EMT-B - Career and Technical Education

Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMT-B)
WVEIS 0792
EMT-B is recognized by the United States Department of Transportation. Within this course instructional content will
focus upon expanded and enhanced biology content specific to human structure and function and diseases/disorders
common to medical and traumatic emergencies. In addition, course content will include treatment and care of the sick or
injured, methods and techniques of patient assessment, gaining access to the patient, and stabilization and transport.
Skills necessary for proper documentation are integrated throughout the course. According to national criteria, students
must successfully complete a mid-course exam, with a minimum score of 80%, in order to continue in the course and
maintain eligibility to take the national EMT-B exam. Instruction will incorporate project/problem-based practices and
procedures. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to develop an
understanding of course concepts. Teachers will provide each student with real world learning opportunities and
instruction related to emergency care. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following
components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia
teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards
and objectives. Successful completion of the EMT-B course qualifies students to take the national EMT-B exam.
Students are encouraged to become active members of Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), the Career and
Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for health science education students.*
Grade 11-12
Standard: 1
Health Science Technology Education: EMT Basic (EMT-B)
Introduction to the Emergency Medical System
Students will demonstrate basic knowledge and skills needed in the preparation for emergency medical
care (i.e. introductory aspects of emergency medical care, importance of personal safety, medical, legal,
and ethical issues pertaining to the EMT, structure and function of the human body, measuring and
recording vital signs, completing a SAMPLE history, and techniques for lifting and moving patients).
Students will
distinguish the roles and responsibilities of the EMT-B.
articulate the importance of quality improvement.
determine the importance of medical direction for the EMT-B.
examine the role that stress management, critical incident stress debriefing, scene safety, body
substance isolation, and personal protective equipment play in the EMT-B’s well-being.
determine safety precautions that must be taken prior to performing the duties of the EMT-B.
relate the scope of practice for an EMT-B, including legal and ethical responsibilities.
determine the meaning of advanced directives, consent, consent refusals, abandonment, negligence,
duty to act, and confidentiality as applicable to the EMT-B.
distinguish the EMT-B’s role and responsibilities in the case of organ donors and crime scenes.
relate the meaning of basic topographic terms used with anatomy (i.e. medial, lateral, and
examine the structure and functions of body organs and systems.
demonstrate obtaining and recording baseline vital signs.
generate and record a summary of the SAMPLE history for a given patient.
demonstrate the proper use of body mechanics, explaining the rationale associated with the roles and
responsibilities within the Emergency Medical Services.
demonstrate techniques for lifting and moving patient, including the proper use of equipment.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.1)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in the
standard in the introduction to the
standard in the introduction to the
introduction to the emergency medical
emergency medical system. The
emergency medical system. The
system. The student can describe the
student can interpret the roles and
student can distinguish the roles and
roles and responsibilities of the EMT-B;
responsibilities of the EMT-B; defend
responsibilities of the EMT-B; articulate discuss the importance of quality
the importance of quality improvement; the importance of quality improvement;
improvement; understand the importance
assess the importance of medical
determine the importance of medical
of medical direction for the EMT-B;
direction for the EMT-B; evaluate the
direction for the EMT-B; examine the
explain the role that stress management,
role that stress management, critical
role that stress management, critical
critical incident stress debriefing, scene
incident stress debriefing, scene safety, incident stress debriefing, scene safety, safety, body substance isolation, and
body substance isolation, and personal body substance isolation, and personal personal protective equipment play in the
protective equipment play in the EMTprotective equipment play in the EMTEMT-B’s well-being; name safety
B’s well-being; incorporate safety
B’s well-being; determine safety
precautions that must be taken prior to
precautions that must be taken prior to precautions that must be taken prior to
performing the duties of the EMT-B; state
performing the duties of the EMT-B into performing the duties of the EMT-B;
the scope of practice for an EMT-B,
practice; interpret the scope of practice relate the scope of practice for an EMT- including legal and ethical
for an EMT-B, including legal and
B, including legal and ethical
responsibilities; define advanced
ethical responsibilities; interpret the
responsibilities; relate the meaning of
directives, consent, consent refusals,
meaning of advanced directives,
