
SEPTEMBER 24, 2011
Called to order at 8:00 a.m. by President Steve Delk.
Salute to the flag led by Mike McKenzie.
Invocation led by Baron MacDonald.
Roll was called and a quorum was declared.
Executive Vice President, Martyn Hopper, read the Executive Committee minutes from
September 23, 2011.
Motion to approve the June 24, 2011 Board of Directors Minutes. Moved by Darrell
Ennes, seconded by Ben Diede.
President Steve Delk stated that he attended a meeting on June 29, 2011 with DPR &
BASF & PCOC representatives regarding the fipronil evaluation. He also attended the
SPCB meeting on July 21, 2011 in Van Nuys and on August 8, 2011 he attended a
meeting to establish the Media Committee and appointed Jim Steed as the chairman of
same committee.
Treasurer Travis Swope presented the June 30, 2011 & July 31, 2011 financial reports.
EVP Martyn Hopper reported that he and the Executive Committee are working on a 5year strategic plan for PCOC.
EVP Martyn Hopper reported that PCOC’s
relationship with DPR is improving and have had some success working together on the
fipronil, Bifenthrin and water quality issues.
He also reported that this was a
successful year in the legislature for PCOC, our bill AB 417 was passed and SB 394
(Healthy Schools Act 2011) was defeated. He reported that the next meeting of the
SPCB is October 5-7 2011 and will include a strategic planning session in which PCOC
hopes to play a vital role in. He noted that the SPCB Registrar, Bill Douglas, has been
successful in his tenure on the job, including such things as enforcement issues, nonpayment of independent contractors and the appointment of a Task Force to review and
clean up the Structural Pest Control Act.
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PCOC Board of Directors Minutes September 24,2011
Marie Evens announced that the San Bernardino/Riverside District would be hosting a
tour of the UCR RIVERSIDE ENTOMOLOGY DEPARTMENT. The date is November
2, 2011 and Mike Rust will be the host. It will include updates on subterranean termite
and Drywood termite research, tours of Mike Rust’s, Bob Keiger’s and Prof. Greenberg’s
labs. Cost is $55.00 per person and 3 hours of CE credit have been applied for.
Sponsors of the event include Bayer, Dupont, BASF, Univar and Target Specialty
Tom Meany announced the 17th annual Tri-District Golf Tournament on October 4, 2011.
There will also be the Helicopter Ball drop event held again this year. All proceeds from
both events will benefit PAPCO.
Dean Wiley announced the UC Berkeley 2011 Golf Tournament to be held on December
8, 2011 in Palm Springs. All proceeds will benefit the UC Berkeley Urban Pest
Management Center of California and Dr. Vernard Lewis’s lab. See the PCOC web site
for more information.
Dean asked for donations for tee sponsors, Platinum ($1000.00) Gold ($500.00) and
Silver ($250.00) and the following pledges were made:
Dan Prechtl Beneficial Exterminating
Big Valley District
Dow Agro Sciences Platinum
Orange County Pest Control Silver
Jenkins Insurance
Bob Howell Mission City Fumigation
Clark Pest Control-Lodi
Report given by Lee Whitmore & Paul Lindsay
Lee Whitmore has been elected as the new chairman of the Peacock Committee. Jim
Shockey and Carl Doucette were re-elected to the committee and Mike Bullert was newly
Lee announced that Ken Moore has resigned his seat on the committee and
under the Peacock By-Laws and Constitution the committee appointed Steve Delk to
finish his elected term.
Lee reported that a meeting was held with Marty Kreisler
and a review of the Schwab investments was conducted.
Lee reviewed the
Peacock financial reports and commented that they look to be in good order.
commented that Carol Trimble, Jenkins Insurance, appeared before the committee and
reviewed the Claims Report. Lee suggested that members review their contracts
regarding exposure to bed bug litigation and also suggested that they exclude bed bugs on
their regular Branch II contracts.
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PCOC Board of Directors Minutes September 24,2011
Paul Lindsay announced that the Jenkins Insurance Group is meeting their objective of
providing insurance to the association.
Paul commented that since forming the
captive insurance group the loss rate for G/L is 15%. Most of the recent claims have been
for sprinkler system damages (interior systems located in attics). Paul reported that
after forming the captive 5 years ago the auto claims are doing better and are under 50%.
Paul commented that Jenkins would be offering webinars for Auto Driver Safety
Training. It will be a 4-hour online course. Contact Jenkins office for more details.
Paul also noted that a company named “Site Inspections” would be contacting
members on the behalf of Jenkins Insurance group to offer risk control recommendations.
Fumigation Enforcement – John Sansone
John reported on the typical violations found in the counties participating in the program.
He also noted that the Committee is still not happy with the level of participation of
Santa Clara County in the program. The county is receiving the additional money for the
program and they are not meeting the program goals for inspections.
John reported
that all of the Registrants would have new labels for SF use by the end of the year.
John also noted that break-ins continue to be a problem and the LA sheriff’s
department is being more proactive to try and catch the perpetrators.
Termite Committee – Scott Heinkel
Scott reported that the Committee discussed a letter to soften liability issues
during fumigation break-ins. He also noted that the Committee voted to support
Section 8653 of the Structural Pest control Act.
