Français 2: *PAQUET de DEVOIRS ~ # 7 * * A RENDRE: mardi 9 octobre VERIFICATION: Je comprends que ces devoirs sont basés sur un système d’honneur entre Mme Shelton et moi. Je vérifie que j’ai bien fait toutes les activités dans ce paquet sans regarder les réponses en avance. NOM_________________________________ SIGNEZ____________________________________________ INTERNET: PRATIQUE avec VERBES * CHEZ VOUS: HELPFUL LINKS # 7. CONJUGUEMOS * En DIRECTE: FRENCH VERBS A) FRENCH VERBS: * Set timer for 5 MINUTES for each round. * Please re-do the round if you have less than 25 verbs correct! a) # 1. – ER VERBS : SCORE:_______%. Number correct/Number attempted______________ b) # 2. – IR verbs: SCORE:_______%. Number correct/Number attempted______________ c) # 3. – RE verbs: SCORE:_______%. Number correct/Number attempted______________ d) # 5. – IRREGULAR -IR verbs: SCORE:_______%. e) # 6. – SPELLING CHANGE VERBS: Number correct/Number attempted______ *in BOX, use control key to HIGHLIGHT all verbs that end in –CER, -GER, -YER. SCORE:_______%. Number correct/Number attempted______ B) MIXTES: FUN Links or HELPFUL Links * Choose any 3 websites and play on EACH website for at least 15 minutes. a) 15 minutes on website:____________________________________ b) 15 minutes on website:____________________________________ c) 15 minutes on website:____________________________________ C) LECTURE dans “Easy French Reader”: 1. Read Lessons 6 and 7 on pages 13-17. (There is a dictionary in the back of the book). Please write down the meanings for any words you don’t know: 2. Do the exercises on page 15 and page 17, IN FRENCH. Write your answers below: Page 15, A): Page 15, B): 1. 4. 1. 4. 2. 5. 2. 5. 3. 6. 3. 6. Page 17 – A): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 17 – B): 1. _____ 2._____ _____ _______ _____ _______ _____ _______ 3. After you have written all of your answers, turn to the back of the book (p.196) to check your answers (Please don’t look in the back until you have completed your answers ). Correct your answers with a pen IN A DIFFERENT COLOR.