advanced directives, consent, consent
abandonment, negligence, duty to act,
consent, consent refusals,
refusals, abandonment, negligence,
and confidentiality as applicable to the
abandonment, negligence, duty to act,
duty to act, and confidentiality as
EMT-B; identify the EMT-B’s role in the
and confidentiality as applicable to the
applicable to the EMT-B; distinguish the case of organ donation and crime
EMT-B; compare and contrast the
EMT-B’s role in the case of organ
EMT-B’s role in the case of organ
donation and crime scenes; relate the
donation and crime scenes; interpret
meaning of basic topographic terms
the meaning of basic topographic terms used with anatomy (i.e. medial, lateral,
used with anatomy (i.e. medial, lateral, and proximal); examine the structure
and proximal); integrate the knowledge and functions of body organs and
of the structure and functions of body
systems; demonstrate obtaining and
organs and systems into practice;
recording baseline vital signs; generate
perform obtaining and recording
and record a summary of the SAMPLE
baseline vital signs; generate and
history for a given patient; demonstrate
record a summary of the SAMPLE
the proper use of body mechanics,
history for a given patient; perform
explaining the rationale associated with
proper body mechanics, explaining the the roles and responsibilities within the
rationale associated with the roles and Emergency Medical Services; and
responsibilities within the Emergency
demonstrate techniques for lifting and
Medical Services; and perform
moving patient, including the proper use
techniques for lifting and moving
of equipment. Application of knowledge
patient, including the proper use of
and skills is thorough and effective, and
equipment. The student can
the student can work independently.
independently solve problems and is
Standard: 2
Airway Management
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in:
 anatomy of the airway.
 physiology and pathophysiology in respiratory function.
 techniques for maintaining or restoring normal function.
scenes; define basic topographic terms
used with anatomy (i.e. medial, lateral,
and proximal); match the structure and
functions of body organs and systems;
demonstrate obtaining and recording
baseline vital signs; with assistance,
generate and record a summary of the
SAMPLE history for a given patient;
demonstrate the proper use of body
mechanics, explaining the rationale
associated with the roles and
responsibilities within the Emergency
Medical Services; and demonstrate
techniques for lifting and moving patient,
including the proper use of equipment.
Performance needs further development
and supervision.
Students will
examine anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.
determine methods to maintain an open airway including those for respiratory resuscitation.
articulate the differences in the airway of infants, children, and adults.
demonstrate the use of artificial airways, suction equipment, oxygen equipment, delivery systems, and
resuscitation devices.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.2)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in airway management. The
standard in airway management. The
omissions in airway management. The
student can assess the anatomy and
student can examine the anatomy and
student can explain the anatomy and
physiology of the human respiratory
physiology of the human respiratory
physiology of the human respiratory
system, integrating the methods used to system while outlining the methods used system and understand the methods
maintain an open airway; compare and to maintain an open airway; compare the used to maintain an open airway;
contrast the differences in the airway of differences in the airway of the adult,
describe some differences in the airway
the adult, child, and infant and
child, and infant and demonstrate the use of the adult, child, and infant and
implement the use of artificial airways,
of artificial airways, suction, and oxygen
summarize principles of the use of
suction, and oxygen equipment and
equipment and resuscitation devices.
artificial airways, suction, and oxygen
resuscitation devices. The student can Application of knowledge and skills is
equipment and resuscitation devices.
independently solve problems and is
thorough and effective, and the student
Performance needs further
can work independently.
development and supervision.
Standard: 3
Patient Assessment
Students will:
 demonstrate knowledge and skills in assessments including reporting and documentation (i.e.
scene size-up, initial assessment, detailed physical exam, and on-going assessment).
 communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
Students will
examine a scene for potential hazards, determining the need for additional assistance.
relate potential or likely mechanisms of injury or natures of illnesses.
articulate the components of the initial assessment, prioritizing patient care.
implement the focused history and physical exam for both trauma and medical patients.
characterize the detailed physical exam.
outline the components of the on-going assessment, explaining the importance it plays in the delivery
quality patient care.
differentiate the anatomical differences in infants and children as they relate to the assessment and
treatment process.
assess the components of the typical EMS communications system.
demonstrate the proper use of communications equipment.
characterize the need for accurate and confident verbal and interpersonal communications.
articulate the components of a written medical report.