Fumigation Committee – John Munoz
John noted that the Registrants for SF would be coming out with new labels
before the end of the year. He noted that now that the weather is getting colder
that Branch I companies should use plenty of fans to move chloropicrin out of
structures. His committee also held discussion on fumigation break-ins and
mitigation of same.
Liaison to CAR – Dave Watkins
No Report
Cal OSHA Taskforce – Bob Howell
Bob reported that the Taskforce has been reformed in response to a fall incident
with a member company.
Bob noted that all companies, whether Branch I,II
or III are required to be in compliance with Cal-OSHA safety regulations
regarding fall protection.
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PCOC Board of Directors Minutes September 24,2011
Membership Committee – Mike McKenzie
Director of Membership Billy Gaither reported on the membership period of July
1, 2011 through September 13, 2011. We have enrolled 19 new members in this time
period. This shows a decrease of 5 members for the same period compared to last year.
The membership summary reflects an increase of 9 members compared to the same time
period of last year. This is the first time showing an increase in membership for the
September Board of Directors meeting since September 2007.
Mike McKenzie
announced a new program titled “Districts on the Move”. This program will recognize
Districts in the PCOC NewsBriefs for outstanding programs and subjects.
McKenzie announced a new membership contest for PCOC effective October 1, 2011 At
each of the next three Board of Directors meetings (December 2011, March 2012 & June
2012) the PCOC member who signs up the most members between each meeting will win
$250.00. Each new member will also generate a raffle ticket for the participating member
and the winning ticket pulled at the convention in June will win an additional $400.00.
Lastly the member who signs up the most new members by the start of Convention will
win an additional $750.00. In order to fund this contest the following motion was made:
Motion was made by Lee Whitmore to bill each District $100.00 to fund the new
membership contest. Seconded by Tom Meany.
Mike McKenzie announced that he would be contacting NPMA for information
regarding membership benefits.
Media Committee – Jim Steed
Jim Steed announced that the mission of the media committee is to Help define branding
of PCOC to the general public, government and non-members.
Jim reported that the
goals of the committee would be:
Partner with NPMA and their PR program
Redo the PCOC web site
Identify spokespersons
Take advantage of social media
Training of members to respond to the media
General Pest Committee – Laurie Jo Jensen
Laurie Jo reported that the committee endorses on line testing for all licensees for all
Motion was made by Joe Gatto for PCOC to support on line licensee testing through
the SPCB. Seconded by Scott Heinkel
Water Quality Task Force – Darren Van Steenwyk
No Report
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PCOC Board of Directors Minutes September 24,2011
Affiliate Committee – Casey Brierley
No Report – Met with the Convention Committee
Convention Committee – Joe Gatto
Joe announced that the convention is June 21-23, 2012 in San Diego. Joe announced a
change in the convention format as follows:
Committee meetings on Thursday morning and the Board of Directors Meeting/Annual
Meeting Thursday afternoon.
Keynote speaker on Friday morning with additional breakout sessions in the morning and
Golf on Saturday
Legislative Committee – Curtis Good
No Report
Political Action (PAPCO) Committee – Mark Kingman
Mark reviewed the PAPCO financial report and noted that the Club 99 donations are off
Mark thanked Target Specialty Products for sponsoring the
northern California Water Quality seminars in San Jose & Sacramento. They plan to put
on the same seminars in southern California in the spring.
Casey Brierley, of
Target Specialty Products presented a check for the amount of $2356.00 for proceeds
generated from the seminars.
The Santa Clara Valley district donated a check to
PAPCO for $2500.00.
Mark announced that the PAPCO Trustees held their
annual election and that Jim Steed is the new chairman for PAPCO.
Leadership Academy – Lee Whitmore
Lee announced that the next Leadership Academy would be held at the Silverado Resort
in Napa, California. Each District will be billed for two attendees, so please send some
Constitution & By-Laws – Scott Heinkel
No Report
Advisory/Nominations – Lee Whitmore
Lee reminded everyone to send to him their intentions, in writing, to run for any opening
on the PCOC Executive Committee, Peacock Committee, PAPCO, Scholarship
Foundation or PCOC Cares.
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PCOC Board of Directors Minutes September 24,2011
Ethics Committee – Baron MacDonald
Baron announced that the committee met and that there was no report.
Advertising Review – Mike Katz
No Report
Scholarship Committee – Pat Clark
Pat reviewed the financial report for the Scholarship committee.
three scholarship winners from last June.
Jordan Davis
Ashley Payne
Kim Fortuna
Pat read a letter of thank you from Jordan Davis.
Pat announced that there will not be a reverse raffle fundraiser at the next convention and
that the committee intended to award at least $7500.00 in scholarships next year. Pat
announced that Steve Adams will now be in charge of fundraising for the scholarship
foundation and Steve announced that he has some ideas for fundraising, such as: golf
tournaments, 50/50 raffles, etc..
Brian MacQueen, of the Orange County District, presented a check for $2150.00 to the
foundation from the proceeds of a golf tournament held to benefit the Scholarship
Foundation and PCOC Cares. He also noted a check for $2150.00 would be awarded to
PCOC Cares.
PCOC Cares – Tom Meany
Tom reported that the committee worked on a review and update of the Cares application.
He also noted that the committee would also review the By-Laws at a future meeting.
Adjourned at 10:07 am
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PCOC Board of Directors Minutes September 24,2011