other Chemistry teachers. This is particularly important if you are in the country. There are local network groups set up between schools that can be most helpful. CEA is extremely prepared to provide support. I am always happy to share ideas and materials and would encourage you to email me, if you wish.

Two specifically Chemistry related professional learning activities are listed below:

 The STAV Chemistry Conference is always held in February each year. I wholeheartedly recommend this to you as a way of learning more about the courses, collecting material for direct use in the classroom, meeting other teachers and making useful connections.

 CEA run the November Lectures on the last Tuesday in November annually. The idea of this is to extend the teacher’s knowledge, rather than specifically provide material that is directly useful in the classroom. It is meant to empower you so that you have interesting and relevant stories and examples to stimulate your students. The lectures are given by research chemists about cutting edge chemistry.

There are also workshop sessions in the afternoon that allow you to develop your knowledge skills.


Assessment for Unit 3

 Extended experimental investigation - eei

 Written report of a practical activity

 Analysis of first or second -order data using structured questions or a response to stimulus material in written format (slight variations for this last activity in the VCAA produced VCE Assessment Handbook

Chemistry 2008 -2011.)

A common choice is to do the eei from Area of Study 1 and the other two tasks from Area of Study 2. The following pages show how you might start to set up this form of assessment. This material is in my Student

Workbook for Year 12. Please see my detailed thoughts and suggestions for this task on the hi.com website

(easily accessible via the CD in the back of the Heinemann Chemistry Two Edition 4 or the TRAB.)

For the Written report of a practical activity you can do The Preparation of Aspirin or Properties and

Reactions of Some Organic Compounds. Many teachers have difficulty buying the necessary chemicals for the aspirin prac, so this could be taught as a theoretical exercise and the students could do my other suggestion that is an excellent way of teaching the students the organic chemistry they need to know.

For the second assessment task from the Area of Study 2, the section on DNA provides material for an analysis of first or second -order data using structured questions or a response to stimulus material in written format. These two could be combined to produce a test. There is a suggestion in the Workbook and it is relatively easy to produce a similar, but different, set of questions and stimulus material that is previously unseen by students.






Analysis of fertiliser

You will need to have the following key skills.

 Apply chemical understandings

 Investigate and inquire scientifically

 Communicate chemical information and understandings

You will need to understand the following key knowledge.

Text book:

Chapters 1 - 5

Any of the set questions from text book in the following chapters:

Chapter 2 - 5

Pracs and demos:

Gravimetric determination of sulphate

Analysis of vinegar

Back titration: Nitrogen in lawn feed

Worksheets in workbook:

1 - 6

In workbook:

Pages 2 - 7




Analysis of fertiliser

Name: ___________________________________________________________


Marks Your



Background questions for the 3 pracs

Risk assessment and use of MSDS

Recording of results and discussion questions for the 3 pracs

Laboratory skills (automatic and only lost if irresponsible behaviour occurs)

Evaluation of results for the 3 pracs

Overall conclusion that summarises the suitability of different techniques in chemical analysis with reference to the experiments you have performed

3x2 = 6


3x6 = 18


3x2 = 6


Second-hand data for analysis of ammonia (could be a question from an old exam or textbook).

Use of scientific language and conventions, chemical equations and units of measurement



Total 50




These practical activities will be performed during the next couple of weeks. A log book must kept including all your working, results, answers to questions, risk assessment and any other relevant material. The log book will be collected between practical activities.

This will constitute the practical part of the extended experimental investigation (eei) that is the major assessment task for Unit 3.

At a later time in class, you will present a report in the form of answers to a set of questions given to you.

1. Gravimetric determination of sulphur as sulphate in fertiliser

2. Determination of Fe(II) content of lawn fertiliser by redox titration (could be a partial student design)

3. Colorimetric determination of the phosphorus content of fertiliser

(I would either use the workbook as it is all set out for you or produce a set of notes that gives the students the Introduction, Purpose, Pre-lab exercises, Procedure etc.)


Alternative eei from Unit 3 Area of Study 2

This requires that you leave this major piece of assessment until Term 2 not long before the June exams.

However if this does not stress you and your students, I think a successful eei could be developed using:

 Reactions and properties of some organic compounds

 Modelling functional groups and organic reactions

It would address the Outcome statement: Identify and explain the role of functional groups in organic reactions and construct reaction pathways using organic molecules. See VCAA publication page 14 VCE

Assessment Handbook Chemistry 2008 -2011.

This would require that the other two assessment tasks will need to come from Unit 3 Area of Study 1. You could choose one of the four pracs in the workbook in The Analysis of Fertiliser as the written report of a practical activity. The spectroscopy and chromatography section would be ideal for analysis of first or second -order data using structured questions or a response to stimulus material in written format. These two could be combined to produce a test.

Another alternative eei from Unit 3 Area of Study 1

Many universities and specialist institutes offer the pracs for an eei that can be completed by your students in a one day visit. You can provide the questions that enable the students to complete the report back at school a few days later. These are usually associated with the instrumentation section of the course and so the other two assessment tasks would be from Area of Study 2, maybe as suggested above.

Assessment for Unit 4

 Summary report

 Written report of a practical activity

 Analysis of first or second -order data using structured questions or a response to stimulus material in written format (slight variations for this last activity in the VCAA produced VCE Assessment Handbook

Chemistry 2008 -2011.)

A suggestion in my workbook is

 to use pracs that investigate the concept of equilibrium for the summary report

 to do an experiment on half-cells and the electrochemical series for the written report of the practical activity

 electroplating cells for analysis of first or second -order data using structured questions

Alternative summary report for Unit 4 Area of Study 2

If the concept of energy is used for the summary report, unless you teach the topics in reverse (which has some difficulties) you will be leaving this large assessment task to the second half of Term 3. This can cause you and the students stress, but if you are diligent in maintaining your timetable there should be no problem. There are several pracs in the Workbook that would be successful for the summary report.

The Written report of a practical activity could easily be one of the equilibrium pracs and your selected chemical could provide material for analysis of first or second -order data using structured questions or a response to stimulus material in written format - in simple words - a test!



When instruments are manufactured, there is a specified uncertainty within which the instrument is designed to deliver accurate results. You do not need to remember the various uncertainties of instruments exactly, however you are required to know the probable range (to within a power of 10) within which an instrument should operate. Typical uncertainties are: pipette  0.02 mL burette top loading balances

0.02 mL

0.005 g

10 mL measuring cylinders  0.1 mL

100 mL measuring cylinders  1 mL

250 mL standard flasks  0.2 mL

Errors in experimental work can be classified in three categories:

Gross Errors or Mistakes

These are due to careless work or apparatus that is temporarily faulty. By being careful and repeating the experiment several times these errors are easily detected and eliminated.

Systematic Errors

These result from an error in the equipment. They can be eliminated by careful calibration of the instrument.

Random Errors

These errors arise from random variations. They cannot be eliminated, but are reduced by repeating the experiment several times and averaging the results.


All of your numeric answers in the examination must be calculated to the correct number of significant figures. Generally you will lose one mark once only on your paper if your answers are incorrect to more one significant figure. Whilst one mark may not seem especially large, it is easy to express answers correctly.

The following rules will allow you to determine the correct number of significant figures.