examine implications of the legal medical report as it relates to patient refusal and special reporting
relate the importance that proper documentation plays in the improvement and quality of patient care.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.3)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in patient assessment. The
standard in patient assessment. The
omissions in patient assessment. The
student can examine a scene for
student can examine a scene for
student can examine a scene for
potential hazards, determining the need potential hazards, determining the need
potential hazards, determining the need
for additional assistance; relate potential for additional assistance; relate potential for additional assistance; relate potential
or likely mechanisms of injury or
or likely mechanisms of injury or natures or likely mechanisms of injury or
natures of illnesses; articulate the
of illnesses; articulate the components of natures of illnesses; articulate the
components of the initial assessment,
the initial assessment, prioritizing patient components of the initial assessment,
prioritizing patient care; implement the
care; implement the focused history and
prioritizing patient care; implement the
focused history and physical exam for
physical exam for both trauma and
focused history and physical exam for
both trauma and medical patients;
medical patients; characterize the
both trauma and medical patients;
characterize the detailed physical exam; detailed physical exam; outline the
characterize the detailed physical exam;
outline the components of the on-going components of the on-going assessment, outline the components of the on-going
assessment, explaining the importance explaining the importance it plays in the
assessment, explaining the importance
it plays in the delivery of
delivery of quality patient care;
it plays in the delivery of quality patient
quality patient care; differentiate the
differentiate the anatomical differences in care; differentiate the anatomical
anatomical differences in infants and
infants and children as they relate to the differences in infants and children as
children as they relate to the
assessment and treatment process;
they relate to the assessment and
assessment and treatment process;
assess the components of the typical
treatment process; assess the
assess the components of the typical
EMS communications system;
components of the typical EMS
EMS communications system;
demonstrate the proper use of
communications system; demonstrate
demonstrate the proper use of
communications equipment; characterize the proper use of communications
communications equipment;
the need for accurate and confident
equipment; characterize the need for
characterize the need for accurate and
verbal and interpersonal
accurate and confident verbal and
confident verbal and interpersonal
communications; articulate the
interpersonal communications;
communications; articulate the
components of a written medical report;
articulate the components of a written
components of a written medical report; examine implications of the legal medical medical report; examine implications of
examine implications of the legal
report as it relates to patient refusal and
the legal medical report as it relates to
medical report as it relates to patient
special reporting situations; relate the
patient refusal and special reporting
refusal and special reporting
importance that proper documentation
situations; relate the importance that
situations; relate the importance that
plays in the improvement and quality of
proper documentation plays in the
proper documentation plays in the
patient care. Application of knowledge
improvement and quality of patient
improvement and quality of patient care. and skills is thorough and effective, and
care. Performance needs further
The student can independently solve
the student can work independently.
development and supervision.
problems and is self-directed.
Standard: 4
Medical/Behavioral Emergencies and Obstetrics and Gynecology
Students will:
 demonstrate knowledge and skills in recognition and treatment of medical, behavioral, and
Obstetrics and Gynecology emergencies.
 demonstrate knowledge and skills of pharmacological issues that may be encountered in
Emergency Medical Services.
Students will
articulate a basic knowledge of pharmacology.
determine guidelines for the proper administration of medications and/or assisting patients with selfadministration.
assess respiratory difficulty in patients.
implement treatment for respiratory emergencies including the administration of prescribed inhalers.
prioritize signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
determine treatment of cardiovascular emergencies including the use of an automated external
defibrillator or the administration of the patients’ nitroglycerin.
recognize the signs and symptoms of a diabetic patient with an altered level of consciousness.
determine the procedure for the administration of oral glucose.
characterize signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction.
initiate assistance with prescribed epinephrine auto-injectors in applicable cases of allergic reaction.
recognize the signs and symptoms of poisoning and overdose.
implement a plan to administer activated charcoal to treat poisoning.
examine the signs and symptoms of environmental emergencies (i.e. heat and cold exposure, aquatic
emergencies, bites, and stings).
implement treatment of environmental emergencies given patient scenarios.
characterize behavioral emergencies.
determine methods to manage a disturbed patient including restraint of a combative patient.
examine the anatomical and physiological changes occurring during pregnancy.
compare normal and abnormal deliveries.
examine signs and symptoms of common gynecological emergencies.
