Cleveland State University Data Communication and Computer Networks CIS 554/454, Section 50 Spring 2005 TTH, 6: 00 pm. - 7: 50 pm., MC 303 Instructor: Sanchita Mal-Sarkar Office location: BU 325 E-mail: Web page: Office phone number: (216) 523 7524 Office Time: 11: 00 AM. - 1: 00 PM, Friday, other time by appointment. Prerequisite: CIS 345: Operating Systems Principles Course Objective: This course introduces the principles of data communications and computer networks. Topics include characteristics of physical transmission media, transmission principles, modems, multiplexors, data link protocols, mechanisms for error detection/correction, flow control, network topology, survey of existing networks, networks layers from the ISO OSI reference model, and TCP/IP. Text: Halsall, Fred (1996), Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, 4th edition, Addition-Wesley. Reference: Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (1996), Computer Networks, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall. Supplies: Each student is required to have three 3 1/2" floppy disks (1.44 MB). These diskettes are required for homework assignments. Grading Scheme: Your course grade is based on your overall performance through the entire semester. The relative weights for the final grade are the following: Item Points Percentage Assignments 200 20 % Project 100 10 % Midterm 200 20 % Quizzes 100 10 % Final 400 40 % 1 Grading Scale: Points Grade 900 - 1000 A, A- 800 - 899 B+, B, B- 700 - 799 C+, C 600 - 699 D Less than 600 F Last day to drop: ( Without W grade) Friday, Jan 28 2005 ( With W grade ) Friday, April 1, 2005 Examination Policy: All examinations and quizzes are closed book and closed notes. Dates of the midterm and quizzes are provided in this syllabus. Final Exam Date: Thursday, May 12, 2005 from 6:00-8:00 PM in MC 303. Quizzes: Approximately 2 short quizzes to be given throughout the course. Assignments: Approximately 4 assignments will be given throughout the course. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the specified date. All assignments must be individually and independently completed and must represent the effort of the student turning in the assignment. If two or more students submit substantially the same solution or program, in the judgment of the Instructor, the solution will be considered a group effort. Both or all involved in a group effort will receive a zero for that assignment. A student submitting a group effort assignment more than once will automatically receive an "F" for the course. All assignments are to be completed by computer - handwritten assignments will not be accepted. Each assignment must have a cover page indicating your name, class, section, due date, and a listing of the assignment components. You will lose points if you do not include a cover page. Late Assignments: An assignment is to be turned in at the beginning of the class period in which it is due. An assignment turned later than the due date and time will be penalized 10% of the total points attained for that assignment, for each day late. No late assignment will be accepted after three days of due date. Make-Up Exams: Make-up exams will be given only in the case of serious need and only when the instructor is notified PRIOR to the exam time. In case of a missed exam, valid reason must be provided along with supporting document (e.g. doctor's note). The doctor's note MUST state that you were unfit to take the exam, not just 2 that you visited the doctor that day. Without proper documentation, no marks will be given for a missed exam. Course Schedule: The tentative schedule of topics and their order of coverage is given in the table below. Assignments are subject to change. Date Topic Tues 1/18/2005 Introduction Thurs 1/20/2005 Characteristics of physical transmission media Tues 1/25/2005 Modems and Multiplexors Thurs 1/27/2005 Transmission principles Tues 2/1/2005 Binary & Hexadecimal Systems Thurs 2/3/2005 Error detection and correction Tues 2/8/2005 Error detection and correction Thurs 2/10/2005 Data compression: Huffman coding Tues Networks: Flow control & error control 2/15/2005 Special Days Thurs 2/17/2005 Quiz, Flow control Tues 2 /22/2005 Networks: Static routing & Dynamic routing Thurs 2/24/2005 Networks topology: physical & logical topology: Tues 3/1/2005 Bus, Tree, Star, Ring Thurs 3/3/2005 Tues 3/15/2005 Complex Networks: De Bruijn graphs, ShuffleNet, Manhattan networks Network Security: Firewalls Channel access methods: Contention, polling, Token passing Switching techniques: Circuit, Message, and Packet switching techniques No class Spring Recess Thurs 3/17/2005 No class Spring Recess Tues 3/22/2005 LAN, MAN, and WAN Thurs 3/24/2005 Network architecture, protocols, and standards Tues 3/29/2005 OSI RM Thurs 3/31/2005 TCP/IP, Review for Midterm Tues 4/5/2005 Midterm Thurs 4/7/2005 TCP/IP Tues 3/8/2005 Thurs 3/10/2005 Quiz 1 Midterm 3 Tues 4/12/2005 Thurs 4/14/2005 Tues 4/19/2005 IP addressing & Supernetting IPv6 addressing Internetworking: Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, and Gateways Presentation Thurs 4/21/2005 Presentation Tues 4/26/2005 Presentation Thurs 4/28/2005 Presentation Tues 5/3/2005 Routing Protocols: BGP, RIP, OSPF Thurs 5/5/2005 ATM, Discussion about final exam 4