 A significant figure is either an integer or a zero that follows an integer. For example:

0.0100 has three significant figures; 100 has three significant figures; 0.001 has one significant figure;

1001.0 has five significant figures; 0.0040 has two significant figures.

 For addition and subtraction:

When determining the number of significant figures for your answer, use the smaller number of decimal places present in the values you used for the calculations.

Example: Use the Law of Conservation of Mass to calculate the mass of product formed when 1.00 g C



12 reacts completely with 0.0442 g H



Solution: 1.00 + 0.0442 = 1.0442 = 1.04 (2 decimal places)

 For multiplication and division:

When determining the number of significant figures for your answer, use the smallest number of significant figures present in the values you used for the calculation.

Example: How many mole of hydrogen gas is present in a 5000 litre container at a pressure of 101.325 kPa and a temperature of 300 o C?

Solution: Because the temperature is given to three significant figures, your answer can only be correct to three significant figures, despite the four for the volume and the six for the pressure.


All reactants and products in equations should have their states correctly included. This means you must use the terms (aq), (g), (s) and (l) properly. You lose one mark once only on your paper for incorrect states in equations.


Week Concepts

Sem 1

Intro at end of year 11

Term 1


Overview of analytical techniques - titrations introduced in Year 11

Overview of analytical techniques; stoich of s, l and g including gas stoich.; excess problems; gravimetric analysis;







Revise mole, stoich

Conc. (M, %v/v, %m/v); volumetric analysis

Revise acid/base theory; pH; indicators; back titration

Redox reactions; oxid. nos.; redox titrations; balancing redox eqs.

Chromatography - TLC,


& R t

; calibration; interpreting chromatograms;

Spectroscopy - o/view electromagnetic spectrum; flame tests; AAS, UV-vis;


Mass spectroscopy; interpreting spectrum

8 Bonding in hydrocarbons; homologous series; alkanes and alkenes; isomers and naming

Holidays Area of Study Review;




Questions from text

bold = essential

W/s in w/book

Pracs/Demos p 38: Analysis of brick cleaner or below in Year

12 week 1 p 38: Analysis of brick cleaner

1, 2 Ch 1: 1, 5 6

Ch 2: 5 - 8, 9, 10,

16, 17, 19,



1, 2


3 Ch 3: 1c,3,4,5, 6-

8, 11c, 14,15, 16,

17, 18, 19,


1 and 3




Ch 4: 5,6,7,

8,9,10, 13,15,

16, 18, 20,21,



Ch 5: 1-5,6,7,


22, 24,25,26,


2, 4

6 p 50: Back titration: N


in lawn feed

SAC Dates &


p 48:

Gravimetric determination of sulphate - eei





Ch 6: 2 - 4,8,10,

14, 19, 20, 21

Ch 7: 5,7,9,10,



32,33, 38, 40

Ch 8: 1,4,5,7,8,


Ch 9: 1-4, 8, 9,




7, 10,

12, 13

9, 11


TRAB p 45: theoretical exercise -

Ethanol content of wine by gas chromatography

TRAB P 56: data analysis -

Interpretation of nmr spectra of a no. of organic compounds

TRAB p 58: data analysis - interpretation of mass spectra

Incursion / excursion on instrumentation p 53:

Determination of Fe(II) content of lawn fertiliser

- eei p 55:

Colorimetric determination of phosphorus content of lawn fertiliser eei report under test conditions p 124: all


(move as needed) exam revision of this area of study

Term 2


Functional groups; common organic reactions







Organic reaction pathways; synthesis of medicines e.g. aspirin; drug development

Fractional distillation; biochemical fuels

Biomolecules: Fats; carbohydrates; proteins

Proteins; enzymes; denaturation; protein markers for disease

DNA function, structure bonding; applications in forensic analysis

Complete all topics; Area of Study Review questions; complete and revise all AoS 1

9, 10 Ch 10: 2, 3, 4, 6- 23




10, 14 Ch 14: 1,5, 9,13 17 (Q1

10, 11 Ch 10: 19,20, 31

Ch 11: 3, 11, 12, 13 and 2),


21 p 93: Preparing artificial fragrances and flavours




Ch 12: 1-3, 7,8,

10, 29,

Ch 12: 12,13,14,



Ch 13: 2,6,7,17,



19, 20,


24 p 98:

Fermentation of ethanol - student design p 101: Written report of a practical

activity - Prep of Aspirin p 95: Reactions and properties of some organic compounds


16 Revision



Sem 2



1 (19) Unit 4: Chemical energy; exo and endothermic r/ns;

ΔH; energy profile diagrams; rates; catalysts; activation energy

2 (20) Equilibrium law; K; temp effect; Le Chatelier's principle; calculations

Holidays Review Ch 15 and 16 carefully


16 p 239: all


Ch 15: 1,2,4,6,8,



Ch 16: 3,5,6,7,





Complete rate, e/brium quest;

Complete AoS review p360: Q

1-12; 17-21


15, 17

(Q3) p 138: Factors affecting rates of reaction

Demos: TRAB p

94: Foam column

TRAB p 128:

Chemical Oven

TRAB p 129:

Endothermic reaction b/w 2 solids

TRAB p 96:

Theoretical exercise - discovering the equilibrium law.


material -

DNA and protein


Week Concepts

Sem 2

Term 3 Review equilibrium and

3 Le Chatelier's principle and calculations;


Acid/base equilibria introduction

Kw; pH; pKa;



16, 17 Ch 17: 1,2,3,5,6,


Questions from text W/sheet in w/book bold = essential



30, 28



Pracs / Demos

(reference in w/book) p 141: Extent of hydrolysis of two acids p 143:

Determination of

2 acidity constants

6 18 Ch 18: 9,13,15,28, 32 14

SAC Dates &

Details p 146: Summary report: Effect of conc., temp. and volume on equilibrium




Chem. Indust; ; H and

S; Waste management;

MSDS; review Green chemistry

Sulfuric acid production

21 Ch 21: 1,2,5,7,8,

9,13,15,18 p 360: Complete all questions in review

of AoS 1

31, 35,



TRAB p 116

Demo - Carbon


TRAB p117:

Properties of sulfuric acid

TRAB p 114:

Flowchart of

Contact process



Energy sources; energy converters and transfers; biochemical fuels

Calorimetry; calculations; ∆H

10 Galvanic cells; recharging; fuel cells; the electrochemical series: use and limitations

Electrolysis; electrolytic cells

Faraday's Laws;

Complete review AoS 2

23, 24 Ch 23: 4,5,8,9,11

Ch 24: 8,12,14, 15,


25 Ch 25: 2,4,5,6,7,


26,28, 33,34,35,36

26, 27 Ch 26: 1,4,5,6,7,

8,9,10, 11,13, 14

Ch 27: 5, 12,13,


28 Ch 28: 3-7,8,9,



1, 33

28 p463: Complete all question in review of AoS 2


39, 40,

42 p 187:

Calorimetry and enthalpy changes p 195: Fuel cells

44, 45,

46, 47

Use Worksheet

45 (p179) as an exercise;

TRAB p 147:

Demo of Tin crystals by electrolysis

43, 48 p 193:

Determination of


Written report of a practical

activity: Halfcells and electrochemical series

Holiday Complete revision of

Unit 4 including exam questions. Aim for

100 hours during these holidays on revision of all subjects to be examined - seriously!