demonstrate neonatal resuscitation.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.4)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive and and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of
sophisticated application of knowledge and a thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
skills that exceed the standard in
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
medical/behavioral emergencies and
standard in medical/behavioral
omissions in medical/behavioral
Obstetrics and Gynecology. The student
emergencies and Obstetrics and
emergencies and Obstetrics and
can interpret basic knowledge of
Gynecology. The student can articulate Gynecology. The student can
pharmacology; generate guidelines for the a basic knowledge of pharmacology;
understand a basic knowledge of
proper administration of medications
determine guidelines for the proper
pharmacology; identify guidelines for
and/or assisting patients with selfadministration of medications and/or
the proper administration of
administration; critique respiratory difficulty assisting patients with selfmedications and/or assisting patients
in patients; intervene with treatment for
administration; assess respiratory
with self-administration; describe
respiratory emergencies including the
difficulty in patients; implement
respiratory difficulty in patients;
administration of prescribed inhalers;
treatment for respiratory emergencies
discuss treatment for respiratory
interpret signs and symptoms of
including the administration of
emergencies including the
cardiovascular disease; initiate treatment
prescribed inhalers; prioritize signs and administration of prescribed inhalers;
of cardiovascular emergencies including
symptoms of cardiovascular disease;
name signs and symptoms of
the use of an automated external
defibrillator or the administration of the
patients’ nitroglycerin; compare and
contrast the signs and symptoms of a
diabetic patient with an altered level of
consciousness; communicate the
procedure for the administration of oral
glucose; interpret signs and symptoms of
an allergic reaction; initiate assistance with
prescribed epinephrine auto-injectors in
applicable cases of allergic reaction;
critique the signs and symptoms of
poisoning and overdose; compile a plan to
administer activated charcoal to treat
poisoning; assess the signs and symptoms
of environmental emergencies (i.e. heat
and cold exposure, aquatic emergencies,
bites, and stings); formulate treatment of
environmental emergencies given patient
scenarios; evaluate behavioral
emergencies; anticipate methods to
manage a disturbed patient including
restraint of a combative patient; interpret
the anatomical and physiological changes
occurring during pregnancy; compare
normal and abnormal deliveries; interpret
signs and symptoms of common
gynecological emergencies; and
demonstrate neonatal resuscitation. The
student can independently solve problems
and is self-directed.
determine treatment of cardiovascular
emergencies including the use of an
automated external defibrillator or the
administration of the patients’
nitroglycerin; recognize the signs and
symptoms of a diabetic patient with an
altered level of consciousness;
determine the procedure for the
administration of oral glucose;
characterize signs and symptoms of an
allergic reaction; initiate assistance with
prescribed epinephrine auto-injectors in
applicable cases of allergic reaction;
recognize the signs and symptoms of
poisoning and overdose; implement a
plan to administer activated charcoal to
treat poisoning; examine the signs and
symptoms of environmental
emergencies (i.e. heat and cold
exposure, aquatic emergencies, bites,
and stings); implement treatment of
environmental emergencies given
patient scenarios; characterize
behavioral emergencies; determine
methods to manage a disturbed patient
including restraint of a combative
patient; examine the anatomical and
physiological changes occurring during
pregnancy; compare normal and
abnormal deliveries; examine signs and
symptoms of common gynecological
emergencies; and demonstrate
neonatal resuscitation. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective, and the student can work
cardiovascular disease; discuss
treatment of cardiovascular
emergencies including the use of an
automated external defibrillator or the
administration of the patients’
nitroglycerin; list the signs and
symptoms of a diabetic patient with an
altered level of consciousness; state
the procedure for the administration of
oral glucose; discuss signs and
symptoms of an allergic reaction;
explain assisting with prescribed
epinephrine auto-injectors in
applicable cases of allergic reaction;
state the signs and symptoms of
poisoning and overdose; describe a
plan to administer activated charcoal
to treat poisoning; recall the signs and
symptoms of environmental
emergencies (i.e. heat and cold
exposure, aquatic emergencies, bites,
and stings); identify treatment of
environmental emergencies given
patient scenarios; describe behavioral
emergencies; explain methods to
manage a disturbed patient including
restraint of a combative patient;
identify the anatomical and
physiological changes occurring
during pregnancy; state the
differences between normal and
abnormal deliveries; identify signs and
symptoms of common gynecological
emergencies; and demonstrate
neonatal resuscitation. Performance
Standard: 5
needs further development and
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the recognition and care of injuries involving bleeding,
shock, tissue damage, head, and spine and their related conditions.
