Je m`appelle Test Room Number ______ French I Final Exam Study

Je m’appelle ________________________________
Test Room Number _________
French I Final Exam Study Guide – Study Chapters 3,4, and 5.1
Vocabulaire. Give the letter of the word that does NOT fit in the group:
a. méchant
b. pénible
c. pas sympa
d. génial
Study pages 78, 79, 80, 86, 90, 91, 112, 113, 125
Questions-Réponses. Match each question on the left with the correct answer on the
C’est combien?
Il est midi.
Quinze euros
Study pages 91, 93, 113, 114, 125, 126
L’heure. Look at the “official” and the “informal” times below. Choose (A) if the
official and informal times are the same and (B) if they are different.
23h30 = Il est minuit et demi.
Study page 113
IV. Etre. Complete the note with the correct forms of the verb “être.”
A. est
B. es
C. suis
D. sommes
E. sont
Et Julien et Pierre? Ils _____ bruns aussi.
Study page 82
V. La Famille. Choose the appropriate completion for each sentence.
Ma _____ Lucie, c’est la soeur de mon père.
(A. belle-mère
B. tante
C. grand-mère D. cousine)
Study pages 90 - 91
VI. Possessive Adjectives. Complete the sentences below with the correct possessive adjective.
Catherine et Sophie, voilà (your:
A. votre
B. tes C. vos D. leurs) parents. Study p. 94
VII. Adjective Agreement.
Choose (A) if the adjectives agree with the subject and (B) if they do not agree.
Mes cousins ne sont pas sportifs.
Study pages 78, 79, 84
Select the correct spelling of the irregular adjectives beau, nouveau, and vieux:
Thomas a un (A. nouveau B. nouvel C. nouvelle) ordinateur.
Study p. 86
VIII. Vocabulaire – School Subjects
Rita loves science and math, but she isn’t very creative and she doesn’t like learning languages.
Choose (A) if she would be likely to say the following statements, and (B) if she would not.
Ça me plait beaucoup, l’anglais.
Study pages 112 - 114
Match each question with the most logical response:
Comment est ton cours de biologie?
Il est difficile or Mardi
–RE Verbs.
Match the subjects on the left with the correct verb on the right:
Ils _____ leur petit frère.
Study page 116
Match the –RE verb with its correct meaning: (study –RE verbs)
X. Verbs ending in –ger and –cer
Matching. (study ger and cer verbs)
Study page 118
Choose the correct form of the verb:
Je (A. commence B. commençe) mon cours d’histoire.
XI. Vocabulary
Give the color that is typically associated with each of the following.
des feuilles de papier
Study page 125
Match the days of the week:
Study page 113
Choose the months that come after the months on the left
Study page 150
Give the season in which these months.
Study page 150
XII. Numbers - Choose the correct number:
(A. 77
B. 87
C. 97)
Study page 125
XIII. Accent-changing Verbs.
Study page 128
Write “A” if the verb is correct and “B” if you see an error.
Nous achetons
XIV. Reading Comprehension