Term 4


Revision; Trial exam 1

12 Revision; Trial exam 2

13 Revision

Exam papers constant and

Avogadro’s constant p 202: Analysis of second hand data - electroplating cells (as a practice/review exercise)


questions on energy









 Elements

 Periodic table

 Compounds

 Development of atomic theory

 Nuclear atom

 Electronic configuration

 The modern periodic table

 Periodic properties

 Trends in properties

 Compounds

 Masses of particles

 The mole

Text chapt








Term 1 Area of Study 1: THE PERIODIC TABLE

15, 17, 20, 23

19, 20, 21, 22,

23a,c, 24, 26,

29, ace, 30, 31,


Practical work including

Worksheets from

W/book and videos

SAC Dates &


TRB1 p. 13 Changes in chemical reactions

Video: World of

Chemistry, Periodic

Table. (parts)

P16 worksheet activity 5

- Organising elements

Revision – Worksheets 3

& 4

SW1 p. 81 Flame colours of selected metals (an experiment for the summary report)


16, 18, 19, 20,

22, 25, 26, 27,

28, 29

2, 3c, 4c, 5f, 6d,

7c, 8d, 9e,g,h,

10d, 11e, f, g, h,

12d, 13,14d, 15d,


21, 22, 23, 24

Video: Bohr atom (parts)

SW1 p. 28 Period 3 elements

P17 worksheet activity 6

- Tracking Trends

TRB1 p. 26 Mole simulation and applications

Video: World of

Chemistry, The Mole

Worksheets 7-11

(Homework or class revision)

SW1 p. 34

Periodic variation of properties – analysis of

2 nd hand data



 Practice mole concept calculations and complete all questions form chapters in text book

 Molar mass

 Empirical and molecular formulas

 percentage composition

Term 1 Area of Study 2: MATERIALS

7  Metals




26aceg, 27, 28,

29, 31, 32, 36,

37, 38, 40, 32,

45, 48, 50, 51

SW1 p. 31 Chemical composition of a compound

Prac: Empirical formula determination

10, 14, 15, 17,

20, 21, 23

8  Ionic compounds – properties & model

 Electron transfer diagrams

 Chemical formulas

6 17, 19, 21, 22,

23, 25, 26, 27,

SW1 p. 72 Testing materials

TRB1 p. 33 Growing metal crystals

Prac: Modifying the properties of metals

SW1 p. 82 Solubility of compounds in water (an summary report)

SW1 p. 84 Conductivity of common materials (an experiment for the






 Covalent molecular substances

 Shapes of molecules

 Polarity of molecules

 Forces between molecules

 Covalent lattices

 Carbon

 Hydrocarbons

 Naming hydrocarbons

 Properties of alkenes and alkenes

 Polymers

 An overview of bonding

 Surfaces

 Nan particles






14  Revision

15  Revision

Semester 2: Unit 2: Area of Study 1 Water

18, 19, 20, 21,

22 summary report)

SW1 p. 75 Making molecular models

Worksheets No 12, 17

23, 24, 25, 26,

29, 31, 34, 36

18, 21, 22, 23,


25, 26, 27, 28,

29, 30, 32, 34,


9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 16, 17

TRB1 p. 41 Comparing the physical properties of different covalent lattices

Worksheet No 18, 19

SW1 p. 78 Investigating hydrocarbons

Worksheet No 21

SW1 p. 81

A summary report of three practical activities

Worksheet No 23

Demo: Thermosetting and

Thermoplastic polymers

TRB1 p. 50 Making ghost buster slime

TRB1 p. 53 Making an


Prac: Wetting

Demo: Flotation of


TRB1 p. 43 Bucky balls, annotates and other allotropes of carbon

No. 22 worksheet, p69

SW1 p. 86

Nanotechnolo gy and new materials – a poster presentation

(optional for you not the students!)



Term 3 Area of Study 1: WATER

Wk Concepts






The water cycle

Properties of water

Water as a solvent

Measuring solubility

Concentration of solutions

Precipitation reactions

Ionic equations

Maintaining water quality

Introducing Acids & bases

Reactions involving acids and bases

5  Brønsted - Lowry definition

 Acid and base strength

 pH scale

Text chapt






Minimum Chapter


13, 14, 19, 23, 24,

31, 32, 34, 35

14. 15, 17, 19, 22ace,

23ace, 26, 28, 32,

35, 37

6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 15, 17

2, 5, 8, 9

15, 16, 17, 21, 22,

24, 25, 26, 27, 28,

31, 32

Practical work including Worksheets from W/book and videos

Selections from TRB1 p. 61 Properties of water

WS25: Wonderful water—structure and properties

TRB134: Effect of polarity on solubility



TRB136: Stalagmite from a supersaturated solution


Concentrations of solutions

SW1 p. 115

Precipitation reactions

WS26: Solving solubility—predicting precipitation reactions

TRB1 p. 77 Purification of polluted water

TRB1 p. 80 reactions of hydrochloric acid eei- Use some of the activities from

Experimental investigation of the properties and behaviour of acids - only use as a prac

WS27: Recording equations—Full and ionic chemical equations;

WS28: Concentration and strength—picturing acids and bases;

T49: Strong and weak acids

TRB1 p. 82 Amphiprotic substances in water

WS31: Acidity of solutions—calculating pH



An extended experimental investigation could be developed using acids and bases and pH pracs and making the

links (It could be good to do this at this early stage of the semester)









Excess reactants

 Volumetric analysis

More practice of stoichiometry and catch up

Oxidation and reduction

Redox reactions

Oxidation numbers

Galvanic cells

The electrochemical series


Green Chemistry: Some of the following-Applications of green chemistry; The

CFC story; replacement of halogenated solvents with supercritical CO2 in industrial processes or in plant protection.

Area of study review







14, 15, 17, 19, 23,

24, 28, 30, 32, 33,

35, 36, 39, 40, 41,

43, 45

22, 25, 27, 29, 30,

31, 32

36, 38, 40, 42, 43,

46, 47, 50

3, 4, 5

WS24: Crossword— acids and bases

SW1 pp. 119 Products of a decomposition reaction

WS29: Stoichiometry

1: Mass–mass calculations

TRB1 p. 90

Determination of the concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution

WS30: Stoichiometry

2: Excess reagent calculations

WS32: Solving complex calculations—using more than one formula

SW1 p. 121 Corrosion

WS33: Matchmaker— redox reactions;

WS34: Metals and their cations—writing half equations

TRB1 p. 98

Electrochemical cells and corrosion

WS35: From chemicals to electricity—galvanic cells

TRB1 p. 102

Investigating galvanic cells

WS36: Sorting statements—principles of green chemistry

WS37: Conserving atoms—the green chemistry principle of atom economy

Term 3 Area of Study 2 - THE ATMOSPHERE


13 

The atmosphere

Essential gases

 Acid rain

 Depletion of the ozone layer

 Smog

 Green house effect

Laboratory and industrial



11, 12, 14, 16, 20

12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24

SW1 p. 155 Preparation and properties of oxygen

WS41: Gases of the atmosphere—concept maps

WS38: Crossword—the atmosphere

WS39: Humans doing damage—the greenhouse effect and the ozone layer

SW1 p. 163

Greenhouse and global warming – a response to

stimulus material

(optional for you if time permits)

20 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, SW1 p. 155 Preparation SW1 p. 164

preparation of a gas of significance to the quality of the atmosphere – carbon dioxide

14  Kinetic molecular theory

 Pressure, volume relationships

 Gas laws

 General gas equation

 Gas stoichiometry

15  Revision

16  Revision

17  Exams /Year 12 exams for those doing a ¾ subject


21 33, 34, 36, 40, 41,

43, 45, 47, 48, 49,

51, 57, 59, 61, 64,

66, 67 and properties of oxygen

WS40: Cycling matter—carbon and nitrogen

SW1 p. 157 Volumepressure relationships of gases

SW1 p. 160 Molar volume of hydrogen

WS42: Explaining gas behaviour—kinetic molecular theory

WS44: How humans breathe—Boyle’s Law

WS45: Charles Law

WS47: Different but the same—molar volume of gases

WS43: Equivalent measures—converting units

WS46: Changing conditions—effects of temperature, volume and amount on pressure.