Students will
differentiate internal and external bleeding including methods of controlling both.
utilize data to identify and treat the signs and symptoms of shock related to hypoperfusion.
examine the anatomy of skin.
distinguish types and severity of soft tissue injuries.
demonstrate care of soft tissue injuries.
determine signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries.
demonstrate care of musculoskeletal injuries.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.5)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
and sophisticated application of
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in trauma. The student can
standard in trauma. The student can
omissions in trauma. The student can
interpret internal and external bleeding,
differentiate internal and external
describe internal and external
including methods of controlling both;
bleeding, including methods of
bleeding, including methods of
evaluate data to identify and treat the
controlling both; utilize data to identify
controlling both; understand data to
signs and symptoms of shock related to
and treat the signs and symptoms of
identify and treat the signs and
hypoperfusion; interpret the anatomy of
shock related to hypoperfusion;
symptoms of shock related to
skin; evaluate types and severity of soft
examine the anatomy of skin;
hypoperfusion; recall the anatomy of
tissue injury; demonstrate care of soft
distinguish types and severity of soft
skin; identify types and severity of soft
tissue injuries; interpret signs and
tissue injury; demonstrate care of soft
tissue injury; demonstrate care of soft
symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries; and tissue injuries; determine signs and
tissue injuries; identify signs and
demonstrate care of musculoskeletal
symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries;
symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries;
injuries. The student can independently
and demonstrate care of
and demonstrate care of
solve problems and is self-directed.
musculoskeletal injuries. Application of musculoskeletal injuries. Performance
knowledge and skills is thorough and
needs further development and
effective, and the student can work
Standard: 6
Infants and Children
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the care of infants and children with common medical
and trauma emergencies.
Students will
differentiate developmental and anatomical differences in infants and children.
examine common medical and trauma situations specific to infants and children.
determine treatment of infants and children dependent on special technology.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.6)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
and sophisticated application of
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in infants and children. The
standard in infants and children. The
omissions in infants and children. The
student can evaluate developmental and
student can differentiate developmental student can identify developmental
anatomical differences in infants and
and anatomical differences in infants
and anatomical differences in infants
children; interpret common medical and
and children; examine common medical and children; describe common
trauma situations specific to infants and
and trauma situations specific to infants medical and trauma situations specific
children; intervene with treatment of
and children; and determine treatment
to infants and children; and
infants and children who are dependent on of infants and children who are
understand the treatment of infants
special technology. The student can
dependent on special technology.
and children who are dependent on
independently solve problems and is self- Application of knowledge and skills is
special technology. Performance
thorough and effective, and the student needs further development and
can work independently.
Standard: 7
Students will:
 demonstrate safe ambulance operations and techniques for gaining access to patients
 demonstrate knowledge of hazardous materials, incident management systems, mass casualty
situations and basic triage.
Students will
prioritize phases of an ambulance call (i.e. responding to the call, emergency vehicle operations, and
transferring patients).
differentiate emergencies requiring special means of access to patients.
demonstrate equipment used to gain access to patients.
demonstrate the removal of patients from emergencies such as hazardous materials spill or mass
casualty situations.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.7)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
and sophisticated application of
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in operations. The student can
standard in operations. The student
omissions in operations. The student
critique phases of an ambulance call (i.e.
can prioritize phases of an ambulance
can identify phases of an ambulance
responding to the call, emergency vehicle call (i.e. responding to the call,
call (i.e. responding to the call,
operations, and transferring patients);
emergency vehicle operations, and
emergency vehicle operations, and
interpret emergencies requiring special
transferring patients); differentiate
transferring patients); determine
means of access to patients; incorporate
emergencies requiring special means of emergencies requiring special means
equipment used to gain access to patients access to patients; demonstrate
of access to patients; understand
in the removal of patients from
equipment used to gain access to
equipment used to gain access to
emergencies such as hazardous materials patients; and demonstrate the removal
patients; and describe the removal of
spill or mass casualty situations. The
of patients from emergencies such as
patients from emergencies such as
student can independently solve problems hazardous materials spill or mass
hazardous materials spill or mass
and is self-directed.
casualty situations. Application of
casualty situations. Performance
knowledge and skills is thorough and
needs further development and
effective, and the student can work
Standard: 8
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
The student will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of infants,
children, and adults.