WS48: Putting it all together—the general gas equation

WS49: Stoichiometry

3: mass–volume


Preparation and properties of carbon dioxide – an extended experimental


(could be done here but it is very late in the


STUDENT NAME ____________________




Significant figures

States of matter in equations

Revision Hints




Unit 3 VCAA Study Design

VCAA Key Skills

Unit 3 Timetable

Unit 4 VCAA Study Design

Unit 4 Timetable




When instruments are manufactured, there is a specified uncertainty within which the instrument is designed to deliver accurate results. You do not need to remember the various uncertainties of instruments exactly, however you are required to know the probable range (to within a power of 10) within which an instrument should operate. Typical uncertainties are: pipette  0.02 mL burette top loading balances

0.02 mL

0.005 g

10 mL measuring cylinders  0.1 mL

100 mL measuring cylinders  1 mL

250 mL standard flasks  0.2 mL

Errors in experimental work can be classified in three categories:

Gross Errors or Mistakes

These are due to careless work or apparatus that is temporarily faulty. By being careful and repeating the experiment several times these errors are easily detected and eliminated.

Systematic Errors

These result from an error in the equipment. They can be eliminated by careful calibration of the instrument.

Random Errors

These errors arise from random variations. They cannot be eliminated, but are reduced by repeating the experiment several times and averaging the results.


All of your numeric answers in the examination must be calculated to the correct number of significant figures. Generally you will lose one mark once only on your paper if your answers are incorrect to more one significant figure. Whilst one mark may not seem especially large, it is easy to express answers correctly.

The following rules will allow you to determine the correct number of significant figures.

 A significant figure is either an integer or a zero that follows an integer. For example:

0.0100 has three significant figures; 100 has three significant figures; 0.001 has one significant figure;

1001.0 has five significant figures; 0.0040 has two significant figures.

 For addition and subtraction:

When determining the number of significant figures for your answer, use the smaller number of decimal places present in the values you used for the calculations.

Example: Use the Law of Conservation of Mass to calculate the mass of product formed when 1.00 g C reacts completely with 0.0442 g H






Solution: 1.00 + 0.0442 = 1.0442 = 1.04 (2 decimal places)

 For multiplication and division:

When determining the number of significant figures for your answer, use the smallest number of significant figures present in the values you used for the calculation.

Example: How many mole of hydrogen gas is present in a 5000 litre container at a pressure of 101.325 kPa and a temperature of 300 o C?

Solution: Because the temperature is given to three significant figures, your answer can only be correct to three significant figures, despite the four for the volume and the six for the pressure.


All reactants and products in equations should have their states correctly included. This means you must use the terms (aq), (g), (s) and (l) properly. You lose one mark once only on your paper for incorrect states in equations.




As part of your revision program, you should:

 Memorise all the key ideas including definitions, important equations, and details of instruments, industrial processes and cells.

 Go over the outcome statements in the Study Design.

 Go over questions you have done during the term from your text book. You should be able to do this quite quickly. There is no need to do them all again; just select typical examples of each type. Try working out the main steps in your head to save time. Particularly select the questions with which you previously had difficulty or needed someone to show you.

 Complete past VCAA exam papers. Because this is a relatively new course, the old papers (pre-2008) are not entirely relevant. However large sections are still appropriate and your teacher will be able to tell you what you can omit. The VCAA produced a Sample Exam in 2008 that is entirely relevant and it is most important that you complete these papers for each Unit and check the answers that can be found on the CEA website.

 The Sample Exams can be found via the CEA website, under VCE Chemistry, Links to VCAA Sample

Exam 1 and Exam 2. The answers are further down the page and are listed as Suggested Answers to

Sample Exam 1 2008 and Sample Exam 2 2008.

 All papers can be downloaded from the VCAA or CEA websites: www.cea.asn.au


 The more past examinations you do, the better your marks will be. It is not necessary to do them as complete exams in 1.5 hours. As you revise topics, you can complete the appropriate questions, being careful to keep to the time suggested for each question. At other times you may decide that you need practice in doing multiple choice questions.

 Mark your exams carefully from the answers provided. If you were incorrect, look at the appropriate section in your notes to assist your memory. Even if you are correct, it is important to read the correct answer fully, especially as it is written by the examiners. Whenever the examiners report states that this question was badly done, you can almost guarantee that the

topic will be examined again in a very similar manner.

 Make sure you speak to your teacher about the problems you are constantly finding.

 When you complete 2 or 3 papers, read your notes completely to remind yourself regularly of the details of the course. During the weeks before the exams in June and November, this should occur at least twice a week until the exam. You should have one complete set of notes. Amalgamate all revision notes, class notes and summaries.


You should make up a revision timetable. Work backwards from your examinations. Naturally you will revise for a specific exam the night before. Be careful to allocate equal time during the prior weekend to all subjects in which you have an exam. Work backwards through the weeks before the exams.


During the reading time read the whole paper slowly and carefully. Do not flip back and forward. During the reading time you will slow down your pulse rate and allow your thoughts to begin to work in an ordered way.

Take some deep breaths and consciously regain your full composure. By reading with understanding your mind will start to work on the problems. During this time you may also find material in one section of the paper that will assist you with a different question!

Decide whether you are doing the multiple-choice or structured questions first.


When completing the multiple choice questions do all questions. Do not leave any blank, even if you have to guess. Before you hand in your paper, double check that you have answered all questions. Be careful to write the correct answer in the correct box. In case you misalign your answers, circle the correct letter in the exam booklet, allowing a quick check if needed at the end.

In the extended answer section, do the question of which you are most certain first.

Check the time at the end of each question.

Reread each question when you finished it and check you have answered all parts, balanced all equations, and included all states and units.

If you complete your answer away from the expected section, clearly direct the marker to follow your working.

Set out your answers clearly, stating the formulae you intend to use, as this often earns marks. e.g. n (NaOH) = c x V


pH = - log10 [H3O+]

Formulae must be memorised because no information can be taken in to the examination in your calculator memory. Your calculator must not be programmable

For the June examination: n = m / M n = number of particles


A n = cV pV = nRT n = V / V m pH = – log10 [H3O+]



O + ] = 10 -pH

[H3O+]x[OH ] = 10-14 at 25oC



=  (relative isotopic mass x relative abundance) /  total relative abundance


m amount in moles mass in grams

M molar mass in grams per mole

NA Avogadro’s Number = 6.023 × 1023

c concentration in moles per litre (M)



T volume in litres pressure in kilopascals (kPa) temperature in Kelvin

R general gas constant = 8.31 J K-1 mol-1

Vm molar volume in litres at specified conditions; commonly used conditions are SLC (25oC, 1 atm), STP

(0oC,1 atm)

For the November examination: n = m / M n = cV pV = nRT n = V / V m

Q = I × t

Q = n(electrons) × F


m amount in moles mass in grams

M molar mass in grams per mole

NA Avogadro’s Number = 6.023 × 1023

c concentration in moles per litre (M)



T volume in litres pressure in kilopascals (kPa) temperature in Kelvin

R general gas constant = 8.31 J K-1 mol-1 n = number of particles


A pH = – log10 [H3O





O + ] = 10 -pH





] × [OH ] = 10 -14 at 25oC

E = 4.184 × m × T

E = V × I × t

C.F.= (V × I × t) /  T

Vm molar volume in litres at specified conditions; commonly used conditions are SLC (25oC, 1 atm) or






STP (0oC,1 atm) charge in Coulomb current in amps time in s voltage in volts

Faraday = 96500 C.

S.H.C of water = 4.184 J oC -1 g -1

C.F. calibration factor




Unit 3: Chemical pathways

AREA OF STUDY 1: Chemical analysis

Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• volumetric analysis: simple and back titrations, acid-base and redox titrations;

• gravimetric analysis;

• calculations including amount of solids, liquids and gases; concentration; volume, pressure and temperature of gases;

• use of oxidation numbers to write redox equations;

• principles and applications of chromatographic techniques and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data from thin layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC);

• principles and applications of spectroscopic techniques and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data from atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), infrared spectroscopy (IR), mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy (visible-UV);

• matching analytical technique/s to a particular task.

AREA OF STUDY 2: Organic chemical pathways

Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• structure and systematic nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes, amines, chloroalkanes, alkanols and carboxylic acids up to C10;

• common reactions of organic compounds: addition reactions of alkenes, substitution reactions of alkanes and primary chloroalkanes, oxidation of primary alkanols, esterification;

• principles of fractional distillation;

• organic reaction pathways including the production of esters from alkenes, condensation and polymerisation reactions that produce large biomolecules;

• primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins and the function of protein catalysts (enzymes);

• biochemical fuels including fermentation of sugars to produce ethanol;

• the structure and bonding of DNA and its applications in forensic analysis;

• use of proteins as markers for disease;

• function of organic molecules in the design and synthesis of medicines including the production of aspirin from salicylic acid.



Investigate and inquire scientifically

• work independently and collaboratively as required to develop and apply safe and responsible work practices when completing all practical investigations including the appropriate disposal of wastes;

• conduct investigations that include collecting, processing, recording and analysing qualitative and quantitative data; draw conclusions consistent with the question under investigation and the information collected; evaluate procedures and reliability of data;

• construct questions (and hypotheses); plan and/or design, and conduct investigations; identify and address possible sources of uncertainty;

• apply ethics of scientific research when conducting and reporting on investigations.

Apply chemical understandings

• make connections between concepts; process information; apply understandings to familiar and new contexts;

• use first and second-hand data and evidence to demonstrate how chemical concepts and theories have developed and been modified over time;

• analyse issues and implications relating to scientific and technological developments;

• analyse and evaluate the reliability of chemistry related information and opinions presented in the public domain.

Communicate chemical information and understandings

• interpret, explain and communicate chemical information and ideas accurately and effectively;

• use communication methods suitable for different audiences and purposes;

• use scientific language and conventions correctly, including chemical equations and units of measurement.


Week Concepts

Sem 1

Intro at end of year 11

Term 1


Overview of analytical techniques - titrations introduced in Year 11

Overview of analytical techniques; stoich of s, l and g including gas stoich.; excess problems; gravimetric analysis;








Revise mole, stoich

Conc. (M, %v/v, %m/v); volumetric analysis

Revise acid/base theory; pH; indicators; back titration

Redox reactions; oxid. nos.; redox titrations; balancing redox eqs.

Chromatography - TLC,


& R t

; calibration; interpreting chromatograms;

Spectroscopy - o/view electromagnetic spectrum; flame tests; AAS, UV-vis;


Mass spectroscopy; interpreting spectrum

Bonding in hydrocarbons; homologous series; alkanes and alkenes; isomers and naming




Questions from text

bold = essential

W/s in w/book


(reference in w/book unless otherwise stated) p 38: Analysis of brick cleaner or below in Year

12 week 1 p 38: Analysis of brick cleaner

1, 2 Ch 1: 1, 5 6

Ch 2: 5 - 8, 9, 10,

16, 17, 19,




1, 2

3 Ch 3: 1c,3,4,5, 6-

8, 11c, 14,15, 16,

17, 18, 19,


1 and 3




Ch 4: 5,6,7,

8,9,10, 13,15,

16, 18, 20,21,



Ch 5: 1-5,6,7,


22, 24,25,26,


2, 4

6 p 50: Back titration: N


in lawn feed

SAC Dates &


p 48:

Gravimetric determination of sulphate - eei





Ch 6: 2 - 4,8,10,

14, 19, 20, 21

Ch 7: 5,7,9,10,



32,33, 38, 40

Ch 8: 1,4,5,7,8,


Ch 9: 1-4, 8, 9,




7, 10,

12, 13

9, 11


TRAB p 45: theoretical exercise -

Ethanol content of wine by gas chromatography

TRAB P 56: data analysis -

Interpretation of nmr spectra of a no. of organic compounds

TRAB p 58: data analysis - interpretation of mass spectra

Incursion / excursion on instrumentation p 53:

Determination of Fe(II) content of lawn fertiliser

- eei p 55:

Colorimetric determination of phosphorus content of lawn fertiliser eei report under test conditions



(move as needed)

Area of Study Review; exam revision of this area of study

Term 2


Functional groups; common organic reactions







Organic reaction pathways; synthesis of medicines e.g. aspirin; drug development

Fractional distillation; biochemical fuels

Biomolecules: Fats; carbohydrates; proteins

Proteins; enzymes; denaturation; protein markers for disease

DNA function, structure bonding; applications in forensic analysis

Complete all topics; Area of Study Review p 124: all questions; complete and revise all AoS 1

9, 10 Ch 10: 2, 3, 4, 6-





10, 14 Ch 14: 1,5, 9,13 17 (Q1 and 2),

10, 11 Ch 10: 19,20, 31

Ch 11: 3, 11, 12, 13


21 p 93: Preparing artificial fragrances and flavours




Ch 12: 1-3, 7,8,

10, 29,

Ch 12: 12,13,14,



Ch 13: 2,6,7,17,



19, 20,


24 p 98:

Fermentation of ethanol - student design p 101: Written report of a practical

activity - Prep of Aspirin p 95: Reactions and properties of some organic compounds







Sem 2


1 (19) Unit 4: Chemical energy; exo and endothermic r/ns;