Students will
determine the importance of activating the appropriate emergency response system, performing CPR,
using a barrier device, providing bag-mask ventilation, providing early defibrillation, and ensuring the
arrival of early advanced care.
demonstrate CPR according to established standards.
examine the five major emergencies in adults that require CPR (i.e. heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest,
respiratory arrest, and foreign body airway obstruction).
determine strategies to prevent sudden infant death syndrome in infants.
determine strategies to prevent injuries in children.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.8)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in
standard in Cardiopulmonary
standard in Cardiopulmonary
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
Resuscitation (CPR). The student can
Resuscitation (CPR). The student can The student can describe the importance
interpret the importance of activating the determine the importance of activating of activating the appropriate emergency
appropriate emergency response
the appropriate emergency response
response system, performing CPR, using
system, performing CPR, using a barrier system, performing CPR, using a
a barrier device, providing bag-mask
device, providing bag-mask ventilation,
barrier device, providing bag-mask
ventilation, providing early defibrillation,
providing early defibrillation, and
ventilation, providing early
and ensuring the arrival of early
ensuring the arrival of early advanced
defibrillation, and ensuring the arrival
advanced care; may or may not
care; perform CPR according to
of early advanced care; demonstrate
demonstrate CPR according to
established standards; incorporate the
CPR according to established
established standards; state the five
five major emergencies in adults that
standards; examine the five major
major emergencies in adults that require
require CPR (i.e. heart attack, stroke,
emergencies in adults that require
CPR (i.e. heart attack, stroke, cardiac
cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, and
CPR (i.e. heart attack, stroke, cardiac
arrest, respiratory arrest, and foreign
foreign body airway obstruction) into
arrest, respiratory arrest, and foreign
body airway obstruction); understand
performance; communicate strategies to body airway obstruction); determine
strategies to prevent sudden infant death
prevent sudden infant death syndrome in strategies to prevent sudden infant
syndrome in infants; and discuss
infants; and evaluate strategies to
death syndrome in infants; and
strategies to prevent injuries in children.
prevent injuries in children. The student determine strategies to prevent injuries Performance needs further development
can independently solve problems and is in children. Application of knowledge
and supervision.
and skills is thorough and effective,
and the student can work
Standard: 9
Information Technology Applications
Students will:
 use information technology applications.
 demonstrate use as appropriate to healthcare applications.
Students will
implement the use of software, hardware, and the Internet.
utilize the Internet as a resource/research tool.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.9)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in information technology
standard in information technology
omissions in information technology
applications. The student can incorporate applications. The student can
application. The student can use
the use of software and hardware to
implement the use of software and
software and hardware to partially
master standards within this course and
hardware to master standards within
master standards within this course.
interpret data. The student can utilize the this course. The student can utilize the The student can use the Internet as a
Internet as a resource/ research tool,
Internet as a resource/research tool,
resource/research tool. Performance
consistently evaluating validity. The
while understanding the importance of
needs further development and
student can independently solve
validity. Application of knowledge and
problems and is self-directed.
skills is thorough and effective, and the
student can work independently.
Standard: 10
Career and Technical Student Organization
Students will participate in the local chapter of the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
Students will
participate in the local chapter of the appropriate Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
use parliamentary procedures in chapter meetings.
demonstrate team membership/leadership and problem solving skills.
participate in local, state, and national projects impacting healthcare and healthcare education.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.10)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in career and
standard in career and technical student standard in career and technical
technical student organization. The
organization. The student correlates
student organization. The student
student participates in the local chapter of
participation in the local chapter of the
participates in the local chapter of the
the CTSO; discusses the use of
CTSO to classroom instruction;
CTSO; uses parliamentary procedure
parliamentary procedure in organizational
integrates parliamentary procedure in
in organizational meetings;
meetings; understands team membership
organizational meetings; models team
demonstrates team membership skill,
skill, such as cooperation and leadership;
membership skill, such as cooperation
such as cooperation and leadership;
and identifies local, state, and national
and leadership; and collaborates in local, and participates in local, state, and
healthcare and education projects.
state, and national healthcare and
national healthcare and education
Performance needs further development
education projects. The student can
projects. Application of knowledge and and supervision.
independently solve problems and is
skills is thorough and effective, and the
student can work independently.