ΔH; energy profile diagrams; rates; catalysts; activation energy

2 (20) Equilibrium law; K; temp effect; Le Chatelier's principle; calculations

Holidays Review Ch 15 and 16 carefully


16 p 239: all


Ch 15: 1,2,4,6,8,



Ch 16: 3,5,6,7,





Complete rate, e/brium quest;

Complete AoS review p360: Q

1-12; 17-21


15, 17

(Q3) p 138: Factors affecting rates of reaction

Demos: TRAB p

94: Foam column

TRAB p 128:

Chemical Oven

TRAB p 129:

Endothermic reaction b/w 2 solids

TRAB p 96:

Theoretical exercise - discovering the equilibrium law.


material -

DNA and protein



Unit 4: Chemistry at work

AREA OF STUDY 1: Industrial chemistry

Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• collision theory and factors that affect the rate of a reaction including activation energy;

• energy profile diagrams and the use of ΔH notation;

• reversible reactions: homogeneous equilibria and the equilibrium law, Le Chatelier’s Principle and factors which affect the position of equilibrium;

• pH as a measure of strength of acids and bases; Kw, Ka for weak acids;

• principles of waste management used in the chemical industry;

• the industrial production of the selected chemical

– factors affecting the production including rate and equilibrium position, catalysts, temperature, pressure

– waste management including generation, treatment and reduction

– health and safety

– uses of the selected chemical.

AREA OF STUDY 2: Supplying and using energy

Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• comparison of energy sources: types, uses and sustainability of sources including brown coal, natural gas, nuclear fission and biochemical fuels;

• application of calorimetry to measure energy changes in chemical reactions in solution Calorimetry and bomb calorimetry;

• use of the electrochemical series in predicting the products of redox reactions and writing half equations;

• limitations of predictions made using the electrochemical series;

• the construction and operation of simple galvanic primary and secondary cells;

• the construction and operation of fuel cells: advantages and disadvantages of fuel cells compared to conventional energy sources;

• the construction and operation of simple electrolytic cells: comparison of electrolytic cells;

• application of Faraday’s laws in electrochemistry.


Week Concepts

Sem 2

Term 3 Review equilibrium and

3 Le Chatelier's principle and calculations;


Acid/base equilibria introduction

Kw; pH; pKa;



16, 17 Ch 17: 1,2,3,5,6,


Questions from text W/sheet in w/book bold = essential



30, 28



Pracs / Demos

(reference in w/book) p 141: Extent of hydrolysis of two acids p 143:

Determination of

2 acidity constants

6 18 Ch 18: 9,13,15,28, 32 14

SAC Dates &

Details p 146: Summary report: Effect of conc., temp. and volume on equilibrium




Chem. Indust; ; H and

S; Waste management;

MSDS; review Green chemistry

Sulfuric acid production

21 Ch 21: 1,2,5,7,8,

9,13,15,18 p 360: Complete all questions in review

of AoS 1

31, 35,



TRAB p 116

Demo - Carbon


TRAB p117:

Properties of sulfuric acid

TRAB p 114:

Flowchart of

Contact process



Energy sources; energy converters and transfers; biochemical fuels

Calorimetry; calculations; ∆H

10 Galvanic cells; recharging; fuel cells; the electrochemical series: use and limitations

Electrolysis; electrolytic cells

Faraday's Laws;

Complete review AoS 2

23, 24 Ch 23: 4,5,8,9,11

Ch 24: 8,12,14, 15,


25 Ch 25: 2,4,5,6,7,


26,28, 33,34,35,36

26, 27 Ch 26: 1,4,5,6,7,

8,9,10, 11,13, 14

Ch 27: 5, 12,13,


28 Ch 28: 3-7,8,9,



1, 33

28 p463: Complete all question in review of AoS 2


39, 40,

42 p 187:

Calorimetry and enthalpy changes p 195: Fuel cells

44, 45,

46, 47

Use Worksheet

45 (p179) as an exercise;

TRAB p 147:

Demo of Tin crystals by electrolysis

43, 48 p 193:

Determination of


Written report of a practical

activity: Halfcells and electrochemical series

Holiday Complete revision of

Unit 4 including exam questions. Aim for

100 hours during these holidays on revision of all subjects to be examined - seriously!

Term 4


Revision; Trial exam 1

12 Revision; Trial exam 2

13 Revision

Exam papers constant and

Avogadro’s constant p 202: Analysis of second hand data - electroplating cells (as a practice/review exercise)


questions on energy


Suggested relevant questions from VCAA examinations prior to 2008 course

Please note that these suggestions are not endorsed by the VCAA

From old Unit 3 exams

Unit 3: Written exam 1 Unit 4: Written exam 2 Past Unit 3 exams from:

2000 Section A 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18,








Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

1, 2, 4, 5,

1, 4, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19,

1a, 2, 3, 5,

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,

1, 2, 5, 6, 7a, c

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19,

1, 3, 5, 7

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

1a, 2, 3,

1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

18, 19, 20

1, 2, 3,

2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20

1, 2, 3, 4,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20

3, 5, 7

3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 (if study sulfuric acid), 20

3 (only if studied ethene), 6,

2, 3, 5, 6, 7 (the last 3 if study sulfuric acid), 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 (if study ethene), 20, 21, 22

1b, 4,

1, 2, 3, 4 (if study sulfuric acid),

5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 18 (if study sulfuric acid), 19, 20

3, 4, 7 b (if studied ethene)

1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 20 (if study sulfuric acid)

2, 4, 6,

5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

1b, 5(if study sulfuric acid), 6,

3, 4, 12,

4, 5 (if study sulfuric acid), 6, 7,

3, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18,

5, 6, 7 (d if study ethene), 8 (if study sulfuric acid)

6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 19

1, 2, 4, 6,


From old Unit 4 exams

Past Unit 4 Exams from:









Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Section A

Section B

Unit 3: Written exam 1

14, 16,


13, 14,

3, 4a, 7,

7, 8, 9, 11,

3c,d, 4b,

17, 18, 19,

1a,b, 2, 5c,d, 7b,c,d,

14, 16, 17, 18,

1ii,iv, 8a,b,

1, 2, 15,

2a,b, 3a, 4, 5a, b,

11, 12, 14, 15, 20

3a, 8b,c,

3, 7, 10,


Unit 4: Written exam 2

2, 3, 4, 5, 15,

1b,d, 2, 4,

1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 15,

1, 2, 4b,c,d,

13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20

6, 7b

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,

3, 4, 8d

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

3, 4, 5a,b, 9,

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13,

5c, 6a,b, 7, 8,

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

4, 5, 9a,b,c,

11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,

6, 7, 8


STUDENT NAME ____________________





Units 1 and 2 VCAA Study Design

VCAA Key Skills

Unit 1 Timetable

Revision for Unit 1 Exam

Unit 2 Timetable

Revision for Unit 2 Exam




Unit 1: The big ideas of chemistry


The Periodic Table

Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• The Periodic Table

– historical development from Mendeleev to Seaborg

– trends and patterns of properties within The Periodic Table: atomic number, types of compounds formed, metallic/non-metallic character, chemical reactivity of elements;

• atomic theory

– historical development of the model of atomic theory with contributions from Dalton to


– limitations of the model of atomic theory

– mass number, isotopes, calculation of relative atomic mass, electronic configuration including subshells;

• the mole concept including empirical and molecular formulas, percentage composition, Avogadro’s constant;

• interpretation of data from mass spectrometry.



Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• models of bonding to explain observed properties including melting temperature, electrical conductivity, chemical reactivity, shape, polarity of bonds, intermolecular forces

– metals

– ionic compounds

– molecular substances, network lattices, layer lattices;

• limitations of the bonding models;

• properties and systematic naming of alkanes and alkenes up to C



• structural isomers of C





• behaviour of surfaces and the application of surface chemistry in nanotechnology;

• addition polymers

– relationship between structure, properties and applications,

– synthesis, cross-linking

– development of customised polymers.


Unit 2: Environmental chemistry



Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• role of water in maintaining life in the environment

– unique properties of water: relationship between structure and bonding, and properties and uses including solubility and conductivity

– ways in which substances behave in water: the dissociation of soluble ionic solutes; the ionisation of polar molecules such as acids; the separation of non-ionising polar molecules such as ethanol

– maintaining water quality: solubility, precipitation reactions, pH

– desalination, including the principles of distillation;

• acids and bases: proton transfer; common reactions of acids; strong and weak acids and bases; polyprotic acids; amphiprotic substances;

• calculations including mass-mass stoichiometry and concentration and volume of solutions; pH of strong acids and of strong bases;

• redox reactions in aqueous solution including writing balanced equations for oxidation and reduction reactions, for example metal displacement reactions, corrosion of iron;

• application of the principles of green chemistry; for example, replacement of halogenated solvents with supercritical carbon dioxide in industrial processes or in plant crop protection.


The atmosphere

Key knowledge

This knowledge includes

• role of the atmosphere in maintaining life in the environment

– effects of human activities, such as agriculture, industry, transport, energy production, on the atmosphere

– chemical reactions and processes of acid rain

– qualitative effects of ozone depletion and photochemical smog

– role of the carbon and nitrogen cycles in maintaining life on earth

– the laboratory and industrial preparation of one gas of signifi cance to the quality of the atmosphere;

• the major contributing gases to the enhanced greenhouse effect and at least one of the associated local, state, national or international protocols;

• kinetic molecular theory and its use in explaining properties of gases;

• calculations including those involving gas laws, molar volume (VM) at STP and SLC, the General Gas

Equation, volume-volume and mass-volume stoichiometry.



Investigate and inquire scientifically

• work independently and collaboratively as required to develop and apply safe and responsible work practices when completing all practical investigations including the appropriate disposal of wastes;

• conduct investigations that include collecting, processing, recording and analysing qualitative and quantitative data; draw conclusions consistent with the question under investigation and the information collected; evaluate procedures and reliability of data;

• construct questions (and hypotheses); plan and/or design, and conduct investigations; identify and address possible sources of uncertainty;

• apply ethics of scientific research when conducting and reporting on investigations.

Apply chemical understandings

• make connections between concepts; process information; apply understandings to familiar and new contexts;

• use first and second-hand data and evidence to demonstrate how chemical concepts and theories have developed and been modified over time;

• analyse issues and implications relating to scientific and technological developments;

• analyse and evaluate the reliability of chemistry related information and opinions presented in the public domain.

Communicate chemical information and understandings

• interpret, explain and communicate chemical information and ideas accurately and effectively;

• use communication methods suitable for different audiences and purposes;

• use scientific language and conventions correctly, including chemical equations and units of measurement.


Wk Concepts Text chapt




Term 1 Area of Study 1: THE PERIODIC TABLE

1 1 15, 17, 20, 23  Elements

 Periodic table

 Compounds




 Development of atomic theory

 Nuclear atom

 Electronic configuration

 The modern periodic table

 Periodic properties

 Trends in properties

 Compounds

 Masses of particles

 The mole




19, 20, 21, 22,

23a,c, 24, 26,

29, ace, 30, 31,


TRB1 p. 13 Changes in chemical reactions

Video: World of

Chemistry, Periodic

Table. (parts)

P16 worksheet activity 5

- Organising elements

Revision – Worksheets 3

& 4

SW1 p. 81 Flame colours of selected metals (an experiment for the summary report)


16, 18, 19, 20,

22, 25, 26, 27,

28, 29

2, 3c, 4c, 5f, 6d,

7c, 8d, 9e,g,h,

10d, 11e, f, g, h,

12d, 13,14d, 15d,


21, 22, 23, 24

Video: Bohr atom (parts)

SW1 p. 28 Period 3 elements

P17 worksheet activity 6

- Tracking Trends

TRB1 p. 26 Mole simulation and applications

Video: World of

Chemistry, The Mole

Worksheets 7-11

(Homework or class revision)

SW1 p. 34

Periodic variation of properties – analysis of

2 nd hand data



 Practice mole concept calculations and complete all questions form chapters in text book

 Molar mass

 Empirical and molecular formulas

 percentage composition

Term 1 Area of Study 2: MATERIALS

7  Metals




26aceg, 27, 28,

29, 31, 32, 36,

37, 38, 40, 32,

45, 48, 50, 51

SW1 p. 31 Chemical composition of a compound

Prac: Empirical formula determination

10, 14, 15, 17,

20, 21, 23

Practical work including

Worksheets from

W/book and videos

SAC Dates &


8  Ionic compounds – properties & model

 Electron transfer diagrams

 Chemical formulas

6 17, 19, 21, 22,

23, 25, 26, 27,

SW1 p. 72 Testing materials

TRB1 p. 33 Growing metal crystals

Prac: Modifying the properties of metals

SW1 p. 82 Solubility of compounds in water (an summary report)

SW1 p. 84 Conductivity of common materials (an experiment for the






 Covalent molecular substances

 Shapes of molecules

 Polarity of molecules

 Forces between molecules

 Covalent lattices

 Carbon

 Hydrocarbons

 Naming hydrocarbons

 Properties of alkenes and alkenes

 Polymers

 An overview of bonding

 Surfaces

 Nan particles






18, 19, 20, 21,


23, 24, 25, 26,

29, 31, 34, 36

18, 21, 22, 23,


25, 26, 27, 28,

29, 30, 32, 34,


9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 16, 17 summary report)

SW1 p. 75 Making molecular models

Worksheets No 12, 17

TRB1 p. 41 Comparing the physical properties of different covalent lattices

Worksheet No 18, 19

SW1 p. 78 Investigating hydrocarbons

Worksheet No 21

SW1 p. 81

A summary report of three practical activities

Worksheet No 23

Demo: Thermosetting and

Thermoplastic polymers

TRB1 p. 50 Making ghost buster slime

TRB1 p. 53 Making an


Prac: Wetting

Demo: Flotation of


TRB1 p. 43 Bucky balls, annotates and other allotropes of carbon

No. 22 worksheet, p69

SW1 p. 86

Nanotechnolo gy and new materials – a poster presentation

(optional for you not the students!)

14  Revision

15  Revision

Semester 2: Unit 2: Area of Study 1 Water


FORMULAE n = m / Mr where n amount in moles n = no. of particles / N

A m

Mr where N

A mass in grams molar mass in gram per mole

= 6 x 10

23 which is called Avogadro's constant


The equations and information in all pracs in your prac book is examinable material.