Standard: 11
Literacy and Numeracy
Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world
problems associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning
Students will
utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
complete career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical work required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects.
analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.11)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in literacy and
standard in literacy and numeracy. The
standard in literacy and numeracy. The numeracy. The student selects a variety
student chooses a variety of technical
student utilizes a variety of technical
of technical sources (e.g., Internet,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
manuals, journals, directions, reports,
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
etc.) to complete career/technical
complete career/technical assignments
complete career/technical assignments assignments and projects; reproduces
and projects; performs writing skills
and projects; demonstrates writing
writing skills required to complete
required to complete career/technical
skills required to complete
career/technical assignments and
assignments and projects;
career/technical assignments and
projects; illustrates accuracy in
communicates accuracy in calculating
projects; demonstrates accuracy in
calculating and measuring graphical
and measuring graphical work required
to complete career/technical
assignments and projects; and evaluates
tables, charts, graphs and multiple data
sources to complete career/technical
assignments and projects. The student
can independently solve problems and is
calculating and measuring graphical
work required to complete
work required to complete
career/technical assignments and
career/technical assignments and
projects; and explains tables, charts,
projects; and analyzes tables, charts,
graphs and multiple data sources to
graphs and multiple data sources to
complete career/technical assignments
complete career/technical assignments and projects. Performance needs further
and projects. Application of knowledge development and supervision.
and skills is thorough and effective and
the student can work independently.
Standard: 12
21 Century Learning Skills
Students will
 access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using
appropriate technology skills.
 apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.
 exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a
group member.
Students will
search online using a range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
problem solving.
create information for oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright laws.
engage in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in
order to independently solve problems.
adapt to new situations by considering multiple perspectives and a commitment to continued learning.
exhibit ethical behavior and positive leadership while working collaboratively in the school and/or
model legal and ethical behaviors in the use of technology.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.12)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in 21st century
standard in 21st century learning skills.
standard in 21st century learning skills.
learning skills. The student explains
The student assesses online technology The student searches online using a
online technology tools and media to
tools and media to access relevant
information needed for problem solving;
critiques information for oral, written, and
multimedia communications, adhering to
copyright laws; integrates problem
solving and critical thinking processes to
create and evaluate complex strategies
in order to independently solve problems;
interprets new situations by considering
multiple perspectives and a commitment
to continued learning; incorporates
ethical behavior and positive leadership
while working collaboratively in the
school and/or community; and reinforces
legal and ethical behaviors in the use of
technology. The student can
independently solve problems and is
range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
access relevant information needed for problem solving; identifies information
problem solving; creates information for for oral, written, and multimedia
oral, written, and multimedia
communications, adhering to copyright
communications, adhering to copyright laws; discusses problem solving and
laws; engages in problem solving and
critical thinking processes to create and
critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in order to
evaluate complex strategies in order to independently solve problems;
independently solve problems; adapts
discusses new situations by considering
to new situations by considering
multiple perspectives and a commitment
multiple perspectives and a
to continued learning; reviews ethical
commitment to continued learning;
behavior and positive leadership while
exhibits ethical behavior and positive
working collaboratively in the school
leadership while working collaboratively and/or community; and describes legal
in the school and/or community; and
and ethical behaviors in the use of
models legal and ethical behaviors in
technology. Performance needs further
the use of technology. Application of
development and supervision.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Standard: 13
Entrepreneurship Skills
Students will access the opportunities, concepts, processes, and personal traits/behaviors associated
with successful entrepreneurial performance.
Students will
assess global trends in entrepreneurship that are related to their career/technical program.
determine entrepreneurial opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program.
examine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits.
Performance Descriptors (HSE.PD.EMT.13)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills. The student lists
student critiques global trends in
student assesses global trends in
global trends in entrepreneurship that
entrepreneurship that are related to their
career/technical program; evaluates
entrepreneurial opportunities in venture
creation related to their career/technical
program; and assesses desirable
entrepreneurial personality traits. The
student can independently solve
problems and is self-directed.
entrepreneurship that are related to
their career/technical program;
determines entrepreneurial
opportunities in venture creation related
to their career/technical program; and
examines desirable entrepreneurial
personality traits. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
are related to their career/technical
program; describes entrepreneurial
opportunities in venture creation related
to their career/technical program; and
identifies desirable entrepreneurial
personality traits. Performance needs
further development and supervision.
Study collections