Term 3 Area of Study 1: WATER

Wk Concepts






 Ionic equations

 Maintaining water quality

The water cycle

Properties of water

Water as a solvent

Measuring solubility

Concentration of solutions

Precipitation reactions

Introducing Acids & bases

Reactions involving acids and bases

5  Brønsted - Lowry definition

 Acid and base strength

 pH scale

Text chapt






Minimum Chapter


13, 14, 19, 23, 24,

31, 32, 34, 35

14. 15, 17, 19, 22ace,

23ace, 26, 28, 32,

35, 37

6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 15, 17

2, 5, 8, 9

15, 16, 17, 21, 22,

24, 25, 26, 27, 28,

31, 32

Practical work including Worksheets from W/book and videos

Selections from TRB1 p. 61 Properties of water

WS25: Wonderful water—structure and properties

TRB134: Effect of polarity on solubility



TRB136: Stalagmite from a supersaturated solution


Concentrations of solutions

SW1 p. 115

Precipitation reactions

WS26: Solving solubility—predicting precipitation reactions

TRB1 p. 77 Purification of polluted water

TRB1 p. 80 reactions of hydrochloric acid eei- Use some of the activities from

Experimental investigation of the properties and behaviour of acids - only use as a prac

WS27: Recording equations—Full and ionic chemical equations;

WS28: Concentration and strength—picturing acids and bases;

T49: Strong and weak acids

TRB1 p. 82 Amphiprotic substances in water

WS31: Acidity of solutions—calculating pH



An extended experimental investigation could be developed using acids and bases and pH pracs and making the

links (It could be good to do this at this early stage of the semester)









Excess reactants

 Volumetric analysis

More practice of stoichiometry and catch up

Oxidation and reduction

Redox reactions

Oxidation numbers

Galvanic cells

The electrochemical series


Green Chemistry: Some of the following-Applications of green chemistry; The

CFC story; replacement of halogenated solvents with supercritical CO2 in industrial processes or in plant protection.

Area of study review







14, 15, 17, 19, 23,

24, 28, 30, 32, 33,

35, 36, 39, 40, 41,

43, 45

22, 25, 27, 29, 30,

31, 32

36, 38, 40, 42, 43,

46, 47, 50

3, 4, 5

WS24: Crossword— acids and bases

SW1 pp. 119 Products of a decomposition reaction

WS29: Stoichiometry

1: Mass–mass calculations

TRB1 p. 90

Determination of the concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution

WS30: Stoichiometry

2: Excess reagent calculations

WS32: Solving complex calculations—using more than one formula

SW1 p. 121 Corrosion

WS33: Matchmaker— redox reactions;

WS34: Metals and their cations—writing half equations

TRB1 p. 98

Electrochemical cells and corrosion

WS35: From chemicals to electricity—galvanic cells

TRB1 p. 102

Investigating galvanic cells

WS36: Sorting statements—principles of green chemistry

WS37: Conserving atoms—the green chemistry principle of atom economy

Term 3 Area of Study 2 - THE ATMOSPHERE


13 

The atmosphere

Essential gases

 Acid rain

 Depletion of the ozone layer

 Smog

 Green house effect

Laboratory and industrial



11, 12, 14, 16, 20

12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24

SW1 p. 155 Preparation and properties of oxygen

WS41: Gases of the atmosphere—concept maps

WS38: Crossword—the atmosphere

WS39: Humans doing damage—the greenhouse effect and the ozone layer

SW1 p. 163

Greenhouse and global warming – a response to

stimulus material

(optional for you if time permits)

20 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, SW1 p. 155 Preparation SW1 p. 164

preparation of a gas of significance to the quality of the atmosphere – carbon dioxide

14  Kinetic molecular theory

 Pressure, volume relationships

 Gas laws

 General gas equation

 Gas stoichiometry

15  Revision


21 33, 34, 36, 40, 41,

43, 45, 47, 48, 49,

51, 57, 59, 61, 64,

66, 67 and properties of oxygen

WS40: Cycling matter—carbon and nitrogen

SW1 p. 157 Volumepressure relationships of gases

SW1 p. 160 Molar volume of hydrogen

WS42: Explaining gas behaviour—kinetic molecular theory

WS44: How humans breathe—Boyle’s Law

WS45: Charles Law

WS47: Different but the same—molar volume of gases

WS43: Equivalent measures—converting units

WS46: Changing conditions—effects of temperature, volume and amount on pressure.

WS48: Putting it all together—the general gas equation

WS49: Stoichiometry

3: mass–volume


Preparation and properties of carbon dioxide – an extended experimental


(could be done here but it is very late in the


16  Revision

17  Exams /Year 12 exams for those doing a ¾ subject



FORMULAE n = m / Mr where n = c x V pV = nRT n = V / Vm n = no. of particles / N

A n amount in moles m where

Mr c

V where R = 8.31 if mass in grams molar mass in gram per mole concentration in mol / L volume in litres

P is in kPa

T is in K

V is in L where Vm molar volume

SLC Standard Lab Conditions:101.325 kPa and 25 o


STP Standard Temp and Pressure:101.325 kPa and 0 o where N


= 6 x 10

23 which is called Avogadro's constant










] × [OH -] = 10 -14 pH = - log



] = 10 -pH





where [ ] concentration in mol / L





/ T


= P




/ T


RAM = A r

= ∑ (isotopic mass × relative abundance)

∑ (total relative abundance)


The equations and information in all pracs in your prac book is examinable material.


1. Write a balanced equation


2. Write given and required information under the appropriate species in the equation.

3. When necessary, determine which reactant is in excess and then use the limiting reactant to calculate amounts of product formed.

n (reactant 1) = n (reactant 2) coefficient of reactant 1 coefficient of reactant 2

Set up mole ratio between n (unknown)

n ( known)

= coefficient of unknown

coefficient of known

5. Use appropriate equation from the list above to calculate the required n(unknown).


 A spontaneous reaction will occur when the strongest oxidant is HIGHER in the table than the strongest reductant.

 When more than one reductant or oxidant is present, the strongest reductant always reacts with the strongest oxidant.

 The rule for predicting that a reaction will occur when using the electrochemical table is

stongest oxidant (is higher than) strongest reductant

Oxidation: always occurs at the anode, produces electrons, increases the oxidation number.


Chemistry Education Association Inc

Promoting Chemistry in Victorian Schools


PO Box 4142

University of Melbourne

Victoria 3052


Practising chemistry teachers are invited to apply for a scholarship to attend a

Chemistry Conference or Science Conference – other than the annual Victorian Chemistry

Teachers Conference - with a significant chemistry emphasis during 2010.

The Chemistry Education Association wishes to support at least one Victorian chemistry teacher in furthering their knowledge and expertise in the teaching of chemistry.

Costs involved in attending the conference may be paid by CEA.

The successful applicant(s) would be expected to report on the conference to CEA and to present a session at the next STAVCON or Chemistry Conference. This report/session would focus on new directions/updates in chemistry as covered at the conference attended.

Teachers wishing to apply for this scholarship should forward


details of the conference they wish to attend


a brief CV


an outline of the anticipated benefits from attending this conference both personally and for Victorian Chemistry Educators in general to

CEA Teacher Scholarship c/o Chemistry Education Association

PO Box 4142

Melbourne University

Victoria 3052
